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    2021年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解10篇(四)(含答案) 试卷
    2021年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解10篇(四)(含答案) 试卷01
    2021年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解10篇(四)(含答案) 试卷02
    2021年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解10篇(四)(含答案) 试卷03
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    2021年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解10篇(四)(含答案) 试卷






    Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there is no cars or trucks. But do not talk to strangers. Never go with a stranger into a car.

    Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right and look left again.

    Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head, or you might cut yourself on broken glass.

    Medicines or pills can be dangerous. Never swallow(吞下) any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.

    Don’t swim in the pool or river without adults. Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep, you should have your life jacket on. It's easy to fall out of a boat.

    Do not put your head out of a car, bus or train. Many children have been killed by doing this.

    (1)________________ Advice

    When or where

    How to do

    Play in a safe place

    Play in a park. Never talk to (2)_________ or go with them.

    When crossing a road

    Stop and look (3)_________________.

    Houses or buildings being built or knocked down

    Stay away.

    Medicines or pills

    Never swallow any medicines without a doctor's advice.

    In a (4)_____________

    Wear a life jacket.

    On a bus, car or train

    Never put (5)___________ out of them.





    Are you afraid to speak in public? Are you a shy person?

    If you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, try the following ways. You can make it.

    ★Tell people you're shy.

    There's no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they'll understand you better. This also helps you feel at ease in talks.

    ★Smile to everyone.

    When you smile,people think you are friendly and easy to talk to.Remember that other people also have such feelings and most people will stay away from an angry­looking face.

    ★Say something nice about people around you.

    If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?

    ★Get your attention elsewhere.

    Enjoy the party or the game.Don't waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.

    Take one small step at a time.Each time after you say“Hi”or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “I did it”! Or it could be something bigger,like buying yourself an ice cream.

    Keep trying and you'll never be shy when you talk to others one day.

    (1)If you want to be a little bit braver,the first thing you should do is to ______.

    A. tell people you're shy

    B. smile to everyone

    C. say something nice about people around you

    D. get your attention elsewhere

    2.When you smile to the people,they will think you are______.

    A. outgoing        B. shy        C. Friendly        D. happy

    3.When you can't start to talk with others, you may______ to lead in.

    A.tell a joke

    B. let them know you're a shy kid

    C. praise people around you

    D. take one small step at a time

    4.The purpose of the passage is to ______.

    A. ask you to pay attention to other things

    B. ask you to hide your shyness

    C. help the shy person to be brave

    D. help the brave people to be shy

    5.From the passage we know that ______.

    A. it's necessary to speak in public

    B. people should stay away from the ugly­looking people

    C. you should worry about whether people like you or not

    D. four ways can help you overcome shyness





    Mark Hartmann is in the third grade, but he cannot read or write. He makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. He cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time. Sometimes, he hits the other children. Sometimes, he also hits his teacher. 

    Mark Hartmann has autism(孤独症). His brain cannot organize(组织) and manage information clearly. He does not understand the world or the people around him.

    The school principal(校长) says that the other children lose two much learning time when Mark is in their classroom. She thinks Mark can get a better education at a special program nearby. There, teachers know how to take care of students with autism.

    But Marks parents do not want him to go there. In fact, a law was made in 1988. It says that students with disabilities(残疾) can be in regular(正常的) classes. This gives them the same chances for success as everyone else.

    The Hartmann used to live in Chicago. Mark went to regular classes there. Mark had help from some special teachers, and the program was very good for him. He was part of the school, Mrs. Hartmann told reporters. He also learned to hold hands with some of the children in his class.

    (1)How does Mark act in the classroom?

    A. He cannot pay attention very well.

    B. He shouts from his chair.

    C. He hits other children.

    D. All of the above

    (2)Paragraph 2 explains ______.

    A. autism 

    B. Marks idea 

    C. Marks school life

    (3)The 1988 law says that disabled students can have ______.

    A. more chances than everyone else

    B. fewer chances than everyone else

    C. the same chances as everyone else

    D. different chances from everyone else

    (4)What is good about the special program nearby?

      A. The teachers there know more about autism.

      B. It is close to Marks home.

      C. Mark likes the program.





        No one wants to overspend on their supermarket shopping but to save money every week. Preparations start before you even go into the store. Here is how to make sure you are always getting your shopping for the best price.

    Create your list

        Write a full list which includes two parts, something necessary for a living and something for fun. With a strict list, you wont easily change your mind to buy more than you need.

    Check the cupboards

        One of the easiest ways to overspend is buying what you dont need. Before leaving, take time to check what products you have in the house, especially in the cupboards. Buy what you badly need and it will help you save money before you step into the supermarkets.

    Know your budget(预算)

        Keep in mind how much you plan to spend. It is possible to get your shopping for less, but you need to wisely pay attention to the products and brands you buy to support savings.

    Compare prices

        You should make a comparison between the prices offered by different supermarkets. So if you try to buy your shopping for less, compare the prices in different shops, which makes sure that you are always visiting the cheapest supermarket for your shopping.

    Choose the best time for shopping

        If you know your supermarket well, there will certainly be a preferred time to shop. This could be at the quietest time to make sure you get peace while working out the total cost of your shopping. And a few hours before closing helps you to get a special offer. That will bring down the cost of your shopping.

        Follow them and you are sure to make huge savings on your weekly shopping.

    Title: How to help you (1)______ on your weekly shopping

    Passage outline

    Supporting details



    Almost everyone wants to buy most with the (2)_______ money in their supermarket shop. Plan it well before stepping into the supermarket.






    You should make a shopping list (4)_______ something necessary and something for fun.

    You must spend time (5)_______ what you have in your cupboards.

    You should always (6)_______how much you plan to spend on the products and its (7)______ for you to pay attention to the products and brands.

    Different supermarkets (8)_______ different prices for the same products. Be sure to choose the cheapest one for your shopping.

    Youd better (9)_______ the best time to go shopping and a few hours before closing helps you get a special offer.


    Follow them and it will help you bring down the (10)_______ of weekly shopping.





    Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was only twelve years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to  (1)  off most of his right leg.

    Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假肢). The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.

    Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs,   (2)  . They decided to   (3)   across America. They all wore special T-shirts. On it was “Run, Jeff, Run, Jeff Keith’s Run Across America”.

    Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west   (4)   he was twenty-two years old. He started running in Boston. Seven  (5)  later, he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles. Jeff wore out thirty-six pairs  (6)  running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff  (7)   in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff,  (8)  for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to help people know more about cancer.

    On the way to Los Angeles, Jeff talked to people about   (9)  . Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says, “People can do  (10)   they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people. I ran for everybody.”

    (1)A. take        B. cut       C. put       D. set

    (2)A. also       B. too       C. either        D. neither

    (3)A. walk        B. fly        C. swim        D. run

    (4)A. while       B. because        C. when        D. if

    (5)A. months        B. days        C. hours        D. minutes

    (6)A. at        B. for        C. in        D. of

    (7)A. reached        B. studied        C. stopped        D. started

    (8)A. and        B. but        C. or        D. so

    (9)A. cancer        B. walk        C. society        D. America

    (10)A. any        B. thing        C. nothing        D. anything





    Secrets are everywhere in the world outdoors. Quite a lot of people are busy  (1)  them because they are so interesting. All  (2)   us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

    Do you know that one of the great presidents of the U.S.A. spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects that he began to   (3)  them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.

    Come   (4)   me, and I will help you find some of nature’s secrets. Let’s go quickly   (5)  the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit   (6)  the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter  (7)  . We shall watch bees dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you   (8)  interesting things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep eyes  (9)  when you go  (10)  . Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.

    (1)A. searching      B. keeping      C. studying      D. looking for

    (2)A. out       B. around       C. among       D. besides

    (3)A. capture       B. catch       C. collect      D. keep

    (4)A. along       B. into       C. at       D. with

    (5)A. through       B. over       C. into      D. on

    (6)A. says       B. tells       C. asks       D. speaks

    (7)A. rest       B. trip       C. holiday       D. sleep

    (8)A. other many       B. many other       C. some others       D. much other

    (9)A. open       B. closed       C. listening      D. big

    (10)A. into       B. inside       C. between       D. out





    Many people go to different countries and live in different places in their lifetime. In different countries, they may meet with different manners. Sometimes they are puzzled by the different manners, and perhaps they may make a joke about those manners. So when we go to a strange country, we should pay attention to something new or dissimilar. For example, most Westerners are not concerned about protocol (礼仪) in social matters. But there are a few table manners the Easterners should try to observe(遵守)at all times.

    To start with, put the napkin on your lap. It protects your clothes from food or is used to wipe your hands or mouth when necessary.

    Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand, and cut the meat or fish into pieces as you eat. Always use your fork to put food into your mouth. Use your spoon only for soup or other liquids.

    Do not put your own utensils (fork , knife, spoon )into the serving bowl. Use the utensil in the bowl to put some of the food on your own plate, and then return the serving utensil to the bowl.

    Do not spit food anywhere. If you have bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate, never on the table or floor.

    Do not reach across the table or in front of another person. Ask someone to pass whatever you want.

    Do not sneeze, cough or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex(纸巾). Then you throw it into a waste paper basket or garbage can. If you cough, try to cover your mouth with you hand.

    (1)The Easterners usually pay little attention to ____ in social matters.

    A. table manners            

    B. how to walk   

    C. how to use a serving bowl   

    D. how to use a utensil 

    (2)Put the napkin on your lap. Here the word lap means _____.

    A. a race track                                                        

    B. the front part of a seated person between the waist and the knees

    C. a suit of clothes

    D. handkerchief

    (3)Hold the knife in your ____ hand and the fork in your ____ hand.

    A. right, right                

    B. left, left    

    C. left, right                            

    D. right, left

    (4)Use ____ utensil in the serving bowl to put some of the food on your own plate.

    A. your own                               

    B. a serving                            

    C. others

                  D. your hand

    (5)Dont ____ at table.

    A. talk with others                                          

    B. sing songs

    C. laugh at others                                          

    D. sneeze, cough, spit food or blow your nose





    As young students, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best students in your class.

    Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

    Andrew Matthews, an Australian writer, tells us that making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge. You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it’s impossible for you to become a writer. Those kinds of ideas stop you from realizing your dream.

    In fact, everyone can realize his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want every day and then your dream will come true faster. You should know that a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams.

    You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will help you to get better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book.

    As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn something more useful and find new hobbies.

    (1)Which of the following isn’t mentioned in this passage?

    A. You may think you’re not good at some school subjects.

    B. Making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge.

    C. You must never give up your dream.

    D. Listening to English more can help you realize your dream.

    (2)If we have dreams in our hearts and work hard, our dreams _______.

    A. can’t be realized

    B. can be very small

    C. will come true

    D. can be very big

    (3)How do you make your dream come true faster?

    A. Remember what your dream is.

    B. Don’t let your dream leave your heart.

    C. Keep telling yourself what you want every day.

    D. A, B and C.

    (4)To make your dream real, the first thing you must do is _______.

    A. to remember what your dream is

    B. to decide what is the most important

    C. to learn something more useful and find new hobbies

    D. to get better exam results

    (5)The best title of this passage is _______.

    A. How to Become a Writer

    B. How to Make Your Dream Real

    C. A Big Dream Is Made Up of Small Dreams

    D. Everyone Can Realize His Dream





    Who are better at science in your class, girls or boys? These years, girls start to show more interest in the subjects of science, technology, engineering  and maths (STEM), according to a recent study from the UK.

    In the study, every year over the last seven years, over 20,000 students who were in their final year in high school were surveyed. As for university courses, the number of girls considering choosing STEM subjects has a bigger increase than that of boys. Over one­fifth of the girls surveyed said they were considering jobs related to STEM, such as engineers. And the interest in engineering and science has also risen.

    This is an important change for women in the UK. But at present, there are not nearly as many women as men studying STEM subjects or working in the fields related to STEM. Only 13%~22% of people who graduate from university with STEM degrees are women. And women are seen only one in eight STEM jobs. 

    Are men really more suited to STEM work than women? Of course not. This is partly because of the stereotype,_which means many people think so, even though it is not correct.

    “It is important that young women should be encouraged to get into these jobs. In fact, STEM subjects are fun and exciting. Studying science can do us good. It offers women chances of taking up fantastic careers and they will get higher pay in these areas,” said Niki Yates, manager of GSK's business.

    (1)According to the recent study from the UK, we can learn that______.

    A. only 13%~22% of women hold STEM jobs now

    B. men are more suited to STEM jobs than women in the UK

    C. more young women consider choosing STEM subjects

    D. British men are less interested in STEM subjects or jobs than before

    (2) The underlined word “stereotype” in the passage means  “______” in Chinese.

    A. 模式思想              

    B. 错误结果 

    C. 不同分工              

    D. 时代特点

    (3) According to Niki Yates, young women should take STEM jobs in order to______. 

    A. study science better

    B. have brighter careers

    C. show they are better than men

    D. take an interest in STEM subjects

    (4)Which of the following is right?

    A.Girls start to show more interest in STEM in the past.

    B.Over 20,000 girls who were in their final year in high school were surveyed.

    C.Girls' interest in engineering and science has also risen.

    D.Young women shouldn't be encouraged to get into STEM jobs.

    (5)The passage mainly tells us______.

    A.STEM subjects are fun and exciting 

    B.women are seen only one in eight STEM jobs

    C.women are less suited to STEM jobs than men

    D.women are more likely (更可能) to study STEM subjects than before





    You can not see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own. The sun, the stars, a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things are luminous. Most of the things you see are not giving off light of their own. They are simply reflecting light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous bodies. The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. It is non-luminous. You see it because sunlight falls on it and some of it reflects in our direction. So moon light is only second hand sunlight.

    When you look at a book, it sends to your eyes some of the light which falls on it, and you see the book. If light could be kept out from where you are so that there would be no light for the book to reflect, then you could not see the book even with your eyes wide open.

    Light travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book you are reading to your eyes is so short as if there were no time at all. Light reaches us from the moon, which is about 380 000 kilometers away, in only a little more than a second.

    (1) You can see the book because_______.

    A. your eyes are close to it         

    B. it reflects some of the sunlight

    C. it has light of its own              

    D. your eyesight can get to it

    (2) The underlined word luminous means_______.

    A. visible       

    B. all colors          

    C. giving off light         

    D. sunlight

    (3) Light traces about _________ kilometers per second.         

    A. 380 000  

    B. 300 000     

    C. 400 000      

    D. 190 000

    (4) Which of the following is true?

    A. The moment you open your eyes the light from the book travels to your eyes.

    B. Light from the book is much shorter than that from the moon.

    C. All the things you can see give off light.

    D. Light travels so fast that there is no time for you to read.

    (5) What is the main idea of the passage?           

    A.You can see and read a book because you open your eyes.

    B.Some objects are luminous, some not.

    C.You can see things because of light.

    D.Light travels very fast so you cannot notice it.





    (1)(Some) Safety


    (3)Both ways/left and right


    (5)one’s/your/our head



    (1)根据短文的标题,故填(Some) Safety

    (2)根据A park is a safe place because there is no cars or trucks. But do not talk to strangers.可知不要和陌生人交谈,故填strangers

    (3)根据stop and look both ways. Look left, look right and look left again.可知要看路的两边,故填Both ways//left and right

    (4)根据表格中穿救生衣,及短文Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat 故填boat

    (5)根据短文描述Do not put your head out of a car, bus or train ,故填one’s/your/our head




    (1)--(5)A C C C D 




    (1)--(4)D A C A;






    (1) save解析:根据第一段No one wants to overspend on their supermarket shopping but to save money every week.可知答案,故填save。

    (2) least解析:根据语境可知本句句意:几乎每个人都想用最少的钱买最多的东西。根据句意可知是最少的钱,前面又有most作为提示词,故填least。

    (3) Tips/Ways解析:文章第二至六段都是在介绍省钱的方式,故填Tips/Ways。

    (4) including解析:根据文中第一条建议Write a full list which includes two parts, something necessary for a living and something for fun.可判断出本空应填包括这个词,再根据句子结构可知此处应该是介词,故填including。

    (5) checking解析:根据文中第二条建议第二句Before leaving, take time to check what products you have in the house, especially in the cupboards.可知应填检查这个词,再根据spend...(in)doing sth,故填checking。

    (6) remember/know解析:根据文中第三条建议第一句Keep in mind how much you plan to spend.可知此空应填Keep in mind 的同义词,故用remember/know。

    (7) necessary解析:根据文中第三条建议第二句It is possible to get your shopping for less, but you need to wisely pay attention to the products and brands you buy to support savings.再结合本句可知此处的关键词是need, 分析句子结构可知此处是形容词,故填necessary。

    (8) offer解析:文中第四条建议第一句You should make a comparison between the prices offered by different supermarkets.是与本句意思相同的句子,本句中需要用谓语动词,故填offer。

    (9)choose解析:根据第五个小标题Choose the best time for shopping,可知此空用choose。

    (10)cost解析:文章最后一句话Follow them and you are sure to make huge savings on your weekly shopping.与本句是同义句,文中表达的是节省一大笔开支,可知是节省了成本,故用cost。



    (1)--(10)B B D C A D C B A D




    (1)--(10)C B C D A B D B A D




    (1)--(5)A B D B D;




    (1)--(5)D C D A B




    (1)--(5)C A B C D 




    (1)-(5)B C B A C; 










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