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    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习 八年级上册 Units 1~6教材梳理 课件试卷练习
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    人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习 八年级上册 Units 1~6教材梳理

    这是一份人教版2021年英语中考一轮复习 八年级上册 Units 1~6教材梳理,文件包含2021年人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理八年级上册Units1~2课件ppt、2021年人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理八年级上册Units3~4课件ppt、2021年人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理八年级上册Units5~6课件ppt、2021年春人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理专题复习八年级上册Units1~3doc、2021年春人教版英语中考第一轮教材梳理专题复习八年级上册Units4~6doc等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共180页, 欢迎下载使用。

    知其形教材与课标共有单词Unit 5 Entertainment(娱乐)1. ________ n.新闻节目;新闻2. ________ v.发生;出现 3. ________ n.笑话;玩笑★tell jkes讲笑话★play a jke/jkes n sb.开某人的玩笑
    4. ________ n.行动5. ________ n.动画片;卡通片6. ________ adj. 著名的;出名的★be famus fr因……而著名★be famus as作为……而著名★be famus t为……所熟知7. ________ adj.富有的 ★反义词:pr贫穷的
    8. ________ mdal v.可能;可以9. ________ n.(=mvie)电影 ★watch a film/mvie看电影10. ________ adj.不幸的;不吉利的★近义词:unfrtunate★反义词:lucky幸运的11. ________ adj.愿意的;准备好的12. ________ n.陆军;陆军部队
    Unit 6 Life gals(生活目标)13. ________ n.厨师 v.烹饪;煮14. ________ n.医生★g t the dctr/see a dctr去看医生15. ________ n.工程师16. ________ n.飞行员17. ________ n.学院;大学;高等专科学校★g t cllege 上大学
    18. ________ n.(综合性)大学;高等学府19. ________伦敦 20. ________ n.文章;论文 ★write articles写文章21. ________ n.队;组22. ____________ n.学校作业;功课23. ________ v.表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询24. ________ adj.个人的,私人的★persnal infrmatin私人信息25. _____________ n. 关系;联系
    教材独有单词26. ________ n.钢琴家27. ________ n.小提琴手 28. ________ n.开头;开端29. _____________ adj.教育的;有教育意义的 30. _____________ adj.毫无意义的;意思不明确的31. ________ adj.身体的★physical health 身体健康 32. ________ adj.& adv.每周的(地)
    变其形(针对词语运用)教材与课标共有单词1. culture(n.)文化;文明→________(adj.)与文化有关的;文化的★Chinese culture中华文化2. reasn(n.)原因;理由→____________(adj.)有道理的★the reasn ……的原因是……
    3. educatin(n.)教育→_______________(adj.)有教育意义的4. medicine(n.)药;医学→________ (adj.)医疗的;医学的★take medicine 吃药5. hbby(n.)→________ (pl.)业余爱好★develp/take up a hbby培养/开始一个爱好6. vilin(n.)小提琴→________ (n.)小提琴手★play the vilin 拉小提琴
    7. pian(n.)钢琴→________(n.)钢琴家★play the pian弹钢琴8. week(n.)周;星期→________(adj.& adv.)每周的(地)→________ (n.)周末;(在)周末→________ (n.)工作日(星期一到星期五的任何一天)★n the weekend/n weekends在周末
    9. meaning(n.)意义;意思→_____________ (adj.)有意义的;意味深长的→_____________(adj.)毫无意义的;意思不明确的 ★the meaning f... ……的意义动词10. stand(v.)→________ (过去式/过去分词)→________ (现在分词)忍受;站立★stand up 站起来★stand fr 代表★stand ut 突出;出色★stand by 支持;帮助;忠于
    11. expect(v.)预料;期待→_______________ (n.)期待 → ____________(adj.)出乎意料的★expect t d sth. 期待做某事12. appear(v.)出现→____________ (n.)外貌;外观;外表;出现;露面→___________(反义词)消失;不见
    13. becme(v.)→________ (过去式)→________(过去分词)开始变得;变成14. lse(v.)→________ (过去式/过去分词)失去;丢失★lse neself in 沉迷于,专心于15. send(v.)→________ (过去式/过去分词)邮寄;发送★send sb. sth.=send sth. t sb.把某物寄/送给某人 ★send sb./sth. t sp. 送某人/某物到某处16. paint(v.)用颜料画;在……上刷油漆→________ (n.)油画;绘画→________(n.)画家
    17. discuss(v.)讨论;商量→___________(n.)讨论★discuss sth. (with sb.) (和某人)谈论某事 ★have a discussin abut/n sth. with sb. 就某事和某人讨论 形容词18. main(adj.)主要的;最重要的→________(adv.)主要地;总体上;大致19. cmmn(adj.) 普通的;常见的→____________ (adj.)不普通的★ cmmn 有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同
    20. simple(adj.)简单的;易做的→________(比较级)更简单的→________ (最高级)最简单的→________(adv.)仅仅;只;不过21. freign(adj.)外国的→________(n.)外国人22. able(adj.)能够→________(adj.)未能;无法→________(n.)能力;才能→________ (v.)使失去能力;使残废→____________(adj.)残疾的
    兼类词23. plan(v.)→________ (过去式/过去分词)→____________(现在分词)打算;计划(n.)打算;计划★plan t d sth. =make a plan t d sth.计划做某事★make a plan fr sth. 为某事制定计划24. hpe(v.)希望→________ (adj.)有希望的→________ (adj.)无望的→________ (adv.)有希望地 (n.)希望★hpe t d sth.希望做某事
    25. prmise(v.)→____________ (现在分词)许诺;承诺(n.)承诺;诺言26. wn(v.)拥有;有→________(n.)物主;主人(adj.& prn.)自己的;本人的★n ne's wn 独立地; 独自地; 主动地★f ne's wn 某人自己的
    教材独有单词27. imprve(v.)→_______________ (n.)改善;改进★imprve ne's life 改善某人的生活★imprve ne's relatinship with sb. 改善某人和某人的关系★imprve n/upn sth. 改进;做出比……更好的成绩★persnal imprvement自我提高
    动词短语1. 查明;弄清 ____________2. 装扮;乔装打扮 ____________3. 代替;替换 ________________4. 干得好 ____________5. 长大;成熟;成长____________6. 确保;查明 ____________7. 成为足球队的一员________________________
    take ne's place
    make the sccer team
    8. 关于;与……有关系______________9. (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做 ____________10. 写下;记录下____________名/形容/介词短语 11. 动作影片 ____________12. 才艺秀 ____________13. 准备好(做某事);愿意(做某事)______________________14. 确信;对……有把握 ____________
    have t d with
    be ready t (d sth.) 
    be sure abut
    15. 能够做某事 ________________16. 在……的开始 __________________17. 太……而不能____________
    be able t d sth. 
    at the beginning f
    娱乐1. I lve sap peras. I like t ________________ and see what happens next. 我喜欢肥皂剧。我喜欢跟着故事情节,看看接下来会发生什么。2. I like t watch actin mvies __________________________. 我喜欢看动作影片,因为它们令人兴奋。3. When peple say “culture”, we________ art and histry. 当人们说起“文化”的时候,我们想到(的是)艺术和历史。
    fllw the stry
    because they are exciting
    4. I like watching Mulan very much. The mvie shws her ________________, friends and cuntry.我非常喜欢看《木兰》。电影展示了她对家人,朋友和国家的爱。生活目标5. Nt everyne ___________________________. Just make sure yu try yur best. Then yu can be anything yu want!不是每个人都知道自己想成为什么。只要确保你尽了最大的努力。然后你就可以成为你想成为的人!
    lve fr her family
    knws what they want t be
    6. When we make reslutins at the beginning f the year, we hpe that we're ging t ________________.当我们在新年伊始下决心时,我们希望我们将改善我们的生活。7. Reslutins are prmises t yurself. They may help t _______________________ and t make yur life easier.决心是对自己的承诺。它们可能会帮助你成为一个更好的人,并且会让你的生活更容易。
    imprve ur life
    make yu a better persn
    Passage 1 [选自八(上) Unit 5 Sectin B 2b] We all knw and lve Mickey Muse. Over 80 years ag, he first 1. ___________(appear) in the cartn Steambat Willie. When this cartn came ut in New Yrk n Nvember 18, 1928, it was the first cartn with sund 2. ________ music. Mickey is the main character f it. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and 3. ________(success). In the 1930s, he made 87 cartns 4. ________ Mickey.
    This cartn animal became s ppular. One f the mst main 5. ________ (reasn) is that Mickey was like a cmmn man, but he always tried t face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was 6. ________(lucky) and had many prblems such as lsing his huse r girlfriend, Minnie. Hwever, he was always ready t try 7. ________(he) best. On Nvember 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartn character t have 8. ________ star n the Hllywd Walk f Fame. Tday's cartns are 9. ________ (usual) nt s simple as little Mickey Muse, but everyne still knws and lves him.
    Passage 2 [选自八(上)Unit 6 Sectin B 2b] What are New Year reslutins? They are prmises that yu make t 1. ________(yu) fr the cming year. Sme peple write dwn their reslutins and plans 2. ________ the cming year. This 3. ________(help) them t remember their reslutins. Others tell their family and friends abut their 4. ________(wish) and plans. There are different kinds f reslutins. Sme are abut 5. _____________(physic) health. Many reslutins have t d with self­imprvement.
    These are abut 6. ________(make) yurself be better than ever befre. Sme reslutins are abut better planning, like making a 7. _____________(week) plan fr schlwrk. Fr example, a student may have t find mre time t study. Althugh there are differences, mst reslutins have ne thing in 8. ________. Peple can hardly keep them! There are gd reasns fr this. The main reasn is that these reslutins may be 9. ________difficult t keep.
    Smetimes peple just frget abut them. Fr this reasn, sme peple say the 10. ____________(gd) reslutin is t have n reslutins! Hw abut yu—will yu make any next year?
    1. 不定式作宾语(P183)2. 一般将来时I(be ging t, want t be)(P186)
    教材例句:D yu plan t watch the news tnight? 你今晚打算看新闻吗?(Unit 5 P34)
    如:I plan t/make a plan t d mre exercise t keep healthy. 我计划做更多运动来保持健康。
    1. We shuld make ur travel ________ (plan) accrding t the weather reprt.2. Culd yu stay a little lnger? I have smething mre t tell yu abut the plan ________ tmrrw.(盲填)3. It is a gd habit t make a plan befre yu start t d anything.(英译汉)____________________________________________________
    教材例句:I like t fllw the stry and see what happens next. 我喜欢跟着故事情节的发展,看看接下来会发生什么。(Unit 5 P34)
    辨析happen与take place
    4. There was nthing bad happening ________ him. He was just a little tired.A. in B. with C. t D. abut5. Everyne wants t reach the tp f the muntain, but happiness always ________(happen)while yu are climbing it.
    6. It happened ________ they spent their childhd in the same village.(盲填)7. Every day is new, s we shuld frget what has happened and live in the mment.(英译汉)_____________________________________________________
    8. The math cmpetitin ________(take) place n last Friday. And we had knwn the result tday.9. The sprts meeting will take ________ n next Friday if the weather is fine.(盲填)
    教材例句:Mst f the time, we make prmises t ther peple. 大部分时间,我们向他人许诺。(Unit 6 P45)
    如:Once yu make prmises t thers, yu shuld try yur best t keep them. 一旦你向别人许下诺言,你就应该尽你最大的努力去遵守它。[2020烟台完成句子]
    10. Yu shuld nt ________ yur prmise.Otherwise, peple will nt believe yu again.A. keep B. break C. make D. hide11. T be an hnest persn, the first thing we shuld d is t keep ________ (we) prmises.12. Tm prmised me ________ he wuld return the bk as sn as he finished reading it.(盲填)
    13. I prmised ________ take care f the pet dg fr my neighbr when he was away n business.(盲填)14. When yu make a prmise, please be serius and make sure that yu can keep it.(英译汉)_____________________________________________________
    教材例句:What d yu want t be when yu grw up? 你长大后想做什么?(Unit 6 P48)
    询问职业的特殊疑问词是what,主要有三种句式:(1)What+is/are+sb.?(2)What+des/d+sb.+d?(3)What+is+名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+jb?其答语为sb.+be动词+职业/sb. wrk(s) as+职业 询问“希望将来/长大后从事什么职业”,常用句型:What are yu ging t d in the future/when yu grw up?
    15. — ________?—He is a bus driver. He lves his jb and feels happy t serve his passengers.A. What des yur father likeB. What des yur father lk likeC. What is yur fatherD. What is yur father ding
    16. d, future, yu, t, in, ging, what, are, the(连词成句)__________________________________________
    What are yu ging t d in the future?
    写出熟义并根据句意选出黑体词汇的最佳释义。1. appear (2016阅读C涉及)►熟义:①________ (v.) ►生义拓展:A. v. 呈现   B. v. 出版C. v. 演出 D. v. 看来;好像 ②They are nt really bad guests, but because the guest­hst relatinship in China is much mre different than in sme western cuntries, it appears they are nt nice guests.[2016河北阅读C;上海牛津]________
    ►生义拓展:A. v. 呈现   B. v. 出版C. v. 演出 D. v. 看来;好像 ③T cut a lng stry shrt, the directr chse me t appear in the film.[上海牛津九(上)Unit 5 P77]________④I always have t wrry abut hw I appear t thers, and I have t be very careful abut what I say r d. [鲁教八(下)Unit 7 P51] ________⑤His new bk will be appearing in the spring.________
    2. rich ►熟义:①________ (adj.)  ►生义拓展:A. adj.丰富的 B. adj. 大量含有C. adj. 油腻的②Besides water, kids need plenty f calcium(钙) t grw strng bnes(骨头), and milk is rich in it.[2020黄冈阅读还原]________
    ►生义拓展:A. adj.丰富的 B. adj. 大量含有C. adj. 油腻的③Try t lse yur weight. Avid eating rich fd. [2019泰安完形]________④If yu are careful n the Internet, it will make yur life richer and easier. [冀教八(下)Unit 4 P62]________
    3. send(2015阅读A涉及)►熟义:①_____________ (v.) ►生义拓展:A. v. 派遣;打发;安排去 B. v. 分发 C. v. 传达②When the paper was sent t me, I dreamed f getting the highest mark in the whle grade and culd nt help smiling. [2015 河北完形] ________③Lts f scientists are wrking hard in rder t send astrnauts t Mars ne day.[外研八(下)Mdule 3 P56]________④His uncle sent his lve t the by. ________
    4. take up(2019阅读D涉及)►熟义:①________________________________________►生义拓展:A. 占据(空间) B. 接受(提议) C. 拿起D. 容纳 E. 继续②The lawyers tk up their pens and wrte the law f the cuntry frm the days when papyrus(纸莎草纸)was first used. [2019河北阅读D] ________③The ship is 210 feet lng and 30 feet wide, and it can take up t sixty students. [2017杭州阅读C] ________
    ►生义拓展:A. 占据(空间) B. 接受(提议) C. 拿起D. 容纳 E. 继续④I think these tables take up t much rm. Culd yu help me mve sme ut?[冀教八(下)Unit 4 P62]________⑤My teacher tk up her class. ________⑥The by tk up a challenge frm his team members.________
    单项选择 河北6年真题(2015-2020)(2018河北27题) Did yu hear the ________? A scientist will visit ur schl.                A. advice B. news C. praise D. chice
    Ⅰ.小题夯基1. Lucy's __________(hbby) are playing the pian and painting. She usually des them after finishing hmewrk.2. Dn't play ________(jke) n the pr girl. She needs peple's care.3. The First Class in the new term is very ____________(educatin). It is wrth watching again.4. Since we have finished mst f the task, it is _____________(hpe) t cmplete it n time.5. It was such a lng way that the whle class didn't arrive at the htel until it ________(becme) dark.
    6. Smething unexpected ____________(happen)t me this mrning. It made me unhappy.7. The child gt ________(lse) last mnth. He was fund safe and sund yesterday.8. I dn't mind ________ (stand) fr a while after sitting fr t lng.9. Jessie, I culdn't understand the passage. Culd yu tell me what it ________(main) talks abut?10. Thanks t the gvernment, the peple in the pr village became ________(rich) than befre.
    11. Everyne has the ________(able) t learn smething. What they need is just the time.12. Sprts have smething t d________ health. They can help yu build yur bdy. 13. I am used t writing ________ sme key pints when listening t a reprt.14. Breaking ________ prmise is easier than making ne. But yu will pay fr it if yu break yur prmise.15. The teacher was very pleased when he fund______ all the students passed the exam.
    Ⅱ.(2020新变化)语篇提能 Mnty Rberts was the sn f a hrse trainer. One day, his teacher asked Rberts t write a paper abut what he 1. ________(plan) t d in the future. He wrte a paper describing his dream 2. ________ smeday wning a hrse ranch(大牧场) and handed it in. Tw 3. ________(day) later, he gt his paper back. On the frnt page was 4. ________ red F. The teacher said, “Yu can't be successful because buying a hrse ranch takes a lt f mney, 5. ________ yu cme frm a pr family.” Rberts was 6. ________(expect) t change it.
    One week later, the by turned in the same paper t his teacher. The teacher was shcked by 7. ________(he) because he made n changes. He said, “Yu can keep the F and I will keep my dream.” After that, Rberts wrked very hard, and many years later he 8. ________(final) wned a big hrse ranch. “9. ________(ne) yu have a dream, yu must make sure yu wn't let anyne steal it. Just d smething 10. ____________(meaning). Fllw yur heart, n matter what,” he said.
    连词成句1. shpping, I, t, want, g________________________________________________________.2. he, writer, expects, be, a, t________________________________________________________.3. Beijing, she, study, is ging t, in________________________________________________________.4. will, d, plan, what, yu, t________________________________________________________?
    I want t g shpping
    He expects t be a writer
    She is ging t study in Beijing
    What will yu plan t d

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