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    Unit 2-1 Reading and Thinking -2020-2021学年高一英语上学期同步课堂帮帮帮必修第一册(人教版2019) 学案
    Unit 2-1 Reading and Thinking -2020-2021学年高一英语上学期同步课堂帮帮帮必修第一册(人教版2019) 学案01
    Unit 2-1 Reading and Thinking -2020-2021学年高一英语上学期同步课堂帮帮帮必修第一册(人教版2019) 学案02
    Unit 2-1 Reading and Thinking -2020-2021学年高一英语上学期同步课堂帮帮帮必修第一册(人教版2019) 学案03
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    英语必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around优秀导学案

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around优秀导学案,共30页。学案主要包含了2019全国卷III,2014全国卷I,2016全国卷I等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2.1 Reading and Thinking



    1.ecnmy (n.) 经济;节约→ecnmic (adj.) 经济的;经济学的→ecnmical (adj.) 经济的;节约的→ecnmist (n.) 经济学家,经济专家

    2.view (n.) 视野;景色;看法→viewer (n.) 阅读器;电视观众;观看者;观察者

    3.apply[ə'plaI] vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→applicatin n.应用;用途;申请→applicant n.申请人;求职人

    4.amazing[ə'meIzIŋ] adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→amaze vt.使吃惊;使惊讶

    5.arrangement[ə'reIndʒmənt] n.安排;筹备→arrange vt.安排

    6.extremely[Ik'striːmli] adv.极其;非常→extreme adj.及其,非常

    7.pwerful['paʊəfl] adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→pwer v.给……提供动力

    8.fficial[ə'fIʃl] adj.官方的;正式的;公务的n.官员;要员→ffice n.办公室;政府机关;官职

    9.recgnise['rekəɡnaIz] vt.辨别出;承认;认可→recgnitin n.认出;认识

    10.transprt['trænspɔːt] n.交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送→transprtatin n.运输


    1.apply fr 申请

    2.take cntrl f控制;接管

    3.get ready fr 对……做好准备

    4.encurage sb. t d sth.鼓励某人做某事

    5.spend sme time ding sth.花费时间做某事

    6.apply neself t 专心致志于;致力于

    7.rent sth. (ut) t sb. 把某物租给某人

    8.pack up 将(东西)装箱打包

    9.be amazed t d sth. 对做某事感到惊奇

    10.(much) t ne's amazement 令某人(非常)惊讶的是

    in amazement 惊讶地

    11.make arrangements fr ... 为……安排好

    12.be recgnised t be/as 被认作……/被认为是

    13.admire sb. fr sth. 因某事而钦佩某人

    14.transprt ... frm ... t 把……从……运输到……

    15.check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记

    16.check ut (经检查)得到证实,获得证明

    17.ut f view 不在视野中

    18.make a cmment/cmments n/abut 对……作出评论

    19.n cmment 无可奉告

    1. apply / əˈplaɪ/ vi. & vt.申请;请求

    Yu shuld apply in persn . 你应该当面申请。

    apply fr申请

    apply fr a visa / passprt /jb/ schlarship申请签证/护照/工作 /奖学金

    apply t a cmpany/university 向公司 / 大学申请

    vt. 应用; 涂(油漆、乳剂); apply sth t sth 把某物应用于(涂抹在)某物

    Yu can apply thery t practice. 你可以把理论用于实践。


    (1) applicatin /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 申请;应用;用途

    an applicatin letter/ frm 申请信/申请表

    (2)applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ n. 申请人;求职人

    There were ver 500 applicants fr the jb.有500多人申请这份工作。

    2. visa /ˈvi:zə/ n. 签证

    apply fr a visa 申请签证(P24)

    turist /entry/ exit visa 旅游 /入境 / 出境签证

    T travel abrad, yu 'll have t get a passprt, and yu'll als need a visa.

    要出国旅游,你必须申办护照, 同时还需要有签证。

    3. rent / rent/ vt. 租用;出租

    rent a car 租一辆车(P24)

    She rents a huse with three ther girls. 她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。

    vi. 租用;租金为

    The apartment rents fr $500 a mnth. 这套房间每月租金为500元。

    n. 租金

    a high/lw rent 高的 / 低的租金

    The landlrd has put the rent up again. 房东又提高房租了。

    4. pack /pæk/ vi. & vt. 收拾(行李); vt. 包装

    pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包

    pack sme clthes 打包一些衣服(P24)

    I shuld pack fr the trip. 我该打包上路了。

    n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包

    a pack f 一包;一盒;一群;一堆

    a pack f cigarettes/gum/ green tea 一盒香烟 / 口香糖/ 绿茶

    a pack f dgs/ fxes 一群狗/狐狸

    5. amazing / əˈmeɪzɪŋ / adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的

    amazing waterfalls 令人惊叹的瀑布(P25)

    an amazing discvery/success/perfrmance 惊人的发现 / 成功 / 表演

    amazed / əˈmeɪzd / adj. (人感到)惊奇的;惊喜的

    I saw her amazed lk. 我看到了她惊愕的神情。

    6. extremely / ɪkˈstri:mli / adv. 极其; 非常

    Jiuzhaigu is an extremely beautiful place. 九寨沟是一个非常美丽的地方。(P25)

    extreme / ɪkˈstri:m / adj. 极端的;非常的

    The earth will experience extreme weather. 地球将会遭受极端天气。

    7. flat / flæt /

    adj. 平坦的; 扁平的

    Peple used t think the earth was flat. 人们曾经认为地球是平的。

    n. 公寓; 单元房

    D yu live in a flat r a huse? 你住的是公寓还是独立住宅?

    8.take cntrl f 控制; 接管

    Spain tk cntrl f Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821.


    I decided t take cntrl f my life. 我决定控制自己的人生。

    9. fficial /ə'fɪʃl/

    adj. 官方的;正式的; 公务的

    It's fr this reasn that Spanish is the main fficial language f Peru.


    English is used as an fficial language in many cuntries. 英语是许多国家的官方语言。

    n. 官员;要员

    His grandfather is an fficer in the army while his father is an fficial in the gvernment.


    adv. fficially 官方地;正式地

    The cllege is nt an fficially recgnized English language schl.


    10. recgnise [ NAmE -ize] /ˈrekəgnaɪz/ vt. (同recgnize) 辨别出; 承认; 认可

    I recgnised him as sn as he came int the rm. 他一进屋我就认出了他。

    recgnise …as/t be 把…… 当做;承认…… 为

    We recgnise Xi Jinping as/ t be a great leader. 我们认为习近平是一位伟大的领袖。

    recgnitin /ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn/ n.认出; 承认;认可

    She passed clse by me withut a sign f recgnitin. 她与我擦肩而过,却没认出我.

    11. accmmdatin / əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/ n. 住处;停留处;膳宿

    Frm there, yu’ll spend ne day travelling by bat t yur accmmdatin in the middle f the frest. 从那里,你将花一天的时间乘船前往森林中央的住处。(P26)

    Mre and mre travelers are lking fr accmmdatins in private hmes.


    12. ther than 除…以外

    Inca builders cut stnes t exact size s that nthing was needed t hld walls tgether ther than the perfect fit f the stnes. 印加建筑工人把石头切割成精确的尺寸,这样,除了石头的完美贴合之外,不需要任何东西来将墙壁固定在一起。(P26)

    There is nbdy here ther than the teacher. 这里除老师外再无别人。

    13. admire / ədˈmaɪə(r)/ vt. 欣赏;赞赏;钦佩

    Stay in a lcal htel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjy the excellent lcal fd , and g shpping at the lcal markets.


    admire sb fr (ding) sth 因(做)某事而钦佩/羡慕某人

    All thse wh knew him admired him fr his wrk.



    (1)admiring /əd'maɪərɪŋ/ adj. 赞赏的;钦佩的

    He gave her an admiring glance. 他向她投以钦慕的目光。

    (2)admirable /ˈædmərəbl/ adj. 令人钦佩的; 值得赞扬的

    He was an admirable chairman. 他是一位令人钦佩的主席。

    Her devtin t her wrk was admirable. 她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。

    (3)admiratin /ˌædməˈreɪʃn/ [u] 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕

    I have great admiratin fr her as a writer. 我十分钦佩她这位作家。

    t watch/gaze in admiratin赞赏地观看 / 凝视着

    14. cntact / ˈkɒntækt /

    vt. 联络;联系

    Fr mre brchures abut ther package turs arund Peru, cntact us at turinf@travelperu.rg. 想获得关于秘鲁其他包价旅游的更多资料手册,请与我们联系:turinf@travelperu.rg(P27)

    Fr mre infrmatin, please cntact Jhn Smith. 了解更多信息,请与约翰史密斯联系。

    n. 联系;接触

    I dn't have much cntact with my uncle. 我和叔叔很少联系。

    15. transprt / ˈtrænspɔ:t/

    n.( especially BrE)(NAmE usually transprtatin)交通运输系统

    air/rad transprt空运/路运

    public transprt公共交通;公交车辆

    Mst f us use public transprt t g t wrk. 我们大多数人都乘公交车辆上班。

    vt. / trænˈspɔ:t / 运输;运送

    transprt gds/passengers 运送货物 / 旅客

    They transprt il t ther cuntries. 他们把石油运到别的国家。

    16. hike / haɪk /

    vi. 徒步旅行

    They are ging t hike t the tp f a muntain. 他们打算徒步旅行到一座大山的顶端。

    vt. 去……远足

    The students planned t hike the Rckies. 学生们计划去落基山脉远足。

    n. 远足; 徒步旅行; g hiking 远足;徒步旅行

    If the weather's fine, we'll g hiking this weekend. 如果天气好,我们这个周末就去远足。

    hiker n. 远足者;徒步旅行者

    16. ecnmy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ n. 经济; 节约

    Wuld yu travel business class r ecnmy? 你乘坐商务舱还是经济舱?(P29)

    ecnmy class (客机)经济舱

    It was a small ecnmy t walk t wrk every day 每天步行上班是一种小节约。

    ecnmic / ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk/ adj. 经济(上)的; 经济学的

    ecnmic grwth/cperatin/develpment/refrm 经济增长 / 合作 / 发展 / 改革

    Cffee is the ecnmic plants f this cuntry. 咖啡是这个国家的经济作物。

    17. credit / ˈkredɪt/ n. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分

    This factry keeps up its gd credit, s its prducts sell very well.


    Students attend "shrt terms" in May and June t earn the credits required fr graduatin. 学生在5月和6月参加“短期”课程,以获得毕业所需学分。

    credit card 信用卡

    By credit card. 用信用卡。(P27)

    It is very cnvenient t pay by credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便。

    18. detail / ˈdi:teɪl / n. 细节;详情;细微之处

    Please mark the main ideas and imprtant details with a pen. 请用钢笔标出要点和重要细节。

    in detail 详细地

    She described the accident in detail. 她详细地叙述了那次事故。

    19. check in (在旅馆、机场等) 登记

    I'll ring the htel. I'll tell them we'll check in tmrrw.


    If yu want t stay at a htel, yu have t check in. 你想住旅馆,就得办理登记手续。

    check ut 结账离开(旅馆等)

    When I gt t the htel, he had just checked ut. 当我到达旅馆时,他刚退房走了。

    20. request /rɪ'kwest/

    n. (正式或礼貌的)要求;请求

    special requests 特殊要求(P29)

    make a request fr sth 请求得到某物

    at ne’s request 应某人的请求

    He went there at their request. 他应邀前往。

    vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求; request sb t d sth. 请求某人做某事

    They requested him t leave. 他们要求他离开。

    request + that 从句(从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气“shuld+动词原形”,shuld可以省略。)

    They requested that help (shuld) be sent at nce. 他们请求立即施以援助。

    21. view / vju:/ n. 视野;景色;看法

    a sea/ muntain view 海 / 山景

    I'd like a rm with a view. 我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。

    in ne's view在某人看来

    In my view it was a waste f time. 依我看,这是浪费时间。

    22. sight /saɪt/ n. 景象; 视野; 视力

    The Terractta Army is an amazing sight. 兵马俑一个令人惊讶的景象。(P30)

    The sunset was a very beautiful sight. 那次落日真是一幅美景。

    My sight is failing, and I can't read any mre.


    23. statue /ˈstætʃu:/ n. 雕塑;雕像

    Each statue has a different face, leading researchers t believe that each ne is a cpy f a real sldier.


    They set up a statue in memry f him. 他们立了一座雕塑纪念他。

    24. cmment / ˈkɒment / n. 议论;评论; n cmment 无可奉告

    Revise yur draft accrding t yur partner's cmments.


    She made helpful cmments n my wrk. 她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。

    vi.& vt. 发表意见;评论 ; cmment n/upn sth 表达意见;作出评论

    Yu really can't cmment till yu knw the facts.



    1.Mre yung peple are encuraged t apply jbs in Artificial Intelligence(人工智能).

    2.Girl students make 60 per cent f the whle class.

    3.She has always viewed him with ____________(admire).

    is wealthier and mre (pwer) than ever befre.

    5.It is really (amaze) t see such a beautiful sunrise.

    6.I hadn’t seen her fr 20 years,but I (recgnise) her immediately.

    7.Clubs are a way f (cntact) peple with similar interests frm all ver the wrld.

    8.The peple are wrking crazily n different (arrange) fr the meeting.

    9.This prblem is nt unique learners f English.

    10.He likes t g (hike) ver the weekend and takes pictures alng the way.

    11._______________ (accmmdate) will be prvided fr all new students.

    12.T catch the early ____________(fly),we rdered a taxi in advance and gt up very early.


    1.Three dctrs and five nurses ________________ (组成)the medical team.

    2.He tk tw weeks ff in August ________________ (因为)his sn’s sickness.

    3.I knw she has brwn hair,but ________________ (除……以外)that I dn’t remember much abut her.

    4.She is used t ________________ (浏览)her ntes befre the examinatin.

    5.Our cmpany ________________(控制) six factries thrughut China.

    6.The muntain village I visited last week ________________(由……组成) 30 families belnging t five natinalities.

    7.Anyway,I ________________(对……感到惊讶) the prgress yu’ve made.

    8.This is ne f the mst imprtant events ________________ (在……的历史上)mankind.

    9.He ________________(结账离开) and went t the airprt by taxi.

    10.The exam results will be ________________ (张贴)n Friday afternn.

    11.I d ________________ (期盼)receiving yur reply letter as sn as pssible.

    12.Lu Xun ________________(被称为) “the Grky in China.”















    1.made up

    2.because /due t

    3.ther than

    4.lking thrugh

    5.takes cntrl f

    6. is made up f

    7.am amazed at /by

    8.in the histry f

    9.checked ut

    10.put up

    11.lk frward t

    12.is knwn/famus as



    I am afraid f heights but tw summers ag I climbed t a high place. Mst f ur high schl had cme alng n a day trip t a beautiful beach village in Peru. After eating ur lunches, many f us wanted t make the climb t an area arund the village.

    D I turn back?“Yes!” Will I regret (后悔) it late? I really want t get t the tp, but ... At last, I decided at least t have a try.

    My friend Tm was in frnt f me. Then, suddenly, he slipped (滑倒) and was abut 10 feet back! My heart was beating faster until he stpped himself. Knwing that my friend Seth wuld be right behind me, I began the climb. I was sn past the first challenge safely, but nt feeling much better abut the rest f the climb. Lking dwn, I saw rcks everywhere. My breathing sped up, and my heart beat even faster, grwing lud in my ears.

    My friends kept climbing. But they did nt frget me. Smene was always behind me t help hld my feet when necessary, and smene else was always in frnt t ffer a hand up. With friends helping me by wrds and actins, I slwly gained_grund.

    Then we came t the wrst part. The climb lked very clse t vertical (垂直的). T me, the wise chice was t g back dwn. Meldy encuraged me t g n and she made it safely first. I stpped, unsure f my fting.“Yu can d it, Jean! I'm right here,” Meldy called. She waited patiently, nt asking me t hurry. I tk a few deep breaths and kept climbing.

    With n mre mistakes, we came t the tp finally. I was dirty and tired. But it didn't matter. I was at the tp! I had never felt s alive.

    21.Accrding t the text, the climb________.

    A.was dne by all f the high schl students

    B.happened n a mrning tw summers ag

    C.was near a beautiful beach village

    D.lasted fr abut tw days

    22.When her friends decided t g climbing, Jean________.

    A.felt excited abut it

    B.turned back t the village

    C.regretted ging ut with them

    D.wasn't sure whether t jin them

    23.The underlined part “gained grund” in Paragraph 4 prbably means “________”.

    A.lst heart B.mved frward

    C.climbed t the tp D.accepted the friends


    Lve it r hate it, it's April Fl's Day. And several airlines are jining the fun and Facebk psts sme humrus jkes — sme with little reality.

    Virgin Atlantic claimed n its blg that the airline wuld intrduce the wrld's first glass­bttmed jet n an Airbus A320 serving dmestic rutes in the UK. And Richard Bransn wrte n the blg, “I can't wait t experience the first flight with my family.” In fact, Delta Air Lines in January intrduced an Apple iPad app called Glass Bttm Jet, which allws fliers t view places f interest they're flying ver n a Ggle map.

    Anther airline jke might be clser t the reality. China's Spring Airlines psted n its Facebk page that weigh­and­pay flights wuld be cming sn. “If yu weigh less, yu'll pay less, but heavier passengers will be asked t pay fair fares fr making mre lads n bard,” the pst said.

    The idea f airlines charging passengers based n weight has actually been discussed fr years. And a Eurpean ecnmist published a study in March suggesting three pay­as­yu­weigh mdels airlines shuld cnsider.

    Canadian airline WestJet said it wuld cancel the limit n carrying pets in the cabin. Passengers' animals culd walk slwly n the flight. The airline psted a YuTube vide n its website shwing a gat, a duck and a mnkey n bard an aircraft.

    Suthwest Airlines jined the fun n April Fl's Day and claimed it wuld add ht­air ballns t its planes. “Enjy a wnderful view while travelling frm Bstn t Denver,” it said.

    24.What can we learn frm Paragraph 2?

    A.The glass­bttmed jet will be intrduced by tw airlines.

    B.Cmpared with Virgin Atlantic, Delta Air Lines used the glass­bttmed jet much earlier.

    C.Richard Bransn and his family will experience the first glass­bttmed flight in the UK.

    D.By using the Glass Bttm Jet, passengers can enjy places f interest with the help f electrnic prducts.

    25.Which f the fllwing may becme a reality in the future?

    A.The glass­bttmed jet.

    B.The planes with ht­air ballns.

    C.The pay­as­yu­weigh mdels.

    D.Barding an aircraft with pets.

    26.Amng all the airlines mentined, which will prvide passengers with ht­air ballns?

    A.Virgin Atlantic.

    B.Suthwest Airlines.

    C.China's Spring Airlines.

    D.Canadian airline WestJet.

    27.Which f the fllwing is the best title f this passage?

    A.Airlines Will Intrduce New Jets

    B.The New Rules f Different Airlines

    C.Airlines Have Fun n April Fl's Day

    D.New Ways t Spend April Fl's Day


    A new study has fund that backgrund nise in the hme r at schl makes it mre difficult fr tddlers (学步的儿童) t learn new wrds.

    “Learning wrds is an imprtant skill,” ntes Brianna McMillan, wh led the study. “Mdern hmes are filled with TV, radi, and peple talking that culd affect hw children learn wrds at early ages. Our study suggests that adults shuld knw the amunt f backgrund speech in an envirnment when they're talking with yung children.”

    Mst studies f wrd learning are dne in quiet labratry settings. This study fcused n wrd learning but tried t make the nisy envirnments children may face at hme and at schl. In the study, 106 children aged 22 t 30 mnths tk part in three experiments in which they were taught names fr new things and then tested n their ability t recgnize the things when they were labelled (标注). First, tddlers listened t sentences featuring tw new wrds. Then they were taught which things the new names referred t. Finally, the tddlers were tested n their ability t remember the wrds.

    In the first experiment, 40 tddlers (aged 22 t 24 mnths) heard either luder r quieter backgrund speech when learning the new wrds. Only tddlers wh were in the quieter backgrund speech successfully learned the wrds.

    In the secnd experiment, a different grup f 40 tddlers (aged 28 t 30 mnths) were tested t see whether smewhat lder children culd better vercme (克服) the effects f backgrund nise. Again, nly when backgrund nise was quieter culd the lder tddlers successfully learn the new wrds.

    In the third experiment, 26 lder tddlers were taught the meanings f tw wrd labells in a quiet envirnment. Next, the tddlers were taught the meanings f fur wrd labells — tw they had just heard and tw new nes. Tddlers were taught the meanings f all these labells in the right nisy envirnment that damnified learning in the secnd experiment. The children learned the new wrds and their meanings nly when they had first heard the labells in a quiet envirnment.

    28.What Brianna McMillan said in Paragraph 2 shws that ________.

    A.kids think it is imprtant t learn wrds

    B.parents shuld talk with their children

    C.nisy envirnments are cmmn fr kids

    D.parents pay attentin t nisy envirnments

    29.What did the kids d in the first experiment?

    A.All f them studied in a quiet envirnment.

    B.All f them studied in a nisy envirnment.

    C.They studied in a nisy envirnment and then a quiet ne.

    D.Sme studied in a nisy envirnment while the thers in a quiet ne.

    30.What des the underlined wrd “damnified” in the last paragraph mean?

    A.Harmed. B.Caused.

    C.Imprved. D.Encuraged.


    Here are sme tp tips fr wrld travellers.

    Travel light.__31__ It's n fun carrying a huge bag arund a freign city.Dn't take t many clthes and avid heavy bks and electrical equipment.

    __32__ Always keep yur passprt n yu in an inside pcket r special travel belt.There may be thieves abut.It's a gd idea t make a phtcpy (复印件) f yur passprt and travel dcuments.

    Transprt sense.Dn't let g f yur bags n the train.__33__ There are always thieves n public transprt.If yu want t sleep, tie yur bag t yur arm.When yu take a taxi, it's a gd idea t ask fr the driver's permissin.Many freigners pay t much mney because they take unfficial taxis.

    Keep clean.It's a gd idea t wear dark clthes because they hide the dirt while white clthes attract it! Make sure yu have plenty f clean underclthes and dedrant (除臭剂).__34__

    __35__ Yu shuld always be plite and respectful twards the lcals. Even if yu find their habits and behaviur a bit strange, yu shuldn't shw yur feelings. Remember, yu're their guest.

    A.Be plite.

    B.Keep yur dcuments safe.

    C.Yu shuld carry a spare bag.

    D.Yu dn't want t smell bad!

    E.Keep them with yu at all times.

    F.Make sure yur bag isn't t heavy.

    G.It's a gd idea t wear similar clthes t the lcal peple.


    Dn't Lk Away

    Ten years ag, I travelled t India with friends. One day, I spent sme time in a hme __36__ the dying. I walked int a large __37__ and saw rws and rws f cts (折叠床).Every ct was __38__ except fr ne far ff in the crner, __39__ I walked ver there.The patient was a wman wh was __40__ death.

    She had huge, srrwful eyes. I culd __41__ she had AIDS, frm the fact that she was ff in the crner __42__.It came as n surprise.The __43__ fr AIDS is abandnment — especially fr wmen.

    When I arrived at her ct, I suddenly felt ttally __44__. I had abslutely nthing I culd __45__ her. I knew I culdn't save her, but I didn't want her t be alne. S I __46__ next t her and reached ut t __47__ her — and as sn as she felt my hand, she grabbed it and __48__ let g. I had sat there hlding her hands fr a while when she pinted __49__ with her finger. It tk me sme time t __50__ that she wanted t g up t the rf.S I __51__ her up the stairs.On the rf she sat there with her face t the __52__, watching the sunset.

    Smetimes it's the peple yu can't help wh __53__ yu the mst. Fr me ptimism isn't a passive expectatin that things will get __54__.It's a belief that whatever __55__ we see, n matter hw bad it is, we can help peple if we dn't lk away.


    C.at D.frm


    C.hall D.church


    C.exchanged D.attended


    C.s D.because

    40.A.n the pint fB.afraid f

    C.mentining D.fighting


    C.admit D.predict


    C.alne D.wrried


    C.cure D.punishment


    C.surprised D.hpeless


    C.lend D.pass

    46.A.turned dwnB.kncked dwn

    C.settled dwn D.knelt dwn

    47.A.lk atB.tuch

    C.save D.call n


    C.shuldn't D.needn't


    C.upward D.clearly

    50.A.pint utB.make sure

    C.keep in mind D.figure ut


    C.carried D.lifted


    C.hmetwn D.backgrund


    C.inspire D.guarantee


    C.wrse D.tugher

    55.A. perfrmanceB.lneliness

    C.disease D.suffering


    This summer, eight pupils travelled t China t participate in the Chinese Bridge Summer Immersin (深入) Curse at Tianjin Freign Studies University. Frm the 10th-27th July, my classmates and I had a fantastic experience during which we spent 17 days __56__ (becme) truly immersed in the Chinese culture. One imprtant aspect f ur jurney was daily __57__ (visit) t Tianjin Freign Studies University. Each day we tk part in a Mandarin (普通话) curse __58__ we learned useful vcabulary t help us thrughut ur trips. We als had the pprtunity t have __59__ taste f different Chinese cultural activities like Beijing Opera mask painting, paper­cutting and many mre exciting activities. These allwed us t have a much __60__ (deep) understanding f the culture f China and the traditins f the cuntry. __61__ the end f ur time in the city f Tianjin befre mving t Beijing, we all tk part in a Mandarin test fr which we __62__ (prepare) thrughut ur time spent in the university. Despite ur wrries abut having t sit a test during ur summer hliday, we all succeeded and went n __63__ (enjy) ur last week in the city f Beijing befre returning t Sctland. I can say __64__ (hnest) that ur jurney t China is an unfrgettable experience that __65__ (remember) and lked back n fndly by all f us.





    21 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“a day trip t a beautiful beach village in Peru”和“make the climb t an area arund the village”可知,作者他们是在村庄附近爬的山。

    22 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“D I turn back? ‘Yes!’ Will I regret (后悔) it later? I really want t get t the tp, but ... At last, I decided at least t have a try.”可知,Jean一开始对于要是否爬山很犹豫。

    23 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据本段中的“必要时,在我身后的朋友托住我的脚,在我前面的朋友搭把手拉我”以及“friends helping me by wrds and actins”可知,作者开始慢慢有所进展,向着山顶前进。



    24 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,正确答案为D。

    25 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段的“... might be clser t the reality”以及第四段的“And a Eurpean ecnmist published a study in March suggesting three pay­as­yu­weigh mdels airlines shuld cnsider.”可知,按照重量收费在将来可能会实现,故C项正确。

    26 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,正确答案为B项。

    27解析:选C 标题归纳题。本文主要讲了几家航空公司在愚人节和大家开的玩笑,所以C项符合题意。D项有一定的干扰性,“度过愚人节的新方式”作为本文标题显然是过大了。



    28解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Mdern hmes are filled with TV, radi, and peple talking that culd affect hw children learn wrds at early ages.”可知,有响声的环境对于学步的儿童来说很普遍。

    29 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“In the first experiment, 40 tddlers (aged 22 t 24 mnths) heard either luder r quieter backgrund speech when learning the new wrds.”可知,其中一些在安静的环境里学习,另一些在有响声的环境里学习。

    30 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第五段的“Again, nly when backgrund nise was quieter culd the lder tddlers successfully learn the new wrds.”可知,有响声的环境损害了学步的儿童的学习效果,故选A。



    31.选F 根据下文“It's n fun carrying a huge bag arund a freign city.”可知背很重的包去国外旅行是很无趣的,因此F项(确保你的包不太重)切题。

    32.选B 根据下文“There may be thieves abut.”可知B项(确保你的证件安全)切题。

    33.选E 根据上文“Dn't let g f yur bags n the train.”可知E项(你要随时带在身边)切题。

    34.选D 根据上文“Make sure yu have plenty f clean underclthes and dedrant (除臭剂).”可知D项(你不想闻起来很臭吧!)切题。

    35.选A 根据下文“Yu shuld always be plite and respectful twards the lcals.”中的关键词be plite可知A项切题。



    36.解析:选B 根据下文描述的“我”帮助一位女性艾滋病患者可知,“我”去临终之家为濒临死亡的人提供帮助和服务。fr意为“给,对(表示对象或用途)”。

    37解析:选C 根据下文中的“g up t the rf”和上一句中的“in a hme”可以判断,在大厅里“我”看到了一排排的折叠床,上面躺着病人。hall意为“大厅”,符合语境。curtyard“庭院,院子”;hspital“医院”;church“教堂”。

    38解析:选D 根据第一段第二句中的“the dying”,并结合该句中的“Every ct was”可知,每张床上都躺着濒临死亡的病人,他们都得到了照顾。attend意为“照看,照顾”,符合语境。arrange意为“安排”;cntrl意为“控制”;exchange意为“交换”。

    39解析:选C 根据上文中的“Every ct was ________ except fr ne far ff in the crner”可知,每张床上的病人都得到了照顾,除了远处角落里的一位;根据空后的“I walked ver there”可知,“我”走向了那里;据此可以判断,两句间为因果关系,且为前因后果,故用s。

    40解析:选A 根据下文中的“she had AIDS”,并结合语境可知,这位病人是一位女性艾滋病患者,即将死亡。n the pint f意为“濒临,快要……的时候”;afraid f意为“担心,害怕……”;mentin意为“提到,提及”;fight意为“斗争”。

    41解析:选B 根据前一句“She had huge, srrwful eyes.”,并结合该句中的“frm the fact that she was ff in the crner”可知,从这位女病人悲伤的眼神和远离其他病人被扔到角落里的情况“我”看出,她是一位艾滋病患者。tell“看出,知道”,符合语境。annunce“宣告”;admit“承认”;predict“预测”。

    42解析:选C 根据该句中的“she had AIDS, frm the fact that she was ff in the crner”可知,她是一位艾滋病患者,被孤独地扔在角落。alne意为“孤独的”,符合语境。ashamed意为“羞愧的”;exhausted意为“筋疲力尽的”;wrried意为“担心的”。

    43解析:选D 根据该句“The ________ fr AIDS is abandnment — especially fr wmen.”可知,对于艾滋病患者的惩罚是遗弃,尤其是女性。punishment意为“惩罚”,符合语境。preparatin意为“准备”;embarrassment意为“尴尬”;cure意为“治愈”。

    44解析:选A 根据空处后一句中的“I had abslutely nthing I culd”可知,“我”确实没有什么可以提供给她的,由此可推断,走到她的病床,“我”突然感到很无助。helpless意为“无助的”;disappinted意为“失望的”;surprised意为“惊讶的”;hpeless意为“绝望的”。

    45解析:选B 参见上题解析。ffer意为“提供,自愿给”,符合语境。prmise意为“承诺”;lend意为“借给,添加”;pass意为“经过,通过”。

    46解析:选D 根据空处前一句“I knew I culdn't save her, but I didn't want her t be alne.”可知,“我”知道“我”无法挽救她,但是“我”不想让她感觉孤独;结合该句中的“S I ________ next t her and reached ut t ________ her”可知,因而“我”在她身旁跪下来,伸手去触摸她。kneel dwn意为“跪下”,符合语境。turn dwn意为“拒绝,调低”;knck dwn意为“撞倒,拆掉”;settle dwn意为“定居,平静下来”。

    47解析:选B 参见上题解析。tuch意为“触摸,碰”,符合语境。lk at意为“看”;save意为“挽救”;call n意为“号召”。

    48解析:选A 根据上文可知,“我”在她身旁跪下来,伸手去触摸她,一感觉到“我”的手,她就抓住它,不愿意松开。

    49解析:选C 根据下文中的“she wanted t g up t the rf”可知,她想要登上屋顶;结合语境可知,“我”坐在那里握着她的手时,她用她的手指朝上指了指。upward意为“朝上,向上”,符合语境。deliberately意为“慎重地,故意地”;utside意为“在外,向外”;clearly意为“清楚地”。

    50解析:选D 根据该句“It tk me sme time t ________ that she wanted t g up t the rf.”可知,“我”花了一些时间才弄清楚她想要登上屋顶。figure ut意为“弄清楚”,符合语境。pint ut意为“指出”;make sure意为“确保,保证”;keep in mind意为“记住”。

    51解析:选C 根据空处前一句中的“she wanted t g up t the rf”可知,她想要登上屋顶;结合语境可知,“我”背着她上楼。carry意为“抱,搬,背”,符合语境。fllw意为“跟随”;shw意为“展示”;lift意为“举起,抬起”。

    52解析:选B 根据该句中的“watching the sunset”可知她脸朝向西方,看着落日。west意为“西方”,符合语境。wrld意为“世界”;hmetwn意为“家乡”;backgrund意为“背景”。

    53解析:选C 根据语境并结合上文叙述的“我”帮助一位濒临死亡的女性艾滋病患者可知,有时那些你无法帮助的人最能激励你。inspire意为“激励,鼓舞”,符合语境。trust意为“相信”;respect意为“尊敬”;guarantee意为“保证,确保”。

    54解析:选A 上文叙述了“我”帮助了一位濒临死亡的女性艾滋病患者,同时自己也得到了心灵的鼓励,因此对“我”来说,乐观并不是一种相信事物会变得更美好的被动期望。better意为“更好的”;truer意为“更真实的”;wrse意为“更糟糕的”;tugher意为“更艰难的”。

    55解析:选D 这是一种这样的信念:不管我们看到什么苦难(suffering),不管事情有多么糟糕,只要我们不袖手旁观,我们就能帮助到别人。perfrmance意为“表演,表现”;lneliness意为“孤独”;disease意为“疾病”。



    56.becming 考查非谓语动词。spend time (in) ding sth.是固定搭配,意为“花费时间做某事”。

    57.visits 考查名词的数。visit是可数名词,空前没有限定词,故用其复数形式。

    58.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,先行词为a Mandarin curse(抽象的地点名词),空处在从句中作地点状语,故用where引导该定语从句。

    59.a 考查冠词。have a taste f ...“体验……”为固定用法,故填不定冠词a。

    60.deeper 考查形容词的比较级。这些活动让我们对中国文化和传统有了更深的理解。根据语境和much可知,此处要用deep的比较级。

    61.At 考查介词。at the end f ...“在……结束时”为固定搭配,故填介词At。

    62.had prepared/had been preparing 考查动词的时态。此处是在叙述过去发生的事,因此此处应用过去时态;由语境及该句中的“we all tk part in a Mandarin test”得知,可使用过去完成时表示在“参加普通话考试”之前已完成的动作;也可用过去完成进行时表示动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到另一个过去时刻,该动作刚刚结束,或可能还在继续。

    63.t enjy 考查非谓语动词。此处指作者他们考完普通话后,继续享受在北京的一周假期,应使用g n t d sth.“继续做另外一件事”,故填t enjy。注意:不可填enjying,因为g n ding sth.表示“继续做同一件事”。

    64.hnestly 考查副词。修饰动词用副词,故填hnestly。

    65.will be remembered 考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,that引导定语从句,that指代an unfrgettable experience,且与动词remember之间是被动关系,故用被动语态;再结合前面的is和语境可知,此处指中国之行将被我们所有人记住并深情回味,故用一般将来时,表示将来的动作。

    1. 【2019全国卷III】We were first greeted with the barking by a pack 63 dgs,seven t be exact.

    2. 【2014全国卷I】 While there are ________(amaze) stries f instant transfrmatin,fr mst f us the changes are gradual and require a lt f effrt and wrk, like cleaning up a plluted river.

    3. 【2016全国卷I】The title will be ____ (fficial) given t me at a ceremny in Lndn.

    1. 答案及解析: f 考查介词。 a pack f dgs一群狗。

    2.答案及解析:amazing 句意:尽管有惊人的关于快速改变的故事,但对于我们大多数人来说,变化是逐渐的,并且需要很多努力和工作,就像清理被污染的河流一样。修饰后面的名词stries ,表示“令人惊讶的”, 用amazing。

    3.答案:fficially 句意:在伦敦举行的一个仪式上,这个头衔将正式授予给我。修饰动词用副词形式。重点单词
    1. _____________ (n.) 经济;节约→_____________ (adj.) 经济的;经济学的→ecnmical (adj.) 经济的;节约的→ecnmist (n.) 经济学家,经济专家

    2._____________ (n.) 视野;景色;看法→viewer (n.) 阅读器;电视观众;观看者;观察者

    3.apply[ə'plaI] vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→_____________ n.应用;用途;申请→_____________ n.申请人;求职人

    4._____________ [ə'meIzIŋ] adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→_____________ adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→amaze vt.使吃惊;使惊讶

    5._____________ [ə'reIndʒmənt] n.安排;筹备→arrange vt.安排

    6._____________[Ik'striːmli] adv.极其;非常→extreme adj.及其,非常

    7._____________ ['paʊəfl] adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→pwer v.给……提供动力

    8._____________ [ə'fIʃl] adj.官方的;正式的;公务的n.官员;要员→ffice n.办公室;政府机关;官职

    9.recgnise['rekəɡnaIz] vt.辨别出;承认;认可→_____________ n.认出;认识

    10.transprt['trænspɔːt] n.交通运输系统 vt.运输;运送→_____________ n.运输
    1.____________ 申请




    6. ____________专心致志于;致力于

    7. ____________ 把某物租给某人

    8.pack up ____________

    9.be amazed t d sth. ____________

    10. ____________令某人(非常)惊讶的是

    11.make arrangements fr ... ____________

    12.be recgnised t be/as 被认作……/被认

    13.admire sb. fr sth. ____________

    14. ____________ 把……从……运输到……

    15. ____________ (在旅馆、机场等)登记

    16. ____________ (经检查)得到证实,获得证明

    17. ____________不在视野中

    18.make a cmment/cmments n/abut ____________

    19.n cmment ___________

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