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    译林版英语五年级下册快乐英语阅读 每单元习题(含答案)
    译林版英语五年级下册快乐英语阅读 每单元习题(含答案)01
    译林版英语五年级下册快乐英语阅读 每单元习题(含答案)02
    译林版英语五年级下册快乐英语阅读 每单元习题(含答案)03
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    译林版英语五年级下册快乐英语阅读 每单元习题(含答案)


    I.Read and judge.
    1. ( T ) Tim put ink on the teacher’s desk.
    2. ( T ) Knife and fork are dinnerware.
    3. ( T )The dinnerware in the town wanted to live in peace and help each other.
    4. ( T )The other dinnerware began to dislike the chopsticks because they were not helpful.
    5. ( F )It was hard to work together in pairs all the time, so the chopsticks gave updon’t give up没有放弃
    6. ( F )Once there was a town called Eating World.Eating Utensils 吃的用具

    7. ( T ) The chopsticks cooperated and worked hard together.
    8. ( T )The forks poked and moved the food.
    9. ( T )The knives cut up the food.
    10. ( T )The spoons scooped up and moved the food.
    11. ( T )The others began to dislike the chopsticks because they couldn’t do anything.
    12. ( F )A chopstick can cannot
    pick up the food.
    13. ( F )J.K.Rowling is Harry Potter’s motherwriter 作者
    II.Read and choose.
    ( C ) 1. Tim is late to go home,because .
    A.he didn’t do homework B.he helped the teacher C.he put ink on the teacher’s chair
    ( A ) 2. The knives can .
    A.cut up the food B.scoop up and move the food C.poke and move the food.
    ( C ) 3.The spoons can .
    A.cut up the food B.pick up and move the food C.poke and move the food.
    ( B ) 4. The chopsticks can .
    A.cut up the food B.pick up and move the food C.poke and move the food.
    ( B ) 5. The chopsticks do anything alone.
    A.can B.can’t C.should
    ( B ) 6. Because the chopsticks only interfered with the others’ work, the other them.
    A.liked B.disliked C.helped
    ( A ) 7. It was not easy to work in pairs, but never gave up.
    A.the chopsticks B.the forks C.the spoons
    ( C ) 8. The forks can .
    A.cut up the food B.scoop up and move the food C.poke and move the food.
    ( C ) 9. “Go away!You can’t do anything.You’re useless.” said.
    A.The chopsticks B.The spoons and the bowls C.The others but the chopsticks
    ( B ) 10. One day,all of the came together to have a talk.
    A.dinnerware B.chopsticks C. spoons
    ( C ) 11. Every chopstick should get a and work in pairs.
    A.friend B.chopstick C. partner
    ( A ) 12.The chopsticks kept on working .
    A.together B.alone C. sadly
    ( B ) 13.J.K.Rowling is a from the UK.
    A.princess B.writer C. doctor

    Read and choose.
    ( C )1.Where does Sam live?
    A.the UK B.China C.the US
    ( B )2.How old is Sam?
    A.eight B.seven C.ten
    ( C )3.How many people are there in Sam’s family?
    A.Four B.Two C.Three
    ( C )4.What does Sam’s mother do?
    A.teacher B.worker C.doctor
    ( B )5.Does Sam go to school at weekends?
    A.Yes,he does B.No,he doesn’t
    ( C )6.How many animals are there in this passage?
    A.Two B.Three C.Four
    ( B )7.Who are the animals afraid of?
    A. rabbit B.lion C.monkey
    ( A )8.Does the lion eat the monkey up?
    A. yes B.no
    ( B )9.Does the lion eat the fox up?
    A.Yes B.no
    ( B )10.How does the lion’s breath smell?
    A.good B.bad C.sweet
    ( A )11.Does the lion eat the rabbit up ?
    A.Yes B .No
    ( B )12.How is the lion?
    A.good B.strong C.kind
    ( B )13.Does the lion eat the fox live?
    A.Yes B.No
    Read and judge.
    ( T )1.No one can defeat the lion in battle.
    ( F )2.The fox wasn’t afraid of the lion.
    ( T )3.The monkey tells the lion the truth.
    ( F )4.The lion’s breath smells good.
    ( T )5.The rabbit saw the lion eat the monkey.
    ( T )6.The fox was clever.
    ( F )7.The lion didn’t eat the monkey up .
    ( F )8.The lion is very thin.
    ( T )9.The lion was satisfied满意的
    with the fox, and let it live.
    ( F )10.The fox says that he has got a headachecold
    ( F )11.The rabbit lied to the lion,and the lion was very happy.
    ( F )12.The monkey wasn’t eaten up by the lion.
    ( F )13.The rabbit’s nose is very stuffy不通气的

    Read and judge.
    ( F ) 1 Amy Brown is an EnglishAmerican
    ( T ) 2 The museum is on Xueqian Street.
    ( T ) 3 Amy can take the metro to Xinhua Bookshop.
    ( F ) 4 The bookshop is next to a cinemathe Bank of China中国银行
    ( F ) 5 Once there was a smallhuge 巨大的
    apple tree.
    ( T ) 6 A little boy liked to play around the tree.
    ( F ) 7 The boy was hungry and the tree gave him a cake.
    ( T ) 8 The little boy made a fan with some leaves.
    ( T ) 9 The boy became a young man. He still liked playing around the tree.
    ( T ) 10 The young man cut all the branches off the tree and built a house.
    ( T ) 11 Ten years later, the man wanted a boat to go sailing.
    ( F ) 12 The man used the old root to build a boat.
    ( F ) 13 The Tree gave the man all the things, he was sad.
    Read and choose.
    ( B ) 1 Newton was born in __________ 。
    A the US B the UK C America
    ( A ) 2 Amy doesn’t know the way to the museum . She asks __________ for help.
    A a policeman B a policewoman C SuHai
    ( B ) 3 Xinhua Bookshop is next to __________ .
    A a cinema B the Bank of China C a zoo
    ( C ) 4 When the boy was hungry , the tree gave him __________ .
    A a pear B a fan C an apple
    ( C ) 5 The man used __________ to build a boat.
    A leaves B branches C the trunk
    ( A ) 6 The tree said the only thing left was his __________ .
    A root B trunk C branch
    ( A ) 7 When the man was old , he only needed __________ .
    A a place to rest B sailing C a house
    ( B ) 8 The tree gave all the things to the man, but he was never __________ .
    A happy B sad C angry
    ( C ) 9 How many things did the tree give the man ?
    A three B four C five
    ( C ) 10 The tree didn’t give __________ to the man .
    A a fan B a boat C a chair
    ( B ) 11 “smiled of tears” means __________ .
    A淡淡的微笑 B 含泪的微笑 C 泛滥的眼泪
    ( C ) 12 The best title is __________ .
    A How to use the tree B The tree’s friend C The giving tree
    ( A ) 13 From the story we learn __________ .
    A Giving is happy B Don’t give others C Giving is sad

    Read and choose.
    ( B ) 1.When Jane feels ill, she always _________ .
    A.sleeps B.sees the doctor C.buys a lollipop
    ( B ) 2.The doctor shines a torch(用手电筒照) to _____.
    A.look for Jane’s shoes under the bed
    B.look in Jane’s ears
    C.look at Jane
    ( B ) 3.Jane’s mother _________ .
    A.works in a school B.is a doctor C.is not good
    ( C ) 4.Jane’s mother ________ when Jane is ill.
    A.asks Jane to have some lollipops B.calls the doctor C.asks Jane to take some medicine
    ( B ) 5.It’s a _________ rooster. A.naughty B.hard-working
    ( A ) 6.The man is ________ . A.lazy B.hard-working
    ( B ) 7.At last, the man will feel ______ .A.happy B.sorry
    ( B ) 8.There was a man who had a _______ .A.hen B.rooster
    ( B ) 9.At the first night, the man put the little rooster into _______ .
    A. the hen’s yard B.the house
    ( A ) 10.The man wanted to have _______ A.a long sleep B.a short sleep
    ( B ) 11. At the second night, the man put the little rooster into _______ .
    A. the hen’s yard B. the pig’s pen
    ( B ) 12. At last ,the man’s garden is full of________ . A. flowers B. weeds
    ( A ) 13.The man doesn’t like the______. A. rooster B. hen
    Read and judge (T/F)
    ( F )1.The rooster doesn’t like with the hens.
    ( T )2.The man doesn’t like the rooster.
    ( F )3.The rooster always likes singing in the evening.
    ( T )4.The man like having a long sleep.
    ( F )5.The man is hardworking.
    ( T )6.At last,the man’s garden is full of weeds.
    ( T )7.The man picked up the rooster and gave him away.
    ( F )8.Finally,the man will feel happy.
    ( T )9.The rooster always gets up early in the morning.
    ( F )10.The rooster is lazy.
    ( T )11.At last, the rooster is not little any more.
    ( F )12.The man always planted his garden.
    ( T )13.The rooster wants to wake the man up.

    Read and judge(T/F)
    1.The people of Greek had to fight with the Greek army. ( F )
    2.Troy people won most of the fights in the past ten years. ( T )
    3.One morning, the people of Troy saw a huge wooden horse. ( T )
    4.The wooden horse was standing outside the city gate. ( T )
    5.The wooden horse was light and small. ( F )
    6.The people of Troy thought the horse was a war booty. ( T )
    7.The wooden horse can move by itself. ( F )
    8.The Troy people dragged the wooden horse into the city. ( T )
    9.The Troy people was not happy to see the wooden horse. ( F )
    10.There were some men hidden inside the wooden horse. ( T )
    11.The Troy people fooled the Greek men and won the fight in the end. ( F )
    12.The troy people thanked to the wooden horse. ( F )
    13.The men came out from the wooden horse in the morning. ( F )
    Read and choose
    ( C )1.Troy is a __________. A. small town B. big city C. small city
    ( C )2. One morning, the people in Troy saw a huge_______ horse.
    A. cloth B. iron C. wooden
    ( B )3. The wooden horse was standing__________ the city gate.
    A. far from B. outside C. inside
    ( A )4. A_______ stand on the wooden horse’s head.
    A. bird B. soldier C. horse
    ( B )5. A soldier stood on the wooden horse’s back and tapped its________.
    A. head B. body C. tail
    ( B )6. Where did the horse come from?
    A. Troy B. Greek C. We don’t know.
    ( C )7. The people of Troy thought the wooden horse was a________.
    A. real horse B. danger(危险) C. war booty
    ( C )8. The men came out from the ________ door at night.
    A. hiding B. hide C. hidden
    ( A )9. The wooden horse is______ and________.
    A. big, heavy B. big, light C. small, heavy
    ( A )10. Which one is the right answer?(哪一个是正确答案?)
    A. Troy people found a big wooden horse outside the city gate.
    B. Troy people was not surprised to see the wooden horse.
    C. The men in the wooden horse came walking out.
    ( B )11. The Greek men_______ the people of Troy.
    A. helped B. fooled C. thanked to
    ( A )12. Which one is the best title?
    A. The wooden horse B. Fight between the countries C. Troy and Greek
    ( A )13. Do they spent a long time dragging the wooden horse into the city?
    A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they don’t.
    Read and judge(T/F)
    1. Jack’s mother is cooking noodles.( F )
    2. Jack’s father goes to buy some mangoes and eggs .( F )
    3. There are some eggs in the fridge .( F )
    4. Jack’s father loves cakes with mangoes.( T )
    5.There is a rooster who thinks himself as the most handsome one .( T )
    6.The rooster is the most handsome animal of all .( F )
    7.The bee is the doctor of the trees .( F )
    8.The woodpecker has a long beak and a big body.( F )
    9.The woodpecker is busy catching the worms in the tree .( T )
    10.The bee has ugly eyes .( T )
    11.The frog is busy catching the pests.( T )
    12.The rooster can wake up the people at night.( F )
    13.The rooster feels ashamed .( T )
    Read and choose.
    1. ( A )Jack’s mother wants to make a _____.
    A. cake B.flower C.card
    2.( B )Jack’s mother is making a cake with _____.
    A.mangoes B.strawberries C.apples
    3( C )Jack is _____.
    A. going to school B. eating some eggs and mangoes
    C. going to buy some eggs and mangoes
    4. (A)Father likes the cake with _____.
    A. mangoes B.strawberries C.oranges
    5. (A)_____ is the doctor of the trees.
    A. woodpecker B.bee C.frog
    6. (A)The woodpecker has a ____beak.
    A. long B.short C.small
    7.(A)Bees make ______ for people .
    A.honey B.cakes C.cards
    8.(A)The flowers smell so ______.
    A.nice B.bad C.badly
    9.(B)The bee has ______ time to compare with the rooster.
    A.some B.no C.much
    10.(B)The frog likes ______in the rivers and lakes .
    A.dancing B.singing C.drawing
    11.(A)The frog is looking for ______.
    A.worms and pests B.oranges C.apples
    12. ( C )The most important is whether you are ________.
    A. clever B.happy C.hard-working
    13. (C)The rooster can wake up the people at ______.
    A.night B.noon C.dawn
    Read and judge
    1. The Spring Festival comes in February or March. ( F )
    2. We have a big family dinner on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. (T )
    3.Before the Spring Festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. (T )
    4. I cannot buy what I want with the red packets. ( F )
    5. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in western countries. ( F )
    6. Justin Bieber comes from England. ( F )
    7. There are two small hares in the story. ( F )
    8. Little Nutbrown Hare can hop higer than Big Nutbrown Hare. ( F )
    9.Little Nutbrown Hare thinks nothing could be farther than the sky. ( T )
    10. Big Nutbrown Hare hopped so high that his toes touched the branches above. ( F )
    11. Little Nutbrown Hare can’t stretch out his arms as wide as Big Nutbrown Hare. (T )
    12. Finally, Little Nutbrown Hare was almost too sleepy to think any more. (T )
    13.The two hares love each other very much. ( T )
    Read and choose.
    ( c )1.The Spring Festive is in . a.January b.February c.a and b
    ( c ) 2. is the most important festival in China.
    a. Children’s Day b. Mid-autumn Day c. The Spring Festival
    ( b ) 3.Before the Spring Festival , people are busy .
    a. visiting old people b. doing shopping and some cleaning c. travelling
    ( c ) 4. We usually _____at the Spring Festival.
    a. have a family dinner b. eat some traditional Chinese food c. a and b
    ( b ) 5.Little Nutbrown Hare held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare’s ______
    a. long legs b. long ears c.a big nose
    ( c )6.The story happens___________.
    a. in the morning b. in the afternoon c. in the evening
    ( b ) 7.Big Nutbrown Hare is ________.
    a. Little Nutbrown Hare’s sister
    b. Little Nutbrown Hare’s mother c. Little Nutbrown Hare’s teacher
    ( a ) 8.Big Nutbrown Hare hopped ______ than Little Nutbrown Hare.
    a .higher b.farther c. wider
    ( a )9.I love you all the way down the lane ____ the river.
    a.as far as b.as wide as c.as long as
    ( a )10. Little Nutbrown Hare wish he had ____ like Big Nutbrown Hare.
    a. arms b. legs c. ears
    ( c )11.What’s the story mostly about?
    a. The big hare can do better than the little hare .
    b.The little hare wants to do better. c.Two hares show their love to each other.
    ( c )12.What does the story tell us ?
    a. The big hare can hop higher than the little hare
    b. The little hare is brave. c. We should show our love to each other.
    ( a ) 13.What’s Justin Bieber ? a.A singer b.A pianist c.A dancer
    Read and judge (T or F)
    ( F )1.The little girl lived with her mother.
    ( T )2.The little girl didn’t have any room to live in.
    ( T )3.The little girl had nothing else but the clothes and bread.
    ( F )4.The little girl was not kind.
    ( T )5.The first person she met was a poor man.
    ( F )6.The little girl gave the poor man some sweets.
    ( F )7.The first child was so hungry.
    ( T )8.The little girl gave her jacket to the second child.
    ( F )9.At last the little girl got into a palace.
    ( T )10.The last child asked for a shirt.
    ( F )11.The little girl didn’t give her shirt away.
    ( T )12.Some stars changed into money.
    ( T )13.At last the little girl lived a rich life.
    Read and choose
    ( c )1.The little girl had____
    a father b mother c clothes
    ( c )2.The little girl had no____
    a hood b bread c bed
    ( c )3.The little girl was____
    a bad b selfish c pious
    ( b )4.The little girl met____children.
    a two b three c four
    ( c )5.The little girl gave the first child____
    a cakes b bread c a hood
    ( c )6.____said "oh, give me something to eat.”
    a the firsr child b the little girl c the poor man
    ( b )7.The little girl got into a ____
    a house b forest c palace
    ( c )8.The little girl stood in the forest ,she had____
    a a shirt b a hood c nothing
    ( c )9.It was____,the little girl got into a forest.
    a sunny b rainy c dark
    ( c )10.Some____fell down.
    a leaves b butterflies c stars
    ( c )11.The first person she met was a____man.
    a tall b rich c poor
    ( b )12.The little girl gave the____to the last child
    a rice b shirt c bread
    ( c )13.The little girl was____all the days of her life.
    a poor b sad c rich

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