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    初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习
    初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习01
    初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习02
    初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习03
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    初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习

    这是一份初中英语中考复习 中考英语完型填空典型题解与练习,共90页。试卷主要包含了 通读全文,掌握文章大意, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

        根据材料内容,完形填空大致可分为六大类: ①文化习俗 ②科普知识 ③风流人物 ④幽默故事 ⑤日常生活 ⑥人生百味。


        1. 通读全文,掌握文章大意
        完形填空的大部分选项是根据文章的意思来设计,必须依据语境去选择,应弄清文章中涉及到的“6W” ,即:who (人物),what (事件),when (时间),where (地点),why (原因),whose(相互关系)。从字里行间捕捉信息,理顺上下文的逻辑关系,分析判断,选出符合情节,上下前后能相互呼应的选项。
        2. 注意句型、语法、词语搭配和习惯用法

    1 ☆☆☆ In England, people often talk about the _1_ because you can experience(经历) four seasons in _2_ day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour _3_ black clouds come, and then it rains hard. The weather gets _4_ cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the _5_ will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day.
       In England, you can also have summer in winter, _6_ have winter in summer. So in _7_ you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes.
       When you go to _8_ , you will see some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the _9_ morning, but you shouldn't laugh at them. If you _10_ take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.

    1.A.time     B.food      C.weather   D.books
    2.A.a        B.an        C.the       D.one
    3.A.ago      B.before    C.later     D.after
    4.A.few      B.a few     C.little    D.a little
    5.A.weather  B.moon      C.sun       D.earth
    6.A.and      B.or        C.but       D.so
    7.A.spring   B.summer    C.autumn    D.winter
    8.A.England  B.Japan     C.America   D.France
    9.A.sunny    B.rainy     C.snowy     D.cloudy
    10.A.can't   B.don't     C.won't     D.didn't

    答案 : 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查 上下句理解。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文可知,在英国人们经常谈论的是 weather,故选 C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查冠词用法。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的B项。比较 A、D,a; one 均表示“一”, one 表示“不定的、随意的”,符合题意,故选 D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
     [ 解题点拨 ] ago 常接在一段时间状语后面,表示“……以前”; before 常放在某个时间前,表示“在……之前”; later 常放在一段时间状语后,表示“……以后”;after 常放在一段时间状语前,表示“……以后”。比较四词,只有 later 符合题,故选 C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查 a little; little; a few; few 的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的 few; a few, 因为它们修饰可数名词,比较 a little; little,只有 a little 可以用来修饰形容词,故选 D。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 对照下文“will begin to shine.”根据常识,能“shine”只有 sun, 故选 C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查并列连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析前后两分句,它们之间仅是并列关系,没有"递进、因果、转折"意,故选 A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 按常理,我们应当在夏天游泳,但英国气候复杂多变,有时"冬天"也可游泳,故选 D。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文“you'll see some English people”可知你去的应该是 England,故选 A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 根据常理,如果天气不好,如 rainy, snowy,cloudy, 我们带雨伞出门不足为怪,但如果是 sunny,我们带雨伞就会引起别人嘲笑,故选 A。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子分析,
       [ 解题点拨 ]该句为 if 引导的条件状语从句,句中应用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故选 B。

    [ 类似题集 ](1)☆☆☆ Once a Frenchman got to England. He _1_ only a little English. One day when he was _2_ by the windows of a restaurant and having lunch, he heard a _3_ “Look out!”So he put his head out of the _4_ to find out what was _5_ outside. Just then a basin of dirty water poured(倒水) over his _6_. Then another. He was very angry. He shouted,“Damn you(该死)! See what you have _7_.”
      The men passing by laughed at him and he _8_ even more angry. One of them said to him, “You _9_ be a foreigner.‘Look out’in English means‘Be _10_’.”

    1.A.taught     B.knew       C.heard       D.spoke
    2.A.seeing     B.buying     C.working     D.sitting
    3.A.sound      B.noise      C.voice       D.saying
    4.A.table      B.window     C.book        D.coat
    5.A.shouting   B.coming     C.happening   D.fighting
    6.A.head       B.hand       C.eye         D.mouth
    7.A.given      B.said       C.done        D.finished
    8.A.got        B.had        C.made        D.did
    9.A.will       B.can        C.may         D.must
    10.A.happy     B.out        C.careful     D.careless

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先排除 A、C。因为这两个答案不符合题意。比较 B、D。B 为最佳答案,因为该题强调“懂得”,它已包含“说一点”意。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。[ 解题点拨 ] 从后半句可看出,他正在吃饭,因此他就应该是“sitting”。故选 D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 该处是说他听得一喊声,这儿的“喊声”意为人的嗓音,故选 C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。[ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案汉意,只有 B 项符合题意,意为“他把头伸向窗外”
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 他把头伸到窗子外的目的是要看外面发生了什么,故选 happening(发生)。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 他把头伸到窗外,当然是他的“头”被倒上了脏水。故选 A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为“你看你做了什么”, 答案中符合题的只有 C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该空后接的是形容词,因此所选词应该为系动词,比较四答案,只有A为系动词,故选 A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情态动词表示推测。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句是别人对他进行的推测,别人推测他是一个外国人,是因为他不懂“look out”的含义,语气较肯定,故选 D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定短语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] “look out”意为“小心、当心”,答案符合此意的只有“be careful”,故选 C。

    (2)☆☆☆ In the past, people didn't use stamps, They had to pay money when they received letters. Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England was the first _1_ using stamps. He thought it _2_ much easier for people to use _3_. They could go to the nearby _4_ to buy stamps and put them on envelopes(信封) _5_ they _6_ letters. The post office only put seals(印章) _7_ the stamps so that people could not use the stamps _8_. In this way, the post office _9_ send postmen to collect money. It only needed _10_ postmen to deliver(递送) letters. The government finally accepted(接受) the good idea.

    (   )1. A. to think     B. thinking         C. to think of    D. think about
    (   )2. A. could be     B. will be          C. is             D. was
    (   )3. A. a stamp      B. stamps           C. stamp          D. stamps
    (   )4. A. a shop       B. school           C. village        D. post office
    (   )5. A. after        B. before           C. in             D. with
    (   )6. A. sent         B. send             C. to send        D. sended
    (   )7. A. in           B. over             C. on             D. above
    (   )8. A. again        B. too              C. either         D. also
    (   )9. A. need not to  B.  didn't need to  C. needed not to  D. didn't need
    (   )10. A. few         B. fewer            C. many           D. much

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10.B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查不定式后置作定语。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 本题是不定式后置作定语修饰 the first,由于后面加动名词 using,可推知C项 to think of 为正确答案。think of 意为“想到,想起”。故选 C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查be的形式变化。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题是 be 动词的各种不同形式,从句意看 Rowland Hill 的设想当时尚末实行,仅是一种可能性,故选 A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 邮票应用复数形式来表示,因为这是要大量使用的,且前句也用了复数形式。故选 B。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 出售邮票的只能是邮局,不可能是学校或村子,即使那些地方代售,也不具有普遍性。故选 D。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查引导时间状语从句的连词。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 这是一个时间状语从句,根据常识邮票是在寄信之前贴上的。故连词应用 before, after 表示相反意思,其余两项不能引导从句。选 B
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查谓语动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题是动词 send 的几种不同形式,由于是用在句中作谓语,所以应该用过去式。故选 A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ]本文意为“在邮票上打上邮戳”,故用 on 表示。Over 与 above 虽也有“在……之上”之意,但在物体之间没有接触面,故排除。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此处作“不能再用”解,again 意为“重复前一次动作”是正确答案。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查一词多“性”的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] need 可作情态动词或行为动词,若作行为动词,则后接带 to 的不定式,若作情态动词则后接动词原形,本题作行为动词,故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ]本题实际是一个比较级,是与不用邮票时相比较而言,所需劳动力减少,故选 B。

    (3)☆☆☆☆ All _1_ the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners(礼貌). There are all kinds of manners. Other children may have manners that are different _2_ yours.
      Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept _3_ if grown-ups(成年人) were talking. Today children have _4_ freedom(自由).
      Sometimes good manners in one place are bad in _5_ places.
      If you visit some friends in Monglia and they ask you to eat with them, they want you to give a loud“belch(打嗝)”after you finish _6_ . Belching would show that you like your food. But in some other countries, if you give a loud belch, you are told to say“_7_ , please.”
      Manners are differint all over the world. But it is good to know _8_ all manners begin in the _9_ way. People need ways to _10_ that they want to be friends.

    (  )1.A.through    B.over      C.in       D.on
    (  )2.A.like       B.with      C.from     D.to
    (  )3.A.noise      B.happy     C.quiet    D.quite
    (  )4.A.many       B.more      C.few      D.less
    (  )5.A.another    B.the other C.others   D.other
    (  )6.A.to eat     B.eat       C.eating   D.ate
    (  )7.A.Excuse me  B.Sorry     C.Pardon   D.Good
    (  )8.A.what       B.which     C.since    D.that
    (  )9.A.different  B.same      C.some     D.difficult
    (  )10.A.take      B.bring     C.see      D.show

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定句型。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四选项,可与 all 构成词组的只有 over,即 all over …,意为“整个的……”,故选 B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 四答案中与 be different 构成词组,意为“与---不一样”的只有介词 from,故选 C。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文“children who had good manners were seen and not heard.”可判断出以前人们认为不发出声音的孩子是好孩子,“不出声”为“安静”,故选 C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为“当今孩子”与“过去孩子”作比较有了“……的自由”,比较四答案,只有B合适,故选 B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查 other; the other; others; the others; another 的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的 A、C 项,因为A项 another 修饰单数名词,故去掉。C 项 others 不可再修饰名词,再去掉。比较 B、D 项,B项强调范围,本题无此意,故选 D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 动词 finish 后接动词时,动词后常接 -ing,故选 C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查习惯用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据习惯,如将要给别人带来麻烦时,应该说“Excuse me.”, 故选 A。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,空格后的句子作动词 know 的宾语从句,去掉不合题意的 since。又因宾语从句中已有了宾语,所以去掉 A、B,故选 D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的 difficult。比较 A、B、C 三项,A、C 项修饰复数名词,故排除,所以选 B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把答案中四动词分别代入句中空白处,符合句子逻辑的只有 D,意为“表示……”,故选 D。
    (4) ☆☆☆☆ The seasons in Australia are the opposite(相反)of ours. _1_ it is winter here, it is summer there.
        Australia is _2_ the south of the world. Juliana, July and August are the winter month. The summer is in December, _3_ and February. The north of the country is _4_ than the south.
        Australia's main(主要的) problem is water. A_5_ large part of the country has no rain at all. But the east coast(海岸) has rain _6_ the year round. There are no dry months here.
        In March 1982, there was a terrible drought(干旱) in Australia. The summer rain didn't _7_. There were 138 million sheep in Australia this year. This was 14% of all the sheep in the world.
        Because there was no _8_ rain and the grass didn't grow well, the farmers _9_ to sell many of their sheep and many sheep _10_, too, It was a great disaster(灾难) for Australia farmers.

    1.A.Bacause    B.Since     C.When       D.For
    2.A.in         B.on        C.to         D.near
    3.A.November   B.Jamuary   C.March      D.October
    4.A.colder     B.cooler    C.hotter     D.warmer
    5.A.very       B.so        C.too        D.much
    6.A.whole      B.half      C.all        D.part
    7.A.have       B.fall      C.give       D.keep
    8.A.plenty     B.a litter  C.a lot      D.enough
    9.A.have       B.had       C.must       D.needed
    10.A.died      B.dead      C.death      D.dying

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 前句 The seasons in Australia are the opposite of ours.已作出提示,当我们这里是冬季的时候,澳大利亚恰好是夏季,故应选择从属连词 when(当---时候)
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从地理知识可知,澳大利亚位于南半球。介词in表示方位,意为“在……的范围以内”
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查自然常识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 答案可以从空白前后的语境得出。根据自然常识,一季有三个月。句中已给出冬季中的两个月,所以此空应填 January。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查自然常识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Australia 位于南半球,其北方要比南方距离赤道近些。因此北方的天气要比南方热。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词汇意义和用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四个答案,D 只能修饰形容词的比较级,所以排除。so; too 修饰形容词时,前不能有a修饰,再排除。故选 A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查 whole; half; all 和定冠词连用时注意事项。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该题考查词语搭配和利用上下文确定选项的能力。根据前句,以及该句中表示转折意义的并列连词but,可以间断出在澳大利亚的 east coast 是多雨的。此外 all the year 是一固定搭配,意为“整年的”。故选 C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该题的四人选项中,只有 fall 有“下雨”意,故选 B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查数量词与no连用时注意事项。
       [ 解题点拨 ]比较四答案,a lot; plenty 不能直接修饰名词,所以排除 A、C。此外 a little 前只能用 not 修饰,再排除。故选 D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查 must 与 have to 的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句子,它为过去时,因此去掉 A。此外空后又有 to,再去掉 C。比较 had; needed,最佳答案应为 had, 表示受客观条件限制,“不得不……”。故选 B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查一词多形的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 四个选项都有“死”的意思,但词类和用法不同。dead 为形容词。death 为名词。dying 为现在分词,都不能在句中作谓语,均排除。故选 A。

    (5)The expression "Excuse me" is _1_ used in the United States than in China. _2_ American says "Excuse me" when he wants to pass _3_ someone, to leave a party or a dinner to when he finds himself late_4_an appointment(约会)
      "Thank you" means that appreciate(感谢) _5_ someone has done for you. An American says "Thank you" all day long. For example, he _6_ the sales woman after she has served(服务) him. He will say "Thank you" to the cashier(收款员) when he _7_ his food. He will say "Thank you" to a student if he has just answered the question. At _8_, the husband will thank his wife if she brings him a cup of tea. On the other hand, the wife thanks her husband for helping her _9_ her housework. So the American People's idea of _10_ polite is quite different from ours.
    1.A.very often B.many often C.more often D.much often2.A.A B.An C.The D.\
    3.A.after B.behind C.in the front of D.in front of      4.A.for B.to  C.at D.of
    5.A.what  B.how C.which D.why 6.A.thanks B.thinks C.will thank D.will think
    7.A.pay for B.pays for C.has paid for D.has paid
    8.A.family B.school C.hospital D.home
    9.A.does  B.with C.to be done  D.at  10.A.to be  B.being   C.be   D.been

    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10.B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词比较等级。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据该词后有"than",判断该句为比较等级,比较四答案,只有C为比较级,故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查冠词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句子中谓语"says"后有"s",可知该句主语为第三人称单数,故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
    [ 解题点拨 ] after; behind与pass不能构成词组,排除A、B。C、D都为"在---前面"意,C答案强调"在---内部的前面",不合题,再排除。故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 四答案中与late构成词组,表示"迟到"的只有for,即"be late for" 。故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查特殊疑问词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析句子,选出的特殊疑问词必须引导"someone has done for you.",且在该句中作done的宾语,比较四答案,只有what具有这种功能,故选A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态,
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为复合句,从句为when引导的时间状语从句,分析该句,主句动作应该发生在从句之后,从句用的是现在完成时,主句应该用将来时。故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为复合句,从句为when引导的时间状语,主句是将来时,从句应用一般现在时,故选 B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句讲的是夫妇在家发生的情况,故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组help sb. with sth.
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在四答案中与help连用,构成help sb. with sth.的,只有with, 故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查be动词的形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 观察该句,空前为介词of, 所以空后动词要加-ing,故选B。

        What a fine day! The sun _1_ and everything _2_ bright . Can you felt _3_ when you stand in the sun ? The sun gives heat from far away. It is about one hundred and fifty million kilometers _4_. The sun looks small because it is far from us, but  _5_ it's very huge .
      The earth moves around the sun . It _6_ one year from the earth to go around the sun. And at the same time the earth _7_ is spinning(自转) around once every twenty-four hours.
      The sun gives us light . It keeps us _8_ . It makes thing _9_ . Plants ,animals and people need the sun. We can't live _10_ the sun.

    1.A.is shinning   B.is shining  C.shine D.shined
    2.A.watches   B.looks like  C.looks   D.sees
    3.A.hot B.hotly C.more hotterD.hotlier 4.A.far away B.far C.away   D.from
    5.A.real  B.true C.realy D.really   6.A.takes B.is taken C.took D.has taken
    7.A.it B.itself C.it's  D.there    8.A.warmfu B.warmly C.warming D.warm
    9.A.grow B.to grow C.growing D.are grown 10.A.under B.in C.without D.with

    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10.C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,A拼写错误,C、D时态不对,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] look 表示"---看上去怎样"。Watch 是"观看"。look like是"看上去像什么"。See是"人看的自然本能",故选C。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词作表语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] feel为系动词,后接形容词作表语,故选A。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 接在一段距离后表示"---远",应用away, 故选C。Far一般作表语。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] A、B都是形容词,不能修饰副词very, C答案拼写有错误,故选D。 
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构。
       [ 解题点拨 ] It takes sb. some time to do sth.是固定结构,B是被动语态。C、D不符合文意。故选A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查代词作同位语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 这里是反身代词作主语的同位语,起强调作用。A、C、D均不符合文意,故选 B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词作宾补。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 这是形容词作宾语补足语。A、B、C均不符全语法要求。故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构。
       [ 解题点拨 ] make sb./sth. do sth. 是固定词组,应选省去to的动词原形,故选A。 
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
        [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,只有without 符合文意,故选C。

    [ 类似题集 ](1)☆☆Bats(蝙蝠) are the only mammals(哺乳动物) is the world. They can't _1_ very well. It was long believed, and still is in many places, that all bats are blind. "Blind as a bat" is often heard. Yet they have no trouble _2_ on the darkest nights and finding their way _3_ very well. How can bats fly and see at night? They fly by radar(雷达)!
      The bat's radar system works like the one on a ship or a plane. As a bat flies through the air, he makes a _4_ that is too high, for our ears to hear. If the sounds _5_ things, they come back. The bat's ears receive the _6_ . In this way they are able to tell the bat _7_ the things are.
      Bats go out to look _8_ food at night. In the day-time they _9_ in some dark places. Some people have bats as bad animals. In _10_ , they are useful animals.

    1.A. look B. see C. hear D.find  2.A.flying B.running C.jumping D.walking
    3.A.off B.up C.over D.around  4.A.cry B.sound C.voice D.noise
    5.A.hit B.meet C.shake D.get  6.A.knowledge B.advice C.words D.message
    7.A.which B.whether C.where D.when    8.A.up B.at C.for D.after
    9.A.hang B.come C.fly D.move          10.A.result B.fact C.return D.home

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] look在某方向上看,hear用朵注意声音,find寻找东西,且有结果。See用双眼注视。根据句意,Bats的行为动作应是see比较合适。故选。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] flying 飞,running跑,jumping跳,walking行走。根据题意分析,应是flying.
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句意,方位很明显;在周围,应使用around,故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Bat可以制造声音,这是很广泛的声音。因此必须用sound.
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据题意,这种声音并无其它动作,只能是"碰、撞",因此hit 适合题意。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] bat的耳朵接收到的不是知识、劝告、文学,而是信息。因此message符合题意。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据题意,bat后接的应是地点应是副词where,故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词组辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] look up查寻(生字),仰望;look at 朝---看;look after照看、照顾。这三条不符合题意。Look for寻找,符合题意。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查常识知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据生活常识,蝙蝠休息时挂着的,故选A。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Bats实际上是有用动物。实际上词组为"in fact"。故选B。
    (2)☆ The computer is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are slow, and often _1_ mistakes. That's what people often say when they _2_ computers. For over a quarter of a century, engineers have been making _3_ . Now a computer can do _4_ everyday jobs wonderfully. It is _5_ used in factories, hospitals, banks and schools. Many computer scientists are now thinking of _6_ the computer "think" like a man.  _7_ the help of a person,a computer can draw pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess and so on. Perhaps computer will one day _8_ think and feel. Do you think people will be _9_ when they find that the computer is _10_ clever to listen to and serve the people.

    1.A.do  B.make C.has D.makes     2.A.speak to B.say C.tell D.talk about
    3.A.,better and better B.many and many  C.little and little D.fewer and fewer
    4.A.the mumber of  B.a great deal   C.a plenty of  D.a lot of
    5.A.not B.hardly C.widely D.seldom6.A.asking B.telling  C.wanting D.making
    7.A.By B.With C.Through D.For       8.A.really B.truely C.true D.real
    9.A.fear B.surprise  C.afraid D.worry   10.A.so B.very C.much D.too

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10.D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查谓语动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句作主语的为复数名词people,所以去掉不合题意的C、D项。比较A、B项,A项不能与mistakes构成词组表示"犯错误",所以排除,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把四动词或词组分别代入句子中,符合句子意思的只有D项。意为"当人们谈论起计算机时"。故选D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级"表示"越来越---"。四答案中只有A、D项符合。比较A、D,D项意为"越来越少",不符合句意,故选A。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词词组辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 选入句中的词组应该修饰空格后的可数名词jobs,所以去掉B、C项。A表示"---的数量",不符合题意,也排除。故选D。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 答案中A、B、D选项均表示否定,不符合题意,所以排除,故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析句子,该句句意为"科学家们正在设法使计算机能象人一样思考",比较四答案中的四动词,只有D项符合题意。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] with the help of 意为"在---的帮助下",故选B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 选入句中的词应该为可修饰动词think的副词,所以去掉是形容词性的C、D项。B项为构成形式错误,所以排除,故选A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把四答案中四动词分代入句中,符合句意的只有C项,意为"你认为人们会害怕吗?"。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查too ---to ---句型。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 答案中可以与to构成词组"too--- to ---" 的只有D项。

    (3)☆☆☆ In the universe, there is the earth, the moon, the sun, the stars and all other things too far away to see. The earth is one of the sun's _1_ , and the moon is our satellite. The moon is about three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers away _2_ the earth, but it's our _3_ neighbor in space. It _4_ more than three days to get there by spaceship. No man _5_ farther than the moon, but spaceship _6_ people have reached other planets.
       Of _7_ the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth. _8_ other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. They look small only _9_ they are much farther away. You _10_ see them in the daytime. But if you go out at night, you'll be able to see many of them.

    1.A.stars B.planets C.satellites D.planet    2.A.over B.below C.down  D.from
    3.A.nearerB.the nearerC.nearestD.the nearest4.A.takesB.took C.taken D.taking
    5.A.travel B.travelled C.has travelled D.have travelled
    6.A.with   B.without  C.for   D.to    7.A.all   B.some  C.many  D.any
    8.A.Thousand of   B.Hundred of   C.Million of   D.Millions of
    9.A.when  B.because C.if  D.for   10.A.must  B.mustn't  C.can  D.can't

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A  5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查自然常识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 丛所周知,地球为太阳的行星,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,只有from有"距---多少远"意,故选D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词比较级。
       [ 解题点拨 ]多个星球与地球距离比较,应用形容词的最高级别,排除A、B。同时最高级前已有our,再排除D。故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查It takes sb.some time to do sth. 句型。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句考查固定结构:"It takes sb.some time to do sth.",意为"花费某人多少时间做某事",It为第三人称单数。故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 信息表明,迄今为止宇航员太空探险最远至月亮,而月球又是离地球最近的卫星,故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] but表示语意的转折,No man has travelled farther than the moon.已作出暗示,只有填入B项without才符合实际情况。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查不定代词用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据天文知识判断,在所有的恒星中,太阳离地球最近。Some和many虽表示的数量不同,但都有部分之意,它们与any作形容词不能用于定冠词。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定短语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,只有millions of形式正确,故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 前句已说明了millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun.但是They look small.其原因正是因为They are much farther away.故该空填入表示原因的从属连词because.
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情态动词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在白天当然看不到星星,应是否定,排除A、C。Mustn't表示"禁区止、不充许",不符合题意,故选D。

    (4)☆☆☆ Light travels very fast. It moves at 300,000 kilometers a _1_ . Light _2_ us from the moon is less than a second and a half. The moon is about 382,000 kilometers _3_.
      Light from the sun reaches us in 8.5 minutes. The sun is about 149,640,000 kilometers _4_ the earth.
      The other stars are farther away than the sun. Light from the nearest star reaches us in about four years. When you look at a star, you do not _5_ its present condition(状况). You see it as it is used to be. Light from some stars _6_ hundreds of years to reach us. We never see a star as it is _7_ . We see it as it was long ago: perhaps hundreds of or thousands of years ago.
      Astronomers(天文学家) watch the star _8_ big telescopes. The _9_ biggest telescope is in Russia. The next biggest is in the United States. _10_ these great telescopes astronomers can see stars and other things very far away. Some of these things are not only stars. They are great groups of stars.

    1.A.minute B.hour C.second D.day    2.A.reaches B.getsC.arrives D.comes
    3.A.high B.far C.long D.away   4. A.near B.from C.off  D.of
    5.A.look at  B ase C.touch D.reach   6.A.takes B.take C.spends  D.spend
    7.A.before B.after C.now D.future    8.A.through B.in C.into  D.onto
    9.A.world's B.world C.worlds D.world of  10.A.Without B.With C.Use D.Used

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查科学常识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据物理知识,光的速度为3000,000千米/秒。故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句子"光到达我们"和下文,应选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查单词区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"---远"应用away,故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"从---"只能用from, 故选B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查自然常识理解。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 我们夜间只能"see"星星,不可能"touch; reach" , 因此选B。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句主语为light, 即是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词必须加s或es,故排除B、D。主语又非人,再排除C,故选A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文知光从恒星传到地球需要一段时间,因此我们现在看到的恒星并不是现在的,故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 天文学家通过望远镜观察太空,这儿的"通过"是指眼光穿过望远镜,故选A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查名词所有格。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"---的",在名词后加"'s" ,故选A。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"用---(工具)类"应用介词with,故选B。

       Air is all around us. It is around us _1_ we walk and play. From the time we are born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live _2_ air.
      All _3_ things need air. We _4_ live without food or water for a few days, but we can't live for more than a few minutes _5_ air. We take in _6_. When we are working or running we need _7_ air. When we are asleep, we need _8_ air.
      We live in air, but we can't see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air _9_?
      Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face. Close it quickly. What can you feel?  _10_ you feel is air.

    1.A.asB.after  C.because  D.since    2.A.underB.in  C.below  D.with
    3.A.live B.living C.alive  D.with      4.A.can   B.won't C.can't D.lively
    5.A.out of  B.with C.without  D.out   6.A.water  B.air  C.food  D.wind
    7.A.more  B.most C.many   D.few    8.A.least B.much  C.no   D.less
    9.A.move B.to move C.moving D.moved 10.A.What B.That C.Where D.Which

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为复合句,空格后为时间状语从句,因此排除不可引导时间状语从句的C、D项。比较A、B,after意为"在---以后",它一般不引导表示伴随的时间状语从句,所以排除,故选A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为"我们生活在空气里",即"我们被空气所包围"。故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查现在分词作定语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉河作定语的A、D项。Alive为表语形容词,一般不作主语,排除。故选B。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的D项。B、C项为否定句,不合题意,所以选A。意为"我们几天没有水和食物能生存下来"。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析四答案中的介词,只有C项具有否定意义,故选C,句意为"没有空气我们活不了多长时间"。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下句句意,这儿应为air,意为"我们呼吸空气",故选B。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句子意思,该句有比较意,即"当我们劳动和奔跑时,我们需要更多的空气",因此选择much的比较较级more,故选A。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句和上句在意思上相反,也具有比较的意思,意为"当我们睡着了时,我们只需要少量的空气",所以选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查非谓语动词作宾补。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的B、D项,因为过去分词和不省to的动词不定式均不能作make的宾补。比较A、C项,因该句宾补强调动作的状态,故选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查主语从句的引导词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句需要选一个词引导"you feel"作句子主语,比较四选项,只有A项特殊疑问代词what合适,故选A。What在句中作feel的宾语,B、C、D项单词均无此功能,所以排除。

    During the Second World War it was difficult _1_ by plane, because the seats were needed for important people.
      Mr. Brown worked for the government(政府) during the war . He was doing _2_ secret work , so nobody knew _3_ important he was _4_ a very few people.
      One day he had to _5_ to Edinburgh to give a report to a few top people there, but an important officer came to the airport _6_ the last moment, and Mr. Brown's seat _7_ to him, so he _8_ able to fly to the city to give his report.
      The important officer didn't find _9_ the man was the one whose lecture he was flown to the city to hear until he _10_ the city.

    1.A.travelB.to travel C.travels D.travelled 2.A.quite a B.rather a C.very D.a very
    3.A.very B.what C.how  D.too        4.A.and B.onlyC.with D.except
    5.A.fly B.by plane C.flew D.flown      6.A.in B.at C.on D.by
    7.A.gave B.givenC.was given D.was give 8.A.can't  B.wasn't C.won't D.didn't
    9.A.what  B.how C.that D.which10.A.reached B.got C.arrived D.left

    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查it 作形式主语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] it是形式主语, 后面只有用动词不定式才能作真正的主语, 故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ]  work是不可数名词,不能用a 修饰,故选C。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] important是形容词,只能用how修饰,意为"多么重要"。故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为除了少数几个人以外,没有人知道他身处要职,这里的少数人不在"不知道"之列,故选D。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] had to 后应接动词原形,意为"不得不---" .故选A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,只有at 才能与the moment 构成固定词组,意为"在---时该"。故选B。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查被动语态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句作主语的是seat,是物而不是人,它不能发出动作,因此该句只能用被动语态。故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构。
       [ 解题点拨 ] be(not) able to do sth.是一个固定结构,故选B。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查宾语从句。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 这里的宾语从句引导词应用that,that起复指作用,在宾语从句中不作任何成份,A、B、D都不具有这种功能。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
        [ 解题点拨 ] 首先排除D,因为其不符合句意,B、C表示"到达"时,后必须接介词,而其后没有,故选A。

    [ 类似题集 ]
    (1)☆☆☆ Mark Twain _1_ one day if he could remember the first money he earned(赚得). He thought a long time before _2_ and then said. "Yes, it was at school. _3_ a rule in our school that anybody _4_ damaged(破坏) his desk _5_ a pencil or a knife would be beaten in _6_ front of the whole school or would have to pay five dollars. One day I damaged my desk in some way. I had to _7_ my father I had broken the rule, and had to pay five dollars, or be beaten before the whole school. He agreed to pay. But before giving me the money he _8_ me upstairs and gave me a beating. Now as I _9_ one beating and got used(习惯) to it, I decided(决定) I would take _10_ beating at school and keep the five dollars. So that is what I did . That was the first money I ever earned."

    1.A.asks B.asked C.was asking D.was asked
    2.A.answer B.answering  C.to answer  D.answered
    3.A.There is  B.There was C.to answer  D.answered
    4.A.where B.who C.whom  D.what    5.A.in B.use  C.with  D.on
    6.A.a  B.an  C.the D.\              7.A.say  B.talk C.tell D.speak
    8A.broughtB.tookC.boughtD.taking9A.haveB.have hadC.had had D.would have
    10.A.other  B.another  C.others D.the another

    答案 : 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查被动语态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句讲的是Mark Twain有一天被问及他是否还记得他第一笔钱是怎样挣到的,根据句意,Mark Twain是被问的对象,所以应用被动语态,故选D。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 观察该句,空前为介词before,因此before后动词应加-ing.故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查There be 句型。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先排除不合题意的C、D。从上下文可知该短文为过去时,故选B。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查特殊疑问词。
       [ 解题点拨 ]分析该句,选入的特殊疑问词在该句中引导定从句,该词在句中作主语,且指人,故选B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分该句,用动词use来表示"用"不合句子结构,故排除。比较介词in; with; on, 表示"用---(工具)"的只有介词with,故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查不定冠词。
       [ 解题点拨 ]"在---前面、前方"用"in front of或 in the front of"来表示。因为该句不是强调"在---(内部)的前面",所以排除C。故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mark Twain把这件事"告诉"他父亲,答案四动词中具有"告诉"意的只有tell.故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首选排除不合题意的C。take意为"把---带走",bring意为"把---带来",比较A、B、D,得知该句强调Mark Twain的父亲把他带到楼上去,意为"把---带走",故选B。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句动作强调过去的过去对过去的影响,故用过去完成时,因此选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查other; the other; others; the others; another的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先排除不合题意的C、D。比较A、B,本句强调"再一次",故选B。

    (2)☆☆ Mark Twain was _1_ American writer. One day he went to a city _2_ train. He wanted to see one of his _3_ there. He was a very busy man. He usually forgot _4_.
      When he was _5_ the train, the conductor asked him _6_ his ticket. Mark Twain looked _7_ the ticket here and there, but he could not _8_ it. The conductor knew Mark Twain. She said. "Show me your ticket _9_ back. And if you can't find it, it doesn't matter."
      "Oh, but it does." Said Mark Twain. "I must find the ticket. If I can't find it, how can I know where _10_ going?"

    1.A.aB.an C.\ D.the 2.A.in B.toC.onD.by3.A.friendsB.friends'C.friend D.friend's
    4.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything   5.A.by B.in C.on D.at
    6.A.to  B.of C.for  D.after        7.A.after B.of  C.up D.for
    8.A.found  B.find  C.be found D.look for
    9.A.on his way B.on your way C.by your way  D.by his way
    10.A.I am  B.am I  C.do I  D.I are

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查冠词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"一位"应用不定冠词,又因为"American"以元音音素开头,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"乘坐"车辆等,应用介词by,故选D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查名词复数。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在这儿Mark Twain是去看望他的一位老朋友,即他的朋友中的一个,朋友应为复数,故选A。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查不定代词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,首先排除不合题意的B项。剩下只有A项符合常理,意为"他通常忘记某些事情",而非"忘记"任何事(anything);每件事(everything)。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在这儿表示"在---(火车车厢)里"应用介词in,因为只有它才能表示"在---里面",故选B。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,首先去掉不能和ask连用的介词of; after。 to与ask连用构成"ask sb. to do sth."意为"要求某人做某事",for与as连用构成 "ask sb. for sth.",比较ask这两个词组,只有后者符合题意,故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不能和look构成词组的to; of。for与look 可构成词组look for,意为"寻找---"。After与look可构成look after,意为"照顾---"。比较两词组,只有前者符合题意,故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 空前有情态动词could,因此空格上应填动词原形,故排除A。D项look for表示"寻找"的过程,也不合题意。C项为被动语态,在这也不合题意。故选B,意为"找到---"。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定句型。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"在某人----的路上"应用句型:on one's way to---。在该句中是列车员对Mark Twain说得,因此,句型中one's应用your,故选D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查宾语从句中的语序。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句后半句分为where引导的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,应用陈述句语序,所以排除B、C。D项为语法错误,故选A。

    (3)☆☆☆ In this early day of the United States of America, it wasn't easy _1_ from one town or city to _2_. There were no trains, of course, and the roads were very poor. If a man wanted to go from one place to another, he often _3_ a horse. And because the roads were bad, he sometimes got very dirty.
      One day a man came into a hotel in a little country town. His clothes were very dirty, and he looked very tried. "Do you have a room here _4_ me?" he asked. The hotel man at the desk thought, "I don't want this man _5_ here. He's too dirty for my hotel." "I'm sorry." He said. "We don't have any _6_ rooms. There's a small hotel down the street. You can ask there."
      Soon an important-looking man having fine clothes came into the hotel. "I've come to see Mr Jefferson," he said. "Mr Jefferson?" "Yes, Vice-president(副总统) Jefferson. We planned to meet here."The hotel man was _7_ "A man _8_ dirty clothes was just here. I thought he was a farmer, and sent him to another hotel a few minutes ago." The hotel man _9_ the Vice-president's room in the other hotel.
      "Oh, Mr Jefferson," he said, "I'm very sorry I thought you were a farmer. We have a room at our hotel. Please come back."
      "No," said Mr Jefferson, "If there is no room for a farmer, there's no room for the Vice-president, _10_."

    1.A.get  B.got C.to get D.getting2.A.otherB.the other C.another D.the another
    3.A.must to ride  B.have to ride  C.had to ride  D.has to ride
    4.A.for B.to C.of   D.at     5.A.stay  B.to stay C.stayed D.staying
    6.A.man B.much C.a lot D.more   7.A.happy B.sad C.afraid  D.with
    8.A.of B.in C.on  D.surprised  9.A.hurry  B.hurried C.hurried to D.in hurry
    10.A.too  B.also   C.neither D.either

    答案 : 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,该句为it代替动词不定式作形式主语的句子,故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查习惯用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从"一个到另一个"用词组表达为"one---to another",故选C。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 因为该短文的时态为过去时,所以去掉与该短文时态不相符的B、D项。比较A、C。A项为语法错误,因为情态动词后不可接动词不定式,故排除,所以选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为"你能给我提供一房间吗?"。me前所填的介词表示目的,具有这项语法功能的只有for,故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查非谓语动词作宾补。
       [ 解题点拨 ] want后常接动词不定式作宾补,即want sb. to do sth. 意为"想某人干某事"。故选B。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词组not --- any more。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案中的单词,可以与not any构成词组的为more,即not any more,意为"不再"。故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从上句旅店老板的答句"Mr. Jefferson?" 来看,他的表情应该是吃惊的,故选D。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 答案中四介词表示"穿、戴"的只有介词in, 故选B。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,其意为"旅店老板匆忙赶紧往---"。"匆忙赶往---"应用hurried to表示,故选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的neither。单词 too; also; either 均有"也"的意思,但用在不否定句中的只有either,故选D。

    (4) ☆☆☆
     Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He _1_ maths there. He works hard and is often _2_. He has no children and his wife _3_ at home alone. She likes talking but she can't talk with _4_ when her husband is at school. And when he comes back, she talks a lot. Sometimes she _5_ him up at midnight and begins to talk to him. It _6_ the man not go to sleep for a long time. Mr Clarke _7_ it, but he doesn't know what to do.
      Yesterday morning Mr Clarke _8_ unwell. And it was half past seven, he was still _9_.
      "What's wrong with you, dear?" asked the woman.
      "My head _10_ now," Mr Clarke said with a worried look, "Please _11_ our school. I can't go to work today."
      "OK," the woman said and began to talk to him by the bed again. Mr Clarke had to get up and _12_.
      By lunch time the man came back. His wife asked, "Did you go to the _13_ this morning?"
      "Yes, I did."
      "What did the _14_ say?" 
      "He looked me over and said I was in great need of quietness. He told me to _15_ and furnished(供给) you to take them on time," said the woman.
      "I'll remind(提醒) you to take them on time," said the woman.
      "No, they're not for me, but for you!"

    1.A.studies B.learns C.teaches D.reads  2.A.busy  B.free  C.wrong   D.right
    4A.everybodyB.nobodyC.somebodyD.anybody5.A.wakesB.sitsC.stands D.looks
    6.A.hopes B.wants C.tells D.makes7.A.likes B.hates C.enjoys D.keeps
    8.A.heard B.grew C.felt  D.lived9.A.at home B.at work C.in bed D.at school
    10A.hurtsB.will hurtC.hurtD.is hurting11.A.telephoneB.answerC.visit  D.touch
    12.A.shouted B.left C.cried D.finished13.A.hospital B.cinema C.school D.island
    14.A.policeman B.workerC.farmer D.doctor
    15.A.talk with you  B.have a good rest  C.have a swim D.have a good time

      答案:1- 5 C A D  D  A   6-10 D B C  C D  11-15 A B A D B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题从时态上无法区分,只有结合下文的work和有关内容确定选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题从语法功能上无法区分,但结合work hard的情况,可以确定选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词的习惯用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] stay at home意为"呆在家里",故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词不定式的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为否定句,故选D。somebody; something等一般用在肯定句中;anybody;anything等一般用于否定句和问句中。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] wake up意为"唤醒"; wake sb. up意为"唤醒某人"。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查使役动词的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的A项,因为hope不能用动词不定式作其宾补。比较C、D项,当动词不定式作其宾补时,to 不能省略,而在该句中go之前省略了不定式符号to,因此C、D项也不符合题意,故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文可知符合本题意的为B项。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查系动词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 空格后unwell在此为形容词,意为"不舒服"。比较四答案中的动词,可以作系动词的只有C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] in bed; be ill in bed意为"卧病在床",故选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ]根据句后时间副词now可判断Mr. Clarke的头疼情况正在发生,所以应为进行时态,故选D。
    11. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此时Mr. Clarke因头疼不能按时去上班,因此他必须尽快与学校取得联系,说明情况,故选A。
    12. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文,我们不难看出Mr. Clarke因不能忍受他妻子的唠叨又离开了家,故选B。
    13. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据他妻子所问的问题可以判断出他妻子是问他是否去了医院。故选A。
    14. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 到医院当然是医生"说"了什么。故选D。
    15. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文可知医生给了Mr. Clarke一些安眠药,目的是让他好好休息,故选have a good rest。

    (5) ☆☆☆East Africa(非洲) is a big place but it has a small mumber of hospitals. It _1_ doctors and nurses. The big _2_ have them but the villages _3_. Most of the people live in the countryside. Michael Wood is a _4_ and a pilot(飞行员). He worked in Nairobi but he _5_ to work in the country. In 1960 he _6_ Nairobi into the countryside. He visited a small hospital and _7_ on a patient(病人). He flew the plane in Kenya and Tenzania. He took back very _8_ people to Nairobi. There are four planes now and there are four doctors and nurses. It is _9_ work. The planes are smalll and the weather can be _10_. Since 1960 Michael Wood has flown 800,000 kilometres and has helped on 10,000 patients.

    1.A.has  B.likes C.needs D.forms  2.A.towns B.places C.houses D.hospitals
    3.A.have B.don't C.will D.require(要求)4.A.worker B.teacher C.doctorD.driver
    5.A.walked B.wanted C.hated D.refused(拒绝)6.A.sentB.took C.madeD.left
    7.A.depended B.got C.visit D.operated         8.A.kind B.thin C.sickD.old
    9.A.dirty B.interesting C.heave D.dangerous
    10.A.bad B.dry C.fine  D.warm

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. D 10.A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从上句"East Africa is a big place but it has a small mumber of hospitals."可知它是"need"医生,故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句子后半部分"but the villages"得出与villages相对应的应该是 "towns",故选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 句子后半部分为转折连词but引导的句子,在意思上应该和上半句相反。故选B。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文可知Michael Wood 是一位医生。故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据文章大意,Michael Wood是想去那儿为病人工作,而非 "walk; hated; refused" .故选B。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词汉意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把四个答案中动词分别代入文中,只有D符合题意,其句意为"他离开了Nairobi,进入乡村地区"。只有D符合题意。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 四答案中四动词,只有"operated" 可以和on构成意为"给某人动手术"意,故选D。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "病人"需要用飞机带回Nairobi进行治疗,可见该病人的病应该很重,故选C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从下文"The planes are ---"判断出,这项工作应该很"dangerous",故选D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下句理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 既然飞行危险,天气应该很差,故选A。

    A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor(编辑). After _1_ weeks the editor _2_ the story to her. The lady was _3_. She wrote back to the editor:
      "Dear Sir.
      Yesterday you sent back a story of mine. _4_ do you know that the story is not good? You did not read it. _5_ I sent you the story, I pasted together pages 18; 19 and 20. This was a _6_ to see whether you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were _7_ pasted together. Is this the _8_ you read all the stories that are sent to you?"
      The editor wrote back:
      "Dear Madam,
      _9_ breakfast then I have an egg. I _10_ eat the whole egg in order to discover(发现) that it is bad."

    1. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
    2 A. gaveB. came back C. handedD. returned
    3. A. angry B. happy C. satisfied D. glad
    4. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where
    5. A. After  B. until C. Before D. Since
    6. A .lesson B. test C. questionD. thing
    7. A. already B. still  C. even  D. yet 
    8. A. work B. check  C. road D. way
    9. A. On B .On the   C. At  D. At the
    10. A. must not B. have not to C. need not to D. don't have to

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10.D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词few; a few; a little; little的用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] weeks是可数名词,所以C、D项可先予排除,由于A项具有否定含义,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] return意为"还",hand to是"递"之意,这里是指编辑把故事又退还给了the lady。故选D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 遭遇退稿,这女士显然不会高兴,故排除B、C、D三项,A正确地表达了她接到退稿时的心情。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句是质问编辑怎么知道这稿子不好,how为正确答案,why是问原因,what是疑问代词,where问地点,都与题意不符。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连接时间状语从句的连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句是一个时间状语从句,主句的动作C粘贴稿纸是在从句动作(寄稿子)之前,故选C.
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把几个页码粘起来是想检验编辑是否认真看过,lesson表示"课",question作"问题"解,只有test意"检验""检测"符合题意。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查副词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题的四个选项都是副词。Already强调动作已完成, even往往修饰比较级,yet用在否定句和疑问句中,本句是强调稿子寄回时仍粘着,故用still。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ]这是该女士对编辑的责问,即你们就这么处理寄去的稿子吗?责问的是他工作的方式方法,只有D项way可表示方法,其余三项均无此意。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词at的特殊用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ]表示吃饭(包括三餐)用介词at,三餐之前不用定冠词,故选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此处表示"不必要"可用"have to的否定式don't have to, C项的need是情态动词,其后不用to,B项错误,A项must not意为"禁止",与题意不符。

    [ 类似题集 ]
    (1)☆☆☆In the doctor's waiting-room, the patients, _1_ , old and young, were sitting quietly on the chairs. Billy, a schoolboy, was sitting there, too. They all looked very sad _2_ Billy. He was reading an interesting story in a magazine, and there was a _3_ on his face.
      Just then the _4_ came in to say he was ready _5_ the next patient. Billy jumped up and ran into _6_ room.
      "Good morning. Doctor."
      "Good morning. What is your trouble, young man?" asked the doctor. Before Billy could answer a word, the doctor made him lie down on a bed. "Now, let me listen to your heart." Billy tried to speak, but the doctor told him _7_ anything. "I'll _8_ your temperature." Billy tried to sit up, but the doctor stopped him. "Now open your mouth--- Mm, good." After a moment, the doctor said, "Well, my boy, you haven't got a fever. It's _9_ ---Mm, in fact, there's nothing wrong with you." "I know there isn't." Said the boy. "I just came here to get some _10_ for my father."

    1.A.men and woman B.men and womenC.women and man D.man and woman
    2.A.except B.besides C.excepting D.for3.A.sad B.sorry C.smile D.happy
    4.A.workerB.doctor C.teacher D.conductor   5.A.to B.at  C.for D.with
    6.A.a doctor  B.doctor  C.the doctor's  D.the doctors
    7.A.not saying  B.to not say   C.not to say  D.not say
    8.A.have B.make C.take  D.bring
    9.A.serious nothing B.nothing serious C.serious something D.something serious
    10.A.message  B.medicine   C.things    D.magazines

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查对句子结构的理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句中的平行结构:old and young可判断出应选用B。只有选项B才符合单复数的一致性。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文可推测出,Billy并不是来看病的,所以他不属于sad的范畴。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情节推理。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Billy并不是来看病的,此时他正在看一本有趣的故事书,因此他脸上表情应为 "smile"。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情节推理。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在医院叫他进病房的,只能是doctor。故选B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词语搭配。
       [ 解题点拨 ] be ready for是固定词组,意为"为---作准备"。故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情节推理。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Billy来到医院,因此他进的当然是病房"the doctor's room"。故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词语搭配。
       [ 解题点拨 ] tell sb. not to do sth. 意为"告诉某人不要干某事"。故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "给某人量体温"应用take ,即:take one's temperature.故选C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 题依据上下文中提供的信息:you haven't got a fever---和---there's nothing wrong with you--- 可排除C、D。根据惯用法,所以选B。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查情节推理。
        [ 解题点拨 ] 根据情节推理,Billy到医院一定是来拿药,而不是其它,故选B。

    (2)☆☆☆ _1_ April 1, Mike decided to play a joke on his friend. At lunch time he said to Tom, "I think we're going to have a science test this afternoon." "A test?" said Tom. "Really?" "Yes, it's quite _2_" said Mike. "When I was passing by Mr. Hill's room, he was taking with _3_ teacher about a test. I think there will _4_ a science test this afternoon. Tell Bob and Kate about it ."
      Later, Tom told Bob and Kate about the test. _5_ almost all the students in Mr. Hill's science class knew about it. They quickly went into the classroom and began to _6_.
      But not Mike. He was laughing to himself _7_ his class-maters. "What fools !" he thought. "April fools."
      When class began, Mr. Hill said to the students, "Class, we're going to have a test today."
      Mike was surprised, He could not _8_ his ears. When Mr. Hill handed out the _9_, the students began to write. But not Mike. He _10_ think and think and think.
    It really was April Fools' Day for Mike.

    1. A. In B. On C. By D. At 2. A. true B. wrong C. really D. right
    3. A. the other   B. another C. others  D. all the others
    4. A. be B. have C. hold D.\
    5. A. After a long time B. After school  C. After the science class D. Soon
    6. A. play B. do maths exercises C. study  D. read magazines and newspapers
    7. A. about B. at C. for D. by 8. A .believe B. believe in C. trust  D. know
    9. A. test B. books C. paper D. papers10. A. could B. might C. should D. had to

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10.D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"在某月某日"应用介词on,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句意理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 所填词是在句中作表语,really为副词,不能作表语,排除C。A、B、D填入空格在语法上正确,但根据题意,B、D不符,故选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词other; the other; another的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] C、D项的代词不能作定语,应先排除。the other是指特定范围内的某一个,another是不定数目中的某一个。分析该句,它并没有强调,故选B。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构 "There be ".
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句表示"某时有某物",属于 "There be" 句型,故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文,"学生们走进教室,开始学习"。最佳答案应为D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 通过上文我们知道学生们马上就要考试,学生们急于做的当然是 "study",故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较答案中的四个介词,与laugh连用,表示 "嘲笑---" ,只有介词at,故选B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四动词含意,believe "想信";believe in "信任";trust "信任、信赖";know "知道、了解",只有A符合题意,故选A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ]考试了,老师发下来的当然是试卷papers,故选D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查根据语意选取情态动词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据该句语境,Mike对考试没作一点准备,现在却要考试,被客观形式所迫,他"不得不---"。故选D。

    (3)☆☆ Once there _1_ many mice(老鼠的复数) in a house. The owner(主人) of the house got a cat. The cat killed (杀死了) many mice.
      Then the oldest mouse(老鼠的单数) said, "All mice must _2_ my hole tonight. Let's put our heads together and see _3_ we can do about this cat."
      All the mice came. Many mice spoke, but no one knew what _4_ . At last a young mouse stood up and said, "We must put a bell on the cat. _5_ the cat comes near, we shall hear the bell and run away and hide(藏起来). So the cat can not _6_ any more of us."
      "But," the oldest mouse asked, "__7_ will put the bell on the cat ?"
      No mouse answered. The old mouse waited, _8_ still no one answered. At last the oldest mouse said, "_9_ is easy to say things, but it is _10_ to do them."
    1. A. lived B. had C. was D. are
    2. A. go to B. come to C. reach D. return
    3. A. if  B. when C. why D. what
    4. A. do  B. to do  C. doing D. Does
    5. A. BecauseB. Though C. But D. When
    6. A. catch  B. go C. hot D. want
    7. A. What  B. How C. Who D. Where
    8. A. until  B. but  C. so D. for
    9. A. There  B. She C. What D. It
    10. A. hard  B. easy C. nice D. important

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10.A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该题属于过去时,同时又为there be句型,首先排除B。又因为many mice为复数,再排除C。故选A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"来到---地方",应用come to, 故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,所选的词必须在该句中作介词about的宾语,比较四答案,只有选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为"没有哪一位知道该干什么",故选B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,只有选D,才能表达"当---时"。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把四动词代入空白处,只有A符合,意为"抓住"。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查特殊疑问词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 所选特殊疑问词在句中作主语,排除B、C。同时该句强调的是"哪一位、谁"。故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析前后两句,它们之间有转折意,故选B。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构It is +adj.+to do sth.
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为it代替动词不定式作形式主语。故选D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 上文为说起来"容易",下文应为做起来"难"。

     Mrs Hunt lives in a city of England. Her husband had _1_ big shops. Two years ago the rich shopkeeper _2_ in a traffic accident. He was taken to a hospital at once but the doctors did not _3_ him and he died soon. Though he left his wife plenty of money, the woman was very _4_. She sent all servants(仆人), cooks and drivers away and began to _5_ alone. But she takes good care of Bobby, her husband's dog. And she can't _6_ it now.
      One summer afternoon Mrs Hunt went to buy some food in a shop, Suddenly it began to _7_, she had to take a bus. As soon as she _8_, she said to the conductor, "Can you look for a seat for my dog if I _9_ a ticket for him, sir?"
     The conductor had a look at the dog and found its legs were very _10_. He said with a smile, "Of course I can, madam. But he must sit on the chair as you do!"

    1.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
    2.A.killed B.was killed C.hit D.was hit
    3.A.save B.help C.look afterD.operate on  
    4.A.sorry B.angry C.sad D.worried
    5.A.live B.work C.have D.eat  
    6.A.hate  B.like  C.beat D.leave
    7.A.blow B.rain C.snow D.shine
    8.A.stood up B.climbed up C.got on D.got off
    9.A.sell B.buy C.borrow D.find  
    10.A.dry B.wet C.clean D.dirty

    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 空后shops为复数名词,所以首选去掉不能修饰可数名词的little; a little。比较A、B,few为否定形式,不合题意,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查被动语态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 句子主语the rich shopkeeper是动作的承受者,意为"他被---"。所以该句为被动语态,去掉A、C。比较B、D,因为Mr.Hunt并非立亥就死于车祸,故选D。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Hunt因车祸而被送到医院,在医院医生要做的就是去"save(挽救)"他。故选A。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mrs. Hunt的丈夫去世了,她感到的应该是"sad",而非其它。故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Hunt去世后,Mrs. Hunt只有单独"生活"了,而非单独"工作"或其它,故选A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Hunt去世后,Mrs. Hunt和她丈夫生前的狗相依为命。因此她感到"离(leave)"不开它了, 并不是"hate; like; beat"。故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下句,Mrs. Hunt只好乘车,可见天气发生了变化,比较四答案描述的天气变化,只有天"下雨"了,她才可能乘车,故选B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "上车"用英语表达为"get on",故选C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
      [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句意,Mrs. Hunt上车要做的,当然是"买票",故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 按常理,狗由于脚在泥地里行走肯定很"脏(dirty)",所以售票员以此为借口拒绝给狗找座位,故选D。

    (5)☆☆☆☆Long long ago a thief stole a bag of money from a farmer's house. The _1_ went to the judge and asked _2_ help. The judge ordered _3_ the people of the farm to come before him. He took out a number of sticks of the same size and gave one stick to _4_ man. Then he said, "Come before me again tomorrow. I'll know which _5_ you is the thief, because the thief's stick will be one inch longer than the _6_. The thief was afraid to be found out and so he cut an inch _7_ the stick."
      The next day the thief's stick was found to be one inch _8_ than any _9_ stick. _10_ this way the thief was found out and put into prison.

    1.A.thief B.farmerC.money D.bag    
    2.A.to B.of  C.for D.from
    3.A.all B.every C.each D.whole     
    4.A.one  B.every  C.each D.any
    5.A.from  B.for C.to D.of       
    6.A.other B.other's  C.others' D.others
    7.A.out  B.off  C.from  D.of   
    8.A.shorter  B.longer C.thinnerD.wider
    9.A.another B.other C.others D.the other 
    10.A.On  B.By  C.In   D.To

    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10.C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查定冠词的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 当上文提到的人或物在下文再出现时,该人或物前要用定冠词。故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 农夫向法官请求帮助,"请求"用英语表示是ask for, 其余三个选项提供的介词不能和ask构成固定搭配。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查不定代词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句意思是法官把农庄里所有的人都召到他面前,"所有的人"应该说all the people。选项B、C修饰单数名词,故排除,D项的whole修饰的是一个整体,且冠词应放在其前,再排除。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此处意为给每一个人一根不棍,强调个体,故用each,容易混淆的是B项的evey强调整体,与句意不否。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 介词of在这里表示范围,即"你们当中的一个",在其余的选项中,from表示来源,for表示目的,to表示方向,用这这里均不妥。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查名词所有格。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此处用名词所有格其后省去sticks。又"其余的人"是个复数概念,故排除B而选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句大意是小偷把小棍削去一英寸,用off表示 "去除"。其余三项均无此意。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词的比较等级。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题四个选项都是比较级,根据上句题意,小偷已将小棍削去一英寸,故他的小棍比别人的要短,据此,A项为正确选择。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查other; the other; others; the others; another的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] any只能与other连用,表示 "任何其它的---",其余三项不能和any连用。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 能与way构成固定搭配,表示方式、方法的介词只有in,即in this way, by后接means即by this means. 其余二个介词不能表达此意。

    5.日常生活 Television has now come to nearly every family. It has _1_ a very important part in _2_life. School children in the U.S. watch TV about twenty-five hours a _3_.
      Some parents feel the television is good _4_ their children because it helps them learn about their country and the world. _5_ the help of some programme(节目) of education(教育), children do _6_ school.
      _7_ parents do not let their children _8_ TV too much. They say the TV programmes are not good and children _9_ bad things from them.
      Men have invented many things which have brought much covenience(方便). Television is one of them. If it _10_ carefully planned, watching TV can be good for children.

    1.A.become B.becomes C.became D.becoming
    2.A.people  B.people's C.peoples D.peoples'
    3.A.day B. month C.year D.aweek   
    4.A.at B.of C.for D.to
    5.A.With B.Under C.By  D.Below
    6.A.well in B.good in C.better in D.best in
    7A.OtherB.The otherC.AnotherD.Others
    8A.to watchB.watchC.watching D.watched
    9.A.study B.learn C.listen  D.see       
    10.A.\ B.will be  C.was  D.is

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10.D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查谓语结构中的动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 因为句中空格前有助动词has, 所以该句为现在完成时,因此选入的应该是过去分词,对比四选项,只有A符合。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查名词所有格。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "人们的生活"其所有格形式为people's, 故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较四答案,符合句子逻辑的只有D。意为"每星期看电视的时间为二十五小时"。故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 与be good 构成词组表示"对--- 有益处"意的只有介词for,故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "在--- 的帮助下"词组为with the help of, 故选A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句隐含着比较,意为"在电视的帮助下孩子们在学校的更好",故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查other; the other; others; the others; another的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的C、D项。the other表示"别的、其它的",有一定的范围,不合题意,应排除,故选A。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查非谓语动词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句型let sb. do sth. let只能用省去to的动词不定式作其宾补。故选B。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句意"有人说电视节目不好,孩子们从中学到了不少坏东西",比较答案中四动词,与from连用表示"从中学到"的只有learn,故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的A项。再分析句子可知该句为if引导的时间状语从句,因此可以用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故选D。

    [ 类似题集 ]
    1)☆☆ It was Saturday afternoon. A man named John had just _1_ school for the last time . He was going to start _2_ the following week, so he decided to _3_ some new clothes and a new pair of shoes. There was quite a nice shop _4_ his home. The shop was quite _5_. For it had opened only the week before. It sold _6_ shoes and clothes. John decided to go and see _7_ they had.
      The shoes in the shop were quite _8_  and were not expensive. But _9_ of them were the right size. They were _10_  too big or too small. At last he bought a nice suit and went out of the shop happily.

    1.A.started B.stopped C.left D.found  
    2.A.lesson B.work  C.play D.mind
    3.A.choose B.pick C.buy D.make     
    4.A.at B.from C.near D.around
    5.Afar B.old C.new D.big     
    6.A.women's  B.men's C.children'sD.girl's
    7.A.where B.when C.whose D.what   
    8.A.clean B.strange C.light D.good
    9.A.both B.none C.most D.few      
    10.A.either B.not C.nearly D.instead

    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. A
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 参照下文,John是一位刚从学校毕业的学生,"毕业"为leave school。故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文,John是将要工作了,故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 参照下文,John是去"买"衣服,而非"选、捡、做",故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 商店是一个固定的点,它只能说"在---附近",故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文该商店是才开的,应该是"新",故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] John是一成年男子,他买衣服的商店应该是男子服装店,故选B。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查特殊疑问句。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据该句语法结构,所选的词必须在句中充当had的宾语,比较A、B、C、D四答案,只有D符合。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 据上下文,John认为该服装店是"好",而非其它故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文可知该句要表达服装店中没有什么衣服适合John,应为否定,故选B。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 根据句中有or,判断前面空应用either,构成"either---or--- " ,故选A。

    (2)☆☆ It was winter, and Mrs. Brown wanted to do a lot of shopping , so she waited _1_ it was Saturday. When her husband _2_, she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her bags. They went to a lot of shops , and Mrs., Brown _3_ a lot of things. She often _4_ and said, "Look, Joe! Isn't that beautiful?"                                                                            
      He then answered, "All right ,dear. How _5_ is it?" and took his money _6_ to pay for it.
      It was dark when they came out of the last _7_ , and Mrs. Brown was _8_ and think about other things .He would like a nice drink by the side of the warm fire at home .Suddenly his wife looked _9_ at the sky and said , "Look at the beautiful moon , Joe!" _10_ stopping Mrs. Brown answered , "All right ,dear. How much is it ?"

    1.A. until B.as C.while Dwhen
    2.A.is freeB.was freeC.freeD.would be free
    3.A.sold B.lentC.borrowedD.bought
    4.A.stops B.is stoppingC.stopped D.has stopped
    5.A.many B.heavy C.much  D.big    
    6.A.of  B.out C.from D.into
    7.A.shop B.house C.library D.museum  
    8.A.angry B.busy C.happy D.tired
    9.A.for B.after  C.up  D.around      
    10.A.Don't B.Without C.With D.No

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据文意"一直到---时候"应为until,故选A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文时态,判断该句应为过去时,故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Brown 和Mr. Brown 是去商店买东西,故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文时态,判断该句应为过去时,故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 询问价格,只能用how much, 故选C。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把钱从口袋里掏出,应为"take---out---"。故选B。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Brown 和Mrs. Brow是买东西,他们所离开的地方当然是shop,故选A。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Mr. Brown伴他的妻子去了许多商店,对他来说他感到的当然是累, 选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 月亮挂在空中,要看当然是抬头,故选C。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
        [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文可知Mr. Brown 根本就不知道他妻子所说的是什么,故选B。

    (3)☆It happened on a Saturday afternoon. A young man _1_ Li Ping had just left school for the _2_ time. He was going to start working the next week, so he decided _3_ some new clothes and _4_ . There was a rather nice shop near his home. It sold men's shoes and clothes . He went in to see _5_ they had. The shoes in the shop were very good and were not _6_ . But none of them were the _7_ size .They were either too big _8_ too small. Then he had to look at the suits. He _9_ . It looked very _10_ . But he hadn't enough money with him. He had to go out unhappily.

    1.A.names B.named C.whose name D.of name 
    2.A.last B.first  C.next D.few
    3.A.buying B.to go buy C.to buy D.for buying
    4.A.a pair new shoes B.the new shoes C.a new pair of shoes D.the pair of shoes
    5.A.what  B.how much  C.which    D.which things
    6.A.cheap  B.sold      C.modern   D.very expensive
    7.A.good B.bad C.right D.wrong     
    8.A.nor B.and  C.but  D.or
    9.A.tried one on B.tried on it C.has tried on  D.has tried
    10.A.well B.beautifully C.nice D.terrible

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. A 10.C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查后置定语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较A、B、C、D,只有过去分词named这种形式可以作后置定语。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 对照下文,Li Ping是一位将要走上工作岗位的青年人,可见他是一位刚毕业的学生,因此他刚刚离开学校。故选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] decide后常不定式,因此排除A、D,B形式上有错误,故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查量词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 当我们对鞋进行计量时,常说"一双"或"两双"等,而非"一只"或"两只"。故选C。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] see后所接的,根据题意应是关系代词,表示"他们所有的什么"。B、C、D均不符合题意,故选A。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文判断,如选A、B,句子意思不通,故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文判断,如选A、B,句子意思不通,故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 比较A、B、C、D四答案,either是和or连用,表示"既不---也不 ---",故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该短文时态为过去时,排除C、D,B用法不对,因为it是代词,它应放在tried与on之间,故选A。
    10 .[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文判断,如选A、B、D,句子均不通顺,故选C。

    (4)☆☆ It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England. The weather was very cold, and many people were ill. So there were many people in the _1_ waiting room. At the head of the queue was an old woman. The woman was a visitor. She did not live in London. She lived _2_ the country. She was in the city _3_ her daughter. She wanted to see the doctor because her back _4_.
      "If I _5_ there early, I can see the doctor quickly," she thought. So she was first in the queue. She sat _6_ to the doctor's door.
       An Indian came into the waiting room, and walked quickly to the doctor's door. The old woman thought he was a queue jumper. She stood up and took his arm. _7_, she said. " We were all here _8_ you. You must wait _9_. Do--- you--- understand?"
      The Indian answered: "No, madam. You don't understand! You are all _10_!" I'm the doctor!"

    1.A.barber's B.teacher's C.doctor's D.nurse's      
    2.A.in B.at C.by D.on
    3.A.and visit  B.visits C.to visit D.visited
    4.A.was hurt B.hurt C.hurts D.Huried
    5.A.get to B.reach to C.arrived D.get 
    6.A.near B.nearest C.nearer D.the nearest
    7.A.Happily   B.Quickly   C.At once   D.Slowly
    8.A.after      B.waiting for   C.before   D.in front
    9.A.in your line   B.at your line   C.for your turn     D.for your doctor
    10.A.before    B.after       C.foolish      D.glad

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10.B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 上文提到由于天气寒冷,以致于许多人生病,人病了去的当然是医院,故选C。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查与动词搭配的介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] live in意为"住在---"; live on意为"住在---楼层"; live at意为"住在---(门牌)号"。比较三词组,故选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词的形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ]分析该句,老人来伦敦的目的是看望女儿,因此所填部分是句子的目的状语。比较四答案,只有不定式to visit可作目的状语,故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词的不同形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ]本句是说老妇人来看医生的原因,即背痛,说身体某部位疼痛,用hurt的主动语态,故排除A。hurt是不规则动词,再排除D。C项为时态错误,故选B。
     5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ]本题是一直接引语,根据主句时态,从句也应用一般现在时,所给四个选项均有"到达"之意,由于地点there是副词,故排除A、B。C项时态错误,故选D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查副词的比较等级的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 句中表明老人位于候诊队伍中排首,故离医生的门口应该是最近的,据此,B项nearest为正确答案。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查逻辑推理。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题是副词修饰动词said,根据常理,老人的说话语速不可能很快,在抓"插队者"时,也不可能很快乐,故只有D项合乎逻辑。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 老人以为那个人是要插到她面前,故说,我们都在你的前面,据上,C项before正确地表达了此意,A项意思相反;由于老人不知那人即是医生,故B项错误,D项缺少介词of,也应排除。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定短语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句意为老人要"插队者"依次排队等候,故选C。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句是医生说的话,患者都在等他诊治,当然"都在他之后"了,所以B项为正确答案。

    (5)☆☆☆☆ Mr. Brown quarreled with his wife. He was very _1_ her, and she was _2_ very angry with her husband, for _3_ days they didn't _4_ each other at all.
      One evening Mr. Brown was very tired when he came back from his office. _5_, he said nothing to his wife. After supper, Mr. Brown went upstairs and Mrs. Brown washed the dishes and _6_ some sewing. When she went up to bed, she found her husband had fallen _7_. On her bed, she saw a piece of paper, on it _8_ the words, "Mother, _9_ at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. Father."
      When Mr. Brown woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 o'clock. On a small table near his bed he saw _10_ piece of paper. He took it and read these words, "Father, wake up, It's 7 o'clock now, Mother."

    1. A. anxious to   B. angry with   C. glad to   D. surprised at
    2. A. either B. too C. also D. too   
    3. A. few B. little C. a little D. a few
    4. A. speak to   B. spoke to   C. say to   D. talk to
    5. A. usually    B. As usual   C. A usual   D. As usually
    6. A. did B. made C. had D. built   
    7. A. asleep B. sleep C. asleep D. sleepy
    8. A. are B. was  C. is D. were
    9. A. woke me up B. wake me up C. wake up me  D. woke up me
    10. A. an other B. other  C. the other    D. another

    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 上文提到的 the Mrs. 经常quarrelled,显然是 "He was very angry with her."故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 汉语"也"在英语中有also; too; either. either用于否定句,too用在句末,also用在句中动词前。比较以上三项,故选C。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词a few; few; a little; little辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题要修饰days, little和a little修饰不可数名词,应排除,few有否定意义,也不适用,只有a few符合题意。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题选项A、C、D容易混淆,say着重于谈话的内容,speak着重于形式,talk则是"谈话"之意,着重于交谈的过程,本题中夫妻吵架互不理睬,何来"交谈过程"和"内容"?故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查as usual的固定搭配。
       [ 解题点拨 ] As usual是一个固定搭配,意为"同平常一样",其余三项都搭配错误。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查回定搭配do some doing.
       [ 解题点拨 ] 英语中要表达"做---"常用do+动名词形式来表示,据此,本题只有A项did是正确答案,其余三项不能和sewing构成词组。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查同义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "睡着了"用英语表达为fall asleep, asleep是表语形容词,fall是连系动词,若用sleep则动词应用go to, sleepy意为"瞌睡的",不合题意,另外,sleep作名词时不加冠词。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查谓语动词形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句是一个倒装句,主语是words,谓语动词应用复数形式,时态用一般过去时,故选D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词+介词与代词连用时的注意事项。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本句是一个祈使句,应用动词原形开始,由于宾语是人称代词,应放在谓语wake之间,故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词other; the other; another的用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 表示"另一个"应该用another,如果两者中的另一者,用the other,故选D。

    6.人生百味 Early one morning, and an old woman was carrying a big bag of cabbages on her head to the market. She hoped to _1_ them to the people from the town.
      The mountain road was _2_ and the old woman was walking carefully, because she did not want to have _3_ and lose her cabbages.
      Suddenly she _4_ a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner and passed her and went very fast _5_ the hill. The old woman had to jump to one side of the _6_ so quickly that the bag of cabbages nearly fell into the valley.
      She looked up, and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was _7_ on without even looking round to see _8_ the old woman was all right.
      The old woman began to shout, "Come back, young man! You dropped something!"
      When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he _9_ fell off. Then he turned and began to _10_ the bicycle back up the hill. "what is it?" he asked, "what did I drop?" "Little boy," the old woman answered, "You dropped your manners."

    1. A.send  B.sell  C.give  D.take  
    2. A.narrow  B.wide  C.deep  D.long
    3. A. a match B.a rest C.an accident D.a lesson
    4. A.hit B.fornd C.made D.heard
    5. A.over B.up C.to D.down              
    6. A.road B.street  C.town D.hill
    7. A.driving B.riding C.running D.walking 
    8. A.how B.why C.whether D.when
    9. A.usually B.hardly C.easily D.nearly    
    10. A.carry B.pull C.push D.return

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 参照下文,老奶奶是去"卖"菜,故选B。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文,路既非宽也非深、长,而是窄,故选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文,老奶奶并不想比赛、休息、上课等,而是不想出现意外,故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 声音只能是听到,排除A、B、C,故选D。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 骑车下山才可能速度快,故选D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
     [ 解题点拨 ] 老奶奶在山上所走的,既非城镇也非街道,而是路,故选A。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 自行车只能"骑",故选B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把how; why; when三连词代入句中,句意均不通顺,因此排除A、B、D。故选C。意为"---是否怎样"。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查副词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 解题思路同上题,答案选D,意为"几乎"。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理知识。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 自行车往上,只能是推,故选C。

    [ 类似题集 ]
    (1)☆☆☆ One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly the bag _1_ from his horse onto the road, He did not know _2_ to do about it because it was _3_ heavy for him to life by himself .He only hoped that someone would soon pass by and _4_ him a hand .
      Just at this moment a man _5_ a horse came up to him .But the farm's heart _6_ when he saw who he was .It was the great man living _7_ . The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man like him to come along and help him. He couldn't ask such a great man to help him . But to his _8_ , the great man got off his horse as soon as he came nearer .He said to the farmer , "I see you _9_ help , friend . How good it is that I'm here just at the right time ." Then he took one end of the bag , the farmer the other , they together raised it and put it on the horse.
      "Sir," asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"
      "It's quite easy," the great man replied with _10_.
      "Wherever you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him."

    1.A.fall B.fell  C.falling D.fallen
    2.A.what B.how C.that  D.it
    3.A.very B.so  C.quite D.too
    4.A.lend B.ask C.borrow D.gave
    5.A.riding B.ride C.rode  D.rides
    6.A.falls B.sinks C.sank  D.rose
    7.A.nearby B.far away C.nearly D.near
    8.A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise D.surprises
    9.A.needs B.need C.to need D.needed
    10.A.smiles B.smile C.a smile D.an smile

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查谓语动词的形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] C、D为非谓语动词,不能作谓语,所以排除C、D。同时主又为第三人称单数,故选A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查原因状语从句的引导词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从该句的原因状语从句可以看出该空白处应填连接代词what,同后边的动词不定式一起作know的宾语,表示"不知所措"。What和to do有逻辑上的动宾关系。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查考查too---to---结构。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "主语+谓语+too+adj.(adv.)+to do"是一固定结构,故选D。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词短语的固定形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] lend/give sb. a hand是一个固定的动词短语,意为"帮助某人"。该句宾语从句用的是过去将来时态,助动词would后需跟动词原形构成谓语,而D项gave是动词的过去式,故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查现在分词后置作定语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从句型结构上看,此空应填riding,现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰主语的中心词man,表示主动意义。其它三个选项填入后不符合语法要求。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] A、B项的动词为一般现在时,填入后全文叙述故事用的时态不符,应排除。C、D选项的动词虽然都是过去时态,但所表达的意义不同。Sank意为"沮丧",rose意为"升高"。故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近形词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ]far away是形容词,意思是"遥远的",不能作状语;nearly 意为"几乎",是程度副词,不能用来表示地点;near作副词表示时间或空间上的"近"。只有A项nearby作副词意为"附近",与句意相符。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定结构to one's +(感情)名词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "to one's +(感情)名词结构意为"使人---怎样"surprise是不可数名词,故选C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查宾语补足语的形式。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,填入空格中的部分在句中作宾补,比较四答案,只有B符合,故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词短语。
       [ 解题点拨 ] with a smile是一固定的介词短语,意为"微笑着"。A、B项与介词with搭配不妥。故选C。

    (2)☆☆☆ Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to _1_ with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved(挥手). Peter was surprised, _2_ "Uncle George, you _3_ everybody here. Where did you _4_ them all?"
      "I don't known all these people," said his uncle.
      "Then _5_ do you wave to them?" asked Peter. "Well, Peter," answered his uncle, "When I wave to someone and he knows me, he is _6_. He go on his journey with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone and he _7_ me, he is surprised and says, 'Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?' So he has something to _8_ during _9_ of his journey, and that makes his journey seem _10_. So I make everybody happy."

    1.A.stay B.live C.work D.play
    2.A.and say B.and said C.and says D.and saying
    3.A.get to know B.come to know C.know D.realize
    4.A.meet B.bring C.take D.hear
    5.A.who B.what C.which D.why         
    6.A.sad B.sorry C.pleased D.angry
    7.A.didn't know  B.don't know   C.doesn't know D.won't know
    8.A.think      B.think about    C.think aloud   D.think over
    9.A.the rest  B.the part  C.other  D.the other
    10.A.shortest  B.the shortest  C.shorter  D.the shorter

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10.C
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题要选的是一个动词不定式,从语法上看似乎四个选项都可以,但根据句意,只有A项。因为Peter是临时和uncle住在一起的,不是和他一起生活,更不是和他工作和玩。所以选B、C、D不合题意。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查并列谓词的时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本是一个并列谓语,第一个谓语动词是过去式,所以并列连词and后的第二个谓语也应该用过去式,故只有B正确答案。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 从uncle向所遇到的人招手这一现象,Peter推断uncle认识他们,据此,C为正确答案。A、B两项表示的是一个由不认识到认识的过程,而Peter所见到的是一种表面现象,不是过程,故A、B为错误选项。D项realise着重思考,与题意不符。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此句Peter问的是在哪里见过这些人,bring; take意为"带来"或"拿去",hear意为"听到",都与句意不合,只有A项meet正确。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查特殊疑问词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题要选一个疑问词,根据上文,这里Peter问的是原因,即既然不认识,为何还要他们招手致意?故why为正确答案。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据常理,一个你所熟悉的人向你招手致意时,你心里一定是很高兴的,绝不会感到遗憾或愤怒,所以C项正确。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题四个选项均是否定式,只是时态不同,本句和上句是一个并列复合句,参照上句的时态,本句应使用一般现在时。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查词意辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 本题是一个不定式作定语修饰something。这里作"思考"解释,故选B。即think about something,D项的think over也有"思考"之意,但一般都用it作表语,即think it over其余两项明显不合题意。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此句意为"在余下的旅途中"。the rest意为"剩下的""余下的"可代表可数或不可数名词,是正确答案。B项的the part表示"一部分";D项的the other作"二者中的另一者"解,均不合题意。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词比较级别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 此句就用比较级,即"使他的旅途变短了"这是指原先走过的旅途与剩下的旅途相比较而言,故排除A、B两项的最高级;比较级前不用定冠词,据上,C为正确答案。

    (3)☆☆☆☆ One day Mike was _1_ near a river. _2_ his knife fell into the water. He felt very sad because the knife was given to him _3_ his father as a birthday present, but it was lost. Then a _4_ old woman came up and asked Mike what was the matter.
      "I _5_ my knife. It fell into the water when I was playing here."
      The old woman _6_ him a gold(金的) knife and asked, "Is this yours?" "No," said the boy. The old woman then showed him a silver(银的) knife and asked again. "Is this _7_?" "No," again answered the boy. Then she showed him an iron(铁的) knife. "Yes, that's mine," called out the happy boy, "I know it _8_." Finally the old woman said, "Now I will give you the gold knife and silver knife _9_ you are _10_ honest boy."

    1.A.playing  B.walking  C.running  D.working
    2.A.Immediately  B.Suddenly  C.When  D.Until
    3.A.by  B.to C.for D.off
    4.A.a  B.an  C.the  D./
    5.A.was lost B.has lost C.am lost D.have lost
    6.A.shows B.has shown C.showed D.shown
    7.A.yours B.your C.my D.mine
    8.A.good enough   B.enough good  C.well enough D.enough well
    9.A.until B.before C.when D.because
    10.A.a   B.an  C.the  D.\

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据下文"It fell into the water when I was playing here."可知应该选playing,故选A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 把A、B、C、D四选项分别代入句中空格处,只有B项符合题意。句意为"突然他的斧头掉到了水里",其它选项不合题意。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查介词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句为被动语态,因此动作的执行者应用介词by引导,故选A。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查冠词用法。
    [ 解题点拨 ] 空格后单词old为以元音音素开头的单词,所以应用an,故选B。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首选去掉不合题意的A、C项。比较B、D项,因为I为第一人称,助动不用has,再排除B。故选D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 因为该短文是讲述过去发生的事,整个短文的动作均用过去时,所以去掉与短文时态不符的A、B项。比较C、D项,D项缺少助动词,排除D。故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查人称代词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首先去掉不合题意的B、C项,因为B、C项为形容词性质的物主代词,在句中使用时,后应用名词。比较A、D项,由于该话是冲Mike说得,当然称呼为"你",故选A。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查enough的用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] enough修饰形容词或副词时应放在其后,所以排除B、D项,又因所选单词在句中修饰动词know,所以排除形容词"good"。故选C。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 分析该句,空格后为表示原因的状语从句,讲述"我"送金、银斧头的原因,因此要选择可引导原因状语从句的because。故选D。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查冠词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 单词honest虽然以h开头,但它不发音,因此该单词开头所发得仍然 是元音,故选B。

    (4)☆☆ _1_ Bob was three years old, he suddenly fell ill one evening. The next day he got _2_ worse. His parents could do _3_ but take him to a Negro doctor. The doctor said that Bob was _4_ ill and must _5_ to a hospital at once. In a hurry, his father took him to a hospital nearby, but the hospital refused to take him in because it was for the white only. Bob's father took him to _6_ hospital. _7_ same thing _8_ to him. At last his father had to drive him to a black hospital _9_. But it was too late Little Bob _10_ on the way.

    1.A.When B.That C.What D.While
    2.A.too B.much C.so D.very
    4.A.badly B.worst C.worse D.bad
    5.A.sendB.sent C.was sent D.be sent
    6.A.other B.the other C.another D.and other
    7.A.A  B.The C.An D.\
    8.A.was happening B.was happened C.happen D.happened
    9.A.nearbyB.far awayC.far fromD.near
    10.A.deadB.had died C.was dying D.died

    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连接时间状语的连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 观察该句,该句要表达"当---时候",符合该意的只有A。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查形容词比较级前的修饰词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在四答案中,只有副词much可以修饰形容词的比较级,故选B。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查句子理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句意为"Bob"的父母亲无能为力,没有办法,所以选具有否定意义的不定代词nothing,故选C。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查副词用法辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在四答案中可以用来修饰形容词ill的只有副词badly,故选A。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查被动语态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] must为情态动词,因此其后动词要用原形,所以排除B、C。此外Bob也是动作send的承受者,因此该句应为被动语态,故选D。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查other; the other; another的区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] Bob父亲把Bob带往一个白人的医院,但是医院拒绝接受,因此他父亲不得不带他另找一家医院,在原来的基础上"再"应用another,故选C。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查固定用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 单词same前常用定冠词the,根据这一习惯,故选B。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 首选去掉具有语法错误的C项。此外该句主语"The same thing"在意义上来说是"happen"的执行者,因此该句为主动语态,故排除 B。A项为进行时态,不合题意,再排除,故选 D。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查近义词辩析。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 四选项中,作hospital的后置定语,表示"遥远的"意的只有far away,故选B。
    10. [ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 该句强调的是die的动作,而非die的过程或影响,故排除B、C。A项dead为形容词不可做谓语,再排除,故选D。

    (5)☆☆☆ Mrs. Smith's telephone number _1_ 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3463. So people often made _2_ and telephoned her _3_ they wanted the cinema.
      One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs. Smith _4_ it. A tired man said, "At what time does your last film begin?" "I am sorry," said Mrs. Smith, "But you have the _5_ number. This is not the cinema."
      "Oh, it began twenty minutes _6_!" Mrs. Smith was very _7_ . So she told her husband. He laughed and, " The man's wife wanted to go to the cinema, _8_ he was feeling tired. He telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him but _9_ didn't hear you. Now they will _10_ home this evening and her husband will be happy."

    1.A.is B.were C.will D.was
    2.A.mistakes B.amistake C.the mistakes D.a mistake
    3.A.where B.which C.when D.what
    4.A.replied B.answered C.got D.received
    5.A.right B.wrong C.best D.mistake
    6.A.before B.now C.late D.ago
    7.A.interested B.sorry C.surprised D.glad
    8.A.but B.andC.yet D.or
    9.A.he  B.she C.they D.it
    10.A.leave B.go out of C.go D.stay at

    答案 : 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
    1.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查根据上、下文推测时态。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 阅读文章后,可知该短文是描述过去时间里发生的事情,be 应为过去时,故选D。
    2.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查动词词组。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "犯错误、搞错"词组为make mistakes或make a mistake。当该句为"people often made---" 句中有often(经常),因此选A。
    3.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ]只有选C。该句语意才通顺,意为"当---时"。
    4.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查习惯用法。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 回电话应用动词"answer"。
    5.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上、下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文电话中人所问的问题可知,他电话打错了。
    6.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查时间副词ago; before;now; late的用法区别。
       [ 解题点拨 ] "在---时间以前"应用ago。故选D。
    7.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上、下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上、下文, Mr Smith 和其丈夫的对话,她的表情应该是惊奇。故选C。
    8.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查连词。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 在A、B、C、D四答案中,只有but 表示转折,故选A。
    9.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查上、下文理解。
       [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上文,打电话过来的是一位男性,没有听清电话内容的当然是他的妻子。故选B。
    10.[ 命题目的 ] 主要考查推理。
        [ 解题点拨 ] 根据上下文可知,故意打错电话的那位男子和他妻子看不成电影了,他们只好呆在家里。故选D。

    Ⅱ. 完形填空典型题精练38篇
    (1)☆☆☆ Not long after I first came to China, I had a telephone call from a young Chinese friend, "I've just _1_ married," said the young man . "My wife _2_ I would like you to come to our house _3_ dinner next Saturday."
     "That's _4_ ," I said. "I'd love to .I wish to see you and your _5_ very soon."
     "She _6_ beautiful , and she can't cook well. But I hope you'll come."
      When I heard this ,I was very much _7_. Was he _8_ tired of(厌倦) his new wife ? _9_ was he saying this to me?
      But when I saw his wife at the door, I found she was a quite beautiful young woman .Only then did I_10_ that he wasn't saying bad words about his wife .He was just being polite.
    1. A. did B. got C. made D. had      2. A. and B.but C.or  D.so
    3. A. with  B.in C.during D.for      4. A. bad B.wrong C. wonderful D. quite
    5. A. husband B.wife C. son D. daughter    6. A. isn't  B. is C. wasn't D. was
    7. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. frightened8. A. yet B. still C. also D. already
    9. A. Why B. Where C. What D. When 10. A. remember B. regret C. refuse D. know
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10.D
    (2)☆☆☆Many children like stamp-collection. Stamp-collection _1_ until 1854. As time _2_, there are _3_ stamp-collectors(集邮者) .Not only children _4_ men and women collect stamps. In 1921 ,America began _5_ stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there even lessons _6_ stamp-collection in school. People are becoming _7_ and more interested _8_ stamps.  _9_ on a stamp has meaning in it .It may be the head of a famous person or an important place. Each stamp _10_ us a story .

    1. A. started B. didn't start C. won't start D. wasn't start
    2. A. past  B. pass C. passes D. pasts
    3. A. more B. plenty of C. more and more  D. less
    4. A. and B. but many C. and also D. but also
    5. A. selling B. buying C. sold D. printing
    6. A. for  B. at C. with D. on
    7. A. more B. many C. much D. most
    8. A. in B. with  C. at D. about.
    9. A. Every person B. Every word C. The picture D. Every picture
    10. A. says  B. tells   C. writes  D. passes

    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10.B

    (3)☆☆☆☆ Mrs. Robinson was a teacher in a big school in a city in America .She had boys and girls in her class and she always enjoy _1_ them , because they were _2_ , and because they thought about everything _3_ . One day she said to the children , "People in a lot of countries in Asia _4_ in white clothes at funerals (葬礼) , _5_ people in America and in Europe wear white clothes when they're happy." What color does a woman wear in this country when she marries(结婚) , Mary?
      Mary said , " White , _6_ she's happy ."
      "That's good , Mary ," Mrs Robinson said , "You're quite _7_ ."
      But then one of the boys in the class put his hand _8_ .
     "Yes , Dick ! "Mrs. Robinson said. "Do you want to _9_ something ?"
     " Yes , please, Miss." Dick said. "_10_ do men wear black in this country when they marry, Miss?"

    1. A. teach B. to teach C. teaching D. taught 
    2. A. quick B. slow C. children D. people
    3. A. slowly B. carefully C. Wrong D. hard 
    4. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. are dressed
    5. A. and B. but C. so D. because     
    6. A. so B. because C. then D. but
    7. A. right B. wrong C. well D. happy 
    8. A. away B. down C. up D. out
    9. A. tell B. talk C. read D. ask      
    10. A. Why B. What C. How D. Which

    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10.A

    (4)☆☆☆☆ What is the best way to learn a foreign language? We all remember that we learnt _1_ language well when we were children. If we can learn _2_ second language in the _3_ way, it won't seem so difficult. Think of what a small child _4_. It listens to what people say and it _5_ to imitate(模仿) what it hears. When it wants something, it has to ask _6_ it. In _7_, it is using the language. It is talking in it _8_ the time . _9_ people use a second  language like his, they will learn it more _10_ than before.

    1.A.ourselves B.own C.our own D.ours  
    2.A.the  B.a C.an  D.\
    3.A.other B.same C.different D.easy    
    4.A.does B.do C.did D.doing
    5.A.want B.tries C.needed D.doing     
    6.A.for B.on C.about D.with
    7.A.time B.trouble C.fact D.danger     
    8.A.in B.all C.for D.on
    9.A.Whether B.Before C.If  D.Until   
    10.A.best B.quickly C.slowly D.easy

    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B

    (5)☆☆ Kites are made of thin sticks and paper. Most people have seen a kite ride and dip(上下翻飞) in a strong March _1_ or have flown _2_. But not so many people know that the Chinese were making and flying kites even _3_ people were writing.
      A long time ago, the Cinese made kites to _4_ in wars. They would fly these war kites in the night. The kites were fixed _5_ they made strange sounds .The enemies were _6_ and ran away. They _7_ those strange sounds were made by spirits in the sky.
      The Chinese people also flew kites to _8_ good luck(运气) and to make their _9_ rich and tall. Sometimes they would fly kites _10_ water, pulling hooks(钩子) hung down to catch fish.
    1.A.rain B.wind C.clouds D.snow     2.A.one B.they C.that D.them
    3.A.until B.because C.while D.before  4.A.play B.move C.use D.put
    5.A.so that B.or C.but  D.though   6.A.fearless B.wounded C.frightened D.terrible
    7.A.saw B.found C.decided D.thought    8.A.put B.bring C.take D.find
    9.A.families B.crops C.villages D.lives   10.A.over B.in C.on D.towards
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6.C 7.D 8. B 9. B 10. A
    (6)☆☆☆Why do so many people learn English? The answer is quite _1_ . English is widely _2_. It is _3_ by people in England, the United States, Australia and many _4_ countries. It is _5_ of the working languages at international meetings. Most international _6_ letters are written in English. And _7_ a few books and magazines are written in English too. If you know English, you'll _8_ you can read so many _9_ books. English is really a _10_ to so much knowledge.
    1.A.easy B.difficult C.rightD.different  2.A.using B.to use C.used D.use
    3.A.speak B.spoke C.spoken D.speaking 4.A.other B.another C.others D.neither
    5.A.one B.two  C.three D.four  6.A.English B.Chinese C.business D.Japanese
    7.A.often B.quite C.rather D.usually  8.A.find out  B.find C.look for D.look at
    9.A.as B.most C.much D.more      10.A.ship B.wall C.bridge D.language
    答案 : 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. C
    (7)☆☆☆Radio and television are very _1_ in the world today . They can be _2_ everywhere . _3_ people watch TV. Perhaps even _4_ people listen to the radio.
      TV is , of course , more useful than radio. On TV you can see and hear _5_ is happening in the world.
      But radio isn't disappearing (消失). It is _6_ with us . And the _7_ of listeners is becoming large .One reason for this is the invention of the transistor (晶体管) .It can be made very small. It is very easy to _8_. You can put it in the bus or on your bike when you go to work . Besides , radio is _9_ for blind(瞎的) people .When people are working , they can't _10_ TV but can listen to music or news over the radio. Radio is much cheaper than TV.
    1. A. useful B. beautiful C. wide D. interesting 2. A. watched B. heard C. found D. place
    3. A. Million B. Millions C. Million of D. Millions of
    4. A. many B. most  C. more  D. much
    5. A. which B. what C. how  D. when     6. A. already B. yet C. still D. also
    7. A. number B. population C. numbers D. populations
    8. A. take B. bring C. have D. carry
    9. A. good B. better C. best D. well    10. A. listen B. look C. watch D. buy
    答案 : 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10.C
    (8)☆☆☆Which of your two hands do you use _1_? Very few of us can use _2_ of our hands equally(相等地) well. Most of us are _3_. Only about five people out of _4_ hundred are left-handed. New-born babies can take things _5_ either of their hands, _6_ in about two years most of them use their right hands. Scientists don't know _7_ this happens. Scientists _8_ that monkeys like to use one of their their right hands better and this makes life _9_ for those left-handed persons. We live in a _10_ world.
    1.A.more B.muchC.many  D.little           2.A.all B.any C.both D.some
    3.A.right hand B.left-handed C.one hand D.right-handed  4.A.an B.the C.a D.\
    5.A.in B.with  C.on D.by                  6.A.if B.but C.when D.where
    7.A.why B.what C.when D.which   8.A.found B.findsC.will find D.have found
    9.A.happy B.difficult C.easy D.better
    10.A.left-handed  B.right-handed  C.both hands D.either hand
    答案 : 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10.B
    (9)☆☆☆ The sea looks very beautiful when the sun _1_ on it. It can be very terrible when there is a _2_ wind.
      The sea is very _3_. It covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very _4_ in some places. There is one place, the sea is about 11 kilometers deep there. _5_ mountain in the world is about 9 kiloometers high. If that mountain was _6_ the sea at that place, there would be still 2 kilometers of water _7_ it!
      In most parts of the sea, there are _8_ fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things. Lots of fishes live by _9_ them.
      The sea can be very _10_. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men can go down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.
    1.A.was shining B.is shining C.shone D.shines   2.A.heave B.strong C.weak D.gentle
    3.A.big B.small C.not big D.the biggest   4..deeply B.deeper C.deepest D.deep
    5.A.HighestB.The High C.The highest D.The high
    6.A.puttng into B.take out C.put intoD.taking out  7.A.in B.above C.on D.over
    8.A.plenty of B.a little C.a few D.a lot  9.A.eating B.taking C.putting D.killing
    10.A.hot  B.warm   C.cool   D.cold
    答案 : 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10.D
    (10)☆☆☆☆ If you go out sometimes at night, you will see the moon high up in the sky. The _1_ is far away from the earth. But it is our nearest neighbor in space. In 1969 two Americans _2_ it by spaceship. It is one of the _3_ exciting moments of that year.
      The sky looks black _4_ the moon and you will see the earth up in the sky. You will also see many, many stars.
      You _5_ find any living things there. It is too hot in the _ 6 _ and too cold at night. And there is no air or water there. _7_ can live on it.
      It is difficult for men to _8_ on the moon. Every thing becomes much higher. You can _9_ much higher on the moon than on the earth. If you throw a ball, it would fly very _10_. It is very interesting to walk on the moon!
    1.A.star B.moon C.sun D.sky        2.A.visited B.took C.made D.bought
    3.A.very B.much C.most D.more     4.A.at B.on C.in D.from
    5.A.cannot B.can C.shall D.will     6.A.evening B.morning C.afternoon D.day
    7.A.Anything B.NothingC.SomethingD.Everything8.A.live B.walk C.stand D.sit
    9.A.jump B.dance C.go D.run                10.A.low B.slow C.far D.near
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
    (11)☆☆Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also _1_ suffering to people. Fire can heat water, warm your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things, _2_.
      Today people know how to make _3_ with matches(火柴). Children sometimes like _4_ them. But matches can be very dangerors. One match can burn_5_, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can _6_ a big fire very fast. Fires kill _7_ people every year. So we must _8_ matches. We should also learn how to put out fires. Cover a fire _9_ water, sand or a wet quilt. This _10_ the air away from a fire and kills it.
    1.A.take B.carry C.eatch D.bring        2.A.also B.neither C.too D.either
    3.A.a fire B.a house C.clothes D.food
    4.A.playing B.to play C.playing at D.to play with
    5.A.a paper B.piece paper C.a piece of paper D.a paper of piece
    6.A.become B.turn C.changes D.got       7.A.much B.plenty C.many D.lots
    8.A.careful B.careful of C.take care D.take care of
    9.A.in B.with C.by D.use               10.A.keeps B.stops C.makes D.takes
    答案 : 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A
    (12)☆☆☆Why do people drink? Often because they _1_, but this can't be the _2_ reason, there _3_ be other reasons,too. In many countries, when friends see _4_, they often drink while they sit and talk. Many English people don't need anyone else; they often _5_ a drink several times _6_ day even if they are alone. In most countries people say _7_ when they drink together. The English _8_ "Cheers". In every country there are many places where drinks can be _9_. Since there are so _10_ these places it siims that many people drink more often than they really need to.
    1.A.have thirsty B.have thirst C.are thirstyD.are thirst2.A.lonely B.single C.only D.alone
    3.A.shall B.must C.should D.ought    4.A.each other B.themselves C.them D.another
    5.A.drink B.eat C.taste D.have    6.A.during B.a C.to D.by
    7.A.something specially B.something special  C.specially something D.special something
    8.A.often say  B.often says  C.say often  D.says often
    9.A.bought B.given C.sell D.sent   10.A.much B.plenty of C.many D.many of
    答案 : 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C
    (13)☆☆What do you know _1_ the sea? Some people _2_ it, but others haven't. The sea _3_ beautiful _4_ a fine sunny day and it can be very rough(狂暴) _5_there is a strong wind.
      Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is _6_ sea than land.
      If you have _7_ in the sea, you know that the water is salty(咸的). Rivers carry salt _8_ the land in to the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty than _9_ places. Do you the Dead Sea? Fish _10_ live in it.
    1.A.something B.anything C.about D.in 2.A.sees B.to see C.seeing D.have seen
    3.A.look B.looks C.looking D.looked   4.A.on B.in C.for D.to
    5.A.before B.after C.when D.since     6.A.many B.much C.more D.some
    7.A.swim B.swimming C.swam D.swum    8.A.on B.to C.in D.from
    9.A.another B.an other C.other D.all other 10.A.can B.can't C.could D.couldn't
    答案 : 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. B
    (14) ☆☆George and his wife had a small bar. The bar often kept open _1_ midnight , because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains.
      At two o'clock one morning one man was _2_ at a table in the small bar. He was _3_ . George's wife wanted to go to bed. She went _4_ several times, and each time the man was still there sleeping . _5_ she said to her husband, "You've woken that man six times now, but he _6_ . Why haven't you sent him away?  It's _7_."
     "Oh, no, I _8_ want to send him away," answered her husband with a smile, "You see, whenever I woke him up, he asked for _9_ . When I bring it to him, he pays it .Then he _10_ again."
    1. A.until after B.at C. before D.until before2. A.sitting B.sat C.stood D.standing
    3. A.drinking B.tired C.eating D.asleep
    4.A.to bed  B.to the bedroom   C.out   D.into the bar
    5.A.Suddenly B.At first  C.At last  D.Happily
    6.A.isn't drinking anything  B.wakes up  C.is still drinking   D.isn't asleep
    7A.very early  B.very late   C.seven o'clock   D.evening
    8A.don't B.will C.must D.can
    9.A.something to drink B.something to eaat C.some bread and milk D.his bill
    10.A.drinks   B.goes to sleep   C.eats  D.pays
    答案 : 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B
     (15) ☆☆☆When Mary Smith was a _1_, she wanted to be a teacher, _2_ she liked children. When she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she _3_ a lot with the children in her class. They _4_ her teaching.
      One day _5_ of the girls in her class said to her, "Miss Smith, _6_ does a man's hair become grey before his beard(胡子) does?"
      Mary laughed and answered, "I don't know. Helen, do you know?"
      "I don't know _7_, Miss Smith," said Helen, "but it happened to my father." The _8_ children in the class laughed when they heard this.
      Then a boy said, "I _9_ , Miss Smith! A man's hair becomes grey _10_ because it's sixteen years older than his beard."
    1.A.woman B.student C.teacher D.wife      2. A.so B.but C.that D.because
    3.A.criedB.shoutedC.learnedD.laughed4.A.refusedB.enjoyedC.thought D.wanted
    5.A.one B.a  C.an  D.two           6. A.when  B.how C.why D.whether
    7.A.too B.either C.also D.neither        8.A.some B.few C.other D.another
    9.A.think B.know C.guess D.sure       10.A.fast B.slowly C.first D.quickly
    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10.C
    (16) ☆☆☆Mr Green works in a small factory. His work is to _1_ the bags to the railway station. He goes to work on time and _2_ carefully and he's paid much money.
      One morning his wife was ill. He left without having _3_. About two hours later he felt very _4_. He stopped his truck by a restaurant. He went in, sat at a table and asked the waiter to _5_ some bread, three eggs and a cup of milk to him. Soon the food and drink _6_ on the table and he paid some money for them and was going to have them.
      Just at that moment three young men came. They _7_ their motorbikes and placed them in front of Mr Green's truck. Then they went in the restaurant. They looked around and found the food and drink. One of them took the bread away, _8_ two began to eat the eggs and drink. Mr Green said _9_ and left.
      "I don't think he's a hero."Said one of them. "He dare not _10_ with us!"
      "He isn't a good driver, either," said the waiter. "Your motorbikes were all crushed down(压碎) by his truck!"
    1.A.give B.sell C.show D.carry     2.A.products B.drives C.passes D.moves
    3.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.meal   4.A.thirsty B.tired C.hungry D.sad
    5.A.take B.make C.buy D.bring 6.A.put B.were put C.dropped D.were dropped
    7.A.lifted up B.pointed to C.got on D.got off
    8.A.other B.the other C.othersD.the others
    9.A.everything B.somethingC.nothingD.anything10.A.play B.eat C.fight D.walk
    答案 : 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
     17) ☆☆☆☆Mr Read works in a big shop. He's very _1_ and always gets to the office on time. The _2_ is safisfied with(对---满意) him and pays him more. One afternoon he was very tired, as soon as he had _3_, he put his watch on the table and went to bed. Little Mabel, one of his daughters, came in and _4_ something there. She dropped the watch to the floor. She picked it up and _5_ quickly. The next morning he got up on time. After breakfast he had a look at his watch and began to _6 newspapers. When he got to his office, it was half past eight. He was _7_ for the first time! At that moment he found something was wrong with his watch. He had to ask someone to _8_ it.
      The next morning Mr Read was going to take a train for Londonl. But he _9_ it because his watch was slow again. He was very strange and said, "It was all right yesterday but why is it _10_ now?"
      "I found it was dirty last night," said little Mabel. "I had to wash it for you!"
    1.A.helpful B.careful C.friendly D.polite
    2.A.conductor B.bookseller C.shopkeeper D.headmaster
    3.A.meal B.breakfast C.lunch D.supper4.A.looked for B.looked up C.went on D.got on
    5.A.ran B.jumped C.laughed D.left    6.A.read B.see C.watch D.look
    7.A.busy B.free C.late D.early        8.A.choose B.mend C.sell D.throw
    9.A.missed B.caught C.lost D.lifted    10.A.terrible B.short C.right D.wron
    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D
    (18) ☆☆☆Peter, the postman, sang happily as he walked towards Mrs White's _1_. His work for the day _2_. His bag, usually quite heavy when he started out, was empty now _3_ the letter that he had to send to Mrs White. She lived quite a few blocks away, so when Peter had to send a letter to her, he always went to her house after he finished most of his day's work. Peter didn't _4_ this because Mrs White always asked him _5_ and gave him a cup of coffee. When Peter _6_ Mrs White's house, he was surprised _7_ her working in the yard. She usually _8_ afternoon there when the weather was _9_. Peter went around to the back of the house, thinking that she must be in the kitchen. But the door was locked, Peter thought this was very strange because he knew Mrs White _10_ left the house. Later he found she was ill in bed and sent her to the hospital.
    1.A.family B.home C.house D.town
    2.A.was almost finishing B.was almost finished
    C.was almost finish D.was almost being finished
    3.A.besidesB.exceptC.besideD.except that4.A.careB.mind C.realize D.look after
    5.A.in B.with C.of D.for             6.A.reached to B.got C.arrived D.got to
    7.A.not to find B.to find out C.to not finding D.not to finding
    8.A.had  B.past C.spent D.took      9.A.good B.windy C.cloudy D.bad
    10.A.sometimes  B.seldom C.often D.always
    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
    (19)☆☆☆☆ Mrs. Yuan is a writer .She's _1_ and often helps the poor persons . One _2_ day , on the her way to her office , she saw an old man _3_ on the ground . She came to him and help him to _4_ and bought some porridge and bread for him. The old man ate up the food quickly and _5_ her very much . Then she asked , "Where do you live, Grandpa?"
      "I have no _6_ , madam," said the old man. "I have to sleep outside _7_."
      "How old are you?"
      Mrs. Yuan became _8_ and went on asking, "Why not live in the old people's house?"
      "_9_ I have a son." Said the old man. "They've never admitted(接授) a person who has children."
      "Where is your son, then?" "he has no children, so he _10_ to live in the old people's house."
    1. A. strange B. kind C. terrible D. healthy2. A. snowy B. rain C. cloud D. sun
    3.A.walking B. running C. jumping D. lying
    4. A. get up B. look up C. sit up D. get on
    5. A. thanked B. hated C. liked D. beat  6. A. farm B. trees C. clothes D. house
    7. A. at noon B. at night C. everyday D. one morning
    8. A. sad B. sorry C. surprised D. happy  9. A. AsB. Because C. Since D. While
    10. A. asked B. was asked C. let D. was let
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10.D
    (20)☆☆☆John and his friend Peter were interested in deer-hunting , and if they had a _1_ day during the deer-hunting season, they took their guns and _2_ the forest.
      One Saturday they were sitting on the ground eating their bread and drinking their tea _3_ they saw a man walking through the snow towards them. He _4_ deer-hunting clothes, _5_ he had no gun with him. When he _6_ nearer, the two friends saw that he was walking after a deer's track in the _7_ . They were both very _8_ to see a man running after a deer without a gun. So when he reached them, they stopped him and asked him whether anything was _9_ and whether they could help him. The man _10_ beside them, asked for a cup of tea and said, "I followed(跟随) the track, I just wanted to ask someone to give me something to eat. Because I am lost in the forest."
    1.A.fine B.free C.busy D.good 2.A.went into B.went through C.went out D.went
    3.A.where B.that C.when  D.what  4.A.put on B.wore C.took off D.in
    5.A.but B.and C.so D.or           6.A.arrived B.reached C.got D.got to
    7.A.ground B.forestC.snow D.earth8.A.pleased B.surprised C.worried D.worried
    9.A.lost B.wrong C.terribleD.sorry
    10.A.sat down B.came up C.stood up D.stood down
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A
    (26)☆☆☆One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods(物品) in another town and buy some things there. He _1_ to take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also some _2_ to eat on their way. The rich man said to _3_ of his servants, "Ali, you are the _4_ and the weakest one. You may _5_ the lightest load(担子) to carry." Ali thanked him and chose the _6_ load. It was their food bread. The rich man said "How foolish you are! That's the heaviest one." But Ali was _7_ to lift it up. And so they set off. For hours _8_, they stopped for a rest. They all _9_ some of the bread. Then there was _10_ bread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became samller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.
    1.A.agreed B.liked C.decided D.refused  2. A. food B. goods C. water D. meat
    3. A. all B. both C. none D. one    4. A. tallest B. smallest C. busiest D. fastest
    5. A. find B. give C. choose D. carry 6. A. lightest B. smallest C. best D. biggest
    7. A. glad B. worried C. sorry D. tired    8. A. early B. later C. past D. last
    9. A. loved B. put C. called D. ate       10. A. more B. little C. less D. no
    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10.C
    (21)☆☆☆☆It took Peter quite a while to find a place for his car and in the end he had to _1_ it in a small street, some way from the dentist's(牙医). As he got out, he looked at his watch. He would meet the dentist at five and he still had half an hour. He _2_ the square(广场) and sat down in a chair, to _3_ the falling sun.
      As he sat there, he watched the children playing. He was _4_ to see a red car like his own come out of the street where he had parked(停车). The car moved fast and soom disappeared. Peter felt in his pockets for his _5_, but they were not there.
      "My car!" he shouted in a loud voice, which made several people look at him. He got up and ran out of the square, then down the small street. His car was not to be seen _6_ then he found it was behind a large one, with the keys _7_ his car.
      By the time he reached the dentist's, it was _8_. "A very strange thing happened to me." He said to the dentist to explain why he was _9_.
      "_10_, sir." Said the dentist. "In fact I have only just got here."
    1.A.put B.leave C.lie D.drive
    2.A.crossed into B.walked by C.went through D.came out of
    3.A.notice B.see C.enjoy D.wait  4.A.surprised B.frightened C.angry D.worried
    5.A.his watches B.his cards C.his money D.his keys  6.A.and B.just C.but D.by
    7.A.in B.on C.of D.to   8.A.justfiveB.after fiveC.nearly five D.before five
    9.A.on time B.in time C.early D.late
    10.A.You're quite right B.I'm sorry I'm late
       C.It's quite all right D.Don't worry about that

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10.C

    (22)☆☆☆ An old woman opened her window and looked _1_ of it. The sun was shining bright. There was a man in the garden in _2_ of the house. An old man looked _3_ him and said,“He is _4_ grass!”She went _5_ the garden and said _6_ the man,“Are you very hungry?”The man said,“Yes, I am, I am a _7_ man. I haven't had my breakfast today, so I am hungry.”The old woman said to the man,“Come to the back of my house, ”And she went in again. The man smiled happily and went to the _8_ door of the house. The old woman _9_ the door and said to the poor man,“The grass is _10_ behind the house.”

    1.A.by B.outC.over D.from   2.A.front B.beforeC.round D.by
    3.A.up B.throughC.at D.for   4.A.to eat B.eatsC.eated D.eating
    5.A.out into B.out ot  C.out in D.out of    6.A.with B.about C.to  D.at
    7.A.poorly B.poorC.foolish D.clever     8.A.behind B.big C.smallD.back
    9.A.opened B.turned C.closed D.shut   10.A.longestB.shorter C.longer D.long

    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10.C

    (23)☆☆☆☆Mrs White has lived in the city for about forty years. She's very _1_ and has got a lot of money. But she never _2_ sonething expensive for her family and always does all the _3_ herself.
      Last morning, when she got up, she felt _4_. After breakfast she felt even worse. She found some medicine and _5_ it. But it was useless to her and she had to go to a hospital. The doctor _6_ and asked her to be in hospital, but she refused(拒绝) and went home on foot. As soon as she got home, the _7_ rang. She hurried to answer it. The doctor told her she _8_ her wallet in the hospital and a nurse had found it.
      "Could you tell me her name, please?" asked Mrs White.
      "Of course, Mrs White," said the doctor. "Are you going to _9_ her?"
      "No, no," the old woman said in a hurry. "I _10_ another bag three years ago. I want to know if she found it, too."
    1.A.rich B.poorC.good D.bad             2.A.borrowsB.lendsC.sells D.buys
    3.A.homework B.houseworkC.washing D.cleaning
    4.A.happy B.angry C.terrible D.sorry         5.A.ate B.took C.threw D.burnt
    6.A.dressed up B.looked up C.moved away D.looked over
    7.A.telephoneB.bell C.clock  D.door    8.A.leaveB.leaves C. left D.has left
    9.A.help B.see C.welcomeD.thank 10.A.lost B.was lostC.forgot D.was forgotten
    答案 : 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
    (24)☆☆☆☆Once a farmer was put in prison, but he hadn't done _1_ wrong . He just hadn't _2_ taxes(税) to the king . _3_ the king's men were collecting money to fight more wars . The people had to pay one tax after _4_ . Now this farmer was _5_ and didn't have any money .When the king's men _6_ his house , he said . " I can't give you any money ,I'm _7_ a poor man that I have hardly got enough to live on(靠---生活) ."
      The king's men laughed . "You _8_ to fool us , aren't you? We've heard you are so rich _9_ you've got a pot (罐) of gold ." Then they searched every room in the house but found _10_ .So they caught hold of the poor farmer and put him in prison.
    1. A .something B. anything C. nothing D. some
    2. A. given B. be paid C. pay D. paid
    3. .A. At that time B. In that time  C. From that time  D. Of that time
    4. A. one B. another C. the other D. others  5 .A. rich B. poorC. happy D. sad 
    6. A. comes B. came C. come toD. came to  7. A. such B. an  C. a  D. so
    8. A. were trying B. tried C. are tried D. are trying
    9. A. soB. that C. or D. and   10. A. anything B. something C. nothing D.gold
    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10.C
    (25)☆☆A man always went to the same bar _1_ the same time every day and asked _2_ two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two more.
      One day the man behind the bar said to him, "Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don't you get one big glass _3_ ?
      The man answered, "Because I do not like to drind _4_, I drink _5_ my friend."
      But a few days _6_ the man came in and asked _7_ for one beer.
      "Oh," said the barman, "has your friend _8_?"
      "Oh, no," said the man. "He is very well. This beer is for him. But I have stopped _9_ beer. My doctor doesn't want me to drink _10_ because it is dangerous for me."
    1.A.onB.at C.when D.as                2.A.to want B.for C.have D.having
    3 A.insteadB.instead ofC.replaceD.replace it
    4.A.myselfB.singleC.aloneD.one man     5.A.withB.to C.about D.without
    6.A.later B.late C.latter D.latest          7.A.aboutB.onlyC.withD.between
    8.A.dead B.dieC.died D.dying        9.A.drinkB.to drinkC.drunk D.drinking
    10.A.more B.mostC.much D.any more
    答案 : 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6.A  7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D
    (26)☆☆☆ Linda is a beautiful and rich girl. She wouldn't show interest in any young man and it makes them _1_. One day Fred came to the town to see his friend Mike.
      "You've _2_ a lot in the university(大学)," said Mike. "I _3_ you can help us to punish(惩罚) Linda!"
      "That's _4_!" said Fred. "I can make her laugh and cry in five minutes. But you must _5_ me a chance(机会)."
      Three days later, while Fred was walking with his friends near the garden, they saw Linda _6_ her dog under a big tree. He came up to her and began to _7_ the dog's head and then he said to it, "Daddy!"
      The girl _8_ this and began to laugh.
      "What are you laughing for, Mummy?" Fred asked the girl.
      Linda's _9_ turned red at once and began to cry.
      "What _10_ man you are!" the young men said to Fred and began to laugh at the supercilious(高傲的) girl.
    1.A.terrible B.unhappyC.gladD.quiet   2.A.learned B.seen C.met D.taught
    3.A.want B.let C.ask D.hope         4.A.busyB.hard C.easyD.free
    5.A.giveB.throwC.pass D.find     6.A.kill B.killingC.play withD.playing with
    7.A.beatB.touch C.cut D.hurt     8.A.sawB.listened toC.heard D.felt
    9.A.nose B.eyes C.ears D.face 10.A.a strange   B.a clever C.an able D.a polite
    答案 : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B
    (27)☆☆ Jack was a young boy. He was playing _1_ a ball in the street. He kicked it too _2_, and it broke the window of a house and fell _3_ the room. A woman came to the window with the ball and shouted _4_ Jack, so he ran away, but he still wanted his ball back. A few _5_ later he returned and _6_ the door of the house. The woman answered it. He said, "My father is going to mend your window very soon." After a while a man came to the door with tools(工具) in his hands. So the woman _7_ Jack take the ball away. When the man finished _8_ the window, he said, "You must pay two pounds for that."
      "Aren't your father of the young boy?" the woman asked, looking _9_.
      "_10_ ," the man answered, "Aren't you his mother?"
    1.A.in B.at C.\  D.on          2.A.harderB.hardlyC.hard D.more hard
    3.A.into B.outC.outsideD.inside   4.A.out B.in C.at  D.to
    5.A.minutes B.minute'sC.minutes' D.minute
    6.A.knocked B.knock at C.knocking D.knocked at
    7.A.let B.lets C.letted D.leted    8.A.to mend B.mended C.mendingD.mends
    9.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.to surprise
    10.A.Yes B.CertainlyC.No D.Bye
    答案 : 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10.C
    (28)☆☆Mike lived in the country, and he had quite a big garden. He _1_ vegetables, and he had some nice, fat _2_ too. He sold the eggs and the meat, and got quite a lot of _3_ from them.
      His neighbour(邻居) had a big garden, _4_, and he also had vegetables and nice, fat chickens in it. There was a wire fence(铁丝网) between the _5_ , but it was very old, and the chickens often found holes in it and went _6_.
      Now Mick wanted a new fence between his garden and his _7_, so Mr Biggs came to build it. Mike said to him, "Please make the fence out of strong wood. And I want a hole _8_ it. Make it big enough for my chickens to get into my neighbour's garden and _9_ his vegetables, but too _10_ for his to get into mine and eat mine."
    1.A.cooked B.boughtC.grew D.ate    2.A.chickensB.pigsC.cats D.dogs
    3.A.joyB.moneyC.foodD.holes       4.A.hereB.thereC.either D.too
    5.A.vegetablesB.chickens C.gardens D.houses    6.A.intoB.outC.in D.through
    8.A.betweenB.for C.inD.on       9.A.ate B.eatC.eating D.eaten
    10.A.difficultB.niceC.big D.small
    答案 : 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
    (29)☆☆One day a snake(蛇) was _1_ in the sun at the foot of a mountain. Suddenly a big stone fell down the _2_ and it fell on _3_ of the snake.
      The stone was so heavy that the snake could not _4_. Just then a hare came by. He saw the snake _5_ under the stone, so he tried his best to help the snake out of _6_. But the snake was such a bad egg that he wanted to _7_ instead.
      When the clever deer knew what had happened, he thought for a few seconds and had an idea.
      "_8_ me where you were, Mr Snake," said the deer, "Then I'll tell who is right and who is wrong."
      The hare and the deer put the stone back onto the snake, and the snake was _9_ again.
      The clever deer saved the hare, and the snake _10_ forever stay under the stone for he could not move.
    1.A.sitting B.sleepingC.moving D.eating 2.A.treeB.building C.mountainD.river
    3.A.top B.foot  C.riverD.front      4.A.eat B.cry C.move D.run
    5.A.sleeping  B.crying C.moving D.lying  6.A.stone B.sleep C.deathD.danger
    7.A.eat the hare B.run away  C.sleep again D.catch the hare
    8.A.Say to B.Ask C.Let D.Show
    9.A.under it B.by the stone C.on the stone D.sleeping
    10.A.would B.must lie C.had to  D.needn't
    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C
    (30)☆☆☆Sam's uncle has a small _1_ . He has a lot of chickens there. He _2_ eggs and chickens.
      Every Saturday and Sunday Sam goes to his uncle's farm and _3_ him. Sometimes they put the eggs in _4_ and sell them. Then they buy food _5_ the chickens. Sometimes they put the baby chickens _6_ a basket and sell them. Sam likes the baby chickens very much.
      Sam's uncle has some white ducks too. They play and _7_ on a pond(池塘) _8_ the farm. Every evening his uncle puts some food near the pond. The ducks eat their food and go _9_ their box. They stay there at _10_.
    1.A.farmB.factory C.shop D.school   2.A.buysB.sells C.eats D.makes
    3.A.teachers B.takesC.sees D.helps   4.A.homesB.houses C.roomsD.boxes
    5.A.of B.toC.forD.with            6.A.into B.inC.on D.at
    7.A.swim B.sleepC.jumpD.live     8.A.fromB.off C.of D.on
    9.A.for B.to C.in D.into           10.A.evening B.night C.day D.home
    答案 : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
    (31)☆☆☆☆As I was going home after _1_ my homework, I noticed our teacher still _2_ in her office. It was raining hard then and the thunder(雷声) could be heard _3_ away. I _4_ brought an umbrella _5_ me because the sun was shining brightly in the morning. It didn't _6_ much to me to go home with a bare(光秃的) head _7_ my house was not far away from the school. But yet the teacher _8_ not have brought an umbrella with her, _9_ . How could she go back home _10_ an umbrella?
    1. A. finish B. do C. did  D. finishing     2. A. read  B. sit C. working D. do
    3. A. very  B. far C. fromD. Off  4. A. haven't  B. don't C. hadn't D. doesn't
    5. A. for B. to C. with D. in       6. A. matter B. thingC. such  D. material
    7. A. so B. since C. toD. Although  8. A. may B. might C. shall D. dare
    9. A. also B. neitherC. either  D. nor   10. A. withoutB. nothing C. with D. by
    答案 : 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10.A
    (32)☆☆☆☆Alice is very forgetful. She always forgets _1_ she has done or everything she should do.
      Here is _2_ example. One day she was going out, she suddenly stopped _3_ the door, because she was not sure _4_ she had turned the TV set and cooker off. _5_ she had to open the door and go back to have a look. When she was about _6_ off, she couldn't find her key. After she found her key, she went down to turn _7_ the cellar(地窖) light. She had a lot of things to do before she left her house.
      In this _8_ she spent much time in doing trifling(细小的) household affairs. _9_ she finally got to the train station, it was _10_ late to catch the last train.
    1.A. anything  B. something  C. everything D. things 2. A. at B. theC. anD. /
    3. A. at  B. on C. in  D. to      4. A. because B. when C. when D. if
    5. A. So B. And  C. SinceD. For   6. A. setting B. setC. to set D. get
    7. A. of B. off  C. out D. on           8. A. roadB. wayC. reason D. method
    9. A. While B. WhenC. Before  D. After   10. A. very B. still C. even  D. too
    答案 : 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10.D
                                                             Xinhua Middle School
                                                               December 18,1994      
    Dear Mom and Dad,
      How time flies! It has been three months _1_ I left Sydney. I hope you are well.
      I'm getting _2_ well with my studies. And we've made friends _3_ at school.
      Christmas is coming , It is getting _4_ in Beijing . Beijing had its first _5_ the day before yesterday . So, I'll have my first "_6_ " Christmas in my life.
      I'm enclosing (附上) a Christmas card _7_ a picture of the Great Wall. It looks nice, _8_ it?
      I've received your _9_ .I'm going to buy some Christmas presents for my Chinese friends,too.
      Please write to me as _10_ as possible.
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    1. A. when B. after  C. since D. before    2. A. very   B. on C. of  D. too
    3. A. each other B. one another  C. with each other   D. with each others
    4. A. cold and cold B. cold and colder C. colder and colder D. colder and coldest
    5. A. snow B. rain C. wind  D. cloud    6. A. blue B. redC. blackD. white
    7. A. about B. with C. withoutD. for    8. A. isn'tB. wasn't C. don't D. doesn't
    9. A. letter B. card C. thing D. presents  10. A. quickly B. fastC. soon D. late
    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. D 10.C
    (34)☆☆☆☆When a friend was visiting David, it began _1_. So David told him _2_ that night. "You may stay here _3_ the night," he said. "OK," answered his friend.
      But _4_  minutes _5_, the friend went out. He didn't tell David where _6_ going nor did he ask for an umbrella.
      When David was about _7_, his friend _8_. He was all wet through.
      "Where have you _9_ ?" asked David.
      "I have been _10_ ," answered the friend," to tell my mother that I'll not go home tonight because of the rain."
    1. A. raining B. to rain C. rain D. rains
    2. A. to go not home B. don't to go home
    C. not to go home  D. doesn't to go home
    3. A. for B. to C. of  D. up           4. A. few B. little C. a little D. a few
    5. A. late B. after C. latelyD. Later    6. A. he was B. was he C. he is D. is he
    7. A. to go to sleep B. to go to bed C. going to bed D. go to bed
    8. A. returned  B. returns C. to return  D. returning
    9. A. gone B. been to C. gone to D. been
    10. A. to home B. home to C. home D. homed
    答案 : 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10.C
    (35)☆☆☆☆A judge(法官) was working in his room one day _1_ a neighbor ran in and said, "If one man's cow kills _2_ , is the owner of the first cow responsible(有责任的)?"
      "It depends(那要看情况)." Answered the judge.
      "Well," said the man, "your cow has killed _3_."
      "Oh." Answered the judge. "_4_ knows that a cow cannot think like a man, _5_ a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible, either."
      "I'm sorry, judge," said the man. "I made _6_ . I meant that my cow killed yours." The judge thought _7_ a few seconds and then said, "When I think about it more _8_ , this case(案件) is not so _9_ as I thought at first." And then he turned to his servant and said, "Please _10_ me that big black book from the desk behind you."
    1.A.while B.what C.when D.where
    2.A.each other B.another's C.an other's D.another man
    3.A.my  B.meC.itsD.mine      4.A.Everyone B.None C.No one D.It
    5.A.if B.so C.for D.that   6.A.an excuseB.a promise C.a mistakeD.an apology
    7.A.with B.in  C.onD.for           8.A.carefullyB.funny C.easy D.friendly
    9.A.difficult B.funny C.easy D.friendly    10.A.move B.take C.bring D.buy
    答案 : 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C
    (36)☆☆☆☆Have you ever had to stay in bed for a long time? I _1_. About six months ago I _2_ very weak and so I went to see a doctor. He looked at me and _3_ a lot of questions: "Have you been working too _4_?" "Have you _5_ or drunk anything special( 特殊)?" And so on. Finally he told me that it was not very _6_ but that I ought not to(不应该)meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and take some _7_ every day. _8_ wasn't so bad because my friends came and talked to me _9_ the windows. I'm glad my bedroom is on the _10_ floor.
    1.A.had B.haveC.did D.do             2.A.woundedB.lookedC.went D.felt
    3.A.needed B.heard C.asked D.answered  4.A.well B.hard  C.fast D.bad
    5.A.eatenB.lovedC.made D.ordered    6.A.worseB.hurtC.serious D.frightened
    7.A.holidaysB.walkC.lookD.medicine  8.A.There B.It C.What D.He
    9.A.along B.across  C.throughD.over
    10.A.hospitalB.buildingC.downstairs D.ground
    答案 : 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10.D
    (37)☆☆☆☆Robert found work in a workplace after he finished middle school. His _1_ is about two hundred kilometres away from the city and he can't live _2_ from Monday to Friday. And he has not enough _3_ to live in the hotel, so the head of the workplace told him to live in the next room. At first he worked hard and _4_ the workplace before his workmates came. And the head often praised(表扬 ) him.
      Last winter the young man _5_ a girl at a party and soon they made friends. They _6_ a lot of time at the cinemas, parks and shops. Robert went to bed very late and couldn't get up every time every morning. He was warned(警告) for it, but he would not _7_.
      One morning Robert was late again. The head was _8_ him and said, "All the workers came here on time except you. And only you live _9_ to the workplace!"
      "I'm sorry I can't _10_ you, sir," said Robert. "They all can find time on their way here if they get up late. But only I can't!"
    1.A.school  B.factory C.shop D.house 2.A.at homeB.alone C.outsideD.inside
    3.A.time B.money C.placesD.excuses  4.A.built B.mended C.cleanedD.washed
    5.A.sawB.hit C.knew D.looked for    6.A.used B.took C.hoped D.spent
    7.A.mind B.think C.hearD.worry8.A.afraid of B.angry with C.sorry forD.sad of
    9.A.far B.farthest C.near D.nearest
    10.A.agree withB.talk with C.laugh at D.catch up with
    答案 : 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. A
    (38)☆☆☆☆ This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He _1_ $20 from his landlady. Today he is _2_, for last Saturday he won $120,000 on the football pools( 赌注).
      Last night he was interviewed(采访) on television by reporter Stan Edwards.
      EDWARDS: Well, Mr. Woods, _3_ are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your _4_ on the buses?
      WOODS: Yes, I'm going to _5_ at the end of the week.
      EDWARDS: and what other plans(计划) have you _6_?
      WOODS: Well, I'm going to buy a house.
      EDWARDS: Have you got a house of your own now?
      WOODS: No, no, we _7_ in a flat(公寓房间).
      EDWARDS: Have you got a _8_ ?
      WOODS: Yes, I've got an old Ford, _9_ I'm going to buy a new car --- and my wife says she's going to have _10_ lessons!
    1.A.received B. paid C. sent D. borrowed      2. A. poor B. rich C. old D. ill
    3.A.how B. when C. what D. where         4.A.workB.ideaC.football D.money
    5.A.start  B.work C.finish D.return       6.A.found B.thought C.seenD.got
    7.A.work B.live  C.play D.meet         8.A.carB.friend C.class D.television
    9.A.so B.but C.and  D.for            10.A.teaching B.musicC.TV D.driving
    答案 :
    1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D


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