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    这是一份江苏省常州市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中考试试题(Word版附答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7等内容,欢迎下载使用。



    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)


    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    1. What's for dinner tonight?

    A. Hamburgers.   B. Noodles.  C. Fish.

    2. How will the boy get to school?

    A. By car.  B. By bus.  C. By subway.

    3. How much money docs the man need to pay for lettuce(生菜)?

    A. $20.  B. $10.  C. $5.

    4. Where is the conversation taking place?

    A. At a restaurant.  B. At the airport.  C. At a hotel.

    5. What is the woman's favorite thing about her summer job?

    A. The working hours.  B. The co-workers.  C. The salary.

    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

    听第 6 段材料,回答第67题。

    6. Why can't the man retire next year?

    A. He is too young to retire.

    B. He loves his job so much.

    C. He doesn't have enough money.

    7. Why is the man needed at his job?

    A. He can teach young workers.

    B. He works well with customers.

    C. He knows all the office workers.


    8. What are the speakers doing?

    A. Looking for birds.

    B. Planting some trees.

    C. Trying to get back to camp.

    9. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Brother and sister.  B. Classmates.  C. Friends.


    10. What happened to the woman's chemistry book?

    A. She gave it away.

    B. She lost it somewhere.

    C. She lent it to someone.

    11. When will the woman give the book back to the man?

    A. On Wednesday.  B. On Thursday.  C. On Friday.

    12. What time is Mrs. Green's lecture?

    A. At 1:45.  B. At 2:15.  C. At 2:45.


    13. Where are the speakers?

    A. In Britain.  B. In Spain.  C. In Italy.

    14. When does the man have to start work from home?

    A. On Monday.  B. On Tuesday.  C. On Friday.

    15. What does the woman like to do?

    A. Be alone.  B. Work from home.  C. Go out with friends.

    16. Why is it important to stay at home?

    A. To stay healthy.  B. To have space.  C. To do work.


    17. When was the project finished?

    A. About one year ago.  B. About two years ago.  C. About ten years ago.

    18. What do the new glasses allow the users to see without taking out their phones?

    A. The map.  B. The messages.  C. The pictures.

    19. What is the speaker most proud of about the new glasses?

    A. They are fashionable.  B. They are easy to use.  C. They are comfortable.

    20. How does the speaker sound?

    A. Funny.  B. Confident.  C. Nervous.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




    South Africa is the fifth largest native English-speaking country in the world, with a diverse range of English speakers. South African English (SAE) is different from other kinds of English. But how did SAE become what it is today? Let's take a look at the brief history of South African English.


    The British first introduced English to Southern Africa when they set up a military base in what was, at the time, called the Cape Colony (开普殖民地). At that point, they were not intending to create an ever-lasting settlement.


    The first major influx (涌入) of English speakers settled in the Eastern Cape. There were around 5,000 people, mostly, but not entirely, of working class background from Britain.


    The governor of Cape Colony, Lord Charles Somerset, declared English to be the official language of the colony.


    The next wave of English speakers arrived in the colony. They were mostly retired military personnel and aristocrats (贵族) from Britain.


    Another wave of native English speakers arrived at the colony, with more varied accents than those who had come before. They quickly lost their accents, as they assimilated (同化) to the Standard British English that was currently developing in Britain. Missing the home country Britain became part of the colony's national consciousness (意识). This basically meant that colonial English speakers looked up to British English. As a result, their standard accent became more similar to Standard British English.


    The Union of South Africa was formed. Both English and Dutch(荷兰语) were regarded as its official language.

    21. How long did it take English to become the official language of Cape Colony?

    A. 25 years.  B. 27 years.  C. 55 years.  D. 115 years.

    22. What makes the first two major waves of English speakers different from each other?

    A. Their nationality.    B.Their destination.

    C. Their social background.   D. Their native language.

    23. What might have happened by the year 1904?

    A. More accents of SAE had appeared.

    B. Many children had lost their national consciousness.

    C. British English had heavily influenced SAE.

    D. Dutch had become the official language of South Africa.


    In winter, intense cold in China's Jilin Province can turn tripping water into ice within seconds. Yet, 63-year-old Ren Jianguo gets up early every day to spread corm on the riverbank to make sure thousands of migratory birds(候鸟) have food to go through the cold days.

    Ren lives in Jilin City which is built on the banks of the Songhuajiang River. Over the past 26 years, he has been one of the many volunteers protecting migratory birds on the river's Changbai Island. Local residents label him as Uncle Bird. Winter is the busiest time for Uncle Bird as it is the season when large amounts of migratory birds fly here to avoid the biting cold days in Siberia, Russia.

    On the upper reaches of the Songhuajiang River is Northeast China's largest artificial lake. The temperature of the water stays at around 4-10 all year round. This allows Changhai Island to welcome countless migratory birds.

    As long as they choose to stay in this city, there should be people to take care of them. When it becomes difficult to find food in winter, I call for donations or sometimes pay for the food myself to secure their survival during the winter, Ren said.

    Jilin City, which is part of the migratory passage of birds in East Asia, is one of the few warm wetlands in northern China suitable for migratory birds to rest. To improve the environment here, the Chinese government has invested about 26.6 billion yuan for water pollution control and prevention along the Songhuajiang River since 2006.

    For Ren, a small house near the riverbank has almost become his second home, a place from which he can patrol(巡逻) along the banks, observe birds, educate the public about bird conservation and, after a long day of work, light a fire and enjoy a warm meal.

    I simply want this to be a warm and welcoming place for birds when they choose to stay here for a temporary rest, he said.

    24. What is the best title of this passage?

    A. The Tale of Uncle Bird

    B. The Environment of Changbai Island.

    C. The Survival of Birds.

    D. The Protection of Wetlands.

    25. Why does Ren Jianguo volunteer to protect migratory birds?

    A. To keep himself from being bored.

    B. To keep the birds from flying away.

    C. To keep the birds from going hungry.

    D. To keep the environment from being polluted.

    26. Why do the birds come to Changbai Island in the winter?

    A. To eat high-quality corns.

    B. To see kind-hearted volunteers.

    C. For a cleaner environment.

    D. For a better temperature.

    27. Which of the following best describes Ren Jianguo's work?

    A. Boring.  B. Professional.

    C. Dangerous.  D. Meaningful.


    While ChatGPT successfully answered a variety of questions raised by testers, some responses were noticeably off. In fact, Stack Overflow a Q&A website for coders and programmers didn't allow users to share information from ChatGPT, saying that it's harmful to the site and to users who are asking or looking for correct answers.

    Beyond the issue of spreading incorrect information, the tool could also be used to explain problematic thoughts, and as with all AI tools, spread biases(偏见) based on the pool of data on which it's trained. Typing something involving a CEO, for example, could prompt(激起) a response assuming that the individual is white and male, for example.

    While we've made efforts to make the model refuse unsuitable requests, it will sometimes respond to harmful instructions or exhibit biased behavior, OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, said on its website. We're using the Moderation API to warn or stop certain types of unsafe content, but it still has some false negatives and positives for now. We're eager to collect user feedback(反馈) to aid our ongoing work to improve this system.

    Still, Lian Jye Su, a research director at market research company ABI Research, warns the chatbot is operating without understanding the context of the language.

    It is very easy for ChatGPT to give plausible-sounding(听起来合理) but incorrect or senseless answers, he said. It guessed when it was supposed to explain and sometimes responded to harmful instructions or exhibited biased behavior. It also lacks regional and country-specific understanding.

    While ChatGPT is free, it does put a limit on the number of questions a user can raise before having to pay. When Elon Musk, a co-founder of OpenAI, recently asked Altman on Twitter about the average cost per ChatGPT chat, Altman said: We will have to monetize(货币化) it somehow at some point; the compute costs are eye-watering.

    28. Why does the author mention Stack Overflow ?

    A. To show how narrow-minded it is.

    B. To illustrate the negative influence of ChatGPT.

    C. To reveal the competition it has with ChatGPT.

    D. To indicate ChatGPT's strong ability in problem solving.

    29. What is the 3 paragraph mainly about?

    A. The efforts OpenAI make for improvement.

    B. The reason for the use of Moderation API.

    C. The problem OpenAI is now facing.

    D. The success in solving OpenAI's problem.

    30. Why does ChatGPT have problems?

    A. It does not understand human language.

    B. It mainly works through guessing.

    C. It cannot respond properly based on contexts.

    D. It holds bias on some specific regions.

    31. What does the word eye-watering in the last paragraph most probably mean?

    A. extremely high   B. very harmful

    C. quite necessary   D. too average


    In the last decade, scientists have been going back and forth on one question: does recycling really help the environment? The conclusion at which they have arrived seems to be: yes, it does. However, experts warn that our efforts should not stop there. While recycling is an important part of the solution, it is not necessarily the most important factor. Therefore, I disagree that recycling is the key to a sustainable(可持续的) future.

    Compared to other methods to save the earth, recycling is a much smaller player. According to a recent study, the twenty top petrochemical(石化) companies in the world are responsible for 55% of the world's single-use plastics, most of which are practically impossible to reycle. This means that asking these major polluters to take responsibility for their harm to the environment would do much more than if every one of us recycled our waste. In addition, a dependence on recycling can take attention away from reducing and reusing, which are more effective in lowering missions(排放) and in turn helping to create a sustainable future. Therefore, it would do us a lot of good if we focus on thee other high-priority solutions rather than simply recycling.

    Recycling supporters may argue that recycling is indeed the key to a sustainable future because it helps save a lot of energy by taking what already exists and changing it into something new. While it is true that recycling is a valuable tool in the fight against climate change, it is not the key. Regrettably, it alone is not sufficient to sustain our earth. So, while we should continue recycling, we need to go further by taking other actions for our planet.

    In conclusion, I disagree that recycling is the key to a sustainable future. Having said that, recycling is still beneficial. It is but a small part of an interconnected web of solutions, which on its own cannot accomplish much, but together with other efforts, can truly create a sustainable future for us all.

    32. Why does the author write this article?

    A. To raise a question.   B. To explain a rule.

    C. To present a solution.   D. To express an idea.

    33. Which of the following belongs to other actions in the Paragraph 3?

    A. Stopping using plastics.

    B. Using fewer high-emission cars.

    C. Individuals recycling their waste.

    D. Changing used things into something new.

    34. Why is recycling not that important according to the author?

    A. It does not help with protecting the environment.

    B. It stops major polluters from taking responsibility.

    C. It can only save 45% of the energy people need.

    D. It plays a small and limited part in sustaining the earth.

    35. What is the key to a sustainable future according to the author?

    A. Reducing and reusing of single-use plastics.

    B. Asking petrochemical companies to be responsible.

    C. Combined efforts of all the solutions.

    D. More and more people joining in recycling.



    Art has been described in popular culture as something only particularly educated or wealthy people can enjoy. However, this couldn't be further from the truth.    36    Here are some tips that can help.

       37   Artists often create works to comment on major historical events, and this can give us a window into their unique perspective. For example, Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) was created in response to the bombings during the Spanish Civil War.    38    Besides, powerful organizations and people throughout history often hired artists to create pieces that supported their causes. This affects the intended audience of the art piece - who was meant to see the art.

    Find out the genre(类型) of the painting. If you're looking at a painting, knowing what genre it belongs to can be helpful. Genres are basically categories.    39    In painting, the established and well-known genres include landscape, portraiture, still life and so on.

    Learn about the art movements or schools that influenced the piece. Art movements were rises in popularity of certain ways of creating art. An art school is basically just a group of artists, sometimes all in the same region, who all have a similar style or subject matter. Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices.

       40    Learning a bit about artists who created a piece can help cast light on it in a variety of ways. It can help you understand why they made certain artistic decisions or chose to make the work in the first place.

    A. It's filled with against-war spirit.

    B. It is decided by what the painting is about.

    C. They are used to divide art into groups or types.

    D. Read up on the life and philosophies of the artist.

    E. Anyone who can draw well can understand the history of art.

    F. Anyone can come to appreciate art with a bit of time and effort.

    G. Understand the historical context of the time when the art was produced.




    When Aiden Vayo found out that he had a rare genetic(基因的) heart illness, it actually came as a bit of a(n)    41    Even though the diagnosis meant that his heart could suddenly give out, Aiden was    42    glad to know what was behind all these problems he'd felt for years. He was also relieved to learn that there was    43    available(可获得的).

    Aiden is an unusually bright, quick witted teenager who deals with his condition with a dark but cheerful sense of    44    I once blacked out on my birthday and woke up in a bush, he laughs. Aiden is positive and cheerful even when discussing his fathers passing away after his heart    45    to work. And this    46    led to his genetic diagnosis(诊断). Results showed that Aiden had    47    heart function, not performing properly. Considering his family's    48    health history and the test results, Dr Ceresnak who also treated his late father for years, put Aiden on medication and worked with the Packard Children's Hospital genetic team to investigate(研究)    49   .

       50    having a fun, great medical team here, we change our dynamic(交互方式) to    51    the needs of an individual, says Dr. Ceresnak. Later in an interview, he also    52   , Doctors here all try to    53    the way we educate and support a family in ways that best suit them. The best part is people like Aiden, whose    54    for life is so encouraging. Kids like him are what makes our jobs so meaningful and    55   .

    41. A. alarm   B. relief   C. stress   D. prize

    42. A. above all  B. at least   C. for example  D. of course

    43. A. treatment  B. service   C. spirit   D. research

    44. A. sadness   B. fear   C. success  D. humor

    45. A. desired   B. began   C. managed  D. failed

    46. A. luckily   B. hopefully  C. eventually  D. suddenly

    47. A. selected   B. created  C. weakened  D. updated

    48. A. worrying  B. amazing  C. amusing  D. interesting

    49. A. farther   B. further   C. somehow  D. otherwise

    50. A. Without   B. Despite  C. Unlike   D. Besides

    51.A. meet   B. develop  C. release   D. permit

    52. A. requests   B. challenges  C. mentions  D. protests

    53. A. remove   B. adapt   C. survive  D.impact

    54. A. concern   B. desire   C. planning  D. regret

    55. A. regular   B. professional C.natural   D. rewarding



    LOS ANGELES - The Asian-led multiverse adventure Everything Everywhere All at Once turned out to be a big success Sunday night at the 95th Academy Awards,    56    (hold) at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, with seven trophies(奖杯).

    The film, an amusing and big-hearted sci-fi action adventure about a Chinese American woman who can't seem to finish her taxes,    57    (take) home Best Picture.

    The film's Chinese-Malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh got Best Actress in a Leading Role for her performance,    58   (become) the first Asian woman that had won an Oscar in the category.

    The film also collected two other major acting awards,    59    are Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Ke Huy Quan and Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Jamie Lee Curtis.

    In addition, it also won Best Directing and Best Original Screenplay for Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. Paul Rogers walked away    60    the Best Film Editing prize for the film.

    Ladies, don't ever let anyone tell you that you are past your prime, Yeoh said during her acceptance speech. For all the little boys and girls who look like me    61   (watch) tonight, this is a beacon(标志) of hope and possibility.

    All Quiet on the Western Front, the second-biggest    62   (win) of the night with four Academy Awards, became the third German film to win Best International Feature Film. The film also won Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, and Best Original Score.

    It was a strong night for South Asian artists and filmmakers as well. Naatu Naatu, the song from the Indian film RRR, made history with    63   (it) win for Best Original Song at the Oscars.

    Another Indian film The Elephant Whisperers won Best Documentary Short at the Oscars.    64    documentary tells the story of an indigenous couple as they care for a baby elephant. The film    65    (explore) the precious connection between the animal and his caretakers.

    第四部分 翻译句子(满分20 分)










    with 非谓语结构;cut



    第五部分 写作(满分20 分)








    听力:1-20  CABCB    CACAB    ABACC   AABCB

    阅读: 21-35  BCC  ACDD    BACA  DBDC

    七选五:36-40 FGACD

    完型: 41-55   BBADD  CCABD  ACBBD 


    56. held   57. took   58. becoming  59. which  60. with 

    61. watching  62. winner 63. its    64. The   65. explores



    66 “Take it easy and keep your head.” mom said softly, signaling to me to take a seat/sit down.

    67 It suddenly occurred to me that only with love and respect can home be a place (full) of comfort, wonder and power.

    68 The sudden silence made the old man lift his eyes once glued to the newspaper.

    69 With natural resources running out, we should cut back(down) on the activities like driving private cars.

    70. The government favors (is in favor of) the proposal, which will have a positive impact on the country’s future development.




    Members Wanted

    Aimed at stimulating students’ interest in science and expanding its influence, our Science Club is recruiting new members. Those interested can go to the science club this Friday. It starts at three pm. Whoever is fascinated in science and willing to get involved in scientific experiments is preferable in our club. Once admitted, you’ll have the opportunities to experience various activities, ranging from popular science lectures by famous scientists to yearly science festivals.

    What are you waiting for? Join us and feel the charm of science!

    Science Club


    江苏省常州市金坛区2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江苏省常州市金坛区2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(Word版附解析),共27页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省扬州市高邮市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省扬州市高邮市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中试题(Word版附答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, C等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省扬州中学2022-2023学年高一英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省扬州中学2022-2023学年高一英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了05,5分,满分 30分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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