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    1、You choose to be a winner!
    The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account (交易账户) where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7—that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
    It’s a club with impressive features for teenagers:
    ● No account keeping fees!
    You’re no millionaire so we don’t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!
    ● Excellent interest rates!
    You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits without taking them out in a month.
    ● Convenient
    Teenagers are busy — we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet. You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!
    ● Mega magazine included
    Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.
    The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (so we can organize that cool key-card) but it is easy. We can’t wait to hear from you. It’s the best way to choose to be a winner!
    1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?
    A.Special gifts are ready for parents. B.The bank opens only on work days.
    C.Services are convenient for its members. D.Fees are necessary for the account keeping.
    2.If you want to be a member of the Club, you must________.
    A.be an Internet user B.be permitted by your parent
    C.have a big sum of money D.be in your twenties
    3.What is the purpose of this text?
    A.To set up a club. B.To provide part-time jobs.
    C.To organize keycards. D.To introduce a new banking service.
    2、My school appeared on the news last week because we had made an important change in our local area. Our class had planted a large garden in what was once only a vacant lot. It was a lot of work but it was all worth it. I got blisters (水泡) from digging, and we all got insect bites, too.
    I learned a lot about gardening and collaboration (合作) and then I learned about the media. Our teacher telephoned the TV station and informed them of what we had accomplished. She spoke with the producer. The producer checked with the directors, but they said there were plenty of stories similar to ours. They wanted to know what was special about our particular garden, since many schools plant them.
    The teacher explained that, after going on the Internet to learn about the prairie (大草原), we had made a prairie garden. We had gone to a prairie and gotten seeds from the plants, and then we planted them. We did not water the garden, but we did weed it. We decided to let nature water it with rain, since that was how prairies grew in the past. We sent a picture of the garden to the news station. In the picture, the grass was so high that it stood taller than the fourth grade students.
    As a result, the producer sent a reporter to our school. He interviewed the headmaster and asked him many questions about the garden. After that, they interviewed us, and we explained to them what we had learned through this project.
    That night, we watched the news, and there we were. The news reporter told our story. It was only two minutes long, but it was us. We were famous. All that work, all those blisters, it was worth it. We knew that when we saw the garden every day, but now we knew that the whole city thought so, too.
    (1).What seemed to be the TV directors' first reaction to the garden?
    A.They were excited. B.They were surprised.
    C.They were worried. D.They were uninterested.
    (2).What is special about the garden?
    A.Weeds were allowed to spread naturally. B.The grass grew, faster than common grass.
    C.The seeds came from the plants of a prairie. D.Underground water was used for the plants.
    (3).What does the underlined word "that" refer to in the last paragraph?
    A.We got blisters on our hands. B.Our hard work was worthwhile.
    C.The garden would be famous. D.The project would be finished.
    (4).How did the author feel about the project?
    A.Annoyed. B.Curious. C.Proud. D.Regretful.
    3、Children who use screens for seven hours or more a day are showing signs that their brain cortex(大脑皮层)is thinning prematurely(过早地), according to a new major US study. 
    The ongoing $300 million research is funded by the National Institute of Health and shows results of the effects of technology on children.  The aim of the study, called Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development, is also to show how screen time affects emotional development and mental health. The researchers also determined that children who spend more than two hours of daily screen time score lower on thinking and language tests. 
    Researchers made the early findings by scanning the brains of 4, 500 children. 
    The brain cortex is the outermost layer of neural(神经中枢的) tissue that processes information from the physical world. It is critical for cognitive functions such as perception(直觉), language, memory and consciousness but thins as we mature into old age.
    Though the difference was significant from participants who spent less time using smart devices, the study director cautioned against drawing a conclusion.  
    Dr. Gaya Dowling, an NIH doctor working on the project, cautioned against drawing a conclusion because they aren’t completely sure it’s being caused by the increased use of modern technology. They won’t be able to draw a definitive outcome until they follow them over the course of several years.
    Dr. Dowling said: “It won’t be until we follow them over time that we will see if there are outcomes that are associated with the differences that we’re seeing in this single snapshot.”
    A 2014 study showed that there is a direct correlation between the thickness of the brain cortex and IQ score. The cortex begins to thin after the age of five or six as part of the normal aging process.
    The findings showed that people with a significant increase in IQ did not have the expected cortical thinning and people with a significant decrease in IQ had exaggerated(夸张) cortical(皮质的)thinning.
     A major data release of the initial data is scheduled for early 2019.
    1. What belongs to the findings of the new major US study?
    A. Screen time can result in a smaller brain.
    B. The brain cortex gets thinner as we mature into old age.
    C. Too much exposure to screen can lead to a poorer health.
    D. Children who are interested in computer are academically poor.
    2. Why is Dr Gaya Dowling against drawing a conclusion?
    A. There are some doubts about their findings.
    B. He thinks that further study is needed.
    C. The number of the participants is not large enough.
    D. They should ask for the government’s permission.
    3. What is the finding of the 2014 study?
    A. The brain cortex has much to do with IQ score.
    B. The brain cortex’s thickness is determined by IQ.
    C. Different people have different cortical thinning.
    D. Aging is a natural process for creatures.
    4. What will probably happen when a person reaches the age of five or six?
    A. His IQ score will get higher and higher.
    B. He will be more addicted to modern technology.
    C. He will show more interest in modern technology.
    D. His brain cortex will become thinner and thinner.
    4、What would you like to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? An astronaut? What do you need to do to achieve your dream job?
    Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the successful career you want. We are constantly taught that our hard work will eventually pay off.
    But a government survey has shown that hard work is not the only thing that will help you to move up the ladder. Two thirds of people believe that who you know matters more than what you know when it comes to social activity. So are the connections that you have more important than your education?
    Seventy-six percent of the people in the survey believed that family background is important in influencing your chances of success. They believe that if you are privileged from birth, you are more likely to have a successful career, especially if your family is wealthy.
    Even if you don't have a privileged background, the people you know can still make a difference to your career. Networking is a skill which is encouraged by many career advisers. Some companies run networking workshops to try and encourage staff to meet other people, to communicate and build relationships. It's a valuable skill.
    But the survey also showed something quite interesting. Although most people believed that networks are more important than education, many people put their own career success down to talent, rather than background. 41% of the people said that their parents' income had influenced their life, but at the same time, another 41% believed that they had achieved their own success.
    So which is more important, what you know or who you know? It seems that by working hard and making lots of connections, the answer may be that both are very important.
    1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part?
    A. Practice makes perfect.
    B. Nothing is impossible.
    C. Hope for the best.
    D. No pains, no gains.
    2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A. 76% of the people think social relationship matters most.
    B. 41% of the people believe parents' income is most important.
    C. 76% of the people think family background ranks first.
    D. 41% of the people believe they gained their own success.
    3. From the passage we can infer that the writer writes the article to__________.
    A. stress the importance of education
    B. challenge the traditional belief
    C. make lots of social connections
    D. encourage people to work hard
    4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    A. The Way to Success
    B. Keep your Dream in Mind
    C. A Wealthy and Smooth Career
    D. A Survey on People's Dreams
    Ways to Stop Doubting Yourself
    What if I don't pass this test? Are my friends just hanging out with me because they feel bad for me?① Stop! The self-doubt stops right here. Here are some ways to beat the negative self-talk and start believing in yourself.
    ●Be Aware.
    The first step towards overcoming anything is to become aware of it. By becoming aware that we are doubting ourselves, we can sooner confirm it and put a stop to it. As we realize our self-doubt, we will get quicker at confirming and stopping it. See? ②
    ●Take a Break.
    Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break. ③ Ask yourself what made you get into this goal. It will get you to realize why you started it in the first place.
    Too often we determine how we feel about ourselves according to what other people feel about us. Our self-worth is just dependent upon what we think of ourselves .So we must break free of the chains that tell us our self-worth is recognized by other people.
    ●Find Support.
    ⑤ Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites. Sometimes we all need to hear something that will get us moving again. We just need to reach out to others who understand us.
    A.Take It Slow.
    B.Free Yourself.
    C.Give yourself time to think.
    D.It’s not always easy doing things alone.
    E.This is already a step in the right direction.
    F.What if I never figure out my life’s purpose?
    G.Because once you give up, no one can help you.

    Just as we take care of our friends and families, our homes and Mother Earth take care of us. Our homes give us a place of shelter (庇护物) that    1    between us and the rest of the world. The earth is a (n)     2    giver of life and the keeper of our physical and spiritual needs. Her rich    3    bring us up, give us air, and offer us cooling shade. Her waters    4   our thirst. Yet it is easy to take both of these wonderful    5    of our gifts for granted.     6    the thanks you feel toward your home and Mother Earth for the gifts each    7    you. It can help you stay    8    of where many of the gifts in your life come from. Each time you give thanks, you’ll be    9    of the importance of caring for your home and for Mother Earth. There is a simple and beautiful    10    you can find to show your thanks. Begin by finding a   11    place where you can be alone. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply   12    you feel relaxed and then read the following out loud:
    “Thank you, home, for allowing me to live   13   your walls. Thank you for allowing me to stay strong and    14    me. Thank you, Mother Earth, for the land I   15    on and farm. Thank you, plants, minerals, and animals on the land for allowing me to    16    your beauty and your amazement of life, and for the   17    of living with all of you on this earth. Thank you for the wisdom and    18    you bring to us.”
    You can do so as often as you like and anytime you feel particularly thankful for the many gifts that you have   19    . Each time you do, you’ll strengthen your connection with all that    20   and supports you.
    1.A.bend    B.stand    C.react    D.disappear
    2.A.cheerful    B.skilful    C.unselfish    D.amazing
    3.A.animals    B.plants    C.minerals    D.waters
    4.A.promote    B.show    C.influence    D.satisfy
    5.A.sources    B.memories    C.power    D.devotion
    6.A.Accept    B.Express    C.Earn    D.Deserve
    7.A.employs    B.attracts    C.appreciates    D.provides
    8.A.fond    B.full    C.aware    D.kind
    9.A.accused    B.promised    C.warned    D.reminded
    10.A.road    B.word    C.way    D.place
    11.A.safe    B.quiet    C.distant    D.public
    12.A.though    B.because    C.unless    D.until
    13.A.within    B.beyond    C.beside    D.in
    14.A.admitting    B.supporting    C.challenging    D.educating
    15.A.live    B.call    C.focus    D.feed
    16.A.examine    B.explain    C.experience    D.describe
    17.A.adventure    B.wisdom    C.loss    D.honor
    18.A.anger    B.worry    C.joy    D.desire
    19.A.received    B.purchased    C.exchanged    D.brought
    20.A.shocks    B.protects    C.monitors    D.masters
    The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's ①_____________ (long) cross-sea bridge, enters the history of human engineering and connection as a point of pride upon ②_____________ (it) opening to traffic at 9 am on Oct.24, 2018.
    One day after the opening was announced at a ceremony ③_____________ (hold) in Zhuhai , the bridge's ports in three different administrative regions started serving travelers around-the-clock , opening 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ④_____________ (ensure) faster boundary crossings for passengers, the Macao and Zhuhai ports jointly use a one-off immigration clearance model, ⑤ allows travelers to queue up only once to finish both exit and entry procedures of the two cities in about 30 ⑥_____________ (second). 
    Apart ⑦_____________ private cars, taxis and goods vehicles, two types of public transportation-shuttle bus(班车)and cross-boundary coach --can also run on the HZMB. ⑧_____________ frequency of shuttle buses is about 5-10minutes during peak hours. Booking tickets for the shuttle bus online in advance ⑨_____________ (be)available since 9 am on Tuesday. With the bridge now in service, the traveling time between Zhuhai and Hong Kong International Airport will ⑩_____________ (shorten) from four hours to 45 minutes, and the time between Zhuhai and Hong Kong’s Container Terminals will be cut from 3. 5 hours to 75 minutes.
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
        When my grandfather left school, he got his first job as a office worker. In those days, he was extreme thin. He paid very little, so he could not afford to eating a lot. I have one or two photos of her from that time, and he looks just like me, but a lot thin! When he grew older, he worked at all sorts of thing, such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked as a part-time salesman. He worked hardly all his life, but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed, like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home.
    9、假定你是李华,最近你们学校举办了一场以“垃圾分类(garbage classification)”为主题的宣传活动。你的朋友Peter对此很感兴趣,请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,简单介绍这次活动。
    要点: 1.活动的目的;

    答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.D
    解析:1.细节理解题。A项文章未提及,B项在文章第一段最后一句7 days a week 可知是错误的,D项根据文章第一个小标题 no account keeping fees,可知是错误的,而根据文章第三点的Convenient可知该银行的服务是非常方便的,选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian你必须经过你父母或者监管者的同意,选B。
    3.主旨大意题。根据文章第一句The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers,可见,这是一个为青少年设计的银行以及文中对于该种银行的介绍可知是在介绍新的银行服务项目,选D。

    答案: (1)-(4) DCBC
    解析:(1).根据第二段中的"The producer checked with the directors, but they said there were plenty of stories similar to ours... many schools plant them"可知,电视台的负责人说有许多像我们这样的故事。他们想知道我们的花园有何不同,因为许多学校都培植花园,由此可推断,电视台的负责人最初对我们的花园是不感兴趣的。
    (2).根据第三段中的"We had been to a prairie and gotten seeds from the plants, and then we planted them"可知,我们去过大草原,在那里获取草原植物的种子,然后把它们种在花园里。由此可知,我们的花园的特殊之处在于种子来自草原植物。故选C。
    (3).根据最后一段中的"All that work, all those blisters, it was worth it"可知,画线词指代的是其中的"it was worth it",即我们培植花园所付出的努力是值得的。故选B。
    (4).根据最后一段中的"The news reporter told our story. It was only two minutes long, but it was us... the whole city thought so, too"可知,新闻主播报道了我们的故事,虽然只有两分钟,但是它是有关我们的。我们每天看到花园都觉得我们的努力是值得的,而且现在整个城市的人也会这样认为。由此可知,作者为他们培植花园的活动感到自豪。故选C。

    答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.A; 4.D
    解析:1.题干意思是在美国的一项新的研究中,以下哪项是它的新发现?由文章第一段“Children who use screens for seven hours or more a day are showing signs that their brain cortex is thinning prematurely, according to a new major US study.”可知,一天中玩电子产品超过7个小时甚至更多的孩子,他们的大脑皮层会过早的变薄。
    2.题干意思是为什么Gaya教授反对出具研究结论?根据文章第六段“They won't be able to draw a definitive outcome until they follow them over the course of several years.”可知,他们不会出具最终的研究报告直到在观察几年以后。
    3.题干意思是2014年的研究发现是什么?根据文章第八段“A 2014 study showed that there is a direct correlation between the thickness of the brain cortex and IQ score.”可知,2014年的研究显示大脑皮层的厚度和智商有着直接联系。
    4.题干意思是当一个人五六岁的时候很有可能发生什么?根据文章倒数第三段“The cortex begins to thin after the age of five or six as part of the normal aging process.”可知。作为正常的年龄增长的一部分,在五岁或六岁以后,人的大脑皮层会变得越来越薄。

    解析:1. 推断题。此处与上一句 "... studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the successful career you want." 表意应一致,即:好好学习然后努力工作会使你得到成功的事业。四个选项中,A项意为“熟能生巧”,B项意为“没有什么不可能”,C项意为“从最好的方面着想”,D项意为“没有付出就没有收获”,可知D项与此处文意最为符合。故正确答案为D.
    2 细节题。A项,文章未提及,表意错误。B项,由倒数第二段最后一句 "41% of the people said that their parents' income had influenced their life" 可知,B项表意正确。C项,由第四段第一句 "Seventy-six percent of the people in the survey believed that family background is important in influencing your chances of success." 可知,C项表意正确。D项,由倒数第二段最后一句 "another 41% believed that they had achieved their own success" 可知,D项表意正确.
    3. 推断题。文章开头提出了传统观念认为的“努力工作就能获得成功”,紧接着通过一项调查结果指出更多人认为“社会关系和家庭背景才是成功的关键”,并由此展开讨论。由此可推测作者写作的意图是挑战传统观念。故正确答案为B.
    4. 主旨题。文章开头提出了传统观念认为的“努力工作就能获得成功”,紧接着通过一项调查结果指出更多人认为“社会关系和家庭背景才是成功的关键”,并由此展开讨论。无论是哪种观点,都是在谈论取得成功的方法,因此选用A项(成功之道)作为本文标题最为合适。故正确答案为A.

    答案:F; E; C; B; D
    解析:1. F[提示:上文提到“如果我错过了早班车怎么办?我 能通过英语考试吗?”承接上文.What if I never find out my life’s purpose? “如果我从来没有发现我的人生目标 呢?”切题。该段中的What if与上文中的What if 对应。]
    2. E[提示:上文提到“当你意识到你的自我怀疑时,你 会更快地确认并阻止它。明白吗?”承接上文,E项This is already a step in the right direction. “这已经是朝着正 确方向迈出了一步。”切题。该项中的This指代上文中 的 you realize your self-doubt。]
    3. C[提示:上文提到“只要你发现自己有疑问,就休息 一下。”下文提到“问问你自己是什么让你陷人这种境 地。”承接上下文,C 项 Give yourself time to think.“给自 己去思考的时间。”该项中的time to think与下文中的 Ask yourself 对应。]
    4. B[提示:此空是小标题,应该用短小精练的祈使句,在A/B中选择。下文提到“我们常常根据别人对我们的 看法来决定我们对自己的感觉。”承接下文内容,B项 Free yourself. “解放自己。”切题。]
    5. D[提示:此空位于段落首句,根据下文提到“通过朋 友找到支持,阅读励志书籍。”承接下文,D项It’s not always easy doing things alone. “独自做事并不总是那么 容易。”该段中的Find support through friends与选项中 的 doing things alone 对应。]

    答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.B; 4.D; 5.A; 6.B; 7.D; 8.C; 9.D; 10.C; 11.B; 12.D; 13.A; 14.B; 15.A; 16.C; 17.D; 18.C; 19.A; 20.B
    解析:1.句意为:我们的家为我们提供了一个能够让我们与外界分开的庇护所。bend意为“弯曲”;stand意为“处于”;react意为“反应”; disappear意为“消失”:根据本句中的shelter可知,本句描述家的作用,家为我们提供了一个庇护所,这位于我们自身与外界之间,故选B项。
    2.句意为:地球母亲是无私的生命给予者,也是我们物质和精神需求的守护者。cheerful意为“高兴的”;skilful意为“有技巧的”; unselfish意为“无私的”;amazing意为“令人惊叹的”。根据后文Her rich _______ bring us up, give us air, and offer us cool shade.可知,地球给予了我们很多东西,不求回报,故选C项。
    3.句意为:她丰富的植物(资源)养育了我们,给予我们新鲜的空气以及凉爽的树荫。根据空后offer us cool shade可知,提供凉爽树荫的是植物,故选B项。
    4.句意为:她的水为我们解渴。promote意为“促进” ;show意为“显示”;influence意为“影响”;satisfy意为“使满足”。根据句中的water 和thirst可知,水能解渴,故选D项。
    5.句意为:但是我们很容易把这些馈赠给我们的资源当作理所当然。resource意为“资源”;memory意为“记忆”;power意为“能量”; devotion意为“奉献”。根据上文可知,地球为我们提供了植物和水, 这些都是资源,故选A项。
    7.根据上文可知,家和地球母亲为我们提供了很多东西。employ意为“雇佣”;attract意为“吸引”;appreciate意为“感激”;provide意为 “提供”。故选D项。
    8.句意为:这可以帮助你意识到你生活中的礼物都来自哪里。be aware of意为“知道”,故选C项。
    9.句意为:每次表达感谢,你就会提醒自己关注家和地球母亲的重要性。accuse意为“责备”;promise意为“承诺”;wam意为“警告”; remind意为“提醒”。根据句意可知,应选D项。
    10.句意为:你能够找到一种简单而又漂亮的方式来表达你的谢意。 根据下文可知,作者介绍了一种表达谢意的方法,故选C项。
    11.根据空后的where you can be alone可知,此处指寻找一个安静的地方,故选B项。
    12.句意为:舒适地坐着,深呼吸,直到感觉放松,然后大声读出下面的话……though意为“尽管”;because意为“因为”;unless意为 “除非”;until意为“直到”。根据句意可知,应选D项。
    13.根据上文中的 Our homes give us a place of shelter that _______ between us and the rest of the world.可知,我们生活在家的围墙之内, 故选A项。
    14.根据上文中的 giver of life and the keeper of our physical and spiritual needs可知,地球为我们提供很多东西,让我们能更好地生活,故选B项。
    15.句意为:感谢你,地球母亲,感谢你为我提供我赖以生存和耕种的土地。live on...意为“依靠……生活”,故选A项。
    16.句意为:感谢你,感谢你,植物、矿产和动物,能够让我领略你们的美和生命的惊奇,很荣幸能够和你们一起生活在这个地球上根据空后的your beauty and your amazement可知,地球提供了很多东西让我们感受世界的美,故选C项。
    19.根据空前的many gifts以及that引导定语从句修饰先行词gifts 可知,此处指收到的大自然的馈赠,故选A项。

    答案:1. longest 2. its 3. held 4. To ensure 5. which 6. seconds 7. from 8. The 9. has been 10. be shortened
    4.为了确保旅客过境速度加快,澳门和珠海口岸联合使用一次性通关模式,旅客只需排队一次,即可在30秒左右完成两地出入境手续。此处用不定式做目的状语,故填to ensure。
    5.横线后面是定语从句,先行词是one-off immigration clearance model,故引导词用which。
    6.second 秒,前面有数词30,故用复数形式。
    7.除了私家车、出租车和货车,两种类型的公共交通工具班车和跨境长途汽车,也可以在港珠澳大桥上行驶。apart from除了。
    8.在繁忙时间,穿梭巴士的班次约为5至10分钟。the frequency频率。前面加the表示特指。
    9.自星期二上午九时起,可在网上预订穿梭巴士车票。根据句意此处用完成时态,故填has been。
    10.珠海到香港国际机场的旅行时间将从4小时缩短到45分钟。the traveling time和shorten之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,前面又有情态动词will,后面be动词用原形,故填be shortened。

          When my grandfather left school, he got his first job as office worker. In those days, he was thin. He paid very little, so he could not afford to a lot. I have one or two photos of from that time, and he looks just like me, but a lot! When he grew older, he worked at all sorts of, such as reporting for a local newspaper and as a part-time salesman. He worked all his life, but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed, like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home.

    1. 考查冠词。名词office是以元音音素开头的单词,前要用冠词an,故a office worker中a改成an。
    2. 考查副词。修饰形容词thin(瘦的),要用副词,故extreme 改成extremely。
    3. 考查动词。句意:他工资很低。应该是他被给很少的钱,要用一般过去时态的被动语态:was/were done;主语是He,是单数形式,故在paid 前加was。  
    4. 考查不定式。固定搭配: afford to do sth.(担负得起做什么),故 to eating 改成to eat。
    5. 考查代词。此处是指grandfather(祖父),是男性,所以要用代词him代替他,故photos of her 改成photos of him。
    6. 考查形容词。上文说他刚开始工作时很瘦,后来就是更瘦了。a lot是修饰比较级thinner的,故 thin 改成thinner。
    7. 考查名词。可数名词thing(事情)由all sorts of(各种各样)修饰,要用复数形式,故thing 改成things。
    8. 考查动名词。此处是指前面提到的all sorts of things(各种各样的事情),要用动名词表示,与动名词reporting是并列的,故worked as 改成working as。
    9. 考查副词。副词hardly(几乎不),而hard(努力地),句意:他一生都在努力工作。故 worked hardly 改成worked hard。 
    10. 考查动词。句意:但是他总是能为他自己喜欢的事情找到时间。词组:found out(查明);而动词find(找到),故found out time改成 found time。


    Dear Peter,
    How are you doing recently? Having learned that you are interested in the garbage classification activity held in our school, I’m writing to introduce it to you.
    Recently, Garbage Classification has become one of the most popular topics in our country. In order to enhance the consciousness of environmental protection of us students, our school organized the activity through speech contest, bulletin and blackboard poster competition. Through the activity, we have learned how to sort out our garbage before dumping it, which not only beautifies the campus but economizes resources as well.
    By joint efforts, we will lead a better life.
    1. Having known that you take a great fancy to our activity called "Animals Protection," I am writing to you with the aim of introducing it to you.现在分词Having known做状语,和主语I 是主动关系; 修饰名词our activity ,过去分词called "Animals Protection做定语.我知道你很喜欢我们叫做"动物保护"的活动,我写信给你的目的是向你介绍它.
    2. The activity aimed at protecting animals is scheduled to be held in April in our school.修饰名词The activity 用过去分词aimed at protecting animals做定语.旨在保护动物的活动定于四月份在我们学校举行.






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