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    2020中考英语作文:人生哲理 试卷
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    2020中考英语作文:人生哲理 试卷

    英雄源于平凡,在新冠肺炎疫情发生期间涌现出了很多平凡而伟大的英雄,李华的妈妈就 是其中之一,她是一位援鄂医疗队的医生.假如你是李华,请根据以下信息及提示,以"Mum is my hero" 为题完成一篇学校"战疫情"主题征文.
    1. 医生,40多岁,工作15年.
    2. 瘦高个,长发,微笑.
    3. 善良,热心…
    1. 面对危险,主动请战,剪短头发.
    2. 严谨工作,救治病人,带去希望.
    3. 每天工作超过11小时,奋战了一个月.
    1. 妈妈微信告诉我……
    2. 我为妈妈感到骄傲,……
    Mum is my hero
    My mum is a doctor.________________________________________________________________
    After hearing of the outbreak of novel Corona﹣virus, my mum offered to join the medical team assisting Wuhan.________________________________________________________________________
    During the stay in Wuhan,my mum sometimes chatted with me on WeChat._____________________
    Mum is my hero
    My mum is a doctor. She is in her forties and has worked in People's Hospital for fifteen years.My mum is tall and slim and smiles often. She's kind and warm﹣hearted and she often helps the sick in our community.(基本情况)
    After hearing of the outbreak of novel Corona﹣virus, my mum offered to join the medical team assisting Wuhan to work better and save time, she even had her long hair cut short.【高分句型一】 In the past month, she worked hard and carefully. She worked for over eleven hours a day and did whatever she could to help the sick. All her patients belied in her because she not only saved their lives but also took them the hope.(援鄂行动)
    During the stay in Wuhan, my mum sometimes chatted with me on WeChat. She told me not to worry about her and it was her duty to save lives.【高分句型二】 She is my hero and I hope to be an excellent doctor like her when I grow up.(对我的影响)
    亲爱的同学,假如你是 Alex, 初中生活即将结束,你所向往的高中生活即将来临.由于疫情(epidemic situation) 原因,你将代表(represent) 初三毕业生,做一个网络直播演讲.
    Dear ladies and gentlemen,
    That's all for my speech. Thank you for your attention!
    Dear ladies and gentlemen,
    It's my honor to make a speech at the graduating ceremony.【高分句型一】(点题)
    It has been three years since we came to the beautiful school.Our school is very beautiful.We have colourful activities every term.Our teachers always try to make their lessons lively and interesting.【高分句型二】We have learned a lot and made great progress during the last three years.(对初中三年学习生活的总结)
    We should thank our teachers,our parents and our classmates.The first group is my classmates.We've worked hard together and we've even shared some difficult times together.The second group is our parents.I thank you for making a home where I feel both safe and relaxed.I also thank you for your help with my homework.The third group is our teachers.We can never pay you back for your kindness,your patience,and gift of knowledge which you have offered us.(对老师、同学、父母的感谢以及原因)
    In the future, I want to be a teacher to help more people in need.I will study hard and realize this dream as soon as possible.(未来梦想以及如何实现)
    That's all for my speech. Thank you for your attention!
    礼貌从我做起,从现在开始,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求,以 “When to Say Thank You”为题,写一篇短文。
    提示:1) When should we say “thank you” at home?
    2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school?
    3) ...
    要求:1) 短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。
    2) 短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。
    3) 词数80个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
    参考词汇:wash, encourage, open
    When to Say Thank You
    It’s polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us. __________________
    重点短语和句型:say"thank you"to sb 对某人说"谢谢",it's+形容词+for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说怎么样,help sb do sth帮助某人做某事,as often as possible尽可能经常的。
    When to Say Thank You
    It's polite to say "thank you" when others help us or say something kind to us. Being polite is a good tradition in our country. Nobody likes a person who is impolite. It's important for us to be polite. We should say "thank you" to parents when they cook for us. We should say "thank you" when they wash clothes for us. We should also be polite at school. When the teachers help us work out questions, we should say "thank you" to them. When we get bad grades and the teachers and classmates encourage us, we should say "thank you". When someone opens the door for us, we should say "thank you". We should say "thank you"as often as possible. If everyone is polite to others, the world will be more and more beautiful.
    1. 务必保持卷面整洁,书写清晰,阅卷老师的第一印象极为重要。
    2. 认真审题(确定体裁,格式,人称,时态)-列出提纲(把所要表达的内容按一定顺序列成若干条。)-打草稿-修改-定稿的写作流程。
    3. 学会用英语思维表达,适当使用增强连贯性的连接词,好词、好句的积累,扩句练习和改错练习,学以致用。
    4. 加强练习,多写多练,学会升级词汇,不用重复句型,注重从句的使用,使句子在写对的基础上,再写好、写优美。
    Write a review(评论) of the following story in about 120 words. The review has to include the following points.(阅读下面的故事,请根据下面的提示,写出一篇约120词的评论).
    (1)The title of your review.(你撰写的评论的标题.)
    (2)Your idea(s), examples and the reason(s) for unhappiness and happiness in the story.(你归纳的关于故事中幸福和不幸福的观点,举例子并说明原因.)
    (3)Your idea(s) of happiness, examples for happiness in your daily life.(归纳你在日常生活中关于幸福的观点,并举例说明.)
    (4)Your conclusion about happiness.(关于幸福的结论.)
    (5)The words you may use.(你可能用到的词) be satisfied with(对……满意) desire n.欲望 contentment 知足 the key(关键) to happiness.
    A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept badly and didn't feel like eating. He often cried for no reason. This made the queen and his people worried. So they called a doctor to examine him.But he found nothing wrong with his body.He said what the king needed was the shirt of a happy person to wear.That would make him happy.
    The prime minister was called to the palace. But when they explained the king's situation to him, he said,"Although I have a lot of power, it doesn't make me happy. I'm always worried about losing my power."
    Then the king's banker came to say, I'm afraid I'm not happy either. I have a lot of wealth, but I'm always worried about losing money. Someone tries to steal my money. Next, the palace singer was called to say, "I'm famous but I'm not happy because I'm worried about being followed by others. I can't be free."
    Finally, the top general was told to go out to find a happy man. He searched and searched but couldn't find anyone. Everyone seemed to have their own problems, and no one was truly happy. Just as he wanted to give up. he saw a poor man on the street. He was eating with his hands and singing happily to himself. The general went to him and said,"What makes you so happy? You have no power, money, or fame." The man said,"I have everything I want. and I don't want what I can't have. So I'm happy, and my song comes from the happiness in my heart. ""Can you give your shirt to me, I need it, "said the general."What shirt? I don' t have any shirts."answered the man.
    My Thoughts about Happiness
    Power, wealth, and fame can't always make people happy. For example, the rich people were unhappy, because they are afraid of losing money, while the poor people was truly happy because he was satisfied with what he could have.
    What can always make me happy?Happiness is always in my heart and is easy to find if I pay more attention to what I have. For instance, enjoying the beautiful sunshine after a cloudy day, getting a glass of water from mother when I am studying, getting help from my friends when I am in trouble and so on. These are the moments when I am happy.
    All in all, don't think about what you can't have. Contentment is the key to happiness.
    (1)高分句型一 For example,the rich people were unhappy, because they are afraid of losing money, while the poor people was truly happy because he was satisfied with what he could have.例如,富人不快乐,因为他们害怕失去钱,而穷人真正快乐是因为他对自己所拥有的感到满足。句子because they are afraid of losing money是由because引导的原因状语从句。
    (2)高分句型二 All in all, don’t think about what you can't have. 总之,不要想你不能拥有的东西。句子what you can't have.作think about的宾语。
    文章讨论了许多年轻人很在意自己外貌的问题,文章的最后指出:“We need to judge people by what they do, not what they look like.” 你同意文章最后提出的观点吗?对此观点你有何看法?请根据下面提示写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法,阐述理由,并举例说明。
    I. Your opinion (agree/ disagree /…);
    2. Reasons (looks, personality品性, ability...);
    3. An example (yourself/ a person around you/ a famous person/…).
    1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;
    2. 如举自己或身边的人作为例子,不能出现真实的人名和地名;
    3. 词数不少于80。
    I agree with the opinion. Compared with looks, personality and ability are more important. Because we can’t change our looks easily, but we can decide and control what we do. Thnaks to the kind and hard-working people, our society is becoming better and better.
    For example, Ma Yun, a well-known businessman, doesn’t look handsome, but he created Alibaba which has changed our lifestyle and made our life more convenient. He has been doing so much for our society that we all admire him. Because of his contribution to our society, we even think he looks so cool.
    So let’s try our best to do more useful things for our society and pay less attentionto our looks.
    In my opinion, I think we need to judge people by both what they do and what they look like.
    A person's personality and ability are very important, but for some jobs, looks are also important, such as an actor or an actress, a waiter or a waitress, or even a teacher. Because it's enjoyable to see a good-looking person.
    For example, my teachers in my class all teach very well, and they are kind and helpful. All of us like them. But the most popular teacher is my English teacher, because she looks really beautiful. She dresses herself up every day and always has a smile on her face.
    So let's try our best to improve our ability, personality and looks.
    学校英语社团正在组织题为“My Family”的征文活动。假如你是李明,请根据以下内容提示用英语完成征文。
    1. 三口之家,家庭幸福,邻里和睦;
    2. 父母为教师,在校深受欢迎;
    3. 分担家务,周末户外活动;
    4. 相互陪伴,经常交流,良好家规助我成长;
    5. 请补充说明一至两点与家庭相关的情况。
    2.词数:60 – 80;
    参考词汇: popular adj. 受欢迎的 activity n. 活动 rule n.规矩
    My Family
    I’m _______________________________________________________________________________
    My Family
    I’m Li Ming. I have a happy family. There are three people in it. They are my father, my mother and me. My parents are teachers, they are popular among students. We get along well with our neighbors. At home, I try my best to do some housework. On weekends, we often go out for outdoor activities. We accompany with each other, communicate with each other. Good family rules help me grow up. I study hard, all the teachers and classmates like me. My home is a warm place.
    这是一篇优秀的作文,很好的完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态、主谓一致,特别使用一些亮点词句,如get along well with, try one’s best to do, accompany with, communicate with, help sb do以及grow up,增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯。
    3. ……(考生自己发挥)
    参考词汇:市民广场Civic Square
    In order to enrich Junior 3 students' after-school life, our school organized a social practice activity last weekend. All the teachers and students of our grade took part in it. _____________________________
    In order to enrich Junior 3 students' after-school life, our school organized a social practice activity last weekend. All the teachers and students of our grade took part in it. In the morning, we visited the People’s Park. In the park, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery, danced and sang, and took pictures. I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their help. In the afternoon, we visited the Citizen’s Square. In People's Square, we watched the photo exhibition and learned about the great changes of our country and hometown in the past 70 years. After seeing these photo exhibitions, I was inspired and determined to study hard to serve my country.
    I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their help. 我要感谢我的老师和同学们的帮助。该句话用到了would like to do sth. 丰富了语言。
    In People's Square, we watched the photo exhibition and learned about the great changes of our country and hometown in the past 70 years. 在人民广场,我们看了70年来的摄影展,了解了祖国和家乡的巨大变化。该句话的语言简练,层次分明,语意明确,用简单的句子表达了丰富的内涵。使人读起来朗朗上口。
    参考词汇: 开始呕吐 begin to vomit;挤向座位 push towards the seat;争吵 have a quarrel
    When I took the underground back home from school, I noticed _____________________________________________________________________________________
    When I took the underground back home from school, I noticed two things around me.(开篇点明题意)
    The first thing I met is about a boy.The boy didn't feel well.He began to vomit.A beautiful girl saw the boy.She helped him clean the floor【高分句型一】.Then the boy thanked her for helping.The second thing is about the underground.When the underground got to the station.a lot of people pushed towards the seat.So some people couldn't get off the underground.Some had a quarreel because of this.(介绍碰到的两件事情)
    In my opinion,The girl did a good thing and we appreciated her action in this society.As for the underground.It shows your quality there.If you wait in a line,others will get off the underground easily.If all of us can do in this way,our world will be more beautiful【高分句型二】.(表达自己的观点结尾)
    She helped him clean the floor.
    help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事。这句话意为:她帮助他打扫干净地面。
    If all of us can do in this way,our world will be more beautiful.
    Good morning, everyone. I'm glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I'd like to thank everyone of you.
    That' s all. Thank you.
    Good morning,everyone.I'm glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I'd like to thank everyone of you.How time flies! We 'll graduate soon. I have so many words from my heart to say.At this moment,I want to say thanks to my parents,my teachers and my classmates.(开篇点题)
    Dear dad and mom, you've taken good care of me in the past three years.When I was in trouble,you used to encourage me and cheer me up.You taught me how to get on well with my classmates.(感谢父母亲的关心,鼓励……)
    Dear teachers,thank you for teaching me so well.I won't forget how interesting your lessons are and how friendly you are.I still remember when I failed in an exam, you encouraged me to keep trying. 【高分句型一】When I had trouble in life, you told me to be brave. Because of your help,I have made much progress.(感谢老师在学习上和生活上的帮助)
    Dear classmates, you've helped me a lot in my studies since I came to this school.【高分句型二】 When I was in trouble,you used to encourage me and give me some advice.I never forget the days when we studied together.(感谢同学的帮助,鼓励,留下的美好回忆)
    Words can't show my thanks to you!I'll remember all of you.
    That' s all. Thank you.
    I still remember when I failed in an exam,you encouraged me to keep trying.我还记得当我考试不及格时,你们鼓励我继续努力.
    I still remember 后跟了宾语从句,宾语从句中包含了when引导的时间状语从句,encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事
    Dear classmates, you've helped me a lot in my studies since I came to this school.亲爱的同学们,自从我来这里以来,你们在我的学习中帮了我很多忙.
    同学们,在初中三年的英语学习中,我们从课本中学习了有关 “Family”、 “Be polite to sb.”、“Protecting the envinmment”、 “Volunteering”等话题和功能。假定你是李磊,请参考这些话题和功能,依据以下要点提示,写一篇题为 “I’m Proud of My Family”的英语短文,向校报投稿,讲述你的家庭故事。
    1. 家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作;
    2. 邻里和睦,礼貌待人;
    3. 爱护环境,从我做起:
    l. 词数90左有(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数);
    2. 根据要点提示,适当发挥;
    3. 短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。
    参考词汇:Work hard;be friendly to each other;get on well with;protect the environment;be volunteers
    I’m Proud of My Family
    My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I.
    这是一篇话题作文,根据材料中的相关信息讲述一下你的家庭故事。所提供的材料中命好了题目:I’m Proud of My Family。主要从1、家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作;2、邻里和睦,礼貌待人;3、爱护环境,从我做起:这三个方面去介绍。时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。注意作文中必须包含材料上的所有信息,并适当发挥。写作时,避免使用汉语式的英语,尽量使用我们熟悉的句子或短语。语法要正确,表达要符合英语习惯,注意时态、时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,表达具有条理性。
    My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I.
    My families love each other. (My parents love us and we love our parents.) My parents both work hard. My sister and I study hard at school, too.
    My families are kind and friendly to our neighbors. We are all polite to each other. We get on well with each other.
    My families try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. My mom and my sister usually bring a bag to go shopping. My father is used to taking the bus to work. I never order takeaway food.
    My families are glad to be volunteers at any time. My parents often help the children in poor areas. (My sister helps in the school library twice a week.) Sometimes I read newspapers to the old people.
    What a happy family! I’m proud of my family!
    My families try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. 我的家人尽力保护我们日常生活中的环境。该句话运用了:try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事。protect the environment:保护环境。
    My father is used to taking the bus to work. 我父亲习惯乘公共汽车上班。这句话运用了:be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。
    You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are important persons in the process of my growth.
    You bring me up.I will be with you in your life.You are important persons in the process of my growth.You give me life and take care of me all the time.(给我生命,一直照顾我成长) When I have problems with my study and life,you are always patient enough to help me and encourage me. 【高分句型一】 In order to let me live a pleasant life and receive good education,you always work hard from morning till night. (努力工作,为我提供良好的生活和教育条件)Everyone knows you are the persons full of love.You are ready to help people in need.It is you who teach me to be a kind person.【高分句型二】(拥有爱心,教我做慈爱的人)
    Dad and mum,today I'll cook dinner for you.I'll go for a walk with you after dinner.(今天要为父母做的两件事)
    I hope you will be happy and healthy forever!
    When I have problems with my study and life,you are always patient enough to help me and encourage me.当我的学习和生活有问题时,你总是耐心地帮助我,鼓励我.
    when当……时候,引导时间状语从句,adj +enough +to do sth 足够地……可以做某事,
    It is you who teach me to be a kind person.是你教会我做一个善良的人.
    本句使用了强调句It is +被强调部分+that/who ...
    幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是…… 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。
    要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。
    Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.
    I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.
    I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.
    What should we thank?
    The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for.
    The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!
    The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us.
    The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life.
    The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food.
    Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only thus, can we become a useful man.







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