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    2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案) 练习
    2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案) 练习01
    2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案) 练习02
    2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案) 练习03
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    2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案)

    这是一份2022-2023学年小学英语五年级下册期末专项复习 03 阅读理解(10篇)(含答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    03阅读理解50题 (冀教版三起含答案)



    A farmer is walking in the forest. He is very tired. So he has a nap打盹under a tree. One of his shoes is beside him. A monkey picks up his shoes and climbs up the tree. The farmer wakes up.He is shouting,“Give it back to me.” The monkey is shouting,too. It is imitating模仿the farmer.The farmer thinks, and then he has an idea. He takes off his other shoe and throws it away.What’s the monkey doing? Yes!The monkey throws away the shoetoo.The farmer picks up his two shoes quickly. He is laughing and singing,“What a naughty monkey! What a silly monkey! What a funny monkey!”

            1.The farmer is sleeping. One of his shoes is ____________.

    A.in his hand   B. behind him        C. beside him 

            2.When the farmer is sleeping, the monkey____________.

    A.is shouting   B. takes away his shoe   C.is sleeping 

            3.When the farmer is shouting,the monkey is____________.

    1. eating       B. drinking          C.shouting 

            4.When the farmer throws away his shoe, the monkey____________.

    A. is laughing   B.throws away the shoe  C. is climbing the tree 

            5. Is the monkey clever?

    1. No, it isn't.   B. Yes, it is.           C. It is very clever. 




    Today is Sunday. It is sunny and cool. We go to the zoo with Miss Chen. She is our Chinese teacher. We all like her. Look! There is an elephant over there. It is walking along the river. The pandas are eating bamboo. How lovely they are! What is the little monkey doing? It’s playing with its mother. What a nice day!

            1.What's the weather like today?

    1. It's sunny and windy.
    2. It's sunny and cool. 
    3. It's rainy and windy.

            2.The children go to ____________.

    A.the park       B. the zoo     C. school 

            3.Miss Chen teaches ____________.

    A.Chinese       B. maths        C. English 

            4.The pandas are ____________.

    A.walking       B.eating bamboo  C. drinking water 

            5. Do they have a good time?

    A.Yes, I can.    B. No, they don't.   C. Yes, they do. 


    Once there lived an old man.He liked gold better than anything else in the world. He often said,“If I have plenty ofgoldI shall be the happiest man in the world.”

    One day when he was traveling in the desertthe old man lost his way.He was very hungry and thirsty.but there were onlyrocks andsand around himJust thenhe found a bag lying on the sand.He hoped he would find water and food in it.He took up the bag and opened it.He saw that the bag was full of gold. He was so sad that he threw away the bag and began crying.

    Now, the old man knew that there was something better than gold in the world.

            1. What did the poor man like most?

    A.Gold.      B.Friends.     C.Parents.     D.Glass. 

            2.Where did the old man lose his way?

    A.In the town.       B. In the desert. 

    C. In the forest.     D. In the jungle. 

            3.When he was hungry and thirsty,he found  ____________lying on the sand.

    A.a bag           B. a cup 

    C. some gold      D. a bottle of water 

            4. What was the bag full of ?

    A.Water.     B.Food.       C. Money. D. Gold. 

            5. Why did the man begin crying?

    1.    He lost the gold.
    2.    There was no water and food in the bag.
    3.    He wasn’t the happiest man in the world.
    4.    The desert is hot and dry.


    Betty: Welcome to my bedroom.Nick.Come in, please.

    Nick:Wow, how nice!There's a big cake and some books.

    Betty: Yes. There are a lot of photos of my family in the desk.

    Nick: Oh,I see. But I'm tired. Where's the sofa?

    Betty: There isn't a sofa here. Come and sit on my bed.It's soft.

    Nick:The two dolls on your bed are pretty. I like them. Is there a map of China on the wall?

    Betty:Yes. It's near my bed. Nick, shall we go and play basketball now?

    Nick: Great!Where's the ball? Is it under the bed?

    Betty:Oh no. It's behind the door.


            1.Whose bedroom is it?

    A. Nick's.         B.Betty's.    C.I don't know. 

            2. What's in the desk?

    A.Some storybooks. B.Acomputer. C.Family photos. 

            3.Is there a sofa in the room?

    A.No.there isn't. B.Yes. there is C. No,there aren't. 

            4.Where's the map of China?

    A.On the bed.     B.Near the bed C. Near the window.



    My name is Tom.I’m from a small village.There are many houses and a lake.There are many fish in the lake. My favourite day is WednesdayBecause on that day we have a PE class in the morning and an art class in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. Mr Li is my favourite teacher. He is our art teacher. He’s tall and funny.

            1. Tom is from____________.

    A. a big city  B. a small village     C.a big building 

            2. There are____________and____________in the village.

    1. tall buildings;a lake 
    2. many hills;a river 
    3. many houses; a lake 

            3. Tom has ____________on Wednesday afternoon.

    A. an art class    B.a PE class        C.a music class 

            4.Mr Li is____________.

    A.shot and strict B.tall and funny    C.talland kind 

            5.Tom has lunch at____________.

    A.home       B. restaurant(餐馆) C.school



    Hello! I'm Amy. It's Sunday today. It's warm. My friends and I are having a picnic. Look!

    Zhang Peng is singing English songs. He can sing very well. John and Yifan are playing football.

    Oh,where is Sarah? She's behind the tree. She is drawing pictures.What am I doing? I'm eating

    apples. They're delicious.W're so happy.

            1. What's the weather like?

    A.Hot.           B. Warm.        C.Sunny 

            2.- What are they doing?

    - They are ____________

    A.having a picnic   B. taking an art class C.shopping 


            3.-Is Zhang Peng playing football?

                 - ______________.

    1.  Yes, he is drawing.
    2.  Yes, he is. 
    3.  No, he isn't 

            4. -Where is Sarah?


    1.  in front of the tree 
    2.  behind the tree 
    3.  near the tree 

            5.-What is Amy doing?

    -She's ____________.

    1.    eating apples 
    2.    drawing pictures 
    3.    singingEnglish songs


    Today is Children’s Day. The students are very happy and busy.They are in the classroom now. They are having a big party. Chen Jie is singing and dancing. Amy is drinking water. Jim is cating a big apple. There are all kinds of fruits in front of him. Sarah is watching TV. Zhang Peng is talking to Jack.What is the teacher doing? She's writing“Happy Children’s Day” on the blackboard. Everybody has a good time today.

            1.The children are___________.

    A.having a party

    B.having a Chinese class

    C.having lunch

            2. Who is writing on the blackboard?

    A. Zhang Peng.  B.Jim.           C.The teacher. 

            3.Are there all kinds of fruits in the classroom?

    1. Yes. there are   B.No, there aren't. C. Yes, they are. 

            4.Where are the students now?

    A.They are in the park.

    B.They are in the classroom.

    C.They are in Children's Center.

            5.What's Amy doing?

    1. She's singing and dancing.
    2. She's drinking water.
    3. She's eating the cake.


    It’s eight o’clockThe children(孩子们)goto school by car every day But they are walking to school todayIt’s ten oclock.Mrs. Green usually(通常)stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. It’s nine o’clock.Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上).But he is reading aninteresting(有趣的) book this evening.

            1.When do the children come to school?

    A.At 8:00.           B. At 7:00.     C. At 9:00. 

            2.How are they come to school today?

    A. By car.           B.By bus.       C.Walking 

            3.When is Mrs.Green going to the shops?

    A.At8:00.          B.At 10:00.      C.At 9:00 

            4.When does Mr. Green read his newspaper?

    A.At 8:00.       B.At 7:00.         C.At 9:00. 

            5.What is Mr Green do this evening?

    A.Reading a books.  B.Writing a letter.  C.Watching TV.



    Hello! My name is Peter,and I’m eleven.I’m from the US. My favorite activity is fishing. I often go fishing with my friends on Sunday.We always go carly and stay out all day. My father likes running. He goes unning every night. My mother likes swimming. She goes swimming twice a week. She usually goes there by subway. Lucy is my sister. Ice-skating is her favorite activity. On weekends she has lessons for an hour. She usually goes ice-skating by bus with her old friends every week.

            1.How many people are there in Peter’s family?

    A.Five.        B. Three.    C.Four. 

            2.What is Peter’s favorite activity?

    A.Swimming.    B. Ice-skating. C.Fishing. 

            3.How often does Peter’s mother go swimming?

    A. Once a week. B.Twice a week. C. Twice a month. 

            4.How does Lucy go ice-skating?

    1. She takes the subway.
    2. She takes a bus.
    3. She takes a taxi.

            5. How old is Peter? 

    A.Eleven        B.Ten.       C.Twelve.


    Dear Danny,

    How are you? I am fine. How is the weather in Canada? My father, mother and I are in Beijing these days. It is sunny and hot in Beijing. I have some new friends here. We go to Tian’anmen Square on Monday. We go to the Palace Museum on Tuesday. On Wednesday we go shopping on Wangfujing Street. We are happy in Beijing. Beijing is so great! Do you want to visit Beijing? Write to me soon.

    Your friend, Ben

            1.This letter is from ___________.

    A. Jenny B. Jim C.Ben 

            2.Who are in Beijing now?

    1.    Ben's father,mother and Ben 
    2.    Ben's sister and brother 
    3.    Danny and Ben

            3.The weather in Beijing is___________.

    A. sunny and cold    B.rainy       C. sunny and hot 

            4.On Tuesday they go to__________.

    1.    the Palace Museum
    2.    Tian'anmen Square
    3.    Wangfujing Street


            5. Ben and his parents are __________ in Beijing.

    A. sad           B.happy         C. hungry

































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