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    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit01
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit02
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit03
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit04
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit05
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit06
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit07
    2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit08
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    高中牛津译林版 (2019)Unit 2 Let's talk teens优秀课件ppt

    这是一份高中牛津译林版 (2019)Unit 2 Let's talk teens优秀课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了素养导航,晨读晚诵,重点短语 ,快速长高蹿个儿,承认错误认输,calm down,重点句式 ,答案A,答案D,答案B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Big praise fr BaA bwl f symilk and sme bazi,r steamed buns,are a typical① Chinese breakfast.Wh wuld have thught that this simple meal wuld becme a leading character in a mvie,and even win an Oscar? On Feb.25,Disney-Pixar’s shrt film Ba tk hme this year’s Academy Award fr Best Animated Shrt.In the mvie,a small steamed bun springs t life② and becmes the child f a lnely Chinese wman.
    Dmee Shi,Pixar’s first female Chinese-Canadian directr,was inspired③ by her wn mther.When Shi grew up,she was always wrking utside the hme.Shi spent little time with her mther,which made her reflect n④ their relatinship.“My mm wuld ften hld me clse and say,‘I wish I culd put yu back in my stmach s I knew exactly where yu were at all times,’” Shi tld US-based media Thrillist.Ba explres the themes f empty nest syndrme⑤,emtinal attachment and the effects f being an verprtective parent in the mvie,The Hllywd Reprter nted.
    In the film,many details shw the way the Chinese wman lves her “sn”.She prepares feasts,cleans up the huse carefully and always buys “him” fresh pastries.These details are true t the strng and prtective lve f Chinese parents fr their children.But as Ba grws up,he wants t have his wn life.He plays ut late with his friends,refusing t cme hme at his curfew(宵禁).He knws that there is a big wrld ut there,but he can’t cut his mther’s aprn strings⑥.
    In Ba,the children f immigrants actually als lve their parents,but because they have t fit in with⑦ the culture,they smetimes ignre their parents’ pain.S,hw shuld children like this shw their parents that they lve them?In her acceptance speech,Shi had a message,“T all f the nerdy girls ut there wh hide behind their sketchbks,dn’t be afraid t tell yur stries t the wrld.”
    词海拾贝①typical adj.典型的②spring t life 活了过来,有了生命③inspire vt.鼓舞,激励④reflect n 反思,思考⑤empty nest syndrme 空巢综合征⑥cut ne’s aprn strings 摆脱某人的控制⑦fit in with 融合,适应
    典句欣赏Wh wuld have thught that this simple meal wuld becme a leading character in a mvie,and even win an Oscar?译文:谁曾想到,这样的简餐会成为一部电影的主角,甚至拿下了一座奥斯卡小金人?分析:此句中wuld have thught是虚拟语气的用法,表示和过去的事实相反。理解诱思Parent-child relatinship is a cmmn issue we all face,s hw d yu think children shuld shw their parents that they lve them?答案:略。
    Sectin A Welcme t the unit & Reading
    Ⅰ.知识体系图解 重点词汇
    1.nest n.         2.rf n.         3.teenager n.         4.tensin n.             5.spt n.         6.anger n.         7.mental adj.         8.adult n.         9.rugh adj.         10.breakdwn n.         11.skin n.         
    鸟窝;巢穴,窝 屋顶,顶部 青少年 紧张关系;紧张;拉伸 粉刺;斑点;污渍;地点,场所 怒气,怒火 思想的,精神的,智力的 成年人 艰难的;粗糙的;不确切的 (关系)破裂;故障皮肤;(兽)皮,毛皮 
    12.      n.& vt.& vi.争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争 13.      n.争吵,争论;论点 14.      adj.忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的 15.      n.速度;率 vi.& vt.评价,评估 16.      vi.& vt.(使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影 17.      n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子 vt.把……作为攻击目标;面向18.      n.& vt.渴望,愿望 19.      vi.& n.奋斗;斗争;搏斗 20.      adj.频繁的;有规律的 
    battle argumentanxius rate sht target desire struggle regular 
    21.      vt.使平静,使镇静 adj.镇静的,沉着的 22.      n.看法;视线;景色 vt.把……视为;观看 23.      n.担心,忧虑;关心 vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧 24.      adj.正常的,一般的 n.常态,通常标准 25.      n.精神压力,紧张;强调 vt.强调,着重 26.      n.主编,编辑;剪辑师 27.      vi.争吵,争辩,争论 vt.说理,论证 
    calm view cncern nrmal stress editr argue
    1.see eye t eye with sb (n sth)              2.sht up               3.think sth thrugh               4.back dwn               5.      平静,镇静,安静 6.               从某人的角度、观点出发 
    frm ne’s pint f view
    1.It can be a big headache t balance yur develping mental needs ,yur parents d nt always agree and that makes yu feel this kind f healthy discussin,yu will learn when t back dwn and when t ask yur parents t relax their cntrl.
    Ⅱ.阅读导学A.阅读P16-17文章,判断正(T)误(F)。1.It is unusual fr teenagers t have difficult relatinships with their are likely t wrry abut their physical shuld always agree with their children t avid family want bth independence and their parents’ lve and discussins are necessary t keep the peace between parents and children.答案:A.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T
    B.阅读P16-17文章,选出最佳答案。1.Why des the authr ask questins at the beginning f the passage?A.T intrduce the knw abut yur parent-child slve the battle between parents and start cnversatins between parents and des “Strangers under the same rf” refer t?A.A big family living tgether.B.A cuple withut living in the same and children in cld silence.
    3.What’s the main idea f Paragraph 2?A.Why teenagers feel ’ physical develp at different changes f teenagers may cause family f the fllwing isn’t amng the mental changes f teenagers?A.They want t make decisins n their dn’t need their parents’ lve r have difficulty in cntrlling their have a desire fr independence and freedm.
    5.What is the mst imprtant in keeping the peace between parents and children?A.Listening t each yur regularly and actin t imprve the situatins.答案:C
    1.Des every dinner with yur parents seem t turn int a battle?每次和父母一起吃晚餐似乎都会变成一场战争吗?(P16)【词汇精讲】在本句中battle用作名词,意为“争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争”;battle也可用作及物动词和不及物动词,用作不及物动词往往和介词against/with连用。The battle f Waterl was fught near the Belgian village f Waterl.滑铁卢战役是在比利时的小城镇滑铁卢附近打响的。He battled cancer fr fur years.他同癌症斗争了四年。
    【词汇拓展】battle fr为了……而斗争battle against/with与……作斗争half the battle成功了一半;胜利大有希望The tw leaders are battling fr cntrl f the gvernment.两位领导人正在争夺政府控制权。
    2.Yu may feel anxius that yu are develping at a different rate t yur friends,shting up in height r getting left far behind.你可能会感到焦虑,因为你的发展速度和你的朋友们不同,身高方面或者突飞猛进,或是被远远抛在后面。(P16)【词汇精讲1】rate在本句中用作名词,意为“速度;率”;除此之外还可用作动词,意为“评价,评估”。At the rate they’re ging,the wrk will be finished by tmrrw.以他们目前的速度,工作在明天前可以完成。Hw wuld yu rate it,n a scale frm 1 t 10?从1级到10级,你认为它属于哪一级?When students rate subjects accrding t their imprtance,the arts are at the bttm f the list.当学生按照学科重要性对科目划分进行评估时,文科被列在最后。
    【词汇拓展1】birth rate出生率unemplyment rate 失业率heart rate心率the success/failure rate成功率/失败率at a rate f以……的速度The birth rate has risen a little in recent years.近几年出生率略有提高。New diet bks appear at a rate f nearly ne a week.饮食方面的新书以几乎每周一本的速度出版。
    【词汇精讲2】sht单独用表示“(使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影”的含义。sht up在本句中是固定词组,意为“快速长高,蹿个儿”,还可以表示“陡增;猛涨;迅速上升”。Their kids have sht up since I last saw them.自从我上次见了他们以后,他们家的几个孩子一下子长高了。Ticket prices sht up last year.去年票价猛涨。He sht past me int the huse.他从我身边飞奔过去,跑进屋里。He sht at the bird,but didn’t sht it.他向那只鸟射击,但是没有射中。The mvie was sht in New Zealand.这部电影是在新西兰拍摄的。
    【词汇拓展2】sht at sth/sb向……射击sht sth/sb射中sht的过去式、过去分词为sht,sht。sht除了作为sht的过去式、过去分词,还可以作为名词,意为“射击,枪声;射门,击球”。Smene tk a sht at the car.有人朝轿车开枪。
    3.Yu might wrry abut yur changing vice,weight prblems r spts.你可能会担心你的声音变化、体重问题或粉刺。(P16)【词汇精讲】spt用作名词,意为“粉刺;斑点;污渍;地点,场所”。也可用作动词,意为“发现”。Many teenagers wrry abut their spts.很多青少年担心他们的粉刺。Sme animals,like lepards,have spts.有些动物,比如豹子,身上有斑点。His jacket was cvered with spts f mud.他的短上衣满是泥点。He sught ut a shady spt where he might sit dwn and rest.他找到了一个可以坐下来休息的阴凉地方。I finally sptted my friend in the crwd.我终于在人群中认出了我的朋友。
    【词汇拓展】n the spt马上,当场;在现场a white cat with brwn spts带褐色斑点的白猫a few spts f bld一些血渍a quiet spt n the beach海滩上一个安静的地方He answered the questin n the spt.他当场就回答了那个问题。
    4.When it all gets t much,yur parents are ften the first targets f yur anger.当这一切让你不堪重负时,父母常常会成为你发泄愤怒的首选目标。(P16)【词汇精讲】在本句中,target用作名词,意为“(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子”;也可用作动词,意为“把……作为攻击目标;面向”。What’s the target audience f this paper?这份报纸以哪些人为目标读者?The magazine targets thse wh lve cars.这份杂志以爱车一族为读者群。
    【词汇拓展】set a target确定目标meet/achieve/reach a target完成/达到目标a target area/audience/grup目标范围/观众/群体hit/miss the target中/脱靶target sth以……为目标be targeted at 目的;旨在;针对We set the sales target at the beginning f the year.我们年初设定了销售目标。The prgram is targeted at imprving peple’s health.该节目旨在提高人们的健康水平。
    5.Yu have bth a new desire fr independence and a cntinued need fr yur parents’ lve and supprt.你既对独立充满新的渴望,又对父母的爱与支持有不断的需求。(P17)【词汇精讲】desire意为“渴望,愿望”,在本句中用作名词,也可用作动词。His desire is that he shuld g t China again.他的愿望是能再次去中国。We always desire t live in harmny with ur neighburs.我们一向希望和邻居们和睦相处。We all desire happiness and health.我们都想要幸福和健康。
    【词汇拓展】(1)have a desire t d sth=desire t d sth渴望做某事have a desire fr=desire fr渴望desire that sb(shuld) d sth渴望某人做某事(2)desired adj.要求的;想要的the desired effect预期的效果Anna has a desire t travel.安娜渴望去旅游。They had little desire fr mney.他们对金钱没有什么欲望。
    6.On the ther hand,when yu are struggling t cntrl yur feelings,yu wish they culd be mre caring and patient...另一方面,当你努力想控制自己的情感时,你希望他们能更加体贴和有耐心……(P17)【词汇精讲】struggle vi.& n.斗争;奋斗;搏斗句中的struggle是动词,意为“斗争”。The struggle between the tw teams was hard.这两个队之间的斗争很激烈。The ld man has struggled with sickness fr a few mnths.数月来老人一直在与疾病作斗争。The wunded sldier struggled in the frest.受伤的士兵在森林中艰难地行进。
    【词汇拓展】struggle fr 为……而斗争struggle with/against sb/sth与……作斗争struggle t d sth努力做某事struggle t ne’s feet挣扎着站起来Mandela struggled fr the right f the blacks all his life.曼德拉为争取黑人的权利而奋斗终生。Mary struggled t lift the heavy basket.玛丽努力要把那沉重的篮子提起来。
    they frget that grwing up is a rugh ride.……有时候他们忘记了成长是一段艰难的旅程。(P17)【词汇精讲】rugh用作形容词,意为“艰难的;粗糙的;不确切的”,还可表示“汹涌的,风浪很大的”。The skin n her hands was hard and rugh.她手上的皮肤粗糙而没有弹性。This is a rugh prblem.这是个棘手的问题。It was t rugh t sail that night.那天夜里风浪太大,无法行船。
    【词汇拓展】rugh grund高低不平的地面a rugh idea大体知道rughly adv.大体上I’ve gt a rugh idea f where I want t g.我大致知道我想去哪里了。He knew rughly what was abut t be said.他大致知道该说些什么。
    8.When yu disagree with yur parents,take a minute t calm dwn and try t understand the situatin frm their pint f view.当你和父母意见相左时,花点时间冷静下来,试着从他们的角度去理解情况。(P17)【词汇精讲1】calm adj.镇静的;沉着的 vt.使平静;使镇静。在本句中,calm意为“使平静;使镇静”。Have a brandy and it’ll help t calm yu dwn.来点儿白兰地能使你静下来。In the face f great danger,it’s imprtant t keep calm.在危险面前,保持镇静很重要。
    【词汇拓展1】calm neself 使自己镇静calm sb 使某人镇静下来calm dwn安静下来stay/keep/remain calm保持镇静Thugh he was very angry,he tried hard t calm himself.尽管他很气愤,他努力使自己平静下来。The baby was crying and the mther was trying her best t calm him.婴儿在哭,妈妈正在想尽办法使他安静下来。Yu’d better calm dwn,r else yu will get int truble.你最好冷静一点,不然你就有麻烦了。
    【词汇精讲2】view在本句中用作名词,意为“看法;视线;景色”,也可用作动词,意为“把……视为;观看”。frm ne’s pint f view 意为“从某人的角度/观点出发”。What are yur views n cmpulsry educatin?你对义务教育有什么看法?Thusands f turists cme t view the gardens every year.每年有成千上万的游客来参观这些花园。I want a rm with a sea view.我想要一个能看海景的房间。Frm my pint f view,the president hasn’t dne enugh t help pr peple.在我看来,总统在帮助穷人方面做得还不够。
    【词汇拓展2】把……视为……be viewed as被视为in view f鉴于;由于in ne’s view在某人看来get/have a gd view f...观看……视野很好I viewed her as my best friend.我把她当成我最好的朋友。Frm the tp f the twer yu will have a gd view f the city.从塔顶看这个城市视野很好。
    【微写作】Jane Elizabeth was brn in the cuntryside f England where the view is amazing.At that time marrying well was viewed as the nly gal f girls.Hwever,the view f Jane Elizabeth is different and she lves reading and marries lve.This is the brief stry f Pride and Prejudice,which is viewed as a great wrk and still viewed by peple all ver the wrld,nt nly the bk,but als the film.简·伊丽莎白出生于英格兰的乡村,那里风景如画。在那个时期,嫁得好被看作是女孩唯一的目标。然而,伊丽莎白的观点是不同的。她喜欢读书,最终嫁给了爱情。这就是《傲慢与偏见》的故事梗概。这本书被认为是一部伟大的作品,现在全世界的人们还在看这部作品,不管是书还是电影。
    9.After yu have thught it thrugh,explain yur actins and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their cncerns.在你全面考虑之后,冷静地解释你的行为和感受,仔细倾听,并消除他们的顾虑。(P17)
    【词汇精讲】cncern在本句中用作名词,意为“担心,忧虑;关心”;cncern还可用作动词,意为“涉及;让(某人)担忧”。Fd safety has caused a few cncerns.食品安全引起了一些担忧。As the wrld’s ppulatin cntinues t grw,mre and mre shw cncern fr the supply f fd.随着世界人口的持续增加,食物供应越来越受人们关注。This meeting cncerns all f yu.这次会议涉及你们所有的人。His disease cncerned his parents.他的病让他的父母很担心。
    【词汇拓展】shw cncern fr对……关注as far as sb/sth be cncerned就……而言;在……看来be cncerned abut/fr担心;关心cncerning prep.关于As far as tday is cncerned I d nt think they can d it well.就现今而言,我觉得他们还做不好。He heard nthing cncerning this matter.关于这件事他什么都没听到。We are all cncerned abut his health.我们都非常关心他的健康。
    10.Just remember that it is cmpletely nrmal t struggle with the stress that parent-child tensins create,and that yu and yur parents can wrk tgether t imprve yur relatinship.只要记住,无法轻松应对亲子关系紧张带来的压力是完全正常的,并且你和父母可以共同努力,改善关系。(P17)【词汇精讲1】nrmal在本句中用作形容词,意为“正常的,一般的”;nrmal还可用作名词,意为“常态,通常标准”。Her temperature is nrmal.她的体温正常。He shuld be able t live a nrmal life.他应该能够过上正常的生活。
    【词汇拓展1】(1)return t nrmal恢复正常belw/abve nrmal低于/高于正常标准(2)abnrmal adj.不正常的nrmally adv.通常,平常
    Nrmally he gets up at 7 ’clck.他通常7点起床。Her heart is beating nrmally.她心跳正常。The rainfall has been belw nrmal fr this time f year.这个时期的降雨量低于一年中这个时期的平均值。It will take a lng time befre the peple’s life returns t nrmal in the disaster area.要过很长时间灾区人民的生活才会恢复正常。
    【词汇精讲2】stress在本句中用作名词,意为“精神压力,紧张”,还可以表示“强调”;也可以用作动词,意为“强调,着重”。Things can easily g wrng when peple are under stress.人在压力之下,做事就容易出差错。We have learned prnunciatin,stress and intnatin.我们学习了读音、重音和语调。He stressed the imprtance f gd educatin.他强调接受良好教育的重要性。Yu shuld stress the first syllable.你应该重读第一个音节。
    【词汇拓展2】stressed adj.焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的He was feeling stressed and tired.他感到十分焦虑,疲惫不堪。It was a stressful time fr all f us.对于我们所有人来说,那都是一段高压时期。
    11.Recently we have argued with each ther a great deal.最近我们彼此争论得很厉害。(P19)【词汇精讲】句中的argue是不及物动词,意为“争论,辩论,说服”,常与介词abut或with搭配。I’m nt ging t argue with yu,but I think yu’re wrng.我不想与你争辩,但是我认为你错了。She argued with him.她和他争论。They argued with each ther abut the best place fr a hliday.他们为最佳的度假地点而争论。
    【词汇拓展】argument n.争论,辩论;论据arguable adj.可论证的;可疑的argue with sb abut/ver sth与某人争论某事argue sb int ding sth说服某人做某事/接受某种意见argue sb ut f ding sth说服某人不做某事/打消某种念头argue against 反驳argue fr 赞同;主张
    have an argument with sb abut/ver sth与某人争论某事We tried many ways t argue him int accepting ur advice,but in vain.我们尝试了很多办法劝说他接受我们的建议,但都是徒劳。The teacher argued her ut f thrwing away the gd pprtunity.老师劝她不要放弃这个好机会。Many experts argue fr the ban f riding mtrcycles in the city.许多专家主张禁止在城市中骑摩托车。
    1.It can be a big headache t balance yur develping mental needs t.平衡你正在发育的精神需求也是一个很大的问题。(P16)【句式剖析】在这个句子中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语t balance yur develping mental needs。It is nt difficult t translate this article.翻译这篇文章不难。It is dangerus fr a new driver t drive n the icy rad.对于一个新手司机来说,在这样结冰的路面上开车很危险。It is necessary fr students t read mre classic literature.学生有必要多读一些经典文学。It is a struggle fr him t learn English well.对他来说学好英语不容易。
    【句式拓展】(1)It is/was+adj.(+fr sb)+t d sth句型,意为“对某人来说做某事是……的”。It为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,此句型中常见的形容词有necessary,imprtant,easy,difficult,hard,dangerus,pssible,impssible等表示事物的属性、性质的词。
    (2)“It is+adj.+f sb+t d sth”表示“某人做某事真是太……了”。此句型中的形容词一般是描述人的品质的,例如gd,kind,nice,plite,clever,flish,stupid,lazy,careful,careless,brave,cruel,hnest,naughty,rude等。It is difficult fr me t finish the wrk n time.对我来说,按时完成这项工作很难。It is clever f yu t wrk ut the maths prblem.你真聪明,能解出来这道数学题。
    2.Unfrtunately,yur parents d nt always agree and that makes yu feel unhappy.不幸的是,你的父母并不总是同意,这让你感到不开心。(P17)【句式剖析】这是“make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,省略t的不定式feel unhappy作宾语补足语。make作使役动词时,后面一般接复合宾语。The smell f cking makes me hungry.烧菜的味道令我感到饥饿。The Internet makes ur life and wrk mre cnvenient.互联网使我们的生活和工作更方便了。These develpments are likely t make ur current prblems much wrse.这些发展可能会使我们目前的问题更加严重。
    He has made it a rule t get up early.他已养成了早起的习惯。She made her children wash their hands befre eating.她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。The speaker raised his vice in rder t make himself heard.发言人提高了嗓音以便别人能听到他说的话。He makes everything in his rm in gd rder.他房间的一切都井井有条。
    【名师点津】若此句型中作宾语补足语的名词为表示职位或头衔的名词,此名词前不加任何冠词;省略t的不定式作宾语补足语时,变为被动语态后,不定式须带t。Children shuld be made t understand the imprtance f saving water.应该让孩子们懂得节约用水的重要性。
    3.Thrugh this kind f healthy discussin,yu will learn when t back dwn and when t ask yur parents t relax their cntrl.通过这种健康的讨论,你将学会什么时候该让步,什么时候该让父母放松他们的控制。(P17)【句式剖析】在本句中,when t back dwn and when t ask yur parents t relax their cntrl是“疑问词+不定式”结构,作learn的宾语,此外,“疑问词+不定式”结构还可在句中作主语或表语。When t start has nt been decided.尚未决定何时动身。I dn’t knw what t d.我不知道该做些什么。The difficulty was hw t crss the river. 问题在于如何过河。
    【句式归纳】(1)whether和疑问词wh (whm),what,which,when,where,hw后可接不定式,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。其后通常接这种结构的动词有cnsider,decide,knw,learn,wnder等。(2)“疑问词+不定式”可转化为“疑问词+句子”。I dn’t knw what t d.⇒I dn’t knw what I shuld d.我不知道该做什么。(3)有些动词,如ask,shw,teach等,可以先接宾语,再接“疑问词+不定式”结构。Did yu tell him hw t g there?你告诉他怎样去那儿了吗?
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The nvel was      (评价;评估) a brilliant wrk. 答案:rated2.They chse a nice quiet      (地点;场所) n the beach. 答案:spt3.His brave deeds in the      (战斗) earned him glry. 答案:battle4.      (压力) can be extremely damaging t yur health. 答案:Stress5.We shuld pay mre attentin t ur      (精神的) health. 答案:mental
    6.The factry met its prductin      (目标) ahead f time. 答案:target7.After a lng      (奋斗),she gained cntrl f the business. 答案:struggle8.There is nthing t wrry abut.This is a perfectly      (正常的) baby. 答案:nrmal9.Their main      (忧虑;担心) is that they dn’t have enugh mney fr the prject. 答案:cncern10.There is ften a      (紧张关系) between the aims f the cmpany and the wishes f the emplyees. 答案:tensin
    Ⅱ.选词或短语填空1.He made a      visit t his parents. 答案:regular2.Our car had a      n the mtrway. 答案:breakdwn3.Yu’d better give us a      idea f yur price. 答案:rugh4.It’s imprtant t prtect my      frm the sun. 答案:skin
    adult,rf,rugh,regular,breakdwn,teenage,sht up,think thrugh,back dwn,skin
    5.Teenagers usually      in junir high schl. 答案:sht up6.Yu shuld      befre yu take actin. 答案:think thrugh7.Bth sides were stubbrn and refused t      . 答案:back dwn8.I dn’t think I can live under the same      with yu any lnger. 答案:rf
    9.We have sme interesting results frm ur survey n      hbbies. 答案:teenage10.Finally yur child will leave hme t lead her wn life as a fully independent      . 答案:adult
    Ⅲ.课文语篇填空Teenagers like yu have sme similar cncerns.________ (heat) arguments and cld silences ________ (be) cmmn between yu and yur parents. 
    Teenagers’ physical changes may result in such family tensins.If there is t much anxiety and wrry,yur parents are ften the first targets f yur ________ (angry).Besides,it is ________ struggle fr yu t balance yur develping mental needs t.Yu have bth a new desire ________ independence and a cntinued need fr yur parents’ lve and supprt.Yu feel ready t be mre respnsible and make ________ (decide) n yur wn.Unfrtunately,yur parents d nt always agree and that makes yu feel unhappy.It can be difficult when yur parents treat yu like a child but expect yu t act like an adult.All f this can lead t a breakdwn in yur relatinship. 
    The key t________ (keep) the peace is regular and hnest cmmunicatin.Thrugh healthy discussin,yu will learn when t back dwn and when ________ (ask) yur parents t relax their cntrl.It is __________ (cmplete) nrmal t struggle with the stress ________ parent-child tensins create,and yu and yur parents can wrk tgether t imprve yur relatinship.Everything will turn ut all right in the end,and the changes and challenges f yur teenage years will prepare yu fr adulthd. 

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          2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2019)高一英语必修1同步课件:Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Section A Welcome to the unit

