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    (新)外研版英语必修第三册课时作业:Unit 3 The world of science 第二课时 Using language(含解析) 练习
    (新)外研版英语必修第三册课时作业:Unit 3 The world of science 第二课时 Using language(含解析) 练习01
    (新)外研版英语必修第三册课时作业:Unit 3 The world of science 第二课时 Using language(含解析) 练习02
    (新)外研版英语必修第三册课时作业:Unit 3 The world of science 第二课时 Using language(含解析) 练习03
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science精品第二课时测试题

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science精品第二课时测试题,

    课时作业8 Using language


    When a mathematics student was examined in the hospital, Dr John Lorber discovered that he had almost no brain at all.Normally, the condition is quite severe in the first months of babyhood.Even when someone survives, he or she is usually seriously disabled.Somehow, though, the student had lived a perfectly normal life and went on to gain a degree in mathematics.This case is by no means as rare as it seems.

    Lorber has identified (确认) several hundred people who have very small brains but who appear to be normally intelligent people.He describes some of them as having “no detectable brain”yet they have scored up to 120 in IQ tests.

    No one knows how people with “no detectable brain” are able to function at all, let alone graduate in mathematics.One suggestion is the old idea that we only use a small percentage of our brains anyway—perhaps as little as 10 per cent.But more recent research shows this idea is a misunderstanding dating from research in the 1930s in which the functions of large areas of the brain could not be determined and were named “silent”while in fact they are linked with important functions like speech and abstract thinking.

    The other interesting thing about Lorber's findings is that they remind us of the secret of memory. At first it was thought that there is a part in the brain for memory, like the memory chips in a PC.But further research of the brain has turned up the surprising fact that memory does not depend on any particular area in the brain.As one scientist put it, “Memory is everywhere in the brain and nowhere.”

    But if the brain is not a place for classifying and storing experiences and analyzing them to enable us to live our lives, then what on earth is the brain forAnd where is the seat of human intelligence? Where is the mind?


    1What will usually happen to a very young baby without brain?

    AIt will die.

    BIt will survive.

    CIt will be intelligent.

    DIt will become disabled.



    2What is the new finding of the functions of the brain?

    AMuch of the brain is useful.

    BThe brain is in fact of no use.

    CThe brain determines one's IQ.

    DOnly a small part of the brain is used.


    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的第二句可知,旧的观点是我们仅仅用了大脑很小的一部分,但下文对这一观点进行了否定。But more recent research shows this idea is a misunderstanding...abstract thinking.即这种旧观点是一种误解。由此可知,我们并非只使用大脑中很小的一部分,而是大脑的大部分区域都跟重要的功能相关联,都是有用的,故选A项。

    3What do we know about the existence of memory?

    AWe use all of our brain.

    BWe have memory chips.

    CWe are fully aware of it.

    DWe are still confused about it.


    解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的关键词memory 定位到最后两段。作者在指出关于人类记忆的两种截然不同的观点之后,连续提出了三个疑问,因此可知我们对于记忆的存在依然是很困惑的,故选D项。


    Futurologists (未来学家) predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of activity, from entertainment to technology.First of all, it seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050.Instead, people will choose a programme from a “menu” (菜单) and a computer will send the programme directly to the television.Today, we can use the World Wide Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away.By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us by computer.We will also be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see on television.

    In transport, cars will run on new, clean “gas” and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there won't be any accidents.Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to where you want to go.Space planes will fly all over the world and people will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo in just two hours.

    In technology, robots will have replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots. Big companies prefer robots—they do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day. By 2050, we will see robots everywhere—in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.

    Last but not least, medicine technology will have conquered many diseases.By 2050, we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again.Scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have.


    4What is NOT true about television by 2050 according to this passage?

    AOne will be able to smell the food on television.

    BOne can have a try of the food you see on television.

    CThere will be no channels for us to choose programmes.

    DTelevisions will be completely controlled by computers.



    5What can be the development of transport that benefits people most by 2050?

    ACars will go at a very high speed on their own.

    BSpace planes will fly all over the world in a short time.

    CThere will be less pollution and no car accidents.

    DComputers will tell people where they are going.


    解析:细节理解题。第二段前两句提及cleangas’”there won't be any accidents,因此C项正确。

    6It can be implied in the passage that by 2050 ________.

    Apeople will live more healthily and longer

    Bcomputer will control the speed of cars

    Cpeople can read newspapers through a computer

    Dthere will be no people working in factories


    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的medicine technology will have conquered many diseases判断,未来人们会更健康、更长寿。

    7What is the author's attitude towards people's life in future?

    ADoubtful. BSad.

    CHappy. DWorried.


    解析:观点态度题。作者在叙述未来生活各个领域的变化时,给予了积极评价,如clean, in just two hours, prefer, conquer等词汇的应用,体现了作者积极乐观的态度。因此选C


    It is sometimes possible to fix a water­damaged cell phone. __1__. The longer you wait, the more likely the phone is unrepairable.

    As soon as you notice your phone has dropped into water, you should take a cloth to wipe it off. Additionally, you should take out the SIM card and battery. __2__.

    If you put your water­damaged cell phone back together and it won't turn on, it is likely that some water has gotten down inside the phone. __3__. You can remove the battery and SIM card from the phone once again and place all three components into a bowl filled with rice. This may work because rice is very absorbent.

    __4__. If the rice method either did not work, you can take the phone apart and lay all its pieces outside in direct sunlight for several hours. The heat from the sun may completely dry out the inside and outside of the phone and its parts. If it is raining or the sun is not out, you can use a blow dryer on low heat to get the same results.

    If all of your attempts at repairing your phone are unsuccessful, you will likely have no choice but to take it to your cell phone provider or to a place that repairs cell phones to get it fixed. Unless your phone is very valuable, the cost of repairing the phone might be higher than what you paid for it. __5__. It may be beneficial to meanwhile purchase insurance from your cell phone provider.

    AIf so, you have to throw it

    BYou could also use heat to fix it

    CFixing it doesn't always end up with success

    DRepairing it as soon as possible may be greater

    EThen you might be better off buying a new one

    FWhen this happens, you can still repair it using rice, though

    GPlace them onto a paper towel so the water can completely drain


    1D 解析:根据空后The longer you wait, the more likely the phone is unrepairable可知,D项提出尽快修理它可能更好,为下文你等待的时间越长,手机就越有可能无法修复。做铺垫,故选D

    2G 解析:根据空前Additionally, you should take out the SIM card and battery可知,G项提出把它们放在纸巾上,这样水就能完全排干是前文动作的目的,符合语境,故选G

    3F 解析:根据空前If you put your water­damaged cell phone back together and it won't turn on, it is likely that some water has gotten down inside the phone. 可知,如果你把被水损坏的手机组装好,但它仍不能开机,很可能是手机内部进水了,再根据后句的rice可知F项提出但是,当这种情况发生时,你仍然可以使用大米进行修复。符合语境,故选F

    4B 解析:本空是一个主题句。本段主要是介绍通过光照和使用吹风机对被水损坏的手机进行维修,所以B你也可以用热来维修它符合本段主旨,故选B

    5E 解析:根据空前Unless your phone is very valuable, the cost of repairing the phone might be higher than what you paid for it. 可知,除非你的手机很值钱,否则修理手机的费用可能会比你买手机花的钱还多,E那你最好买个新的是前文的结果,符合语境,故选E


    One time, the teachers at a school wanted to teach the students about airplanes. While all airplanes can fly, some are able to fly farther than others. This is because not all airplanes are built the same. For example, a fighter plane looks very different from a plane that people fly in when they want to go on a holiday. The teachers wondered how they could make students understand this.

    Then, the science teacher, Mr Moose, decided that the school should have a paper airplane contest. Every student would design a paper airplane. They would stand in a line in the playground behind the school. The students would take turns throwing their airplanes. The student whose airplane went the farthest would win.

    When Mr Moose announced the paper airplane contest to the students, they were very excited. A student named Paul, who was on the school sports team, said to everyone else that his airplane would win. I am the strongest Paul said. “So I will be able to throw my airplane the farthest.”

    However, while Paul was saying this, another student, Brian, was thinking how he could win. Brian did not play any sports and was not very strong. But he loved airplanes and really wanted to win the contest.

    Brian realized what he had to do. He went to the store and bought a big stack () of paper. When he got home, he took the paper into his backyard. He took a piece of paper and folded an airplane. It didn't go very far, so Brian took another piece and folded another airplane and threw it. This airplane went a little farther. Brian kept folding different kinds of airplanes and throwing them. Some went very far and some did not. Finally, when Brian had used all the paper, he walked up to the airplane that had flown the farthest and picked it up.

    The next day was the contest. All the students lined up. Everyone took turns. After a while, everyone had thrown except Paul and Brian. Paul went first. With a loud yell, he threw the airplane into the sky. It went farther than every other airplane. Everyone cheered.


    Paragraph 1

    Finally, it was Brian's turn. Brian took the airplane that he had picked up the day before. He walked up to the line and, with all his strength, he threw the plane. It went flying, farther and farther, until finally it landed—10 feet past Paul's plane! The whole school cheered. Brian won the contest. Mr Moose gave him a prize: a toy airplane.

    Paragraph 2

    Brian won because he tried out many solutions to the problem of how to make an airplane fly very far. He did this by testing out many different designs and comparing the results. When he found the design that worked best—the paper airplane that flew the farthest—he used it. Because Brian tried a lot of designs, he was able to make up for his lack of strength and beat Paul.




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          (新)外研版英语必修第三册课时作业:Unit 3 The world of science 第二课时 Using language(含解析) 练习

