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    19套高考英语完型填空+阅读理解+单选题+详解 (15)




    It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors gathered, discussing the exam due to begin in a few   1  . On their faces was confidence (自信). This was their last exam then on to   2   and jobs.

    Some talked of jobs they already had; others talked of jobs they   3   get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt ready and able to take   4   of the world.

        The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n)   5   task. The professor had said they could bring   6   books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not   7   each other, during the test.

          8   they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles   9   on the students faces as they noted there were only five essay-type questions.

        Three hours had passed   10   the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class.

        He looked at the   11   faces before him, and then asked, How many completed all five questions?   12   a hand was raised.

        How many answered four? Still no hands.

        Three? Two? The students moved restlessly in their seats.

        One, then? Certainly somebody finished   13  .But the class remained silent.

        The professor put down the papers. That is exactly what I   14  , he said. I just want to impress upon you that,   15   you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the   61   you dont know. These questions you couldnt answer are relatively   17   in everyday practice. Then smiling, he added, You will all   18   this course, but remember even though you are now college graduates, your education has just   19  .

    The years have   20   the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.


    1. A. seconds   B. minutes   C. hours    D. days

    2. A. interview   B. discussion   C. education   D. graduation

    3. A. would   B. must    C. have to   D. used to

    4. A. hold    B. control    C. charge    D. place

    5. A. interesting  B. necessary   C. easy    D. unusual

    6. A. no    B. either    C. any    D. all

    7. A. listen to   B. look at    C. refer to   D. talk to

    8. A. Nervously  B. Joyfully   C. Quickly   D. Curiously

    9. A. appeared   B. changed   C. froze    D. stopped

    10. A. then   B. as    C. before    D. after

    11. A. pleased   B. worried   C. surprised   D. moved

    12. A. Not   B. Once    C. Only    D. Even

    13. A. all    B. none    C. one    D. it

    14. A. wondered  B. enjoyed   C. hated    D. expected

    15. A. right now  B. as though   C. now that   D. even though

    16. A. exam   B. subject    C. question   D. college

    17. A. valuable  B. difficult   C. common   D. strange

    18. A. pass   B. fail    C. take    D. start

    19. A. begun   B. completed   C. failed    D. succeeded

    20. A. forgot   B. remembered  C. strengthened  D. weakened


    1~5 BDABC  6~10 BDBAC  

    11~15 BACDD  16~20 BCAAD


    **************************************************************** 结束


    Learning to Accept

    I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.   1  , he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was   2   and ill.

    My father was   3   a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness   4   all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is   5  . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started   6   about life, and I told them about one of my   7  . I said that we must very often give things up   8   we grow --- our youth, our beauty, our friends --- but it always   9   that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father   10   up. He said, But, Peter, I gave up   11  ! What did I gain? I thought and thought, but I couldnt think of anything to say.   12  , he answered his own question: I   13   the love of my family, I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.

    I was also   14   by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (愤怒的) at someone, I   15   remember his words and become   16  . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be   17   to give up my small irritations. In this   18  , I learned the power of acceptance from my father.

    Sometimes I   19   what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one   20  .


    1. A. Afterwards  B. Therefore   C. However   D. Meanwhile

    2. A. tired    B. weak    C. poor    D. slow

    3. A. already   B. still    C. only    D. once

    4. A. took    B. threw    C. sent    D. put 

    5. A. impossible  B. difficult   C. stressful   D. Hopeless

    6. A. worrying   B. caring    C. talking    D. asking

    7. A. decisions   B. experiences   C. ambitions   D. beliefs

    8. A. as    B. since    C. before    D. till

    9. A. suggests   B. promises   C. seems    D. requires

    10. A. spoke   B. turned    C. summed   D. opened

    11. A. something  B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything

    12. A. Surprisingly  B. Immediately  C. Naturally   D. Certainly

    13. A. had   B. accepted   C. gained    D. enjoyed

    14. A. touched   B. astonished   C. attracted   D. warned

    15. A. should   B. could    C. would    D. might

    16. A. quiet   B. calm    C. Relaxed   D. happy

    17. A. ready   B. likely    C. free    D. able

    18. A. case   B. form    C. method   D. way

    19. A. doubt   B. wonder   C. know    D. guess

    20. A. award   B. gift    C. lesson    D. word



    1~5 CBDAB      6~10 CDACA  

    11~15 DACAC  16~20 BDDBB



    Have you winterized your horse yet? Even though global warming may have made our climate more mild, many animals are still hibernating(冬眠) . Its too bad that humans cant hibernate. In fact, as a species, we almost did.

    Apparently, at times in the past, peasants in France liked a semi-state of human hibernation . So writes Graham Robb, a British scholar who has studied the sleeping habits of the French peasants. As soon as the weather turned cold people all over France shut themselves away and practiced the forgotten art of doing nothing at all for months on end.

    In line with this, Jeff Warren, a producer at CBC Radios The Current, tells us that the way we sleep has changed fundamentally since the invention of artificial(人造的) lighting and the electric bulb.

    When historians began studying texts of the Middle Ages, they noticed something referred to as first sleep, which was not clarified, though. Now scientists are telling us our ancestors most likely slept in separate periods. The business of eight hours uninterrupted sleep is a modern invention.

    In the past , without the artificial light of the city to bathe in, humans went to sleep when it became dark and then woke themselves around midnight. The late night period was known as The Watch. It was when people actually kept watch against wild animals, although many of them simply moved around or visited family and neighbours .

    According to some sleep researchers, a short period of insomnia(失眠) at midnight is not a disorder. It is normal. Humans can experience another state of consciousness around their sleeping, which occurs in the brief period before we fall asleep or wake ourselves in the morning. This period can be an extraordinarily creative time for some people. The impressive inventor, Thomas Edison, used this state to hit upon many of his new ideas.

    Playing with your sleep rhythms can be adventurous, as anxiety may set in. Medical science doesnt help much in this case. It offers us medicines for a full nights continuous sleep, which sounds natural ; however, according to Warrens theoryit is really the opposite of what we need.

    67. The example of the French peasants shows the fact that________.

      A. people might become lazy as a result of too much sleep

      B. there were signs of hibernation in human sleeping habits

      C.people tended to sleep more peacefully in cold weather

      D. winter was a season for people to sleep for months on end

    68. The late night was called The Watch because it was a time for people______.

      A. to set traps to catch animals  

    B. to wake up their family and neighbours

      C. to remind others of the time  

    D. to guard against possible dangers

    69. What does the author advise people to do ?

      A. Sleep in the way animals do.       

    B. Consult a doctor if they cant sleep.

      C. Follow their natural sleep rhythm.   

    D. Keep to the eight-hour sleep pattern.

    70.What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?

    A. To give a prescription for insomnia.           

    B. To urge people to sleep less.

    C. To analyze the sleep pattern of modern people.  

    D. To throw new light on human sleep.




    68. 【解析】选D。细节推断题。由第五段中最后一句It was when people actually kept watch against wild animals ,although many of them simply .直接推断出正确答案为D

    69. 【解析】选C。细节推断题。综合分析最后一段内容可知作者建议人们遵循自然睡眠规律,因此,C项符合题意。

    70. 【解析】选D。主旨意图题。根据各段的main idea综合分析即可得出结论。

    para.1   lead in the topichuman sleep.      para.2   an example for human hibernating.

    Para.3-5 different types of human sleep.

    para.6   as for insomnia and another state of consciousness

    para.7   advice on human sleep.







    41. It is the narrowest part of the river. They told the villagers that a bridge     be built here.

      A. might       B. must      C. should       D. could

    42. The plan youve made is of great interest, but it doesnt seem    .

      A. actual       B. special       C. normal       D. practical

    43. The nurse treat the naughty boy very kindly, but her patience     at last.

      A. went down      B. used up      C. got away      D. gave out

    44. Im not sure what time Ill arrive, maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight.

            , Ill be there as early as possible.

      A. anyhow       B. however      C. thus       D. therefore

    45. I think it     to let farmer have their own land. In that way, they can farm the land by themselves, and food production will be higher.

      A. no good       B. makes sense     C. talks sense      D. usefulness

    46. Kennedy Airport, please. I have to be there by 7.

    _____, but Ill do my best.

      A. No problem     B. Ok       C. I cant promise     D. I cant do that

    47. Anyone who has ridden on a railway train knows how rapidly another train flashes by when it is traveling    .

    A. in the same direction         B. in the opposite direction   

    C. toward the opposite direction        D. against the same direction

    48. I saw Jim at the meeting yesterday?

       Did you? I think he     have attended, for he is an expert.

      A. neednt       B. mustnt      C. shouldnt      D. couldnt

    49. He     be in his office now, because he phoned me from his home just now.

      A. mustnt        B. neednt      C. cant       D. shouldnt

    50. Id like to go to the cinema with yon, dad.

       Sorry, my darling, but the film is    for adults only.

      A. admitted       B. intended      C. promised       D. permitted



    4145DDABA 4650CBACB









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