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    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A (1a-1c) 课件
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件01
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件02
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件03
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件04
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件05
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件06
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件07
    人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came  Section A (1a-1c) 课件08
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    英语八年级下册Section A教学演示课件ppt

    这是一份英语八年级下册Section A教学演示课件ppt,共44页。PPT课件主要包含了学 习 目 标,dancing, jumping,singing,riding,drinking,lifting,running,writing,relaxing等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 熟练掌握并运用单词及短语: rainstrm, suddenly, at the time f, be caught in the rain2. 了解掌握过去进行时的构成及用法。3. 能够运用过去进行时描述特定时间背景下的活动。4. 培养正确应对生活中可能发生的自然灾害的意识。
    Learn sme new wrds!
    rainstrm ['reinstαm] n. 暴风雨
    After the rainstrm, the river is full f water.暴雨过后河里满是水。
    各种雨的表达:light rain (小雨)  heavy rain (大雨) shwer (阵雨) dwnpur (倾盆大雨) thunderstrm 雷暴雨下大雨 rain cats and dgs
    The rainstrm is cming! Let's be a Petrel in the rainstrm.暴风雨就要来啦!让我们做一只暴风雨中的海燕吧。
    What are peple ding nw?
    playing basketball
    What's he ding nw?
    He hmewrk.
    What was he ding at six yesterday afternn?
    He TV.
    was watching
    at six ’clck yesterday afternn
    What's she ding nw?
    is running.
    What was she ding at seven yesterday mrning?
    was reading at hme.
    at seven ’clck yesterday mrning
    What are the bys ding nw?
    They ftball.
    are playing
    at five ’clck yesterday afternn
    What were they ding at five yesterday afternn?
    They basketball.
    were playing
    are shpping.
    What were they ding at ten last night?
    at ten ’clck last night
    were dancing.
    What are they ding nw?
    Ask and answer
    A: What were yu ding at 7:00 last night?
    B: I was ding my hmewrk.
    ding hmewrk
    watching TV
    using the internet
    reading a bk
    playing chess
    A: What is he/she ding at 7:00 last night?
    B: He was sleeping.
    driving hme
    cleaning the rm
    making dinner
    A: What were yu ding at eight 'clck yesterday?B: I was ... ding ...,What were yu ding at that time, C ?C: I was ... ding eight 'clck yesterday.
    reading a bkpreparing fr an examding hmewrk
    sweeping the flrdinging the dishesmaking the bed
    visiting sick childrenwrking in ld peple's hmecleaning up the city park
    playing cmputer gameshanging ut with friendswatching mvies
    Vlunteering wrk
    Free-time activities
    含义: 表示现在某一时刻或某 一时间段正在进行的动 作。
    结构:is/am/are + V-ing
    含义: 表示过去某一时刻或某 一时间段正在进行的动 作。
    结构:was/were + V-ing
    时间状语: nw, right nw, at this mment; 提示词 lk, listen等.
    时间状语: this time yesterday; at 8:00 yesterday; at 9:45 last night;then; at that time
    1) 昨晚七点你在干什么?2) 当时那个女孩没有唱歌。3) 上周一的这个时候,我们在上英语课。4) 当老师进来时,你们在干什么?
    What were yu ding at 7:00 Last night?
    That girl wasn't singing then.
    At this time last Mnday, we were having an English class.
    What were yu ding when the teacher came in?
    1. Listen! Judy _________ (sing) in the rm.2. What _____ (be) yu ______ (d) when he arrived?3. We __________(have) an English class nw. 4. Jim ____________ (sleep) when I came in.5. They _____________ (watch) TV at 8:00 yesterday evening.6. Nw he __________ (read) and _______ (write). 7. We ____ (have) a basketball game yesterday mrning. 8. The last time I saw Jane, she ___________(pick) cttn.
    was sleeping
    were watching
    was picking
    Lk at the pictures and guess what happened last night?
    When the rainstrm came, it usually rained very heavily and suddenly.(突然地)
    视 频 在暴风雨时干什么?
    Where were they at the time f the rainstrm?
    They were in the pen air.
    What were they ding when the rainstrm came?
    They were camping.
    Lk and say
    Where were yu at the time f the rainstrm?
    in the library
    n the street
    at the bus stp
    Where were the peple at the time f the rainstrm? Match the statements with the peple in the picture.
    1. __ I was in the library.2. __ I was in my huse.3. __ I was n the street.4. __ I was at the bus stp.
    at the time f …“在……的时候”
    Where were yu at the time f the rainstrm?
    What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?
    I was in my huse.
    I was ding my hmewrk.
    I was ding my hmewrk in my huse.
    I was in my huse ding my hmewrk.
    at that time.
    Say and learn
    I was in the library.
    I was reading a bk.
    I was reading a bk in the library.
    I was in the library reading a bk.
    I was at the bus stp.
    I was waiting fr a bus.
    I was waiting fra bus at a bus stp.
    I was at a bus stp waiting fr a bus.
    I was n the street.
    I was walking hme.
    I was walking hme n a street.
    I was n the street walking hme.
    Keep the sunshine inside,even thugh it rains utside!
    Wh IMy parents ...
    Whathave breakfast walk ...
    Where at hme in the park ...
    When at 6:30 yesterdayat this time yesterday ...
    I was having breakfast at hme at 6:30 yesterday.I was at hme having breakfast at 6:30 yesterday.
    My parents were walking in the park at this time yesterday.My parents were in the park walking at this time yesterday.
    Fr example:
    Where were they when the rainstrm came last night and hw d yu knw that? What were they ding at that time?
    Let's have a guess!
    = at the time f the rainstrm
    Where was she when the rainstrm came?She was at hme when the rainstrm.Hw d yu knw?I can see the bed in the picture.What was she ding at that time?She was ding her hmewrk.
    Where was he when the rainstrm came?I think he was in the library.Hw d yu knw?I can see many bks and sme peplelking fr bks.What was he ding at that time?He was reading.
    Where was she when the rainstrm came?I think she was at a bus stp .Hw d yu knw?I can see the stp bard.What was she ding at that time?She was waiting fr the bus.
    Where was he when the rainstrm came?I think he was n the street.Hw d yu knw?I can see an umbrella in his hand.What was he ding at that time?He was walking hme.
    Tips: Pictures can help us t understand the listening meterial.
    in the library
    at the bus stp
    supermarket hme
    Listen again and fill in the blanks.
    Listening 1
    Listen t the TV reprt and circle the crrect respnses.
    a. ding my hmewrk / studyingb. playing basketball / readingc. ging t wrk / waiting fr the busd. walking hme / shpping
    Listening 2
    What ____ peple _____ at the time f the _________? The girl was at hme __________________.The by ___________ at the library after schl.The wman _____________________ after wrk.The man ________________ frm the supermarket.
    ding her hmewrk
    was reading
    was waiting fr the bus
    was walking hme
    Listening 3
    In the studi
    Reprter: The weather is beautiful tday! But yesterday’s rainstrm was the heaviest ne s far this year. S, what were peple ding Yesterday at the time f the rainstrm?
    Outside the studi, n the street
    Girl: I was at hme ding my hmewrk. But I culd hear the heavy rain against my bedrm windw. By: I was reading at the library after schl. I’m s glad I didn’t decide t play basketball!Wman: I was waitng fr the bus after wrk. Then the rain suddenly started and I gt all wet.Man: I was walking hme frm the supermarket. Luckily, I had an
    umbrella, but I still gt wet!
    Reprter: Lks like many peple were caught in the rain yesterday. Many tk hurs t get hme.
    Back in the studi
    过去进行时:表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。主语+ was/were + ding
    Listen and repeat.
    Talk abut what the peple in 1a were ding at the time f the rainstrm.
    What was the girl ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    She was at hme ding her hmewrk.
    What was the by ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    He was reading at the library after schl.
    What was the wman ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    She was waiting fr the bus after wrk.
    What was the man ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    He was walking hme frm the supermarket.
    Nw yu are the reprter. Give a reprt n the weather!
    The weather is beautiful tday! But yesterday’s rainstrm was the heaviest ne s far this year. Many peple were caught in the rain yesterday. Many tk hurs t get hme. What were peple ding when the rainstrm came yesterday? I’ve interviewed fur peple. Nw let’s have a lk tgether.The girl …, the by …, the wman …, the man …. What were yu ding when the strm came?
    表示在过去某个时刻正在进行或发生的动作,常与 表示过去某一时间点的时间状语连用。Eg: this time yesterday; at 8:00 yesterday; at 9:45 last Mnday; then; at that time / mment ; when sb. did sth。2. 表示在过去某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作 , 常与表示过去某一段时间的时间状语连用。Eg: frm 8:00 t 10:00 last night, all night 。① He was sleeping frm 9:45 t 11:00 last night. ② It was raining all night yesterday.
    ⑴ 否定构成:主语 + was/were nt + V-ing + 其他 We weren’t having an English class at this time yesterday.⑵ 一般疑问构成: Was/Were+主语+V-ing + 其他. e.g. Were yu having an English class at this time yesterday.⑶ 特殊疑问句构成: 疑问词 + was/were +主语 + V-ing + 其他? What were yu ding at this time yesterday.
    Sammy's family were busy at 8:00 last ding…;…wasn’t/weren’t ding…, ... was/were ding ... .What was the pet dg ding? it was….
    Talk abut the picture
    1. Did yu see him cme in? N, I _____________ (watch) a ftball game.2. My sister ____________ (read) her bk when my mther came in. 3. This time yesterday I __________ (eat) dinner with my friends.4. At nine clck last Sunday, they ___________ (have) a party. 5. They ______________ (swim) in the pl frm 7:30 t 9:00 last Sunday. 6. The Greens ___________ (have) lunch at this time yesterday.7. The plice ____________ (cme) when I walked arund the statin. 8. Tm with his friends ___________ (play) sccer at 7:30 a.m last Sunday.
    was reading
    were having
    were swimming
    was playing
    1. I was walking dwn the street. (先变成否定句,然后变成一般疑问句) ① I ____ ____ walking dwn the street.   ② _____ ____ _______ dwn the street? 2. I was washing my hair at eight this mrning. (就划线部分提问)  _____ _____ yu _____ at eight this mrning? 3. He cleaned the rm just nw.(用过去进行时改写) He ____ ________ the blackbard at that time 
    Were yu walking
    What were ding
    was cleaning
    1. We have learned 2000 English wrds ______(到目前为止). 2. What were yu ding ____________ the earthquake(在 地震时)?3. The rain ___________ (敲击) the windshield f the car (汽 车挡风玻璃). 4. It rained heavily yesterday and I didn't have an umbrells, s I __________ (浑身湿透了).5. I ___________________ (淋雨了) n my way t schl yesterday.
    was caught in the rain
    at the time f
    beat against

    初中英语Section A背景图课件ppt: 这是一份初中英语Section A背景图课件ppt,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了was,are,were ,Revision,Exercises,过去进行时,现在进行时,While ,When ,was 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A备课ppt课件: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A备课ppt课件,共17页。PPT课件主要包含了--- I,was,play,ing,--- What,were,you,doing,--They,swim等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A备课ppt课件: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A备课ppt课件,文件包含人教版八下Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameSectionA1a-1cpptx、U5A1bmp3、rainstorm00_00_00-00_00_20mp4等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

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