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    I came across quite a few language problems while spending holiday with my family last summer. The most embarrassing was when my Mom apologized to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”. They looked at her in surprise, not knowing how to react. You see, Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans. But in Britain, “pants” means underpants or knickers (内裤;衬裤), not trousers as it does back home.
    Katie — From America
    I went to stay with a friend on the west coast last summer. Her flat was on the first floor of a high-rise building so I got the lift up. Then I wandered round for ages looking for her flat but couldn’t find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box. She explained that her flat was on the first floor, which for me meant the ground floor.
    David — From Britain
    When I asked for the “restroom” in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”. It took me years to get through to (使...明白)someone that I only wanted the toilet!
    Tom — From America
    1. Hearing Katie’s mother’s words, Katie’s friends were in surprise because ________.
    A. Katie’s mother got mud on her jeans B. Katie’s mother’s underpants were dirty
    C. they mistook pants for underpants D. they didn’t understand British English
    2. David went out to find a phone box to ________.
    A. phone the police for help B. phone his friend for help
    C. tell his friend he couldn’t visit her D. apologize for his being late
    3. When Tom asked for the “restroom”, the people around him thought ________.
    A. he wanted to have a rest B. he wanted to go to the toilet
    C. he wanted to go to bed D. He wanted to go to a department store
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“But in Britain, “pants” means underpants or knickers (内裤;衬裤), not trousers as it does back home.(但在英国,“裤子”是指内裤或衬裤, 不是回家时穿的那种裤子)”可知,听到凯蒂母亲的话,凯蒂的朋友们都很惊讶,是因为他们误认为凯蒂母亲所说的“裤子”是内裤。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Then I wandered round for ages looking for her flat but couldn’t find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box.(然后,我四处转悠了好长时间,寻找她的公寓,但找不到。又烦又累,我最后不得不出去找一个电话亭)”可知,大卫出去找一个电话亭是为了给他的朋友打电话寻求帮忙。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“When I asked for the “restroom” in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”.(当我在一家大百货公司要求使用“洗手间”时,人们不停地把我带到一个有座位的房间,我可以坐在那里“休息”)”可知,当汤姆要求使用洗手间时,他周围的人认为他想要休息一下。故选A项。
    The e-mail request came in to Ekiben restaurant in Baltimore late on a Thursday afternoon. The man, Brandon Jones was writing for his mother-in-law, who loved the dish. He explained that she was now in the final stages of lung cancer at her home in Vermont and that he was hoping to get the recipe (食谱) to make it for her there.
    Steve Chu, one of the Asian fusion restaurant’s co-owners, read the e-mail and quickly replied with another suggestion,“Thanks for reaching out,” he wrote. “We’d like to met you in Vermont and make it fresh for you.”
    For the past six years, every time Brandon’s mother-in-law visited Baltimore, the first place she wanted to go was Ekiben so she could order that dish. She had always told us, “When I’m on my deathbed, I want to have that broccoli (花椰菜),” recalls Brandon’s wife, Rina Jones.
    That Friday after work, a day after receiving Brandon’s e-mail, Chu prepared all the food ingredients and then headed for Vermont with his business partner and an employee. They stayed overnight in an Airbnb rental and drove the next day to where Rina’s mother lived. After cooking and boxing everything up, they knocked on their customer’s door.
    “As soon as she opened the door, she recognized the amazing smell,” Brandon says.
    Rina says her mother also recognized Chu and his coworkers. “My mom kept saying, ‘You drove all the way up here to cook for me?’ She was so happy and touched to have that broccoli.”
    “It was an honor to help make the family’s wishes come true,” Chu says. “There was a lot of good positive energy in doing this.” Rina was happy that her mother was able to enjoy her beloved broccoli with a side order of excellent kindness one last time. “My mom cried later about their generosity, and so did I,” Rina says. “I’ll carry that positive memory with me always.”
    4. Why did Brandon send the e-mail to Ekiben restaurant?
    A. To get the recipe and give it to his mother-in-law.
    B. To learn how to cook the dish for his mother-in-law.
    C. To invite the owner to cook for his mother-in-law.
    D. To ask the owner to treat his mother-in-law.
    5. What do we know about Steve Chu from the passage?
    A. He was generous to his coworkers.
    B. He had a strong desire for charity.
    C. He was unwilling to share the recipe with others.
    D. He felt honored to deliver positive energy to the family.
    6. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A. Positive memory valued. B. A special order.
    C. Kindness delivered. D. A generous restaurant owner.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述布兰登的岳母是Ekiben 餐厅的常客,但是由于得了重病不能前去,于是布兰登写信给这家餐厅要食谱想自己制作,餐厅的员工看了信件后,决定和他的两个同事开车去佛蒙特自己制作,最后Rina母亲吃到了最爱的西蓝花天妇罗。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“He explained that she was now in the final stages of lung cancer at her home in Vermont and that he was hoping to get the recipe(食谱) to make it for her there. (他解释说,她住在佛蒙特州的家中,肺癌已经到了晚期,他希望能拿到配方,在那里为她制作)”可知,他给餐厅发邮件是要询问制作菜的配方,亲自为他的岳母做菜。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中““It was an honor to help make the family’s wishes come true,” Chu says. “There was a lot of good positive energy in doing this.”(Chu说:“能帮助家人实现愿望是一种荣誉。这样做有很多好的正能量。”)”可知,Steve Chu觉得帮助这家人实现愿望是他的荣幸而且能够传递积极的能量。故选D。
    主旨大意题。文章主要讲述Brandon的岳母是Ekiben 餐厅的常客,但是由于得了重病不能前去,于是Brandon写信给这家餐厅要食谱想自己制作,餐厅的员工看了信件后,决定和他的两个同事开车去佛蒙特自己制作,最后Rina母亲吃到了她最爱的西蓝花天妇罗。由此可知,餐厅的厨师们自己给重病的人做饭,这是在传递一种爱心,所以“善良,传递”可以作为文章的标题。故选C。
    When Shanghai introduced a new garbage-sorting policy (垃圾类政策) in July last year, the city’s residents (居民) took some time to get used to it. They joked that every time they took out their garbage, the staff (工作人员) standing by the bins would ask, “What kind of garbage are you?”
    Starting on May 1, Beijing joined many Chinese cities by introducing a new garbage-sorting policy, People’s Daily reported. Residents should sort their garbage into four groups: kitchen, recyclable, hazardous (有害的) and other waste.
    These groups are represented (代表) by four different colors of trash bins—green, blue, red and gray. Those who fail to sort their trash correctly may be fined up to 200 yuan, Xinhua reported.
    Some cities like Shanghai and Qingdao sort their trash differently. These cities use four different groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. Although their names are different, the groups are actually the same. In fact, wet garbage in Shanghai is kitchen garbage in Beijing. And dry garbage is the same as other waste, China Youth Daily reported.
    To help residents sort their trash correctly, the Beijing government is offering online guidelines (指导). If people don’t know how to throw away garbage, they can search for it on the WeChat account Guanchenglishi (管城理市) to find out. By searching a keyword or taking a photo, people can immediately find out which group their waste belongs to.
    7. If people don’t follow the garbage-sorting policy, __________.
    A. they will have to stand by the bins B. they won’t be allowed to throw trash away
    C. they won’t be noticed D. they may face fines
    8. According to the passage, which of the following cities have the same names for garbage groups?
    A. Beijing and Shanghai. B. Beijing and Qingdao.
    C. Shanghai and Qingdao. D. Qingdao and Wuhan.
    9. Kitchen garbage in Beijing is the same as ________ in Shanghai.
    A. wet garbage B. dry garbage
    C. recyclable garbage D. harmful garbage
    10. What do we know from this passage?
    A. Beijing uses four different groups: kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and dry.
    B. Garbage-sorting is being carried out all over China.
    C. Guanchenglishi can help residents in Beijing with the garbage-sorting.
    D. Residents in Beijing are troubled by garbage-sorting.
    【答案】7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C
    细节理解题。根据第三段关键句“Those who fail to sort their trash correctly may be fined up to 200 yuan, Xinhua reported.”(据新华社报道,那些未能正确分类垃圾的人将被处以最高200元的罚款。)可知,未能正确分类垃圾的人将被处以最高200元的罚款,由此可知,如果人们不遵守垃圾分类政策,他们可能面临罚款。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“Some cities like Shanghai and Qingdao sort their trash differently. These cities use four different groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.”(上海和青岛等城市的垃圾分类不同。这些城市使用四种不同的类型:潮湿、可回收、有害和干燥。)可知,上海和青岛等城市与北京的垃圾分类不同,这些城市使用潮湿、可回收、有害和干燥这四种不同的名称,由此可知,上海和青岛的垃圾组名称相同,都使用潮湿、可回收、有害和干燥这四种名称。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“In fact, wet garbage in Shanghai is kitchen garbage in Beijing.”(事实上,上海的湿垃圾是北京的厨余垃圾。)可知,上海的湿垃圾是北京的厨余垃圾,由此可知,北京的厨余垃圾和上海的湿垃圾一样。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段关键句“To help residents sort their trash correctly, the Beijing government is offering online guidelines (指导). If people don’t know how to throw away garbage, they can search for it on the WeChat account Guanchenglishi (管城理市) to find out.”(为了帮助居民正确分类垃圾,北京政府正在提供在线指导。如果人们不知道如何扔掉垃圾,可以在微信账号的管城理市上搜索找到。)可知,北京的居民如果不知道如何进行垃圾分类,可以通过微信账号的管城理市进行搜索,找到正确方法,由此可知,管城理市可以帮助北京居民进行垃圾分类。故选C项。
    How to deal with your homework
    Write it down. ____11____ Always be sure to write down all the homework so you won’t forget anything.
    Create a homework station. Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to do your home work. ____12____ It will take twice as long to get the homework done. Shut off your cell phone log off (退出) your computer (unless you need it for your homework) and close the door.
    Do homework as early as possible. Don’t leave homework to the last minute. ____13____ The earlier you start your homework, the sooner you will finish! Do all your homework as early as you can, so you don’t have a pile of (一堆) homework the next day.
    ____14____ Think about how long it will take you to complete homework for each subject. For example: English-ten minutes, science-ten minutes, math-forty minutes, history-twenty minutes.
    Treat yourself. You can easily get tired by sitting through an hour or two of homework without stopping. Once you finish homework for a subject, take a small break (no more than 15 minutes). Either taking a walk or finding something to eat will do. But do not turn on the TV, or you’ll never go back to your study. ____15____
    A. Use your time wisely.
    B. Start as soon as you get home.
    C. Start with your hardest homework.
    D. Do not burn the midnight oil, either.
    E. Never do your homework in front of the TV.
    F. After short breaks, return to finish the rest of your homework.
    G. Keep a homework notebook where you record all your homework.
    【答案】11. G 12. E 13. B 14. A 15. F
    前文“Write it down.”(写下作业。)和后文“Always be sure to write down all the homework so you won’t forget anything.”(一定要把所有的作业都写下来,这样你就不会忘记任何东西。)可推测登记作业需要使用到一个笔记本,把作业都记在笔记本上,选项G意思为“使用作业笔记本记录所有作业。”,符合语境。故选G项。
    前文“Create a homework station.”(创建作业站。)告诉读者要为写作业制造一个独立的空间;后文“It will take twice as long to get the homework done.”(完成作业需要两倍的时间。)可知代词it指代的应该是影响写作业效率的场所。在电视机面前写作业可想而知,效率不高,选项E意为“不要在电视剧面前写作业”符合语境。故选E项。
    前文本段主旨句“Do homework as early as possible.”(尽可能快去写作业。)可知本段主要说明写作业的时间安排要尽早。选项B意为“你一回家立马做作业。”符合语境。故选B项。
    后文“Think about how long it will take you to complete homework for each subject.”(想想你要花多长时间才能完成每个科目的家庭作业。)可知本段讲述的是各科时间分配问题。选项A意为“明智地使用时间。”符合语境,可作第四段的主题句。故选A项。
    前文“You can easily get tired by sitting through an hour or two of homework without stopping.”(坐着完成一两个小时的作业而不停下来,你很容易感到疲劳。)指出做作业时不休息容易疲劳,不太好。即意味着作者建议写作业的建议也需要休息,需要劳逸结合。选项F意为“短暂休息后,回来完成剩余的作业。”符合语境。故选F项。
    第二部分:完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)
    When I was a little boy, my parents and brothers would often play cards in the afternoons. It was a (n) ____16____ way to pass the time and after watching countless games, I started to ____17____. I was only five but I learned____18____ and was soon winning as often as I lost. When I started school, I found out the hours of playing cards had made me good with ____19____. I was getting full marks on my math tests until high school when I ____20____ they had a thing called Algebra (代数) . I was ____21____to see letters mixed in with the numbers and I struggled to ____22____ it. Then one day I opened a Calculus (微积分) book. One look was all to know that I would not major in math.
    Instead I found ____23____ studying literature, history, psychology, and philosophy, which all put me on a path that I am ____24____on today: it is a journey of learning all I can about life and____25____ . One thing I did learn was that love has its own unique math that isn’t logical yet makes____26____. In the Calculus of Love the more love you____27____, the more love you have. Sharing sorrows means subtracting (减去) them. Sharing____28____means multiplying them.
    Love like life is often more than we can ____29____. But our soul can. May you choose it, share it, and learn it. Only then will your life add up ____30____.
    16. A. exact B. valid C. stable D. merry
    17. A. join in B. mark out C. get through D. break away
    18. A. hardly B. quickly C. normally D. apparently
    19. A. dots B. tests C. versions D. numbers
    20. A. discovered B. indicated C. observed D. admitted
    21. A. excited B. shocked C. fascinated D. associated
    22. A. adjust B. seize C. learn D. obtain
    23. A. myself B. it C. me D. itself
    24. A. already B. yet C. still D. ever
    25. A. value B. love C. talent D. skill
    26. A. effort B. sense C. progress D. difference
    27. A. talk about B. set aside C. give away D. hope for
    28. A. joys B. ideas C. dreams D. feelings
    29. A. accept B. hold C. govern D. understand
    30. A. fast B. much C. right D. altogether
    【答案】16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一种愉快的消磨时间的方式,在看了无数场比赛后,我开始加入其中。A. exact确切的;B. valid有效的;C. stable稳定的;D. merry愉快的。由空后“ after watching countless games”可知,因为作者看了无数场打牌比赛,由此可知,作者认为这是一种愉快的消磨时间的方式。故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:同上。A.join in加入;B. mark out标出;C. get through完成;D. break away脱离。由后文“was soon winning as often as I lost.”可知,作者加入到和家人打牌比赛的游戏中去了。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我当时只有五岁,但我学得很快,我赢的次数和输的次数一样多。A.hardly几乎不;B. quickly快速地;C. normally正常地;D. apparently明显地。因为作者只有5岁,赢的比赛和输的比赛一样多,由此可知,作者学得很快。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我开始上学时,我发现长时间的打牌使我对数字很在行。A.dots点;B. tests测试;C. versions版本;D. numbers数字。根据后文“I was getting full marks on my math tests”可知,作者因为打牌对数字很在行,所以作者数学考试得满分。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的数学考试一直都是满分直到高中我发现他们有个东西叫代数。A.discovered发现;B. indicated表明;C. observed观察;D. admitted承认。由后文“they had a thing called Algebra (代数) ”可知,作者高中时发现了代数这门学科。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我看到字母和数字混在一起时,我感到很震惊,我努力地学习它。A.excited兴奋得;B. shocked震惊的;C. fascinated着迷的;D. associated关联的。由后文“see letters mixed in with the numbers ”可知,因为作者没见过字母和数字混合在一起的情况,所以作者见到后很惊讶。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. adjust调整;B. seize抓住;C. learn学习;D. obtain获得。由前文可知,因为作者上高中了,所以要去学习代数。故选C。
    考查代词词义辨析。句意:相反,我发现自己在学习文学、历史、心理学和哲学,这些都让我走上了一条至今仍在学习的道路上:这是一段尽我所能学习有关生活和爱的旅程。A. myself我自己;B. it它;C. me我;D. itself它自己;由后文“which all put me on a path”可知,此处指的是作者自己。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我发现自己在学习文学、历史、心理学和哲学,这些都让我走上了一条至今仍在学习的道路上:这是一段尽我所能学习有关生活和爱的旅程。A. already已经;B. yet还;C. still依然;D. ever曾经。由后文“ it is a journey of learning ”可知,因为这是一段学习之旅,作者依然在这条道路上。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. value价值;B. love爱;C. talent才能;D. skill技能。由后文“One thing I did learn was that love has its own unique math”可知,此处指有关生活和爱的旅程。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我学到的一件事是,爱有它自己独特的数学,它不符合逻辑,但却有意义。A. effort努力;B. sense意义;C. progress进步;D. difference差异。由副词yet可知,此处表述虽然不符合逻辑,但有意义,make sense有意义,固定搭配。故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在爱的微积分中,你付出的爱越多,你拥有的爱就越多。A. talk about谈论;B. set aside留……之用;C. give away赠送;D. hope for希望。与后文动词have对应,此处需要give away,表述你付出的爱越多,你拥有的爱就越多。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:分享快乐意味着倍增快乐。A. joys快乐;B. ideas想法;C. dreams梦想;D. feelings感受。由前一句“Sharing sorrows means subtracting (减去) them.”可知,分享悲伤,悲伤减少;所以此处表述分享快乐,快乐增加。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:像生活一样的爱往往是我们无法理解的。A.accept接受;B. hold拥有;C. govern治理;D. understand明白。由后文“May you choose it, share it, and learn it.”可知,我们要去学习,由此可知,这种爱是我们无法理解的。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:只有这样,你的生活才能算对。A.fast快地;B. much很,非常;C. right正确地,正好;D. altogether总共。由前文“May you choose it, share it, and learn it.”可知,前文提到选择它,分享它,学习它;由此可知,此处表述这样做,生活才是正确的。故选C。
    A. full of energy, energetic
    B. at the same time
    C. surely, absolutely
    D. appear, happen
    E. wonderful and interesting
    F. thinking or believing that something will happen
    G. what’s worse

    31. He said that night was totally crazy and dynamic with so many college students on the spot (现场).
    32. In a good marriage, both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.
    33. I hadn’t finished my homework. Meanwhile, it was already late night. What a day!
    34. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.
    35. I definitely wanted to play well in the football match, but unfortunately I got hurt.
    【答案】31. A 32. D
    33. B 34. F
    35. C
    考查副词。句意:我还没有完成作业。与此同时,已经很晚了。多糟糕的一天!meanwhile为副词,表示“与此同时”,与at the same time互为同义表达。故选B项。
    考查名词。句意:我们对经济全面复苏的期望充满信心。expectation为名词,表示“预期;期望”,与F项“thinking or believing that something will happen(认为或相信某事将会发生的)”互为同义表达。故选F项。
    36. Henry feels excited here because his new school differs in many ways from his p ________ one.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:亨利在这里感到兴奋,因为他的新学校在许多方面都不同于他以前的学校。根据首字母以及“his new school differs in many ways from ”可知,他的新学校在许多方面都不同于他以前的学校,所以空处用形容词previous“以前的”,作定语修饰后面的代词。故填previous。
    37. I hope I can develop confidence and c________ in a variety of new skills. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    38. On the p________ side, I get to travel to different countries a lot for matches, which is great. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:从好的方面来说,我经常去不同的国家参加比赛,这很棒。结合语意,经常去不同的国家参加比赛很棒,这是好的方面,结合首字母提示,空处应用形容词plus作定语,表示“好的”,on the plus side表示“从好的方面说”。故填plus。
    39. Though I have little time for leisure, I have no regrets as I get to help people recover from illnesses and i________.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    40. I shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware and many other n________.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:我在网上买各种东西,比如书、电脑硬件和许多其他必需品。根据单词首字母及句意“必需品”及空前的such as books, computer hardware and many other可知应填复数名词necessities,作宾语。故填necessities。
    41. Living in the village was much more ________ (具有挑战性的) than he had thought.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42. I do know I need to ________ (拖,拉,拽) myself away from the online world. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:我只知道我需要把自己从网络世界里拉出来。根据汉语提示可知应填动词drag,且上文为短语need to do sth.。故填drag。
    43. Nowadays more and more students tend to join in ________ (志愿的) activities positively. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:现在越来越多的学生倾向于积极参加志愿活动。根据中文提示“志愿的”, voluntary“志愿的,自发的”符合题意。故填voluntary。
    44. Some jobs are relaxing while other jobs are ________ (有压力的) . (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:有些工作是放松的,而另一些工作是有压力的。根据汉语提示“有压力的”及句中的Some jobs are relaxing while可知应填形容词stressful,作表语。故填stressful。
    45. ________ (距离,远程) learning is very popular among busy business managers. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词/形容词。句意:远程教育在忙碌的企业经理中很受欢迎。空处作定语,修饰learning,可用名词或形容词,distance learning“远程学习”,distant远距离的,形容词,首字母应大写。故填Distance/Distant。
    I am now on my year abroad in Germany as part of my university course. At the beginning of my time here, I had the chance to meet so many new people and make lots of new ____46____ (friend). It is almost like ____47____ (start) a new life and can make you feel nervous and lonely at first. But I knew that when I moved to Germany I had to be open and friendly. This is ____48____ (certain) what I have done since moving here and I have made some great friends along the way.
    Next week a friend of ____49____ (I) is moving to Spain for the next part of her year abroad. She will be living near a beach and have a lot of fun. But I am also ____50____ (concern) about her as she will have to start a new life in another new country. She said that she ____51____ (want) to go back in time very much.
    In order ____52____ (say) goodbye to her, a group of friends and I had a surprise party. We made her a scrapbook (剪贴簿) with photos and memories of her time here so ____53____ she could take it along! We hope that she has ____54____ wonderful time in Spain and that she will get along well _____55_____ her new classmates and settle into her new home.
    【答案】46. friends
    47. starting
    48. certainly
    49. mine 50. concerned
    51. wanted 52. to say
    53. that 54. a
    55. with
    考查名词。句意:我一开始在这里时,有机会认识很多新朋友,也交了很多新朋友。设空处在句中作宾语,应用名词;根据前面lots of可知,此处表示“许多新朋友”,应用名词复数形式。故填friends。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这几乎就像开始新的生活,一开始会让你感到紧张和孤独。设空处和后面的短语a new life一起作like的宾语,此处like作为介词,表示“像”,故设空处应填动名词。故填starting。
    考查副词。句意:这就是我搬到这里后所做的事情,在此过程中我也结交了一些很好的朋友。设空处在句中修饰从句what I have done,需用副词。故填certainly。
    考查形容词。句意:但我也担心她,因为她将不得不在另一个新的国家开始新的生活。be concerned about sb为固定搭配,表示“担心某人;担忧某人”,形容词concerned“担心的,忧虑的”作表语。故填concerned。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了和她告别,我和一群朋友举行了一个惊喜派对。设空处在句中谓语in order后,in order to do sth为固定搭配,表示“为了做某事”。故填to say。
    考查目的状语从句。句意:我们给她做了一个剪贴簿,上面有她在这里的照片和回忆,这样她就可以随身携带了!分析句子可知,设空处前后均为一个完整的简单句,结合句意可知,后一句是前一句的目的,此处是一个so that引导的目的状语从句。故填that。
    考查冠词。句意:我们希望她在西班牙过得愉快,也希望她能和新同学相处融洽,适应新家。have a good / wonderful / great time为固定用法,表示“玩得开心;过得愉快”,wonderful的发音是辅音音素开头,故填a。
    考查介词。句意:我们希望她在西班牙过得愉快,也希望她能和新同学相处融洽,适应新家。get along well with sb为固定搭配,表示“与某人相处融洽”。故填with。
    56. 明天是高中开学第一天,英语老师今天布置了一个任务,让大家写一篇演讲稿,介绍自己的学习和生活方式。假设你是高一15班的李华,请你按以下要求,写一篇不少于80字的演讲稿(可适当增加细节):
    1. 介绍自己以及自己热爱的学科
    2. 介绍自己的生活方式
    Good morning, everyone. I’m Li Hua from Class 15, Senior One.
    Thank you!
    【答案】Good morning, everyone. I’m Li Hua from Class 15, Senior One. I take great interest in English and maths, spending plenty of my time learning English words as well as doing maths exercises so as to get ahead. My goal is to come top in my new school.
    Apart from studying in my leisure time, I also take part in a variety of activities, such as running, chatting with my parents and meeting my friends. These are great ways to make full use of time, to relax myself and to get along well with people who I care.
    Sometimes my lifestyle is a little stressful and challenging, but I enjoy it from the bottom of my heart, as every minute counts for me.
    Thank you!
    对……感兴趣:take great interest in → be interested in
    许多的,大量的:plenty of → a large amount of
    要紧,重要:count→ matter
    友好相处:get along well with sb.→ be on good terms with
    原句:Apart from studying in my leisure time, I also take part in a variety of activities, such as running, chatting with my parents and meeting my friends.
    拓展句:Not only do I study in my leisure time, but also I take part in a variety of activities, such as running, chatting with my parents and meeting my friends.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Sometimes my lifestyle is a little stressful and challenging, but I enjoy it from the bottom of my heart, as every minute counts for me.(运用了as引导的原因状语从句)
    【高分句型2】These are great ways to make full use of time, to relax myself and to get along well with people who I care.(运用了who引导定语从句)


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