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    034 历年中考完型填空课件PPT

    这是一份034 历年中考完型填空课件PPT,共26页。PPT课件主要包含了北京中考,Peaceful 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. On a cld mrning that December, my brther Rick and I were sent t Uncle Tmmie’s n the ther side f Little Muntain t get a gse fr Christmas dinner. This lng jurney ver the muntain was hard but wrth it.2. That mrning, dark cluds were cming tgether verhead. I knew it was ging t snw n the ___13___.3. When we arrived, Uncle Tmmie was already waiting fr us. "Bys, I’m nt ___14___ yu ff,” he said, “but the wind is picking up. Yu’d better get the gse and head fr hme sn.”After a quick thank-yu and gdbye, I tk the gse and we left. Halfway up the muntain, it began t snw heavily. I held the gse ___15___ t me.13. A. muntain B. island C. lake D. beach14. A. paying B. rushing C. shwing D. calling15. A. lightly B. secretly C. high D. clse
    4. By the time we reached the tp f the muntain. it snwed mre heavily. And the wind seemed t blw straight thrugh my cat. I stepped in frnt f Rick. “Yu must be cld.Open yur cat!”5. “Are yu crazy?” Rick asked. “I’ll lse what little warmth I have!” When he saw I was___16___, he slwly pened his cat.I placed the warm gse inside his cat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气). My plan was ___17___. On the way dwn, I started t shiver (发抖). Rick said. “Dave. it s yur turn nw.”16. A. frightened B. regretfulC. serius D. surprised17. A. wrking B. cntinuingC. imprving D. changing
    6. He passed me the gse. Fr a lng mment, I just std and ___18___ my freezing(冰冷的) hands n his bdy. We passed the gse back and frth (来回地) between us all the way. Finally, We gt hme.Sitting at the table, we explained hw the gse kept us frm freezing. “We can’t have him fr dinner! This gse helped ___19___ ur lives,” I said.7. Later, we named the gse Charley and he lived ut his life in the yard, bssing arund the chickens and anther gse we bught t keep him cmpany. A life as the mst imprtant bird was fitting fr ur ___20___.18. A. raised B. driedC. warmed D. examined19. A. spare B. save C. treasure D. give20. A. leader B bss C. guide D. her
    The Picture f Peace When Mike was seven, he knew his dream was t be a phtgrapher. He kept wrking n it fr years. Recently, he was trying t take a picture f a sunset (日落) t enter the schl  13   cmpetitin. "Mm, it has been cludy these days. I dn't think I can get this picture!" Mike cmplained. "Why nt use ne f yur phts n the cmputer?" suggested Mm. "I can't﹣the rules say the phts have t be taken with a traditinal camera. We hand in a rll f film, it gets develped(冲洗胶卷), and we 14  ne pht fr the cmpetitin.”13. A. vilin B. tennis C. pht D. chess14. A. chse B. cllect C. describe D. design
    Keep ding sth. 继续做某事
    Try t d sth. 尽力做某事
    take a picture f拍照片; 给……照相
    "Why is a sunset s imprtant?" Mm asked. "The 15  f the cmpetitin is peace," Mike explained, "and I feel mst peaceful seeing a sunset." Zach, his six﹣year﹣ld brther came ut f the bedrm. " Hey, yu want t take a picture f me? Lk!" He put bth arms ver his head. "Nt right nw," said Mike, laughing. That very afternn, Mike felt excited when he saw clear skies. He carefully lined up his sht (镜头) and waited  16 till the sun reached the grund. "That's it! Perfect!” he shuted cheerfully.15. A. prize B. tpic C. result D. purpse16. A. plitely B. bravely C. hpefully D. secretly
    The next mrning,Mike nticed he culd take ne mre picture t cmplete the rll f film,s he walked int Zach's rm. Zach was 17 quietly with a teddy bear under his arm. Mike didn't wake Zach up, and carefully tk a picture f him. A week later, Mike gt the phts. The sunset picture was the ne he was mst  18 t see. There it was! It was as nearly perfect as Mike had expected.17. A. playing B. reading C. writing D. sleeping18. A. afraid B. eager C. surprised D. cnfused
    Then, he lked thrugh the ther phts. Suddenly, he stpped. His eyebrws (眉毛) rse as he 19 the pht f Zach. He lked back at the pht f the sunset, which seemed less perfect nw. He  20 the tw chices. Finally, he decided t hand in the pht f Zach fr the cmpetitin.19. A. studied B. shared C. cpied D. fixed20. A. changed B. ffered C. accepted D. weighed
    t cnsider sth. carefully befre making a decisin;t have an influence n … 对…有影响/ 分量e.g. His past recrd weighs heavily against him.
    1. At the end f my first year f high schl, I realized I needed t find a summer jb. I was tired f having t ask my parents fr 13 .I wanted t g t the shpping center r mvies with friends withut having t ask fr $20 frm my parents. I imagined having a jb at a stre r at a summer camp where I culd play games with children. But what actually happened was 14 .The nly jb I managed t find was cleaning up tables at a lcal restaurant.13. A. fd B. mneyC. attentinD. advice14. A. excitingB. encuragingC. cnfusingD. disappinting
    2. At first, the idea f clearing tables upset me. The thught f getting up at dawn(黎明) t g clean up after peple made me 15 ever asking fr a jb. The first day was terribly busy. I was running arund, racing t get a table ready fr the waiting custmers. I'll never frget hw 16 I felt that day, but I'll als never frget sitting dwn fr lunch with my c-wrkers fr the first time. Peple my age r ten years lder all sat tgether and talked abut their days. All f a sudden I was a part f that, and it felt gd t be s 17 .15. A. frgetB. enjyC. regretD. imagine16. A. tiredB. happyC. curiusD. relaxed17. A. lvedB. missedC. neededD. included
    3. I've nw wrked at the restaurant fr almst ne year. I've learned t be happy abut getting up s early, because I knw there're ging t be a few gd 18 every day there.4. Frm starting there as a shy student, I've been able t grw int a persn that can g up and19anyne, at wrk r anywhere else. I'm als nt as sensitive(敏感的) as I used t be-getting an implite custmer might make me feel bad, but very sn I can laugh it ff with my c-wrkers. The little jb has given me s much, and I can't wait t g back and cntinue t20frm my experience.18. A. dishesB. chicesC. mmentsD. custmers19. A. findB. greetC. pushD. stp20. A. grwB. standC. restD. hide
    2019北京中考-Run fr Class President
    1. Tw mnths ag, when ur class electin (选举) started, I decided t run fr class president. I enjyed speaking in public and gt alng well with peple, s I felt it easy t win. But I was 13 that peple wuld feel bad fr me if I lst.2. I was busy preparing in the fllwing week. My plan wasn’t t make prmises t d things I culdn’t 14 but t shw my class why I wanted t be president. I put up my psters in hallways and in the classrm. I als spent three hurs writing my speech, saying that I was the ne they culd turn t whenever they had a prblem. Since I was 15 prepared, I felt that my chances f winning were strng.13. A. bred B. afraid C. excited D. hpeful14. A. cmpare B. remember C. manage D. repeat15. A. fully B. quickly C. freshly D. physically
    3. Hwever, when I gave my speech n Electin Day, the respnse (反应) wasn’t what I had 16 . Few peple actually listened. When it was my ppnent’s (对手的) turn, everyne was screaming his name. His speech was shrt, but all t the pint. By then, I realized I shuld have made mine shrter and clearer.4. It was bvius wh wuld 17 . Fr the rest f the day, I felt like it was ver. I wanted t just g hme and cry, but I made it thrugh.My 18 was right: I didn’t win.16. A. feared B. faced C. mentined D. picturedl7. A. insist B. return С. wait D. win18. A. suggestin B. predictin C. directin D. intrductin
    5. The next day, peple were still talking abut the electin. I just pretended (假装) nt t hear. But later, things gt better. Peple 19 abut the electin and talked t me just as they did befre. 6. I dn’t regret putting time and energy int the electin because I’ve learned that things aren’t always ging the way I expect. And mments f failure like this build 20 —since then I’ve learned t face disappintment and grwn strnger.19. A. frgt B. wrte C. cared D. discussed20. A. trust B. pride C. character D. supprt

    中考英语 完型填空解析技巧 课件: 这是一份中考英语 完型填空解析技巧 课件,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了实 例 讲 析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中考英语二轮复习课件:专题突破 题型专题(一)完型填空(含答案): 这是一份中考英语二轮复习课件:专题突破 题型专题(一)完型填空(含答案),共34页。

    中考英语 完型填空解析技巧 课件: 这是一份中考英语 完型填空解析技巧 课件,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了实 例 讲 析等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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