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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测1(含解析)
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测1(含解析)01
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测1(含解析)02
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测1(含解析)03
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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测1(含解析)





    Whether she loves winemorningscoffeethe great outdoorsor all of the abovethere's a perfect gift for your number one mama.

    Short Robe ()

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    Photos To Art

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    Library Card Cup

    For the woman who took you to the library to get your very first cardshow how much you appreciate her love of language and words with one of these book­themed cups.You can choose from an old­fashioned library carda book's coveror one of your favorite literary characters.

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    Florence Travel Dress

    When she's not busy teaching her children how to tie their shoes and mind their mannersthe mom you love is flying across the country for an important meeting.She needs this dressit dries quickly and prevents wrinkles (褶皱)

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    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是生活。不知道给母亲送什么礼物?作者给了我们一些建议。

    1Which of the following is a perfect gift to a mother who gets up early?

    AA loose robe.     BA coffee cup.

    CA photo album. DA beautiful dress.

    A [细节理解题。根据有关Short Robe介绍中的If your mom likes nothing more than enjoying life in the early hours of the day with a cup of coffeeshe'll like this short robe可知,对于经常早起的母亲来说,一件宽松的袍子是不错的礼物。]

    2How much should you pay if you buy two book­themed cups at Amazon.com?

    A$7.98. B$18.49.

    C$36.98. D$119.

    C [细节理解题。根据有Library Card Cup 介绍中的Library Card Cup$18.49Amazon.com可知应选C项。]

    3The last gift appeals to the mother who ________.

    Afollows the latest trends in fashion

    Bis a frequent business traveler

    Cis looking for a special dress

    Dwants to look younger

    B [细节理解题。根据有关Florence Travel Dress介绍中的When she's not busy teaching her children how to tie their shoes and mind their mannersthe mom you love is flying across the country for an important meeting可知,对于经常出差的妈妈来说,这个礼物投合其心意。]


    In Europemany people make friends between their countries through town twinning.Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries agree and decide to become “twins” with a sister city relationship.

    The people find pen friends in the twin town.They exchange newspapers and stamps.The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town.Officials visit the twin town for celebrations.Ordinary people travel to the twin towntoobut not very often if it is far away.

    Sometimesschools even exchange their classes for two or three  weeks!  For  exampleGerman  middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britainstaying with British families.A few months latertheir British friends come to study in Germany.

    Many British towns are so pleased with the results of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town!

    Tonbridgea small town in Kentfor examplehas twin town in both Germany and France.Richmond near London has relationships with GermanyFrance and even a town in a Balkan country!

    Town twinning can help make friends.It helps students improve their language skillsand also helps people to understand the differences between nations.

    4Twin towns develop ________.

    Abetween European countries and China

    Bin the English­speaking countries only

    Cin the same country

    Dbetween different countries

    D [细节理解题。从第一段中的Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries...可知姊妹城是在不同的国家之间开展的。]

    5How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

    A4. B5.

    C6. D7.

    A [细节理解题。文中提到GermanyBritainFrancea Balkan country]

    6One of the advantages of town twinning is ________.

    Ato earn more money

    Bto set up schools

    Cto improve students' language skills

    Dto develop industry and agriculture

    C [细节理解题。从文章中最后一段中的It helps students improve their language skills...可知缔结姊妹城的好处之一就是提高学生的语言技能。]

    7Which is the best title for the passage?

    ATown Twinning

    BFriendly Towns

    CExchanging Teachers and Students

    DPeace and Understanding

    A [主旨大意题。文章的第一段为全文的主旨,主要讲的是城市之间成为姊妹城的事。]


    One out of three kids in our country are now considered obese (过度肥胖的)Life is different now from when we grew up.The days of allowing our children to ride their bikes and play outside are nearly gone.With the average kid spending seven hours a day on all screen media combined (TVvideosDVDscomputer time outside of schoolworkand video games)our children are not getting the minimum requirement of one hour of exercise per day that they need.

    This needs to be changedbut where do we start?

    We lead by example.

    If you don't work outyour children most likely won't either.Children will mimic what you do more than they'll ever listen to what you say.How many times have you thoughtMy child is just like me

    Many of us wait to have the perfect time to exercisebut we need to deliberately make the time.If necessaryexercising for 10 minutes three times a day is a great way to get started.After allsome activity is always better than none.

    A great way to ensure that your whole family benefits from fitness activities is to do activities that your whole family can do together.You can take walks after dinnerplay in the backyardput on a Zumba video and dance with your kidssign your children and yourself up for classes at the local gymand hikebikeand swim on the weekends.

    I know you're busy.But we all get the same 24 hours in a dayand we need to make them count.The excuse of “I don't have enough time” is a very real onebut with awareness (意识) of our time management and planningwe can all do better.Organize your lifelive by a scheduleand model the behavior you want to see in your children.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是健康的生活方式。儿童肥胖问题严重,作者建议家长要从自身做起,给孩子树立积极锻炼的好榜样。

    8What contributes to childhood obesity in the author's opinion?

    AChildren's hobbies.

    BParents' habits.

    CThe living environment.

    DThe school requirements.

    C [细节理解题。根据第一段可知,作者认为现在很多孩子的肥胖问题是由于缺乏锻炼造成的,而缺乏锻炼主要是由于生活环境的改变造成的。]

    9What does the underlined word “mimic” probably mean?

    ACopy. BWonder.

    CApprove. DSuspect.

    A [词义猜测题。根据后面的My child is just like me可推知,孩子正是因为模仿了父母,所以才会像父母。]

    10According to the textwe should make the time to exercise by ________.

    Alimiting screen time

    Bscheduling it in advance

    Cconsulting our gym coach

    Dtalking with our family members

    B [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的but with awareness of our time management and planningwe can all do better.Organize your lifelive by a schedule...可知,很多人会为自己不锻炼找借口,说自己没有时间,但是时间是挤出来的,只要合理安排,总会有锻炼的时间,因此B项符合文意。]

    11Why does the author advise parents to develop the habit of exercising?

    ATo fight against ageing.

    BTo control their weight.

    CTo improve their fitness.

    DTo set an example to their kids.

    D [推理判断题。作者在文章开头提出了儿童缺乏锻炼的困局,接着建议家长给孩子做好榜样,创造锻炼的氛围,故作者建议家长运动的目的就是为了让孩子能模仿父母,加强体育锻炼。]


    When one thinks of Valentine's Dayhe/she thinks of the holiday of love. Howeverthe origins of this day actually have a dark background.

    According to History.comin around 270 AD.there was a fertility (生育)festival called Lupercalia.To start the festival the priests would sacrifice (祭祀)a goat for fertility.The priests would then cut the goat skin into stripsdip them into blood and go around the streets slapping (抽打) women with the goat skin.

    The Roman women welcomed the slaps because they believed it would make them more fertile in the next year.The second part of the festival was a ceremony.All of the young women would put their names in a pot and the unmarried men would pick their pair for the year and the well­matched pair usually ended in marriage.

    It wasn't until the Middle Ages that Valentine's Day became connected with love.In France and EnglandFeb.14 was the beginning of the birds' mating (交配) seasonwhich added to the idea of romance.And it wasn't until the 17th century that it became common for friends and lovers to exchange small gifts or notes.

    Howeverin today's society there are two different views on the day of love.The first is that Valentine's Day is just a holiday that is created by the cardflowerand jewellery industries.The second is that Valentine's Day is a day to love those who are held dear to one's heart.Valentine's Day is a major holiday that millions of people spend a certain amount of money on for the people they love.The approximate amount of money that is expected to be spent on Valentine's Day is $19.7 billion.

    Even though Valentine's Day in today's society is a celebration of loveit once started out as a holiday celebrating fertility.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是节日。关于情人节的起源流传有多种说法,文中介绍了其中一种。

    12Who were most affected by “Lupercalia” in ancient Rome?

    AChildren. BPriests.

    CFarmers. DWomen.

    D [细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Lupercalia这一古罗马节日主要与妇女的生育问题有关。]

    13What are responsible for Valentine's Day in its modern sense?

    AReligious activities. BNatural phenomena.

    CPolitical systems. DCultural exchanges.

    B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的Feb.14 was the beginning of the birds' mating seasonwhich added to the idea of romance可知,情人节被赋予现代的爱情意义,这与鸟儿从214日开始交配的自然现象有关。]

    14What can we conclude from the last but one paragraph?

    AValentine's Day is causing disagreements among people.

    BValentine's Day is going to be celebrated differently.

    CValentine's Day is becoming a big day for business.

    DValentine's Day is gradually losing its popularity.

    C [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,现在的情人节是一个商家盈利的大好机会。]

    15What could be the best title for the text?

    AThe dark history of Valentine's Day

    BA major festival in ancient Rome

    CValentine's Day in the Middle Ages

    DA romantic day for lovers

    A [主旨大意题。文章第一段点明了主题,结尾处再次呼应,旨在讲述情人节的起源并不浪漫,而是妇女被歧视、遭受苦难的一个节日。]



    Ways you can change the world

    As a teenagerchanging the world can be a great job.You can do a few things to make a positive contribution to the life of others and the environment.Here are some easy ideas for you to get started.

    Donate.__16__ You may find yourself in a charity shop donating all your old clothes/shoes/toys or you could put all your change (零钱) in a box outside a charity.

    __17__ Time after time you may have found yourself in a position where you have littered.Littering pollutes the environment and is quite harmful to the people and animals around us.__18__

    Reduce vehicle pollution. It's not only a waste of gas to drive to a nearby destination but it's also polluting our environment.__19__ If your journey isn't walkableyou can take a bus or train instead.

    Share your passion (激情)Try motivational speaking.Motivational speakers can have their ideas and beliefs heard and some have been known to have a great influence on the world as a whole.__20__ No one will listen to someone who is speaking aggressively (咄咄逼人地) and too demanding.

    ADon't throw the litter away.

    BPlant a tree in your garden.

    CDonations can vary from time to time.

    DMake sure you express your opinion in a highly professional way.

    EWe can try our best to create a powerful effect on the world in a special way.

    FSo if there aren't any nearby binshold on to your rubbish until you find one.

    GIf your parents offer to drive you to schoolpolitely refuse their offer and walk instead.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是做事。文章介绍了从小处改变世界的方法。

    16C [本段主旨为捐赠,且空后提到各种捐赠物可知,C项符合语境。]

    17A [本段主要讲了随意乱扔垃圾会污染环境并且对周围的人和动物都有害可知,A项与本段内容吻合,总领该段。]

    18F [乱扔垃圾是有害的,所以如果你附近没有垃圾桶,那你就应该拿着垃圾直到找到了垃圾桶。]

    19G [本段主旨为减少汽车污染,G如果你的父母提议开车送你上学,你应该礼貌地拒绝他们并走路去上学与本段主旨吻合,并与空后句子形成并列关系。]

    20D [根据空后内容没有人会听咄咄逼人且要求太多的人的话可知,D要确保你很专业地表达自己的观点符合语境。]


    I have always been hard­working in school.And I enjoyed gaining new understanding about study.One way was making __21__.

    __22__ has always been my favorite subject.During each math classwhile __23__I waited for my golden opportunities to show myselfwhich were __24__.When they cameI would __25__ my hand.Answering them __26__ made me feel I was recognized by my classmates and teacher.The only problem was that I wanted to be __27__ to be right every time.

    As it turned outliving up to this standard was __28__.In one classI stood up confidently but gave a __29__ answer.Even though I knew this was certainly not my first mistake in lifesomething  __30__  had come at that moment.I thought that my classmates might think I was  __31__.The beautiful castle that I had built up __32__ after my mistake.

    In the following classesI was in low spirits and became  __33__.Even if I may have known the answerI was  __34__ to take the risk of damaging my self­confidence any more.Noticing my __35__my math teacher talked with me and learned my problem.She told me that mistakes are an important part of learning __36__ they can point out our weaknesses and help us __37__.I should set up the principle of  __38__ mistakes.

    From that experienceI realized that even though I thought I was right about most thingsI was wrong in my __39__.School is not a place to   __40__  but a place to learn.What I now know is that by holding fast to humility (谦虚) and learning to grow from my mistakesI can truly learn in a way I could never in the past.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是夹叙夹议文,主题语境是学习。作者在数学课上的偶然一次犯错改变了他的学习观。

    21A.mistakes Brules

    Cfriends Dpromises

    A [根据下文内容可知,此处是指犯错误。]

    22A.English BMath

    CChinese DPhysics

    B [23空前的math class有提示。]

    23A.teaching Bwriting

    Creviewing Dlistening

    D [根据空前during each math class可知,此处是指在课堂上听课。]

    24A.reports Bquestions

    Ctasks Dchallenges

    B [根据空后内容可知,此处是指问题。]

    25A.touch Bshake

    Craise Dwave

    C [根据空后的Answering them可知,此处是指举手回答问题。]

    26A.briefly Bfinally

    Ccarefully Dcorrectly

    D [根据空后的feel I was recognized可知,此处是指回答正确。]

    27A.perfect Bcreative

    Csmart Dpopular

    A [根据空后的to be right every time可知,此处是指追求完美。]

    28A.natural Bimpossible

    Cunnecessary Dinformal

    B [根据空后内容可知,此处是指要达到每次都正确的标准是不可能的。]

    29A.wrong Bshort

    Cquick Dright

    A [根据第30空前的my first mistake可知,此处是给了一个错误的答案。]

    30A.important Bterrible

    Cdifferent Dinteresting

    C [根据下文的转变可知,此处是指在那刻不一样的事情发生了。]

    31A.stupid Bfunny

    Cclever Dstrange

    A [因为的错误回答,所以认为别的同学会觉得是愚蠢的,心中建立的美丽城堡也在犯错后倒塌了。]

    32A.broke in Bturned up

    Cset off Dfell down

    D [参考上题解析。]

    33A.sad Bsilent

    Csensitive Doptimistic

    B [根据下文内容可知,从此情绪低落,也不愿意再冒险回答问题。]

    34A.easy Bhappy

    Cunwilling Ddetermined

    C [参考上题解析。]

    35A.awkwardness Bembarrassment

    Cloneliness Dabnormality

    D [根据的表现可知,此处是指反常。]

    36A.if Bso

    Cas Dbefore

    C [错误是学习的重要部分,因为错误可以帮助指出我们的缺点并帮助我们进步,此处是指原因。]

    37A.recover Bthink

    Cprogress Dcompete

    C [参考上题解析。]

    38A.accepting Bmaking

    Crealizing Drepeating

    A [因为错误的这些作用,所以应该在学习中接受自己所犯的错误。]

    39A.schedule  Bconcern

    Chobby Dattitude

    D [认识到自己在学习态度上存在问题。]

    40A.get along Bshow off

    Cplay Dchoose

    B [根据上文的表现以及第24空前的show myself可知,认识到了学校不是让你出风头的地方,而是学习的地方。]



    Have you ever had problems in your life? Have you ever wondered how to be happy? If soyou will find the book Being a Happy Teenager  41.________(write) by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews 42.________(use)

    In his bookMatthews tells us how to have a happy life and 43.________  (answer) the questions of teenagers.

    There are many subjectssuch as parents and friendsand the book says we should stop 44.________(be) angry and should forgive.The book tells us some useful skills, such as how to put   45.________ you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better.

    Many teenagers think that  46.________ (happy) comes from a good exam result or praise from other people.But you can still be happy when there are no such “good” things.Success comes from 47.________ good attitude.If you learn from problemsyou 48.________(have) success in the future.

    Some school students have problemssuch as being too tall 49.________ too short.But Matthews tells us that we should think about things   50.________   a positive way.This is Matthews' most important lesson: You choose to be happy!

    【语篇解读】 本文简单介绍了澳大利亚作家Andrew Matthews写的一本书Being a Happy Teenager的内容。

    41written [考查非谓语动词。writethe book之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。]

    42useful [考查形容词。本句中含有find+宾语+宾补结构,形容词useful在此作宾补。]

    【解题指导】 当面对过长且结构相对复杂的句子时,学生往往就不知所措了。首先认真分析句子结构,给句子快速瘦身,找出句子主干,便有利于准确答题,如该句中Being a Happy TeenagerAndrew Matthews分别作the bookan Australian writer的同位语。written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews作后置定语,本句的主干其实是you will find the book ________(use),故很容易就能判断出此处需要作什么成分了。

    43answers [考查主谓一致。空处与tells构成并列谓语,故用answer的第三人称单数形式。]

    44being [考查非谓语动词。stop doing sth.表示停止做某事]

    45what [考查宾语从句。________you have learned在及物动词put之后作宾语。宾语从句中缺少learned的宾语,且表示……的东西,所以填what]

    46happiness [考查名词。分析句子结构可知,此处缺主语,故用happy的名词形式happiness]

    47a [考查冠词。成功源于好的态度。attitude为可数名词,此处表泛指,且good的发音以辅音音素开头 ,故用冠词a]

    48will have [考查时态。if引导条件状语从句时,句子时态通常遵循主将从现的原则,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。]

    49or [考查连词。too talltoo short之间为选择关系,故用or]

    50in [考查介词。此处用介词in表示……的方式]








    I'm an animal lover.A few weeks agowhile going home from workI saw an old dog lain on the roadside.I got closer to find that it was there.I felt shocked when I find it was unable to move.Someone told me that it was hit by the motorcycle.I decided to take it home and look after it careful.Every day I gave it enough food or water before I went to work.And as soon as I came back home after workI would play it.

    To its great joyit is now able to walk with little difficult.My efforts have been paid off.


    I'm an animal lover.A few weeks agowhile going home from workI saw an old dog   on the roadside.I got closer to find  it was there.I felt shocked when I  it was unable to move.Someone told me that it was hit by  motorcycle.I decided to take it home and look after it .Every day I gave it enough food  water before I went to work.And as soon as I came back home after workI would play  it.

    To  great joyit is now able to walk with little .My efforts have   paid off.

    考查非谓语动词。此处是感官动词saw后跟的复合宾语结构。宾语“an old dog”与宾补之间是主谓关系,且表示正在发生的动作,故应用动词lie()的现在分词形式lying




    考查词性转换。修饰动词短语look after应用副词,故把careful改为carefully


    考查介词。play with……玩耍,为固定搭配。


    考查词性转换。介词with的宾语应用名词,with little difficulty表示几乎不费力地

    考查语态。pay off得到回报讲时为不及物动词短语,无被动语态,故去掉been


    表示得到回报还有另外一种表达方式,即be rewarded。因为reward为及物动词,故在意义上表达动宾关系时,reward应用被动结构。







    May 5th

    Dear Jane













    Best wishes to you.


    Li Hua


    May 5th

    Dear Jane

    I'm sorry to hear that you are worried about being fat.I hope the following advice can help you.

    Firstyou should eat a healthy diet.In order to lose weightyou should eat some vegetables and fruit.And stay away from food that is rich in fat.

    Secondtake more exercise.The more active  you becomethe more fat you will burn off and the thinner you will be.

    Thirddrink enough water.Drinking enough water can support your body and activitiesand help you lose weight.

    If you follow the adviceyou will be sure to become thinner and stay healthy.

    Best wishes to you.







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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测6(含解析): 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合精练,共1页。

    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测5(含解析): 这是一份英语必修 第一册本册综合巩固练习,共1页。

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