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    中考英语三轮冲刺过关 查补易混易错 专题20 阅读理解(记叙文)
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    中考英语三轮冲刺过关  查补易混易错  专题20 阅读理解(记叙文)01
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    中考英语三轮冲刺过关  查补易混易错  专题20 阅读理解(记叙文)01
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    中考英语三轮冲刺过关  查补易混易错  专题20 阅读理解(记叙文)03
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    中考英语三轮冲刺过关 查补易混易错 专题20 阅读理解(记叙文)

    这是一份中考英语三轮冲刺过关 查补易混易错 专题20 阅读理解(记叙文),文件包含查补易混易错专题20阅读理解记叙文教师版docx、查补易混易错专题20阅读理解记叙文学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第二轮复习绝不是第一轮复习的压缩文档,而是一个知识点综合、巩固、完善、提高的过程。复习的主要任务及目标是:完成各部分知识的条 理,归纳,糅合,使各部分知识成为一个有机的整体,力求实现基础知识重点化,重点知识网络化,网络知识题型化,题型设计生活化。

    查补易混易错20 阅读理解(二)

    ⑵ 命题趋势:从命题形式上看,有事实细节题、词义猜测题、主旨大意、推理判断题、作者意图题等。记叙文的命题顺序一般按照文章的脉络和故事的发展层层推进,一半以上的题目考查学生对故事具体内容的理解,所以必须弄清文章的来龙去脉。而主旨大意,作者意图之类的题目,集中考查学生对作者情感和观点的理解。

    易错点1:不按照顺序答题,漏掉细节。记叙文中的事实细节题一般考查其5W(what, who, when, where, why)要素。根据问题,顺序答题,把握好所有相关细节即可正确作答。先读文章再做题。做应用文试题应先读试题,了解试题考点;明确目的,快速捕捉,获取信息。
    易错点03 草率行事,主观武断。在设计阅读理解题时,设计者往往在选项中设计出一个似是而非、干扰性特别强的选项来迷惑考生。如果在发现一个看似正确选项时就草率定案,往往会掉进设题者设置的“陷阱”里,正确的处理方法是:对所给选项进行分析比较,在充分理解阅读材料内容的基础上去伪存真,方可选出正确答案。
    易错点04 忽略文章的弦外之音,言外之意。记叙文中的主旨大意、意图观点题要求对作者叙述的意图和观点作进一步剖析,甚至推测作者的语气和态度等。一般说来,文章的段落常有概括中心思想的主题句,且多位于段首或段末,有时也会夹在中间。对无主题句的篇章,要对文章进行分析和归纳,然后概括中心思想。
    易错点05 忽略时间,来不及复核。做阅读理解题时,一定要从整体上控制时间,文中一两处没看懂的地方可以且放置一边,等把相对容易的题做完后,再回头来处理。

    Nancy’s boss has just let her know that her customers’ products are about to leave the company. And then he tells her there’s a problem.
    “The products were damaged(损坏) by someone in our company,” the boss says. “But this shouldn’t affect the use of the products. If the customers find it, we’ll say it was caused by the trucking(货运) company that delivered(运载) the products.”
    Hearing this, Nancy feels uncomfortable. “But didn’t our workers damage the products?” Her boss looks at her, “Yeah, but the customers don’t know that. I’ll just say they were damaged while they were delivered. Don’t worry, the customers won’t even notice the damage.”
    Nancy’s boss walks out. Nancy sits at her desk and she’s not sure what to do. She knows it’s dishonest to blame(将归咎于) the damage on the trucking company. It’s also dishonest to cheat her customers and give them less perfect products.
    Many of us have to make decisions that make who we are and what we believe in. Most often, we face a choice that may seem insignificant(微不足道的). But this doesn’t mean that they’re not important to us because even the smallest action may make a difference to us.
    35.Who makes the products less perfect?______
    A.The trucking company. B.Workers in Nancy’s company.
    C.Nancy’s boss. D.Nancy’s customers.
    36.What does the boss plan to do if the damage is found by the customers?______
    A.He will say sorry to the customers. B.He doesn’t know what to do about that.
    C.He will cheat the customers. D.He will tell the truth.
    37.The underlined word “affect” in the second paragraph means ______.
    A.keep B.divide C.influence D.provide
    38.From the passage we can infer(推断) that ______.
    A.Nancy may be an honest person
    B.the products have already left the company
    C.the damage of the products is easily noticed
    D.Nancy thinks her boss is clever
    39.The writer of the passage mainly wants to tell us ______.
    A.it’s important to make even a small choice
    B.it’s important to deal with damaged products
    C.it’s necessary to cheat others sometimes
    D.it’s necessary to communicate with a boss
    【答案】35.B 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.A
    35.细节理解题。根据“The products were damaged by someone in our company”以及“But didn’t our workers damage the products?”可知,产品是被Nancy公司里的工人损坏的。故选B。
    36.细节理解题。根据“If the customers find it, we’ll say it was caused by the trucking company that delivered the products.”可知,如果顾客发现产品被损坏了,就骗顾客是送货的途中损坏的。故选C。
    37.词义猜测题。“The products were damaged by someone in our company”以及“But this shouldn’t affect the use of the products.”可知,产品被损坏了,但是不会影响产品的使用,“affect”的意思是“影响”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“She knows it’s dishonest to blame the damage on the trucking company. It’s also dishonest to cheat her customers and give them less perfect products.”可知,Nancy知道欺骗顾客是不诚实的,可以推断Nancy可能是一个诚实的人。故选A。
    39.主旨大意题。根据“Most often, we face a choice that may seem insignificant. But this doesn’t mean that they’re not important to us because even the smallest action may make a difference to us.”可知,本文作者通过Nancy的经历告诉我们即使是很小的选择也很重要。故选A。

    There are about 1.4 billion (十亿) people in China. WeChat is part of life for many Chinese. We use it to chat, send photos, pay for things, etc. It is playing a bigger role. But do you know who invented WeChat? The man behind it is Zhang Xiaolong. He is the vice president (副总裁) of Tencent and is called “Father of WeChat”.
    Zhang Xiaolong was born in Shaoyang, Hunan Province in 1969. He graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1994. While at university, he had many hobbies, such as chess, tennis and bowling. His classmates said whatever he did, he could get quite good at it after trying hard for several years. He liked to sleep late, but that didn’t mean he was lazy. He would keep working hard on something for many hours till midnight.
    Such a clever and hard-working man would surely succeed. In 1997, he created Foxmail and achieved success. He created WeChat in 2011, and it became a bigger success. It is so easy to use. ______ . Because of it, Zhang has become rich and successful, but he always keeps a low profile (低调). Few people know about him. He only lets his work speak for him. You may have a good understanding of him by using WeChat.
    January 21, 2021 was the 10th birthday of WeChat. It’s said that Zhang Xiaolong is making his another 10-year plan for WeChat. Will he surprise us again? That’s for sure.
    11.If you forget to take money, you can ______ by WeChat.
    A.cook B.chat C.send photos D.pay for things
    12.Zhang Xiaolong left his university ______.
    A.in 1969 B.in 1994 C.in 1997 D.in 2011
    13.According to Zhang’s classmates, he was ______ at university.
    A.lazy B.hard-working C.relaxed D.friendly
    14.Which of the following can be put in the “______” in the third paragraph?
    A.About one billion people use it now
    B.Few people find WeChat very interesting
    C.People never use WeChat in their daily life
    D.Someone likes using WeChat to do many things
    15.Which of the following is TRUE?
    A.Zhang Xiaolong likes speaking for himself.
    B.People have used WeChat for less than ten years.
    C.WeChat is playing a bigger role in people’s lives.
    D.Zhang Xiaolong can get good at something easily.
    11.D 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C
    11.细节理解题。根据“We use it to chat, send photos, pay for things, etc”可知,人们可以用微信付款,故选D。
    12.细节理解题。根据“He graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1994”可知,在1994年离开大学,故选B。
    13.细节理解题。根据“He would keep working hard on something for many hours till midnight”可知,他是一个勤奋的学生,故选B。
    14.句意猜测题。根据“It is so easy to use”及“Because of it, Zhang has become rich and successful”可知,微信很容易用,所以很多人现在都在用微信,这些让张小龙变得又成功又富有,A选项“现在大约有10亿人在使用它”符合,故选A。
    15.推理判断题。根据“There are about 1.4 billion (十亿) people in China. WeChat is part of life for many Chinese”可知,微信在人们的生活中起着重要的作用,C表述正确,故选C。
    Chris recently completed a very unusual journey. Our reporter Mary met him at his home in south London and he told her all about the trip.
    Reporter: What gave you the idea to travel around India on an elephant, Chris?
    Chris: Well, it all started two years ago when I was planning a trip to India. I visited a photographic (摄影的)exhibition of elephants and I realized that the only way to travel around India was on an elephant.
    Reporter: What did you do next?
    Chris: I flew to New Delhi and started looking for an elephant. I needed an elephant trained to carry people. I didn’t know anything about elephants, so I asked an expert for help. He taught me how to ride an elephant. He also helped me find an elephant.
    Reporter: How long did it take to find a suitable elephant?
    Chris: Not too long. I bought a female elephant called Tara for about USD 6, 000.
    Reporter: Can you tell me about the journey?
    Chris: Tara and I set off from New Delhi a week later. We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily. And what a ride! Elephants can travel at about 6 miles an hour and Sonepur was more than 1, 200 km away. It took us 64 days to complete the journey.
    Reporter: Did you have any problems on your journey?
    Chris: Yes, a few. But nothing serious. On the third day, Tara hurt her foot. But that got better quickly. Also, there was a lot of heavy rain during the first week and we got very wet!
    Reporter: What happened when you reached Sonepur?
    Chris: My plan was to sell Tara. But by now I was very fond of her. I couldn’t take her back to Britain and I didn’t want to sell her at the market. By chance, I met some people who wanted an elephant for their national park in southern India. I knew that Tara would be safe with them, so I gave her to them. I was very sad to say goodbye.
    30.Chris got the idea to travel around India on an elephant from ______.
    A.a visit to an Indian zoo
    B.an elephant expert from India
    C.an old friend who lived in India
    D.a photographic exhibition of elephants
    31.The elephant expert told Chris ______.
    A.the price of elephants B.how to ride an elephant
    C.where to sell his elephant D.how to feed an elephant
    32.Chris decided to travel to Sonepur because ______.
    A.it is a very interesting place
    B.elephants can't be sold anywhere else
    C.he would be able to sell Tera there easily
    D.it would only take 64 days to travel there
    33.When Chris arrived at Sonepur market, he ______.
    A.sold Tara to a national park
    B.visited a national park
    C.realized that he didn’t really want to sell Tara
    D.decided to take Tara home with him
    34.The best title for the passage is ______.
    A.Selling an Elephant B.An Unusual Journey
    C.An Exhibition of Elephants D.How to Ride an Elephant
    30.D 31.B 32.C 33.C 34.B
    30.细节理解题。根据文中“Well, it all started two years ago when I was planning a trip to India. I visited a photographic (摄影的)exhibition of elephants and I realized that the only way to travel around India was on an elephant.”可知,Chris从一个大象摄影展上得到了骑大象环游印度的主意。故选D。
    31.细节理解题。根据文中“He taught me how to ride an elephant.”可知,大象专家告诉Chris如何骑大象。故选B。
    32.细节理解题。根据文中“We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily.”可知,Chris决定去索尼普尔,因为他可以很容易地把Tara卖掉。故选C。
    33.细节理解题。根据文中“My plan was to sell Tara. But by now I was very fond of her. I couldn’t take her back to Britain and I didn’t want to sell her at the market.”可知,当Chris来到索尼普尔市场时,他意识到他并不是真地想卖掉Tara。故选C。

    Once there was a small boy called Shankar who belonged to a poor family.
    One day, he was walking through the forest, carrying some wood. He saw an old man who was very hungry. Shankar wanted to give him some food, but he did not have any food with him. So he continued on his way. On the way, he saw a fox who was very thirsty. He wanted to give him some water, but he did not have any water for himself. So he went on his way ahead.
    Then he saw a young man with a dog who wanted to make a fire but did not have wood. Shankar learned about his problem and gave some wood to him. In return, the man gave him some food and water. Now he went back to the old man and gave him some food. Then he found the fox and gave some water to him. The old man and the fox were very thankful for Shankar’s help. Then Shankar went on his way happily.
    Unluckily, one day Shankar fell down the hill. He was in pain but he couldn’t move and no one was there to help him. But the old man who he had helped before saw him, and quickly came and pulled him up the hill. Shankar had many wounds on his legs. The fox whom Shankar had given water to saw his wounds and quickly went to the forest and brought some herbs. The old man helped to put the herbs on Shankar’s wounds. After some time, Shankar got well. All were very happy that they were able to help each other. If you help others, then they will also help you.
    40.What did Shankar carry when he walked through the forest?______
    A.Wood. B.Food. C.Water. D.Herbs.
    41.Who gave Shankar food and water?______
    A.The old man B.The young man. C.The fox. D.The dog.
    42.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “herbs” in Chinese?______
    A.鲜花 B.野果 C.药草 D.毒虫
    43.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?______
    A.Help each other B.A fox may help you
    C.Don’t believe the stranger D.Food and water are important

    40.A 41.B 42.C 43.A
    40.细节理解题。根据“One day, he was walking through the forest, carrying some wood.”可知,男孩带着一些木材穿过森林,故选A。
    41.细节理解题。根据“Then he saw a young man with a dog who wanted to make a fire but did not have wood...In return, the man gave him some food and water.”可知,是年轻人给了男孩一些水和食物,故选B。
    42.词义猜测题。根据“The fox whom Shankar had given water to saw his wounds and quickly went to the forest and brought some herbs. The old man helped to put the herbs on Shankar’s wounds. After some time, Shankar got well.”可知,能够让伤口快速痊愈的应该是草药,所以单词“herbs”指的是“药草”,故选C。
    43.最佳标题题。根据“All were very happy that they were able to help each other. If you help others, then they will also help you.”以及整个文章的理解可知,文章主要讲述了男孩和老人以及狐狸之间互相帮助的故事,故选A。
    Andrew is a cold man. One day when he was waiting for the bus, an old woman came up to him. She was wearing old and dirty clothes. She had no shoes and was selling some beautiful flowers. She asked Andrew, “Sir, could you please buy all these flowers? They are only ten dollars. I haven’t had a meal for three days.” Andrew shook his head and said no. Then the old woman asked, “How about five dollars? That will be enough for me to buy some bread.” But Andrew said no again. The old woman begged(恩求), “Then how about one dollar? So I can buy a small apple pie.” Andrew said coldly, “I haven’t got one dollar in my pocket. Please go away!” Looking at him with sympathy, the old woman gave Andrew all her flowers and said, “Poor young man, take these. You need them more than I do.”
    44.Andrew is a ______ man.
    A.cold B.humorous C.kind
    45.An old woman was wearing old and ______ clothes.
    A.clean B.ugly C.dirty
    46.The old woman needed ______ dollar(s) to buy some bread.
    A.ten B.five C.one
    47.What does the underlined word “sympathy” probably mean?______
    A.Regret. B.Pity. C.Surprise.
    48.Why did the old woman give Andrew all her flowers?______
    A.Because she thought Andrew was poorer than her.
    B.Because she thought these flowers meant nothing to her.
    C.Because she thought Andrew wanted these flowers without paying.
    44.A 45.C 46.B 47.B 48.A
    44.细节理解题。根据原文“Andrew is a cold man”可知,安德鲁是个冷酷的人。故选A。
    45.细节理解题。根据原文“She was wearing old and dirty clothes”可知,这个老妇人穿着又旧又脏的衣服。故选C。
    46.细节理解题。根据原文“How about five dollars?That will be enough for me to buy some bread”可知,老妇人需要五美元买面包。故选B。
    47.词义猜测题。根据原文“Poor young man, take these. You need them more than I do”可推知,老太太认为安德鲁比她可怜,因此老太太同情地看着他,所以sympathy意为“同情地”,B选项“Pity”为其同义词,故选B。
    48.细节理解题。根据原文“Poor young man, take these. You need them more than I do”可推知,老太太认为安德鲁比她可怜,比她穷。故选A。
    In the Spring and Autumn period (475-221 BC) there lived a man called Ji Zha. He was the fourth son of the king of the Kingdom of Wu. Because of Ji Zha’s sticking to righteousness (义) and wide learning, he was his father’s favorite, and the king wanted to make him his heir (继承人). However, Ji Zha refused because he thought the king’s eldest son should be the one to receive the throne. Later, Ji Zha served as an ambassador (外交大臣) of Wu to other kingdoms in China.
    Once, on a mission to the Kingdom of Lu, Ji Zha passed through the Kingdom of Xu. The king of Xu received him as a friend, and admired the valuable sword (剑) Ji Zha was wearing. Although his host didn’t mention it, Ji Zha could see he wanted to own it very much. However, as he still needed to go to Lu, Ji Zha didn’t give the king of Xu his sword as a present.
    After finishing his mission to Lu, on his way back, Ji Zha once again passed through Xu. This time he decided to give the sword to the king of Xu. But when he arrived, his friend had already passed away. Ji Zha didn’t expect it and felt very sad. He took off his sword and gave it to the dead man by hanging it on a tree near his tomb (坟墓).
    Ji Zha’s attendants (随从) didn’t understand his action, saying, “Sir, the king of Xu is already dead. Why do you still give up your sword to him?”
    Ji Zha shook his head, “When I came to the Kingdom of Xu last time, I noticed that my friend admired my sword, and I decided that when I came back I would give it to him. However, I never expected this turn of events. But how could I change my mind just because the man had died?” With these words, he left the place, low-spirited and heart-broken.
    49.What do we know about Ji Zha from the passage?______
    A.He was born in 221 BC. B.He didn’t have the ability to be a king.
    C.He was a careful and generous man. D.He lost his fight for the throne to his brother.
    50.Why did Ji Zha give up his sword to the king of Xu although he had died?______
    A.He was loyal to his country. B.He was loyal to righteousness.
    C.He was guilty of his friend’s death. D.He was guilty of not seeing his friend before his death.
    51.What is the best title of this story?______
    A.Ji Zha and His Friend B.Ji Zha and His Country
    C.Ji Zha Gives Up His Throne D.Ji Zha Gives Up His Sword
    49.C 50.B 51.D
    49.推理判断题。根据“Although his host didn’t mention it, Ji Zha could see he wanted to own it very much.”和“This time he decided to give the sword to the king of Xu.”可知,虽然徐国国君没有提出要这把剑,但是季札看出来了,说明他细心;再返回路过徐国时,季札要把剑送给徐国国君,说明他慷慨。故选C。
    50.推理判断题。根据“When I came to the Kingdom of Xu last time, I noticed that my friend admired my sword, and I decided that when I came back I would give it to him. However, I never expected this turn of events. But how could I change my mind just because the man had died?”可知,季札决定返回的时候把剑送给朋友,但是没想到朋友意外去世,但是他仍然选择把剑留给朋友,因为他要信守自己的承诺,故选B。
    Shashiyu was once a poor village in Hebei Province, but now it has changed into a rich and livable place.
    In the 1940s, villagers in Shashiyu had little food and few clothes, but they had a strong wish for a better life. Zhang Guishun, the Party secretary of Shashiyu, encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty. “In the ancient Chinese story, Yu Gong could move mountains with his strong will and hard work, why can’t we? Nobody was born to be poor?” Hearing his words, the villagers decided to make a difference.
    Led by the Communist Party of China(中国共产党), the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land. From 1966 to. 1971, they reclaimed(开垦)lots of land and greatly improved their life.
    However, the village encountered a new problem two decades later as the environment became heavily polluted by chemical plants and mine refineries built in 1990s.
    The polluting factories were shut down in 2004, and villagers started grape cultivation, which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.
    In 2009, the city-level government invested over 1 million yuan($152, 723) to change the village’s exhibition hall into a museum in memory of development efforts made by earlier generations.
    After 10 years, the village was called “National Forest Village”.
    Zhang said that the village started a yearly tourism festival in 2015 to attract travelers to pick grapes. “The grapes could be sold at a better price once Shashiyu becomes famous through this festival. Our villagers can then live even better lives,” he said.
    115.Why did Zhang Guishun use the story of Yu Gong to encourage the villagers?______
    A.Because Yu Gong had strong will and hard work.
    B.Because Yu Gong was born poor too.
    C.Because the villagers worshiped Yu Gong.
    D.Because Yu Gong became rich at last.
    116.From 1966 to 1971, what did the villagers do to improve their living situation?______
    A.They planted grapes to earn money.
    B.They carried water and soil to their village to improve their lands.
    C.They moved to another place to live a better life.
    D.They built a lot of factories.
    117.Which word can be used to describe the villagers?______
    A.Hard-working. B.Lazy. C.Kind-hearted. D.Stupid.
    118.When was Shashiyu called "National Forest Village"?______
    A.In 2009. B.In 2004. C.In 2015. D.In 2019.
    119.Where can you probably read the passage?______
    A.In a storybook. B.In a newspaper. C.Ina sports magazine. D.In a science book
    115.A 116.B 117.A 118.D 119.B
    115.细节理解题。根据文中“In the ancient Chinese story, Yu Gong could move mountains with his strong will and hard work, why can’t we?”可知,张贵顺用愚公的故事来激励村民是因为愚公意志坚强,工作努力。故选A。
    116.细节理解题。根据文中“Led by the Communist Party of China(中国共产党), the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land.”可知,从1966年到1971年,村民们把水和土壤运到他们的村庄改善土地来改善他们的生活状况。故选B。
    117.推理判断题。根据文中“Led by the Communist Party of China(中国共产党), the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land. From 1966 to. 1971, they reclaimed(开垦)lots of land and greatly improved their life.” 和“and villagers started grape cultivation, which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.”可推理出,沙石峪的村民是很勤奋的。故选A。
    118.推理判断题。根据文中“In 2009, the city-level government invested over 1 million yuan($152, 723) to change the village’s exhibition hall into a museum in memory of development efforts made by earlier generations. After 10 years, the village was called “National Forest Village”.”可推理出,沙石峪在2019年被称为“国家森林村”。故选D。

    In 2019, Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen as the mascot(吉祥物)for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
    The design(设计)was chosen from 5,816 works. Cao Xue, the designer of Bing DwenDwen, said the idea first came from the traditional Chinese food bingtanghulu—the sugar coat later turned into an ice shell(壳). However, a simple food couldn’t stand for a country by itself. Cao’s team tried many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda. “We don’t need to explain anything to have it understood across different cultures.” said Cao.
    However, there were already too many panda designs in cartoons and movies. The mascot needed to be creative. Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of a grown-up one. That’s why the body of Bing DwenDwen is as long as its head.
    They wanted to make sure their panda looked different. So they visited a research centre to learn about baby pandas.
    “If we say artists are like actors who play themselves, designers are actors who have to fit into different roles.” Cao said. “The design was not easy. I’m glad we came up with a good one.”
    50. Why did Cao’s team finally choose a panda as the mascot?
    A. Because they followed the advice from other countries.
    B. Because they wanted to create a very different symbol.
    C. Because everyone could understand it without explaining.
    D. Because there were few panda designs around the world.
    51. What did Cao’s team do to learn about baby pandas?
    A. They visited a research centre. B. They watched movies and cartoons.
    C. They tasted many traditional foods. D. They learned from actors and actresses.
    52. What is the best title(标题)for the text?
    A. Why Bing Dwen Dwen Is So Popular B. The History of Olympic Mascots
    C. Different Panda Designs in Cartoons D. How Bing Dwen Dwen Was Born
    【答案】50. C 51. A 52. D
    细节理解题。根据“We don’t need to explain anything to have it understood across different cultures”可知不需要解释任何东西就可以在不同的文化中理解它。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“So they visited a research centre to learn about baby pandas.”可知他们去了一个研究中心了解熊猫宝宝。故选A。
    Su Yiming believes the two Olympic medals he earned at the Beijing Winter Games were the best gifts on his 18th birthday on Friday.
    “The gold medal is for sure the best gift for my birthday. The gold and silver medals mean a lot to me. People can see how hard I’ve been working to achieve them,” Su said in an interview in Beijing on Thursday.
    Su won China’s first Olympic gold in the men’s snowboard Big Air(单板滑雪大跳台) competition on Feb 15, after winning a slopestyle(单板滑雪自由式) competition on Feb 7. His excellent performance, including the gold-winning 1800 tricks, has made him a well-known name in China. He said that before he was 14 years old, snowboarding was just a sport for fun during vacations. But after he knew about the Beijing Winter Games, he realized this could be a life-changing opportunity. He was still part of the TV audience during the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, but he told his parents that one day he wanted to compete at the Olympic Games.
    “I told myself that I was going to try to reach the Olympic Games, and I would never give up trying to win medals. The reason why I’m doing all this training, and taking part in competitions and the Olympic Games is because of love. I started to practice snowboarding when I was 4 because my parents both love snowboarding,” said Su.
    The first time when Su competed at a World Cup, the Shougang Big Air venue(体育场) hosted its first international event. Su, who was just 15 years old, failed for the finals. “I still remember three-and-a-half years ago at Shougang, the same place and the same jump, it was my first Big Air World Cup. That was a great contest for me as I had never taken part in a World Cup before,” Su said.
    “I missed the final by just one spot at that time at 11th place. So from that time, I saw the difference between me and those top riders. That pushed me harder in the past three years. Now finally I got my best birthday gift.”
    11.What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 2 refer to?
    A.Getting his birthday present. B.Winning medals.
    C.Competing in Beijing Winter Games. D.Having fun.
    12.How many competitions which Su has joined in are mentioned in this passage?
    A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
    13.When did Su compete at the World Cup for the first time?
    A.In 2017. B.In 2021. C.In 2020. D.In 2019.
    14.Why does Su do all the training and take part in competitions?
    A.Because he started to practice snowboarding when he was 4.
    B.Because his parents both love snowboarding, and he wants to make them happy.
    C.Because he loves winning medals.
    D.Because he has a passion for the sport.
    15.Which of the following can be the best title?
    A.Su Yiming’s dream comes true. B.Su Yiming would never give up trying to win medals.
    C.Su wins memorable 18th birthday “gifts”. D.Su Yiming, the Chinese Snowboarding superstar.
    【答案】11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C
    推理判断题。根据“The gold medal is for sure the best gift for my birthday. The gold and silver medals mean a lot to me. People can see how hard I’ve been working to achieve them”可知,为了获得奖牌付出了很多,所以them指代“winning medals”,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Su Yiming believes the two Olympic medals he earned at the Beijing Winter Games” “Su won China’s first Olympic gold in the men’s snowboard Big Air(单板滑雪大跳台) competition on Feb 15, after winning a slopestyle(单板滑雪自由式) competition on Feb 7” “That was a great contest for me as I had never taken part in a World Cup before”可知,共参加了四次比赛,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“The first time when Su competed at a World Cup, the Shougang Big Air venue(体育场) hosted its first international event. Su, who was just 15 years old”以及“Su Yiming believes the two Olympic medals he earned at the Beijing Winter Games were the best gifts on his 18th birthday on Friday”可知,2022年北京冬奥会他是18岁,15岁时第一次参加世界杯比赛,也就是在2019年参加的,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“The reason why I’m doing all this training, and taking part in competitions and the Olympic Games is because of love”可知,之所以做这些训练,参加比赛和奥运会,都是因为爱,也就是对这项运动的热爱,故选D。
    最佳标题。根据“Su Yiming believes the two Olympic medals he earned at the Beijing Winter Games were the best gifts on his 18th birthday on Friday”可知,本文由苏翊鸣在冬奥会上赢得了两枚奖牌为线索展开描述,所以最适合本文的标题是“苏赢得难忘的18岁生日‘礼物’ ”,故选C。
    It seems like only yesterday since I first started school in the Czech (捷克) Republic. It was a totally new country for me—a place where I was only supposed to stay for one year as an exchange student (交换生).
    I still remember I was late that morning, as I got off at the wrong metro station (地铁站). I felt ashamed when I sent a text to my counselor (指导老师) that I would be late. After she picked me up at the station, she said, “Don’t worry, Linda. It’s fine to be late by just a few minutes. The teacher will understand.”
    Later, as I walked to the classroom, my English teacher taught me some basic Czech sentences so I could introduce myself to my classmates.
    The next moment was probably the most embarrassing of my life. I can still picture myself standing in front of 30 strangers and introducing myself in poor Czech. I wasn’t even sure whether they would understand me or not.
    Nevertheless (然而), many of them came to my desk during the break and tried to make friends with me. They even went for a walk with me around the school after lunch.
    Now, I’ve been studying in this country for three years. Every time I look back to my first day of senior high, I always wish that I wasn’t so shy. Though my new life didn’t start easily, I was so lucky to have my new classmates there to help and talk to me.
    26. The author was late for her first day at school because ________.
    A. her teacher was late to pick her up B. she didn’t know the metro system yet
    C. she didn’t know where her school was D. her teacher allowed her to be late
    27. What does the underlined word “embarrassing” mean in Chinese?
    A. 使人尴尬的 B. 使人兴奋的 C. 使人生气的 D. 使人讨厌的
    28. The author’s classmates are ________.
    A serious B. friendly C. shy D. amazed
    29. How long has the writer been in the Czech Republic?
    A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years. D. For four years.
    30. A good title for the message might be ________.
    A. An embarrassing experience B. My dear teacher and classmates
    C. Farewell to the Czech Republic D. My life in the Czech Republic
    【答案】26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“I still remember I was late that morning, as I got off at the wrong metro station”可知,作者第一天上学迟到,因为她不了解地铁系统,她下错站了,故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第四段中的“I can still……they would understand me or not”可知,作者用蹩脚的捷克语向陌生人自我介绍,不知道他们能否理解,推知作者很尴尬,所以“ embarrassing”是“使人尴尬的”的意思,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“Nevertheless (然而), many of them came to my desk during the break and tried to make friends with me”可推知,作者的同学非常友好,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Now, I’ve been studying in this country for three years”可知,作者在捷克待了3年,故选C。
    I used to be a pessimist (悲观主义者), thinking that the worst thing might happen in every situation.
    Last year, my mother had a serious illness. I felt my whole world turn upside down and I had no idea what I could do to help her with her pain. I often cried if I was alone.
    Last month, I lost an expensive dress that was a birthday present from my father. I could not fall asleep for a few nights because I felt so unlucky about the loss.
    There have been many things like these in my life. I really didn’t know how to deal with them until I read If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade by an American writer, Dale Carnegie.
    When the wise man is handed a lemon, he asks: How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade? How can I improve my situation? What lesson can I learn from this?’’ he wrote.
    I suddenly realized that life is full of ups and downs, so I decided to stay positive (积极的) all the time.
    Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have dealt with things differently. When my mother was fighting with her illness, I should have held her hands in mine, telling her that things would get better instead of hiding and crying.
    Recently, I took part in a school singing competition. I didn’t win a prize. If I had not read the article, I would be sad and disappointed again. But I smiled after the competition because at least, I had got some experience in the singing competition.
    Life is not just a bed of roses. There are thorns (刺) as well, but these thorns help us become braver and better. When life offers us a lemon, let’s try to make a lemonade.
    49. What kind of thing might happen in every situation, according to a pessimist?
    A. The worst thing. B. The best thing. C. The happiest thing.
    50. The birthday present that the writer lost was from ________.
    A. her mother B. her father C. her brother
    51. Which picture expresses the writer’s final understanding of life?
    A. B. C.
    52. What can we learn from the text?
    A. Thorns in life can help us become better.
    B. The writer looked after her sick mother well.
    C. The singing competition made the writer sad.
    53. What would be the best title for the text?
    A. A Bed of Roses B. An Article I Enjoy Most C. Turning a Lemon into a Lemonade
    【答案】49. A 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. C
    细节理解题。根据“I used to be a pessimist (悲观主义者), thinking that the worst thing might happen in every situation”可知,悲观主义者总是会想到最坏的事情,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“I lost an expensive dress that was a birthday present from my father”可知,这件昂贵的连衣裙是父亲买的,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“I suddenly realized that life is full of ups and downs, so I decided to stay positive (积极的) all the time”可知,她最终认为生活中总是充满了起起伏伏,决定用积极的态度面对人生,所以是“微笑”的表情,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“There are thorns (刺) as well, but these thorns help us become braver and better”可知,生活中的荆棘帮助我们变得更勇敢、更好,故选A。
    标题归纳题。根据本文最后一段“When life offers us a lemon, let’s try to make a lemonade”并结合全文可知,生活不仅仅是称心如意,还有荆棘,我们要勇敢面对,如果生活给我们柠檬,我们应该试着把它做成柠檬汁,以此来表达她对生活的感悟,所以C选项符合本文标题,故选C。
    When she was little, Gladys Kalema liked to play the piano. One day when she was at her piano, a monkey climbed up in order to join her. This became the most unforgettable moment of her childhood. It also planted the seeds (种子) of a dream in her mind. The girl wanted to work with animals when she grew up. This dream came true when Kalema was in her early twenties. She became a wildlife vet (兽医) in Africa.
    That was thirty years ago. Since then, Kalema has never stopped caring for wild animals. She does her best to save the mountain gorilla (猩猩). This animal is in great danger. But she doesn’t just protect the animals. She puts her focus on helping the local communities.
    Many local people lived a poor life. Some of them made a living by hunting wild animals. Kalema wanted to protect these animals from bullets (子弹). The key to doing so, she realized, was to improve the local people’s quality of life. The woman offered crops to these people. By growing the crops, the locals could feed themselves and make money. They no longer needed to go hunting. Slowly, their attitude (态度) towards these wild animals began to change. Now, many of these hunters of wildlife have become protectors of it.
    Last month, Kalema received the Champions of the Earth award for her work. It is the United Nations’ highest environmental honor. Do you want to help protect the wild animals in your area? You can learn from Kalema and start by getting to the root of the problem.
    61. Why did Gladys Kalema become a vet?
    A. She preferred animals to the piano.
    B. She had that daydream when she was little.
    C. She had an unforgettable experience with a monkey.
    D. She wanted to save the endangered animals.
    62. The underlined word “focus” in Paragraph Two probably means _________.
    A. effort B. belief C. courage D. interest
    63. To protect the wild animals, Kalema changed _________.
    A. the local’s lifestyle B. the quality of crops
    C. the hunters’ attitude to her D. the natural environment
    64. What matters most for Kalema’s success according to the writer?
    A. The influence of her childhood. B. Over fifty-year hard work.
    C. Local people’s trust. D. Her intelligence to solve a problem.
    65. What would be the best title for the passage?
    A. Achieving Dreams by Planting Seeds
    B. Saving Animals by Saving People
    C. Becoming Famous by Being a Kind Vet
    D. Winning Awards by Winning People’s Hearts
    【答案】61 C 62. A 63. A 64. D 65. B
    推理判断题。根据“One day when she was at her piano, a monkey climbed up in order to join her…It also planted the seeds of a dream in her mind. The girl wanted to work with animals…”可知,Gladys Kalema成为了一名兽医是因为她和一只猴子有过一次难忘的经历。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据“…Some of them made a living by hunting wild animals. Kalema wanted to protect these animals from bullets…The key to doing so, she realized, was to improve the local people’s quality of life…”当地人生活贫困,以打猎为生,Kalema认为要保护 动物免受子弹的伤害的关键是提高当地人民的生活质量,她教他们种植庄稼,改变他们的打猎习惯,以此来挽救野生动物;可知此处指“她集中精力改变当地人的状况”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“…Kalema wanted to protect these animals from bullets…The key to doing so, she realized, was to improve the local people’s quality of life…”可知Kalema认为保护野生动物的关键是提高当地人民的生活质量。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Do you want to help protect the wild animals in your area? You can learn from Kalema and start by getting to the root of the problem”可知作者觉得Kalema成功解救野生动物在于她从根本上改变当地人的生活水平,由此推出Kalema解决问题的智慧对她的成功至关重要。故选D。

    “They stole my diamonds!” said the owner of Best’s Diamond Store to a local policeman. “I just called my insurance company (保险公司). They’re sending a man here to decide how much money to pay me for the stolen diamonds.” “Tell me what happened.” said the policeman.
    “I went to the store alone.” Mr. Best began, “As soon as I opened the door, two men rushed in. The blond one had a gun. He looked at me angrily and told me to open the safe. I was scared, so I gave him my diamonds. Then they tied me to a chair. After they left, I tried hard to free myself from the ropes and called you.”
    “What did the two men look like?” “One of them was thin and the other was fat. They wore masks over their whole heads with only little holes for their eyes and mouths.”
    Just then the insurance man arrived. “Don’t worry.” the policeman said to him, “You don’t have to pay Mr. Best anything. He is lying about the robbers. He took the diamonds himself.”
    21. According to Mr. Best, he might be about to _________ when the robbers came in.
    A. start his business B. have dinner C. clean the diamonds D. call the policeman
    22. Picture _________ is a “safe”.
    A. B. C. D.
    23. The policeman believed Mr. Best lied because he made a mistake about the robbers’ _________.
    A. height B. build C. hair D. voice
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C
    推理判断题。根据文中“As soon as I opened the door, two men rushed in.”可推理出,据Best先生说,当强盗进来时,他可能正要开始他的生意。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据下文“I was scared, so I gave him my diamonds.”由我很害怕,所以我把钻石给了他,可猜测出,前句应是:他生气地看着我,叫我打开保险柜,故“safe”的意思应是“保险柜”;结合图画可知,应是B项。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文中“They wore masks over their whole heads with only little holes for their eyes and mouths.”可知,因为戴着面罩,只能看到抢劫犯的眼睛和嘴巴,应是看不到头发,故推理出,警察认为Best先生撒谎是因为关于抢劫犯的头发他犯了错误。故选C。
    Sometimes, people get nicknames because of their special gifts. We learned about a person whose nickname came from her excellent detective(侦探) work. Her real name was Grace Humistonm but people called her “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes”. You must have seen the character Sherlock Holmes in books, movies and TV shows. Was Mrs.Sherlock Holmes a character who married Sherlock Holmes? No, she wasn’t the famous detective’s wife.
    Grace Humiston began detective work in 1906. The family of a missing man came to her for help. Humiston took the case and searched for the man down to the deep south. There, Humiston found illegal camps that forced men to do hard work when they couldn’t pay their debts(债务). Humiston realized that all the men there were reported missing in the north. Humiston entered the camps to know their situations. Then she returned to New York and reported what she had found to the police. The police rescued the missing men and closed the camps.
    Another ten years passed before people called Grace Humiston “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes”. In 1917, Ruth Cruger took her ice skates to be fixed at a shop, and she never came home. The police looked into the shop’s owner, Alfredo Cocchi. They quickly ruled him out as a suspect(嫌疑犯).
    That’s when the Crugers asked Grace Humiston for help. Humiston found that Alfredo Cocchi had escaped to Italy. So she decided to look into Alfredo Cocchi again. The police had searched Cocchi’s house twice, finding nothing. Humiston searched it again. This time, they found Ruth Cruger dead under the house floor.
    That’s how Grace Humiston became known as “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes”. People everywhere celebrated Humiston as an excellent detective. Grace Humiston became a Special Assistant United States Attomey. She was the first woman in history to work in this position. The New York Police Department even made her an official detective.
    23. Why was Grace Humiston called “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes”?
    A. She wrote a book on Holmes.
    B. She knew everything about Holmes.
    C. She was very good at detective work.
    D. She was the wife of Sherlock Holmes.
    24. How did Grace Humiston help the missing men in the south?
    A. She closed the camps.
    B. She followed them with the police.
    C. She helped them pay off their debts.
    D. She reported to the police where they were.
    25. What happened to Ruth Cruger?
    A. She ran away from home.
    B. She was killed by Alfredo Cocchi.
    C. She was found dead near a shop.
    D. She went to Italy with a stranger.
    26. What does the last paragraph say about Grace Humiston?
    A. She was accepted officially as an detective.
    B. She got very famous around the world.
    C. She was even greater than Sherlock Holmes.
    D. She was the first woman detective in US.
    【答案】23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A
    细节理解题。根据“We learned about a person…called her “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes”. ”可知,格蕾丝被称为“夏洛克·福尔摩斯夫人”是因为她出色的侦探工作。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Then she returned to New York and reported what she had found to the police.”可知,格蕾丝在发现了这些失踪的人后,回到纽约并且报告给了警察,最终这些人得到获救。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“This time, they found Ruth Cruger dead under the house floor.”可知,露丝的尸体最后在阿尔弗雷多家的地下室下面发现了,由此推断,她被阿尔弗雷多杀害了。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The New York Police Department even made her an official detective.”可知,纽约警察甚至让她当上了官方侦探。由此可知,格蕾丝得到了官方认可。故选A。


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