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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)01
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)02
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)03
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)01
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)02
    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)03
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    近五年高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(上海卷)02 高考单词B (原卷版+解析版)

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    beard [bɪəd] n.胡须
    【真句】his smile faded as he rubbed his beard with bny fingers, in thught. 【2020天津】他的微笑消失了,他用骨瘦如柴的手指摸着胡子,陷入沉思。
    【真句】He was wearing a false beard and had a caveman’s axe in ne hand:and a space gun in the ther.他留着假胡子,一手拿着一把穴居人的斧头,另一只手拿着一把太空枪。
    barber [ˈbɑːbə(r)] n. 理发师
    【真句】On a nrmal Sunday, I went t the barber shp where I always went. 【2021八省联考】在一个正常的星期天,我去了我经常去的理发店。
    【助记】barb-压缩自单词 beard(胡须)。
    bachelr[ˈbætʃələ]n. 学士;单身汉
    【真句】That willpwer bre fruit when Jennifer graduated frm University f Wiscnsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family t earn a bachelr's degree.【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷(山东卷)】当珍妮弗从威斯康星大学毕业并成为她的大家庭中第一个获得学士学位的时候,这种意志力就结出了果实。
    【真句】Armantrut, a native Califrnian, received her bachelr’s degree at UC Berkeley.【2015山东阅读】Armantrut是一个加利福利亚人,在UC Berkeley获得了学士学位。
    短语:Bachelr’s Day 光棍节
    battery [ˈbætərɪ] n. 电池
    【真句】 A battery, even a lithium ne, nly prvides 250 watt-hurs per kilgram【2020天津】 一个电池,甚至一个锂电池,每公斤只提供250瓦时
    【拓展】a battery f tests一组测试 【2020浙江】
    backache [ˈbækeɪk] n. 背痛
    backgrund [ˈbækɡraʊnd] n. 背景
    【真句】They were randmly divided int fur grups and expsed t varius nise levels in the backgrund, frm ttal silence t 50 decibels(分贝), 70 decibels, and 85 decibels. 【2021年6月全国乙卷】他们被随机分为四组,暴露在不同程度的背景噪音中,从总沉默到50分贝,70分贝和85分贝。
    【真句】Things like parents’ educatinal backgrund have a strnger influence n a child’s reading.【2015广东阅读】诸如父母教育背景之类的事情对儿童的阅读有很大的影响。
    bachelr[ˈbætʃələ]n. 学士;单身汉
    【真句】That willpwer bre fruit when Jennifer graduated frm University f Wiscnsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family t earn a bachelr’s degree.【2020山东新高考】 当珍妮弗毕业于威斯康星大学-克莱尔大学,成为她的大家庭中第一个获得学士学位的人时,这种意志力就结了果实。
    Bachelr’s Day 光棍节
    bacn [ˈbeɪkən] n. 熏肉
    bacterium [bækˈtɪərɪəm] (复bacteria) n. 细菌
    bad [bæd] adj. 不好的;糟糕的
    bad的副词形式: badly [ˈbædlɪ] adv.严重地,非常;坏地,不好地
    【真句】Cheese bring has a dwnside t—a smell similar t that f bad milk.【2020.1浙江】奶酪带来的味道也有一个缺点——一种类似于坏牛奶的味道。
    【真句】 will always stp what he's ding t take care f a child if that child is having a bad day.【2019天津卷】如果孩子有一天过得不好,他总是会停下手头的工作来照顾孩子。
    【真句】We dn't knw yet if it's a bad thing.【2018上海卷】我们还不知道这是否是一件坏事。
    【真句】She badly needed t set higher gals.【2016江苏阅读】她迫切需要设立更高的目标。
    badmintn [ˈbædmɪntən] n. 羽毛球
    bag [bæɡ] n. 书包;提包;袋子
    baggage [ˈbæɡɪdʒ] n. 行李 拓展:同义词luggage行李(不可数名词)
    bakery [ˈbeɪkərɪ] n. 面包店 bakery的动词: bake[beɪk] v烘烤
    balance [ˈbæləns] n. v. 平衡
    【真句】These actins have greatly affected the eclgical balance.【2019.6天津】这些作用极大地影响了生态平衡。
    【真句】Mthers shuld balance their time fr wrk and rest.【2015天津阅读】妈妈们应该平衡工作和休息的时间。
    【真句】He had the rare balance f fun and cmpassin. 【2017新高考】他在幽默和同情之间取得了罕见的平衡。
    balance的形容词:balanced [ˈbælənsd] 平衡的
    【真句】She vercame her addictin t alchl and began t fllw a balanced diet.【2015湖南阅读】她克服了酒精上瘾并且开始了一个均衡的饮食。
    balance的反义词:imbalance [imˈbæləns] 失衡
    【真句】It has caused an imbalance f species.【2015湖北阅读】它已经导致了物种的失衡。
    balcny [ˈbælkənɪ] n. 阳台
    ball [bɔːl] n. 球 n. 舞会
    ballet [ˈbæleɪ] n. 芭蕾舞
    balln [bəˈluːn] n. 气球
    【真句Ballns n the walls!【2021.3天津卷】墙上的气球!
    ballpint [`bɔl,pɔɪnt] n. 圆珠笔
    bamb [bæmˈbuː] n. 竹
    ban [bæn] v. n. 禁止
    【真句】San Francisc is the first city t ban plastic bags in the wrld.【2012福建阅读】San Francisc是世界上第一个禁止使用塑料袋的国家。
    用法:ban sb frm ding sth阻止某人做某事
    【真句】The driver declared guilty may be temprarily banned frm driving.【2015福建阅读】被宣布有罪的司机可能会被暂时禁止驾驶。
    【真句】 are taking actin t ban the sale f such bags t stp peple using them. 【2020北京】各地区正在采取行动,禁止出售这种袋子,以阻止人们使用。
    同义词:frbid 禁止 frbid sb t d sth; frbid sb frm ding sth禁止某人做某事;frbid ding sth
    禁止做某事;prhibit v. 禁止 prbibit sb frm ding sth 禁止某人做某事
    【真句】Children shuld be frbidden frm watching TV. 【2015辽宁阅读】应该禁止儿童看电视
    【真句】A drive suspected f drink driving shuld be frbidden t drive fr 3 years.【2015福建阅读】被怀疑酒驾的人应该三年禁驾。
    【真句】Lcal gvernment frbids killing wildlife.【2015重庆阅读】当地政府禁止杀害野生动物。
    【真句】Please nte that any prhibited items will be taken away by the Office f Residence Life.【2015 天津阅读】请注意:任何物品都将被Office f Residence Life没收。
    【真句】They are prhibited frm revealing details abut the cmpany.【高考真句】他们被禁止揭露关于公司的任何细节
    banana [bəˈnɑːnə]n. 香蕉
    【真句】My husband had banana pudding fr his birthday.【2021.3天津卷】我丈夫过生日时吃了香蕉布丁。
    band [bænd]n. 乐队;一群,一伙(志同道合的人)
    【真句】Then there was a rar frm the crwd as the first members f the band stepped n the stage.【2015山东完形】当乐队的第一批成员走上舞台的时候人群中爆发出欢呼声。
    【真句】We happy few, we band f brthers.【2012福建完形】我们是少数快乐的人,我们亲如兄弟。
    band tgether 团结起来
    【真句】We’d all be in shelter if we hadn’t banded tgether.【2013江苏完】如果我们没有团结在一起的话我们就会进避难所。
    bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ] n. 绷带
    【真句】But after the peratin, Susan burst int tears fr a different reasn: acrss the cut n their newbrn sn's back was a sweet winter scene, hand-drawn n his bandages.【2020.5天津】但手术后,苏珊因为不同的原因哭了起来:在他们刚出生的儿子背上的伤口上是一个甜蜜的冬天的场景,是用绷带手绘的。
    bang [bæŋ] int. 砰 W
    bank [bæŋk] n. 岸,堤 n. 银行
    【真句】It all began when Mre visited a bank with her dad.【2019北京卷】这一切都始于摩尔和父亲去一家银行。
    bar [bɑː] 吧;酒吧;条,块,根;(卖东西的)柜台
    barbecue [ˈbɑːbɪkjuː] n. 烤肉野餐
    barber [ˈbɑːbə] n. 理发师
    barbershp[ˈbɑːbəʃɑp / n. 理发店
    bare [beə] adj. 赤裸的,裸露的;荒芜的
    T warm himself, the sailr sat in frnt f the fire rubbing ne bare ft against the ther.【2015陕西阅读】为了让自己保持温暖,水手做在篝火面前用一只脚搓另一只脚。
    I saw nthing but the bare walls and I became even mre wrried.【2013重庆阅读】我除了光秃秃的墙之外什么也没看见,我变得更担心了
    bargain [ˈbɑːɡɪn] n. 便宜货 v. 讨价还价
    It was a bargain t him. 【2013湖南阅读】这对他来说是便宜货。
    I bargained him dwn t 200 ttal fr the fruit and nuts.【2006湖北阅读】我将水果和坚果的总价砍到200元。
    bark [bɑːk] v. 狗叫;大声叫 n. 狗叫;树皮
    【真句】A few dgs started barking at it.【2015上海阅读】一些狗开始朝它大叫。
    【真句】Fr a mment, nbdy mved, but then the peple heard smene bark rders at the sldiers.【2014湖北阅读】有段时间没有人动弹,之后人们听到了某人朝士兵发出了命令。
    【真句】Steve Tregea asked Hlder if he wuld like his dg bark.【2015陕西阅读】Steve Tregea问Hlder是否喜欢他的狗叫。
    【真句】Dried grass was added ver the bark.【2015福建阅读】干草被放在树皮上面。
    barrier ['bærɪə] n. 障碍,障碍物
    【真句】Unfrtunately, between us std the barrier f language. 【2022年6月浙江卷】不幸的是,我们之间存在着语言的障碍。
    base [beɪs] v. 以……为基础;以……为基地(一般用被动语态)n. 基础;底部;基地
    【真句】 help China decide whether its plans fr a future lunar(月球的) base are practical. 【2020全国1卷】可以帮助中国决定其未来建立月球基地的计划是否可行。
    【真句】David gt his jb with the Liverpl- based cmpany fur mnths ag.【2014全国阅读】大卫得到了总部位于利物浦的一家公司的工作。
    【真句】Stevensn gives an accunt f the advanced techniques that criminals use t defeat cmputer- based lcking systems fr cars.【2015浙江阅读】Stevensn描述了一个先进的技术,罪犯利用该技术破解以电脑为基础的汽车锁定系统。
    【真句】Several safari(野生动物园)camps perate as the base fr this adventure.【2015重庆阅读】一些野生动物园营地作为冒险的基地运营,
    【真句】The dg survived by drinking water frm a fresh scream at the base f the cliff.【2015陕西阅读】那条狗喝了悬崖底部的溪流的水之后活了下来。
    短语:base sth n sth 以……为基础,以……为根据;
    【真句】Base an imprtant decisin mre n emtin than n reasn, and yu will regret it sner r later. 【2012江苏】将重要的决定以情感而非理智为基础你将迟早会后悔。
    be based n 基于……
    【真句】The beauty f rereading lies in the idea that ur bnd with the wrk is based n ur present mental register.【2020全国1】重读的美妙之处在于,我们与作品的联系是建立在我们当前的心理记录之上的。
    【真句】Candidates will be matched with a task based n skill set.【2021.3天津卷】候选人将根据技能集来完成一项任务。
    【真句】Such a diet is based primarily n grain prducts, fruits, and vegetables.【2013上海阅读】这样的饮食主要是以谷物产品,水果以及蔬菜为基础的。
    basis [ˈbeɪsɪs] n. 基础;根据
    【真句】He likes that he can sit and check his phne in peace r chat up the barkeeper with whm he's n a first-name basis if he wants t have a little interactin.【2019全国2.】他喜欢安静地坐着看手机,或者和酒吧老板聊天,如果他想有一点互动的话,他可以直呼其名。
    【真句】And the rapid grwth f a pleasure-seeking middle class has frmed the basis fr this new craze. 【2015全国二阅读】寻乐中产阶级的快速增长形成了这股狂热的基础。
    短语:n the basis f 根据…… ;
    【真句】They dn’t functin n the basis f science.【2013四川阅读】它们的运行并没有工作原理。
    n a regular/daily/weekly etc basis.意思为“该形容词的副词”
    【真句】As a general rule, all frms f activity lead t bredm when they are perfrmed n a rutine basis.【2014全国一完形】作为一个总规则,所有形式的活动都会导致无聊当他们经常做的时候。
    basis的形容词:basic 基础的,基本的
    【真句】Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part f cmmunicating amng peple.【2016全国一完形】许多土著美国人都重视沉默并认为这是人群中交流的一个基本部分。
    baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] n. 棒球
    basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] n. 地下室
    basin [ˈbeɪsn] n. 水盆,脸盆
    basket [ˈbɑːskɪt] n. 篮子
    basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. 篮球
    bat [bæt] n.球棒;蝙蝠
    bath [bɑːθ] n. 洗澡;澡盆 v. 洗澡(此时等于bathe);
    【真句】They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. 【2022年6月全国乙卷】他们和当地的哈里森一家人住在一起,和他们一样,几乎没有隐私,很少洗澡,早上醒来时被子上盖着一层雪。
    【真句】Upn learning that a nbleman had taken a bath, the king rdered that, t avid the attack f disease, the nbleman shuld nt g ut.【2015重庆阅读】一了解到一位贵族洗了澡国王立刻命令其不准出去,以免受到传染。
    【真句】The three bys were fed, bathed and changed int their nightclthes.【2015江西】三个小孩被喂了饭,洗了澡,然后换上了睡衣。
    bathe [beɪð] v. 洗澡;
    【真句】Senirs, n average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week.【2013安徽阅读】平均来看,老人每周洗澡不超过3次。
    短语:be based in 沐浴在……之下
    【真句】The muntain was bathed in glden light.【2013湖南阅读】那座山沐浴在金色的阳光之下。
    bathrm [ˈbɑːθruːm] n. 浴室
    bathtub ['bɑ:θtʌb] n. 澡盆
    battery [ˈbætərɪ] n. 电池
    battle [ˈbætl] n. 战斗,斗争 v. 与……斗争
    【真句】Hwever, becming a full-time, successful actr wuld still be an uphill battle fr anther eight yeas until he landed a number f film rles that finally gt him nticed.【2021年6月浙江卷】然而,要想成为一名全职、成功的演员,在接下来的八年里仍然是一场艰苦的战斗,直到他获得了一些电影角色,最终引起了人们的注意。
    【真句】Matilda's battles with her cruel parents and the bssy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny and frightening, but they're als aspiratinal.【2019全国2.】玛蒂尔达与她残忍的父母和专横的女校长特朗奇布尔小姐的斗争,同样有趣和可怕,但他们也很有抱负。
    【真句】Hard thugh she tried t make the kids cncentrate, the thunder wn the battle fr their attentin. 【2013重庆完形】尽管她努力使她的孩子注意力集中,但是雷电仍然赢得了注意力之战。
    短语:battle t d sth争着做某事
    【真句】Sme battled t call a taxi r t get n a bus.【2013山东完形】一些人争着打的或者上公交车。
    battlegrund [ˈbætəlɡraʊnd] n. 战场
    bay [beɪ] n. 湾;海湾
    beach [biːtʃ] n.海滩
    beam [biːm] n. 平衡木
    bean [biːn] n. 豆
    beancurd ['bi:nkə:d] n. 豆腐
    bear [beə] n. 熊 v. 容忍,忍受;承担;带有(某种标记或外观特征)
    【真句】We learn t bear with the things we can't change. We learn t avid self-pity.【2019.6天津】我们学会了忍受那些我们无法改变的事情。我们学会了避免自怜。
    【真句】They must bear respnsibility fr his mistakes.【2015天津阅读】他们必须承担自己错误的责任
    【真句】Mst gvernments and many rganizatins will nt prcess written cmplaints if they d nt bear the writer’s signature.【2014江西阅读】大多数政府和许多组织都不会处理书面上诉,如果它上面没有签字
    短语:bear/keep smething in mind 牢记
    【真句】Therefre, we shuld all bear in mind Kurt Vnnegufs advice.【2014重庆阅读】我们应该牢Kurt Vnnegufs 的建议。
    同义词tlerate; stand; put up with;
    beast [biːst]n.野兽
    beat [biːt] v. 击打;打败 ;心跳 n. (连续有节奏的)跳动;节奏
    【真句】It’s a pretty hard cmbinatin t beat.”【2022年6月全国甲卷】这是一个很难被击败的组合。”
    【真句】A few minutes later, when I landed the trick, my friends beat their bards lud, shuting: "Safe! Safe! Safe!" 【2021年6月全国甲卷】几分钟后,当我成功的时候,我的朋友们大声地敲打着他们的木板,高喊着:“安全!安全!安全!”
    【真句】Yu culd scre pints fr beating mnsters amng yur teeth.【2014山东阅读】通过打败里牙齿中的怪兽来得到分数。
    【真句】My ears were still ringing with the beat f the last sng.【2015山东完形】我的耳朵仍然回想着最后一首歌的节奏。
    【真句】Jhnny struggled t keep up with Lisette’s smth steps, but he was always ne beat behind her. 【2014湖北完形】Jnny努力跟上Lisette’s的平稳步伐,但是他总是慢一拍。
    短语:beat dwn 烈日暴晒;(雨)倾盆而下
    【真句】Carrying their heavy lads, the tw brthers walked alng the riverbank, hardly nticing the sun beating dwn.【2014江西完形】带着这些重的东西,兄弟俩沿着河堤走着,没有注意到暴晒的太阳。
    beat ff 打败/击败
    【真句】In the excitement f beating ff the cmpetitin, managers tend t becme carried away.【2015上海完形】比赛赢了,经理变得得意忘形了。
    beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfəl] adj. 漂亮的,美丽的
    beautiful的名词:beauty [ˈbjuːtɪ] n. 美丽,漂亮;美人
    becme [bɪˈkʌm] v. 变得;成为
    bed [bed] n. 床
    bedclthes [ˈbedkləʊðz] n. 被褥等
    beddings [ˈbedɪŋ] n. 卧具,铺盖
    bedrm [ˈbedruːm] n. 卧室
    bee [biː] n.. 蜜蜂
    beef [biːf] n. 牛肉
    beehive [ˈbiːhaɪv] n. 蜂箱
    beer [bɪər] n. 啤酒
    beg [beɡ] v. 乞求,恳求;乞讨
    用法:beg t d sth 乞求做某事
    【真句】Many hmeless peple get int the habit f begging t get enugh mney t stay alive.【2006陕西阅读】许多无家可归的人们养成了乞求钱去生存的习惯。
    beg sb t d sth 乞求某人做某事
    【真句】When Lftus published her findings, she started getting calls frm peple begging her t make them remember hating chclate r French fries.【2006北京阅读】当Lftus发布他的研究的时候,他收到许多电话,他们恳求他让他们记住讨厌巧克力和炸土豆。
    beg fr sth 乞求……,乞讨……
    【真句】At n age need ne have t beg fr a living if ne has gd health and is willing t wrk hard.【2012江西完形】只要一个人身体健康并且愿意工作,任何人都不必以乞讨为生
    begin [bɪˈɡɪn] v. 开始 begin的名词形式为beginning
    beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] 开始,开端
    短语:at the beginning f 在某事的开始
    【真句】Five years ag, when I taught art at a schl in Seattle, I used Tinkertys as a test at the beginning f a term t find ut smething abut my students.【2016全国二阅读】五年前当我在Seattle的一所学校教艺术的时候我用Tinkertys在学期开始的时候去发现一些关于学生的一些东西。
    in the beginning 在开始的时候
    【真句】We had n idea in the beginning that it wuld be s ppular.【2013湖南阅读】在开始的时候我们不知道它会如此受欢迎。
    behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n. 代表
    用法:n behalf f 代表……
    【真句】On behalf f ur sch l, I wuld like t express ur warm welcme t yu.【2014陕西写作】代表学校我像你们表达热烈的欢迎。
    behave [bɪˈheɪv] v. 表现
    【真句】We shuld nt mistakenly believe that we always behave as a result f sme inner dispsitin.【2014重庆阅读】我们不应该错误的认为我们的表现是由于内在的性格。
    短语:well-behaved 表现好的;badly-behaved 表现不好的
    【真句】A well- behaved child earns a great reward.【2014福建阅读】一个表现好的小孩赢得了奖励
    behave的名词形式为behavir n. 行为;举止
    【真句】In cllege I had been taught that a successful educatr shuld ignre had behavir.【2013浙江阅读】
    belief [bɪˈliːf] n. 信念;信心;信任,相信;信仰
    【真句】Anther way f setting realistic gals is t analyze yur shrt and lng term bjectives, keeping in mind yur beliefs, values and strengths. Remember that gals are flexible.【2019年全国2】另一种设定现实目标的方法是分析你的短期和长期目标,牢记你的信念、价值观和优势。记住目标是灵活的。
    【真句】One traditinal belief abut televisin is that it reduces a child’s ability t think and t understand the wrld.【2015广东阅读】关于电视的一个传统信念是它会减少孩子思考和理解世界的能力。
    【真句】They started t teach me a belief in a different American Dream.【2013江苏完形】他们开始教我相信一个不同的美国梦。
    【真句】I had a strng belief in my pwer t get what I wanted.【2015陕西阅读】对于获得我想要的东西的能力我是非常有信心的。
    短语:religius belief 宗教信仰
    易混词:brief adj. 简短的
    believe [bɪˈliːv] v. 相信
    【真句】 It is believed that tday’s children and teenagers are cnsuming three times the recmmended level f sugar, putting them at a higher risk f the disease.【2022年6月全国乙卷】据说,现在的儿童和青少年摄入的糖分是推荐摄入量的三倍,这使他们患病的风险更高。
    【真句】Many peple believe that higher educatin shuld be free because it is gd fr the ecnmy.【2015北京阅读】许多人相信高等教育应该免费因为它对经济有好处。
    bell [bel] n. 铃,铃声
    belly [ˈbelɪ] n. 肚子
    belng [bɪˈlɔŋ] v. 属于
    belng t 属于(无被动)
    【真句】And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth. The tw belng tgether.【2020.7天津】我从没见过一个普通人同时拥有这两样东西。这两个人应该在一起。
    短语:a sense f belnging 归属感
    【真句】Shay’s father als understd that if his sn were allwed t play the baseball, it wuld give him a much-needed sense f belnging and sme cnfidence.【2015江苏阅读】Shay的爸爸知道如果他的儿子可以打棒球,这会给他迫切需要的归属感和自信。
    belngings 财产,所有物 (同义词pssessins财产,所有物)
    【真句】Hurriedly, they packed their belngings and set ff in the directin f the river.【2014江西完形】他们匆忙地打包他们的行李,朝着小河的方向走去。
    belt [belt] n. 带子;地带
    bench [bentʃ] n. 长凳
    bend [bend] v.弯腰(常以bend dwn/ver的形式出现);使弯曲;
    【真句】The man bent dwn and gave his wife the flwer, telling her wh it was frm.【2014陕西完形】男人弯腰将花给他妻子,并告诉她是谁给的。
    【真句】As sn as Ann bent ver t help him the dg went silent.【2014山东阅读】安弯腰去帮助小狗的时候它就变安静了。
    【真句】Yu need a special t t bend the steel.【高考真句】你需要特殊的工具才能弄弯这根钢铁。
    bend的形容词: bent弯曲的
    【真句】Her spine(脊柱)became bent as she grew lder.【2012安徽阅读】随着年龄的增加,她的颈椎变得弯曲了。
    benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] v. 使受益 n. 益处,好处
    【真句】The implicatin f these results is that t gain the greatest health benefits frm exercise, it may be wise t skip eating first.【2020江苏】这些结果的含义是,要想从运动中获得最大的健康益处,先不吃可能是明智的。
    【真句】Space explratin can benefit science and technlgy.【2015江西阅读】空间探索使科学技术受益。
    【真句】A university educatin is f huge and direct benefit t the individual.【2015北京阅读】大学教育对个人有巨大的且直接的益处。
    短语:benefit frm 从……当中受益
    【真句】China and the cuntries invlved will benefit frm the prject in varius ways.【2015江苏阅读】中国和相关的国家在很多方面将会从这个项目当中受益。
    beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有利的,有好处的
    【真句】Music educatin is beneficial fr all students.【2014北京阅读】音乐教育对所有的学生都是有好处的。
    短语:be beneficial t/fr 对……有益/有好处
    【真句】Hwever, frgiveness is pssible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial t yur physical and mental health.【2013辽宁阅读】然而宽恕是可能的,并且它对我们的身心健康是有令人惊讶的好处的。
    best-seller [bestˈselə] n. 畅销书
    betray [bɪˈtreɪ] v. 背叛
    【真句】If yu’ve been betrayed, yu are the victim f yur circumstance.【2015全国一七选五】如果有人背叛了你,那么你就是所处环境的受害者
    【真句】Unfrtunately, we’ve all been victims f betrayal.【2015全国一七选五】不幸的是,我们都是背叛的受害者。
    beynd [bɪˈjɒnd] prep超出、超越
    【真句】Then ne perfect Amaznian evening, with mnkeys calling frm beynd the village green, we played sccer.【2020江苏】然后是一个完美的亚马逊夜晚,猴子从村庄的绿地呼唤,我们踢足球。
    【真句】Any driver fund drinking beynd the limit will be charged.【2015福建阅读】被发现酒驾的司机将会被指控。
    短语:be beynd sb某人无法理解
    【真句】It’s beynd me why visitrs started respecting the place less and treated such a beautiful hme-like place this way.【2012天津完形】我不明白为什么旅行者不再尊敬这个地方,并且这样对待这个像家一样的地方。
    短语: beynd ne’s imaginatin/descriptin 难以想象/描述
    beynd ne’s pwer 超出能力范围
    beynd my wildest dreams 做梦也没想到
    bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkəl] n. 自行车(此时等同于bike)
    【真句】Fr the study, 191 wmen with an average age f 50 tk a bicycle exercise test until they were tired ut t measure their peak(最大值的)cardivascular capacity.【2022年1月浙江卷】在这项研究中,191名平均年龄为50岁的女性参加了自行车运动测试,直到她们疲惫不堪,以测量自己的心血管容量峰值。
    bid [bɪd] v. 出价(常以bid fr的形式出现)n. 出价,报价
    【真句】Why did the ld servant bid fr the painting f Fitzgerald?【2012重庆阅读】为什么老仆人出价购买Fitzgerald的画?
    We made ur final ffer, which still was thusands f dllars less than the ther buyer’s bid.【2015天津完形】我们做了最后的报价,但是这个报价仍然比其他人的报价要少几千美元。
    big [bɪɡ] adj. 大的 其同义词large
    bill [bɪl] n. 账单;纸币
    【真句】But at Unin Statin in Ls Angeles last mnth, a bard went up with dllar bills attached t it with pins and a sign that read, "Give What Yu Can, Take What Yu Need."【2019浙江】但是上个月在洛杉矶的联合车站,一个用大头针和写着“给你所能,取你所需”的牌子贴上了一张印有美元钞票的告示牌。
    【真句】He handed her three $ 100 bills.【2015广东阅读】他递给了他3张100美元的纸币。
    【真句】I had t pay the bill.【2015重庆完形】我不得不支付那笔账单。
    bing [ˈbɪŋɡəʊ] n. 宾戈游戏;棒极了
    bichemistry [ˌbaɪəʊˈkemɪstri] n. 生物化学
    bigraphy [baɪˈɔɡrəfɪ] n. 传记
    bilgy [baɪˈɔlədʒɪ] n. 生物(学)
    bird [bɜːd] n. 鸟
    【真句】Thugh nt knwn t use tls in the wild, the birds have prved skilful at tl use while kept in the cage.【2022年6月全国甲卷】虽然不知道在野外使用工具,但事实证明,它们在笼中的使用工具是非常熟练的。
    birdcage [ˈbɜːdkeɪdʒ] n. 鸟笼
    birth [bɜːθ] n.出生、诞生
    【真句】Since its birth, Harrgate Music Festival has gne frm strength t strength.【2021年6月新高考二卷】哈罗盖特音乐节自诞生以来,就一直在不断发展壮大。
    短语:give birth t 生下;出现,诞生
    【真句】Abut three years ag I was delighted t learn that Baiyun gave birth t her daughter Sulin.【2013全国一写作】大概3年前我很高兴了解到Baiyun生了她的女儿Sulin。
    【真句】The endless chice gives birth t anxiety in peple’s lives.【2013重庆阅读】无尽的选择孕育了人们生活的焦虑。
    at birth 出生时
    【真句】The baby mnkey is much mre develped at birth than the human baby.【2013浙江阅读】小猴子在出生的时候比婴儿更发达。
    birthday [ˈbɜːθdeɪ] n. 生日
    birthplace [ˈbɜːθpleɪs] n. 出生地;故乡
    biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt] n. 饼干
    bishp [ˈbɪʃəp] n. 主教
    bit [bɪt] n. 一点,一些,少量的
    用法:a bit f+不可数n.= a little +不可数n. 一些
    【真句】Yu see, a bit f respect and cperatin can d the jb better.【2015重庆阅读】你懂的,一些尊重和合作可以让工作做得更好。
    a bit adj = a little adj 一点……
    【真句】I think I was a bit rude t yu.【2015天津阅读】我认为我对你有点小粗鲁。
    a bit/a little +比较级 一点儿
    【真句】Perhaps they shuld be a bit mre careful.【2013湖北阅读】也许他们应该更小心一点
    nt a bit=nt at all 一点儿也不、毫不
    【真句】Yu haven’t changed a bit.【2013陕西阅读】你一点也没有变。
    bite [baɪt] n. v. 咬,叮
    【真句】Everything that happens next during the prcedure must be related t this stry—an injectin (注射)becmes the bite f an insect;...【2021.3天津卷】在手术过程中接下来发生的一切都必须与这个故事有关——注射变成了昆虫的叮咬。
    bitter [ˈbɪtə] adj. 苦涩的,令人难过的
    【真句】I culdn’t have gne thrugh that bitter perid withut yur generus help.【2015陕西】没有您慷慨的帮助我不可能渡过那一段苦涩的时光。
    【真句】Why did the authr feel bitter abut her father when she was a yung adult?【2013全国一阅读】当作者成年的时候为什么为他的父亲感到难过。
    black [blæk] n. 黑色 adj. 黑色的
    blackbard [ˈblækbɔːd] n. 黑板
    blame [bleɪm] v. n.责备,责怪
    【真句】I knw I’ll be blamed by Mm, but I dn’t mind.【2013四川阅读】我知道妈妈会责备我,但我不介意。
    【真句】It was purely a questin, n blame r anger in my tne.【2014湖北阅读】这完全是个问题,没有生气或责备的语气。
    短语:blame sb./sth. fr sth 因某事责备某人(或某事)
    【真句】The teens blame their parents fr starting the cnflict.【2015湖北阅读】青年人责备他们的父母开启了这场冲突。
    blame sth. n sth. 因某事责备某事
    【真句】Ceely's near miss made the news because she blamed it n her GPS device.【2015浙江阅读】Ceely这一几乎躲过一劫使其上了新闻,因为他把这件事归咎于导航仪
    sb. r sth. is t blame 某人或某事应当受到责备(主表被)
    【真句】There is nbdy t blame but yurself if yur set f chices des nt match that f yur preferred emplyer.【2012陕西阅读】如果你的原则与雇主的选择不匹配,那么只能怪你自己。
    blank [blæŋk] adj. (纸张,磁带,大脑)空白的;无表情的n. 空白处
    【真句】As a result, these writers never get in the habit f crssing ut chunks (大块) f their draft and writing revisins in the blank space.【2022年新高考2卷】因此,这些作家从来没有习惯于划掉草稿中的大块部分,然后在空白处修改。
    Leave the last page blank. 最后一页留空白
    a blank cassette 一盒空白磁带
    a blank expressin 面无表情的表情
    【真句】Use ne wrd that best fits each blank.【2014上海阅读】每个空白处填写一个最合适的单词。
    短语: g blank (大脑)一片空白;(屏幕)出现空白
    【真句】I was wrried, remembering thse split secnds decades ag when my mind wuld g blank and my fingers wuld freeze.【2014福建完形】我非常担心,突然记得了几十年前破碎的画面,当时我的大脑一片空白并且手指僵住了。
    blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] n. 毯子; v. 覆盖,笼罩
    It acts like a blanket, limiting temperature changes and reducing water lss.【2014江苏阅读】它就像一个毯子,限制了温度变化并且减少水的流失。
    Sn, smke blanketed the rm.【2015江西完形】很快浓烟覆盖了整个房间。
    易混词:carpet n. 地毯
    bleed [bliːd] v. 流血
    bld [blʌd] n. 血
    bless [bles] v. 上帝保佑
    Sabbath is a gd time t bless ur children and lved nes.【2013湖北阅读】安息日是一个愿上帝保佑我们孩子和爱人的美好时刻。
    短语:be blessed with sth 有幸拥有某物,被赋予某物
    They were bless ed with tw children, a by and a girl.【2012湖北阅读】他们有幸有一双儿女。
    blessing [blesiŋ] n. 幸事,福气;同意,批准
    The cmmittee gt the Cuncil’s blessing.【2012山东阅读】委员会得到了Cuncil的批准
    A misfrtune may turn ut a blessing.【2013上海阅读】一件不幸的事变成了幸事。
    blind [blaɪnd] adj. 盲的,瞎的
    She became deaf and blind when she was 19 mnths ld.【2013湖南写作】当他19个月大的时候他就瞎了并且失聪了
    短语:turn a blind eye t 对…视而不见
    Hwever, the fficials can’t simply turn a blind eye t the ethical prblems left behind.【2006重庆阅读】然而官员们对留下的道德问题却视而不见
    blind的名词形式:blindness ['blaɪndnəs] 失明;无知
    blind的副词形式:blindly [blaɪndli]adv. 盲目地
    I’m n lnger blindly satisfied with having smething t remember when I grw ld.【2013湖北阅读】
    blck [blɔk] n. 街区,一块 v. 阻挡,堵塞
    We wuld start frm hme, walking tw blcks t the rail statin.【2012湖北阅读】我们应该从家里出发走过两个街区到达火车站。
    Then they placed the blck n the grund.【2015四川阅读】他们把石块放在地面。
    Failure blcked his way t success.【2015天津阅读】 失败阻挡了成功之路。
    bluse [blaʊz] n. 女衬衫
    blw [bləʊ] v.吹、刮;n. 吹;打击
    They were blwn int the air.【2012江西阅读】他们被吹向了空中。
    The failure was a big blw t him, but he wasn't discuraged and sn gt as enthusiastic as ever.【2015福建】失败对他来说是一个巨大的打击,但是他并没有气馁并且很快和之前一样热情。
    blue [bluː] n. 蓝色 adj. 蓝色的;忧郁的
    I have been feeing kind f blue.【高考真句】我最近一直感到忧郁。
    bard [bɔːd] n. 住宿;布告牌; 董事会,委员会;木板;v. 登上
    His Dad culdn’t affrd the bard at cllege, s Dale had t ride hrseback 12 miles t attend classes.【2014江苏完形】他的爸爸付不起住宿,所以Dale不得不骑马123公里去上课。
    After getting the wrk dne, we put up a bard reminding peple t prtect the trees.【2014北京写作】工作结束后,我们放了一块布告牌提醒人们保护这些树。
    The schl bard is made up f parents wh have been elected t make decisins abut schl affairs.【2013上海】学校委员会是由那些被选举出来以对学校事务做决定的家长组成的。
    Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed, tk the chess bard and pieces frm the shelf and began setting them up befre I even gt a chance t sit dwn.【2013广东阅读】通常他比约定的时间早到,把象棋板和象棋从架子上拿下来,然后在我坐下之前就把它们摆好了。
    It was bvius that I was ging t be late, as I had mistakenly barded a bus that was taking me in the ppsite directin.【2012安徽完形】很明显我要迟到了,因为我错误地登上了开往反方向的车。
    短语:n bard 在船(车、飞机)
    The three ships had 77 members n bard in ttal.【2015四川阅读】三艘船上共有77人。
    bat [bəʊt] n. 船 v. 划船
    bdy [ˈbɒdi] n. 身体;机构
    Perhaps the UNO culd set up a bdy f devted men and wmen in every cuntry wh can speedily distribute aid t victims f flds and earthquakes.【2013江西阅读】也许联合国组织可以建立一个由有奉献精神的人们组成的一个机构,他们可以快速地将援助分配给洪灾和地震的受害者。
    bil [bɔɪl] v. 煮,煮沸
    bmb [bɔm] n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸
    bne [bəʊn] n. 骨头
    bnus [ˈbəʊnəs] n. 奖金,红利
    bk [bʊk] n.书 v. 预定
    Bk early t get a table.【2016全国二阅读】早预定可以得到桌位。
    同义词:reserve v. 预定
    bkcase [ˈbʊkkeɪs] n. 书橱
    bkmark [ˈbʊkmɑːk] n. 书签
    bkshelf [`bʊk,ʃelf] n. 书架
    bkshp [ˈbʊkʃɔp] n. 书店
    bkstre [ˈbʊkstɔː] n. 书店
    bm n. v激增,繁荣
    But the textile bm lasted nly several decades.【2015湖北阅读】但是纺织业的繁荣只持续了几十年。
    In the battle against cheating, this is the key t encuraging hnestly in the bming field f nline educatin.【2013广东阅读】在日益繁荣的网络教育中这是激发诚实的关键
    bt [buːt] n. 长统靴;靴
    bth [buːð] n.岗;(为某种用途而设的)亭或小隔间
    telephne bth电话亭
    brder [ˈbɔːdə] n. 边界
    Why des the authr cmpare the parent-teen war t a brder cnflict?【2015湖北阅读】为什么作者把父母和青少年间的战争比作边界冲突。
    同义词: bundary
    Great wrks f art can g beynd natinal bundaries.【2015重庆阅读】伟大的艺术作品可以超越国家的边界
    bredm [ˈbɔ:dəm] n. 无聊
    He behaves as if any small amunt f bredm can make him feel the need t check his phne even when he knws he shuldn’t.【2015上海词汇与语法】他表现的好像一点点的枯燥都会使他想去查看手机即使他知道他不应该。
    bredm的两个名词形式:bring; bred
    bring [`bɔrɪŋ] adj. 令人无聊的
    Anything will becme bring if yu d it repetitively.【2014重庆阅读】只要你重复做一件事,任何事情最后都会变得令人无聊。
    bred [bɔrd] adj. 无聊的
    用法:be bred with sth. 对……感到无聊/厌烦
    Yu can have a pet dg, but suppse yu get bred with it in a few days? Then what?【2015安徽】你可以有一只宠物狗,但是假如几天后你厌烦了它,你会怎么办呢?
    brn [bɔːn] v. be brn出生;adj. 天生的
    It is likely that babies are nt brn knwing the basic fact f the universe.【2016浙江阅读】很有可能孩子们并不是出生时就知道宇宙这一事实。
    Yu’re a brn artist.【2012全国二阅读】你是一个天生的艺术家。
    brrw [ˈbɔrəʊ] v. 借,用
    短语:brrw … frm … 从……借……
    I brrw the bk Sherlck Hlmes frm the library last week, which my classmates recmmended t me.【2014北京】上周我从图书馆借了Sherlck Hlmes,这本书是我的同学向我推荐的。
    反义词:lend v. 借出
    lend … t … 把……借给……;lend sb sth 借某物给某人
    Mum, I was wndering if yu culd lend me a few dllars until I get paid n Friday.【2012辽宁】
    Parents shuld talk t their children but at the same time they shuld lend an ear t what they have t say.【2014广东阅读】父母应该和他们的孩子说话,但是同时他们也应该听听他们孩子所说的。
    bss [bɔs] n.老板
    btanical [bəˈtænɪkl] adj. 植物学的 btanical的名词形式:btany [ˈbɔtənɪ] n. 植物; 植物学
    bther v.(使)苦恼;打扰;操心;n. 麻烦,不便
    Smetimes I act as a listening ear fr fellw students talking ver what is bthering them.【2015湖南】有时候我扮演一个倾听者的角色,倾听我的同学讨论使他们苦恼的事情。
    I hpe I didn’t bther yu.【2013辽宁】我希望我没有打扰到你。
    As lng as the rabbit had a slice f carrt t eat, she never bthered the ne n her head.【2015四川完形】只要这个兔子有一块萝卜可以吃,它就不操心头上的东西。
    Almst every week nw, there seems t be a reprt suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bther f e-mail.【2012山东阅读表达】现在几乎每周都有一个报道表明我们被电子邮件的不便弄疯了。
    短语: nt bther t d sth. 懒得做某事,做某事不上心
    If a lt f peple say a film is nt gd, I wn’t bther t see it. [2015上海] 如果许多人都说一步电影不好,我就懒得看了。
    bther t d 费神做某事,花心思做某事。
    bttle [ˈbɔtl] n. 瓶子
    bttm [ˈbɔtəm] n. 底部
    I nticed smething at the bttm f ne bx.【2013重庆阅读】我注意到箱子底部有一些东西。
    短语:at the bttm f… 在……底部;
    When students and parents are asked t rate subjects accrding t their imprtance, the arts are unavidably at the bttm f the list.【2014北京阅读】 当学生和父母被要求评价科目的重要性的时候,艺术课不可避免地处于清单的底部。
    frm the bttm f ne’s heart 由衷的
    I want yu t knw I lve yu all frm the bttm f my heart. 【2012天津阅读】我想让你们明白我是由衷地喜欢你。
    bunce [baʊns] v. (使)弹跳
    His rbt was able t bunce a ball with its arms.【2013江西阅读】他的机器人能用双手使球弹起来。
    bund [baʊnd] n. 界限,极限 v. 跳跃
    We are here t make sure that the plice perate within the bunds f law.【高考真句】我们在这的目的是确保警察合法执行公务。
    Suddenly a big dg came buncing twards me.【高考真句】突然一条大狗朝我跳过来。
    短语:be bund t d 肯定会
    Demand fr the cin is bund t break recrds.【2013福建阅读】对于硬币的需要肯定会打破纪录的。
    与“极限,界限”之意的词:bund n. 极限;bundary n. 极限; limit n. 极限
    bundary [ˈbaʊndərɪ] n. 边界;界限,极限
    Great wrks f art can g beynd natinal bundaries.【2015重庆阅读】伟大的艺术作品可以超越国家的边界
    Fr any individual the bundaries f these tw classes f principles are nt stable.【2015江苏阅读】
    bw [bəʊ] v. 鞠躬;弯曲 n. 鞠躬;弓
    The bwed head r drping tail shws the animal is ready t take secnd place in any animal gathering.【2015江西阅读】在任何动物聚会中,当动物弯下头或把尾巴放下来的时候,这表明它愿意屈服。
    She bwed and left the stage.【高考真句】她鞠躬退下了舞台。
    If yu keep a bw always bent, it will break finally.【2013全国一完形】如果你总是使一个弓弯曲那么它最终会坏的。
    bwl [bəʊl] n. 碗
    bwling [ˈbəʊlɪŋ] n. 保龄球
    bx [bɔks] n. 盒子,箱子
    bxing [ˈbɔksɪŋ] n. 拳击(运动)
    by [bɔɪ] n. 男孩
    byctt [ˈbɔɪkɔt] v.抵制
    Her simple act landed Parks in prisn. But it als set ff the Mntgmery bus byctt.【2016全国一阅读】她的简单行为使Parks入狱了,但是这也触发了Mntgmery对公交车的抵制
    brain [breɪn] n. 脑(子)
    brake [breɪk] n. 闸 vi. 刹车
    branch [braːntʃ] n. 树枝;分公司,分店;支部
    brand [brænd] n. 品牌
    bread [bred] n. 面包
    brave [breɪv] adj. 勇敢的 v. 勇敢面对 其名词形式:bravery [ˈbreɪvərɪ] n. 勇气
    Be bld and brave and mighty frces will cme t yur aid.【2015天津阅读】勇敢一点,这样强大的力量将会帮助你。
    Kaasen had t brave this strm.【2016天津完形】Kaasen不得不勇敢面对这个风暴。
    break [breɪk] v. 打破,打碎 n. 休息
    What is the key t breaking the ld patterns? 【2015福建阅读】 打破旧模式的关键是什么?
    I remember Mr. Basille frm time t time taking a break at ur kitchen table.【2015全国一阅读】我记得Basille先生经常在我们厨房的床边休息。
    break的形容词:brken [ˈbrʊkən] 碎了的;坏了的
    Then, in 1925, her back was brken in several places in a schl-bus accident.【2012安徽阅读】在1925年的一场校车事故中她的背部有好几处都受了伤。
    breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐
    breakthrugh [ˈbreɪkθruː] n. 突破
    He made a breakthrugh in cmputer engineering.【2015山东阅读】他在电脑工程方面做出重大突破。
    breast [brest] n. 乳房,胸脯
    breath [breθ] n. 呼吸
    短语:hld ne’s breath 屏住呼吸
    After hlding his breath fr as lng as he culd, Andy came up fr air and nticed the bees had gne. 【2015江西阅读】尽可能的屏住呼吸之后安迪从水里出来呼口气,注意到蜜蜂已经走了。
    ut f breath 气喘吁吁地,上气不接下气地
    Fred entered withut kncking and, very ut f breath, sank int a chair.【2013安徽】弗雷德没敲门就进入了房间并且气喘吁吁地坐在椅子里。
    take a deep breath 深呼吸
    She tk a deep breath and began t speak.【2012天津完形】她深呼一口气并且开始演讲。
    a breath f fresh air 一股新的气息;新鲜空气
    Mr. Edwards, I think yur shrtened editin is a breath f fresh air.【2012湖南阅读】爱德华兹先生,我认为您的缩写版是一股新的气息。
    breath的形容词形式:breathless 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的
    They’d get back in the car breathless.【2013天津阅读】他们气喘吁吁地跑回车里。
    brewery [ˈbruːərɪ] n. 啤酒厂
    brick [brɪk] n. 砖
    bride [braɪd] n. 新娘
    bridegrm [ˈbraɪdɡruːm] n. 新郎
    bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥;桥梁 v. 弥合(差距);消除(分歧)
    In many ways Cnfucis has becme a bridge that freigners must crss if they want t reach a deeper understanding f China.【2012辽宁阅读】如果外国人想深入了解中国文化,孔夫子在许多方面成为了他们必须穿过的桥梁。
    Feedback facilities culd help bridge this infrmatin gap by helping peple see hw changing their behaviur directly affects their energy use.【2014湖南阅读】通过帮助人们看到改变他们的行为是怎样直接影响能源使用的方式,反馈设备可以弥合信息差距。
    brief [briːf] adj. 简洁的,简短的
    This brief bk is aimed at high schl students, but speaks t anyne learning at any stage f life. 【2015湖北阅读】这本简短的书是针对中学生的,但是适用于任何年龄段学习的人。
    易混词:belief n. 相信;信心;信念
    bright [braɪt] adj. 聪明的;(颜色)鲜艳的;快乐的;(前途)光明的(prmising);明亮的;明媚的
    Have yu heard that the lcal stre, standing empty fr s lng, is taken ver by a bright yung businesswman?【2013福建阅读】你有没有听说当地那个空置很久的商店被一个聪明的女商人接管了
    The furniture, with its mdern style and bright clrs, suits mdern huses and their gardens.【2012湖北】这个家具的颜色很鲜艳并且款式很时髦,非常适合现代的房屋和他们的花园。
    One bright hur with their kind is wrth mre t me than the lifetime services f a psychlgist.【2013 北京阅读】于我而言,和他们的孩子在一起的一小时欢乐时光比心理学家终身的服务更有价值。
    What yu said at the meeting describes a bright future fr the cmpany.【2013四川】你在会议上说的东西为公司描述了一个光明的未来。
    Very sn, bright lights were turned n.【2012全国一阅读】很快明亮的灯被打开了。
    It was a bright spring afternn when Freda tld me she wuldn’t need me any mre.【2006辽宁完形】那是一个明媚的春天的下午,当时弗雷德告诉我他不在需要我了。
    bright的动词形式:brighten 照亮
    bright的名词形式:brightness 明亮;聪明
    brilliant [ˈbrɪlɪənt] adj. 明亮的;聪明的;极好的;成功的
    Street artists have brught brilliant clurs t ld neighburhds with their creativity.【2015上海】街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。
    It was a brilliant plan.【2014山东阅读】这是一个聪明的的计划。
    I had a brilliant thught.【2015天津阅读】我有一个极好的想法。
    Jacqueline’s rle as First Lady was mre brilliant than as an editr.【2015福建阅读】杰奎琳作为第一夫人的角色比作为编辑的角色要成功。
    bring [brɪŋ] v. 带来,拿来
    Science and its applicatins bring us many dangers.【2014重庆阅读】 科学及其应用可以给我们带来许多危害
    If yu dn’t have a gd sense f directin, please take with yu a cmpass.【2014福建阅读】如果你没有好的方向感,请带一个指南针
    Take them t visit the museum.【2012安徽阅读】 带他们去参观博物馆。
    I went t the kitchen t fetch a drink.【2012辽宁】我去厨房取了饮料。
    brad [brɔːd] adj. 宽的,广泛的
    We went alng a brad passage.【高考真句】我们沿着一条宽的走廊前行。
    Shppers may find themselves lst in the brad range f items.【2013重庆阅读】购物者会发现他们迷失在广泛的商品中。
    短语: brad/wide smile 满面的笑容
    Shay struggled ver t the team’s bench and put n a team shirt with a brad smile.【2015江苏阅读】
    bradcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] vt. 广播 n. 广播节目
    brchure [brəʊˈʃə] n. 小册子
    brm [bruːm] n. 扫帚
    brther [ˈbrʌðə] n. 兄;弟
    brtherhd [ˈbrʌðəhʊd] n. 兄弟般的关系
    brwn [braʊn] n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的
    brunch [ˈbrʌntʃ] n. 早午饭(晚早饭)
    brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷;擦 n. 刷子
    bucket [ˈbʌkɪt] n.桶
    Buddhism [ˈbʊdɪzm] n. 佛教
    Buddhist ['budist] n. 佛教徒
    budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt] n. 预算
    I have a tight budget fr the trip, s I'm nt ging t fly unless the airlines lwer ticket prices.2012上海】我旅程的预算比较紧,所以除非航空公司降低票价否则我是不会乘飞机的。
    buffet [bəˈfeɪ] n. 自助餐
    build [bɪld] v. 建立,建造
    短语:build up 增加,增强,扩大;发展
    Cnfidence builds up.【2015天津阅读】信心增加了。
    In many Eurpean cuntries peple find it easier t build up a lasting wrking relatinship at restaurants r cafés rather than at the ffice.【2012安徽阅读】在许多欧洲国家中,人们发现在餐馆和咖啡厅比在办公室更容易发展一个持久的工作关系。
    build n 以某事物为基础
    Babies may frm an understanding f bject supprt thrugh repeated experiments and then build n this knwledge t learn even mre abut hw bjects interact.【2016浙江阅读】孩子们通过反复的实验了解了物体支撑并且以此知识为基础了解更多关于物体是怎样互动的。
    bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 一束,一串;一群(人);大量
    He had a bunch f bananas and a bag f peanuts ready.【2006湖北阅读】他准备好了一串香蕉和一袋花生。
    a friendly bunch f peple 一群友好的人。
    When he came back, I fund a bunch f flwers in his hand.【2016四川改错】当他回来的时候我发现他手里拿着一束花
    bungalw [ˈbʌŋɡələʊ] n. 平房
    burden [ˈbɜ:dn] n. 重担,负担
    Over time, the high cst f living became a little burden n my already exhausted shulder.【2014上海词汇与语法】随着时间的流逝,生活的高昂成本变成了我那已经疲惫不堪的肩膀上的重担。
    短语:be burdened with/by sth被某事困扰,承受某事的负担
    Teenagers in Britain are heavily burdened with debts.【2013上海阅读】英国的青少年承受着沉重的债务负担。
    bureaucratic [bjuəˌrəu'krætik] adj. 官僚的
    burglar [ˈbɜːɡlə] n. 入室窃贼
    burn[bɜːn] v. 燃烧,烧毁;烧伤,烫伤
    A lt f carbn dixide in the air cmes frm burning the rainfrests.【 2014安徽阅读】空气中的很多二氧化碳来自于燃烧热带雨林。
    The utside f EP nly gets warm t the tuch s that it will nt burn children r pets.【2013北京阅读】EP被碰到时,外部会发热,这样就不会烧伤小孩或宠物。
    burn的形容词:burning 燃烧着的
    Light the paper by drpping a burning match int the bttle.【2014江西阅读】 把燃烧着的火柴扔进瓶子里面,点燃纸张。
    burst [ˈbɜːst] v. n. 迸发;爆裂,破裂
    Seeing their daughter and dg cming back, the parents burst int tears f relief.【2012陕西完形】
    Then I clsed my eyes and prepared myself fr his burst f anger.【2013陕西阅读】然后我闭上眼睛,等待他发怒。
    If yu blw that balln up any mre it will burst.【高考真句】那气球再吹就要破了.
    短语:burst int 突然迸发(尤指突然开始唱歌、哭笑等)
    Cindy shut the dr heavily and burst int tears.【2015湖南】Cindy重重地把门关上,然后哭了
    Then she threw a stne int the beehive, which burst int life. Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed dwn.【2014安徽阅读】然后他们朝蜂巢扔了一块石头,蜂巢便活跃起来(迸发出生命的引申意思)。露丝和她的助手躲进车里,直到那些愤怒的蜜蜂平静下来。
    短语:burst ut laughing/crying/singing 突然大笑/大哭/大唱起来。
    The ther tw bys jumped up with fright, staring at Tm. Suddenly, they burst ut laughing.【2013江西阅读】其他两个孩子害怕的跳了起来,盯着Tm。突然他们都开始笑了起来。
    bury [ˈberɪ] v. 埋
    They watch where thers bury their fd and steal it.【2014上海阅读】他们观看其他人把他们的食物藏在哪儿,然后再去偷。
    bury的名词形式:burial n. 埋
    bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车
    bus stp 公共汽车站
    bush [bʊʃ] n. 灌木丛,矮树丛
    business [ˈbɪznɪs] n. 生意;商业;公司;事情
    Shadblt says the prblem is that we dn’t knw hw cmpanies will use ur data because their business mdels and uses f data are still evlving.【2016上海阅读】Shadblt说问题在于我们不知道公司将怎样使用我们的数据因为他们的商业模式和对数据的使用仍然在进化。
    Starting yur wn business culd be a way t achieving financial independence.【2014辽宁阅读】 开办自己的公司是获得财政独立的一种方式
    When ur restaurant business failed, we headed nrth in a camping truck t Texas, hping t have a ‘fresh start’【2014湖北完形】当我们的餐馆生意失败的时候,我们开着卡车去了北方的公司,希望有一个全新的开始。
    Many peple think that listening is a passive business.【2013江西阅读】许多人认为倾听是一件被动的事情。
    短语: nne f ne’s business不关某人的事情
    mind ne’s wn business 管好某人自己的事
    businessman [ˈbɪznɪsmæn] n. 商人(男)
    businesswman [ˈbɪznɪswʊmæn] n. 商人(女);
    busy [ˈbɪzɪ] adj. 忙的,忙碌的
    短语:be busy with sth忙于某事
    Jack was t busy with his business and family t think abut Mr. Belser.【2013江苏阅读】杰克过于忙碌他的事业与朋友忘了去想Besler。
    be busy (in) ding 忙于做某事
    He was busy writing a stry, nly stpping nce in a while t smke a cigarette.【2013辽宁】
    butcher ['bʊtʃə] n.肉店;屠夫 vt. 屠宰(动物);残杀(人)
    butter [ˈbʌtər] n. 黄油,
    butterfly [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] n. 蝴蝶
    buttn [ˈbʌtən] n. 纽扣;按钮 v. 扣(纽扣) 
    buy [baɪ] vt. 买
    bye [baɪ] int. 再见
    1. balance n. 均衡;平衡;天平;余额 v. 平衡;权衡
    (1) Yu have t balance the advantages f living in the cuntryside _________ the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。
    (2) As is knwn t all, a _____ diet shuld keep yur bdy healthy.
    A. balance B. balanced C. balancing D. balance f
    (3) In educatin there shuld be a gd ______ amng the branches f knwledge that cntributes t effective thinking and wise judgment.
    A. distributin B. balance C. cmbinatin D. assignment
    2. ban v. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令
    (1) They signed agreements __________ (ban) the use f chemical weapns.
    (2) As a peace-lving cuntry, we’ll declare a ttal ______ n nuclear arms.
    A. ban B. arrival C. cntrl D. mvement
    ( 3) Because f the shrtage f water there is a ______ n the use f hse-pipes.
    A. ban B. vte C. lawyer D. byctt
    3. base n. 根基;底座;根据;基础 v. 以……为基础(根据)
    (1) Actually, teaching is an art _________ (base) n science.
    (2) The mvie _____ J. K. Rwling’s Htter and the Gblet f Fire was put n n Nvember 18 this year.
    A. basing n B. based n C. being based n D. t be based n
    Rwling’s Htter and the Gblet f Fire,故正确答案为B。
    (3) The prfessr culd hardly find sufficient grunds _____ his arguments in favr f the new thery.
    A. n which t base B. which t base n C. t base n D. t be based n
    4. bear v. 承受;忍耐;运送;携带;生(孩子)
    (1) Hebb has _______ (bear) him six sns and the eldest sn was ________ (bear) in 1970.
    (2) —Why did Bb cry?
    —He culdn’t bear ______ like that befre the whle class.
    A. making fun f B. being made fun f C. t be laughed D. being made fun
    (3) We have n vacancies (空职) nw, but we’ll certainly ______ yur applicatin in mind.
    A. hide B. bear C. stand D. endure
    5. benefit n. 优势;利益;成效 v. 使受益;得益于
    (1) The new regulatin will be _____________ (benefit) t everyne cncerned.
    (2) Wh is mst likely t ______ the ld lady’s death?
    A. benefit B. benefit frm C. be beneficial D. be beneficial t
    (3) The new medical care plicy will be ______ t us all.
    A. great benefit B. benefited C. beneficial D. fr the benefit
    6. blame v. 把……归咎于……;指责 n. .责任;指责
    (1) He was blamed _________ the accident, but he blamed it ________ thers. In fact, it is he, nt thers that is _______________ (为……受责备) it.
    (2) They blamed the failure n Gerge. Actually, he ______.
    A. is nt t blame B. is t blame C. is nt t be blamed D. shuld nt blame
    (3) His driver, ______ fr the accident, had nt been driving carefully.
    A. blamed B. being blamed C. t be blamed D. blaming
    7. burst v. 爆裂;胀开;猛冲,突然出现 n. 突发;爆破
    (1) Hearing the news, she burst ________ tears (= burst _______ crying).
    (2) As sn as she saw her mther, she ______.
    A. burst ut tears B. burst int tears C. brke ut tears D. brke int crying
    ( 3) In a sudden _____ f anger, the man tre up everything within reach.
    A. attack B. burst C. split D. blast
    8. bury v. 埋葬;埋藏;使陷入
    (1) She sat there, ___________ (bury) in thught.
    (2) ______ in the newspaper, I didn’t ntice what was happening.
    A. Having buried B. Burying C. Buried D. T be buried
    (3) ______ deep dwn in the earth, the dead frests rtted away and became cal.
    A. Buried B. Burying C. T bury D. Being buried
    9. bargain n. 减价品;便宜货 v. 讨价还价
    (1) In the market, dealers were bargaining _______ grwers _______ the price f cffee.在市场上商人正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。
    (2) After much ______, the shp wner agreed t cut dwn the price f the MP4 by 20%.
    A. debating B. talking C. discussing D. bargaining
    (3) Sme peple wuld like t d shpping n Sundays since they expect t pick up wnderful _______ in the market.
    A. batteries B. bargains C. baskets D. barrels
    10. betray v. 出卖;泄露;背叛
    ( 1) He had a gd disguise (伪装), but as sn as he spke he betrayed __________ (he).
    (2) He betrayed his friends _____ the enemy, which surprised us all.
    A. t B. fr C. with D. by
    ( 3) —Hw d yu knw he is frm Hunan Prvince?
    —Oh, his accent _____ when he spke?
    A. betrayed B. displayed C. appeared D. shwed
    11. beynd prep. 在(或向)……较远的一边;超出 ad. 在另一边;在(或向)更远处
    ( 1) _____________________ (超出我的能力) why she wants t marry Jeff.
    ( 2) We take ur skin fr granted until it is burned ______ repair.
    A. beynd B. fr C. withut D. under
    (3) Finding a jb in such a big cmpany has always been ______ his wildest dreams.
    A. under B. ver C. abve D. beynd
    12. burden n. 重担;负担 v. 担负
    (1) I dn’t want t burden yu _________ my prblems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。
    (2) I dn’t’ want t becme a burden _____ my children when I’m ld.
    A. fr B. t C. at D. n
    (3) She gt ff the bus, _____ with tw heavy suitcases.
    A. burdening B. burdened C. burden D. t burden
    13. burn v. 燃烧;烧伤
    ( 1) Tw children were rescued frm the ___________ (burn) car.
    (2) The fire is burning ______; add sme mre cal t it, please.
    A. up B. dwn C. away D. ut
    ( 3) If the bttle f gas ______ fire, the whle building may ______.
    A. will catch; be burnt ff B. catches; be burnt t the grund
    C. is n; burn dwn D. will be n; be burned t the grund
    14. 倍数表达
    (1) A: Our classrm is three times the size f theirs.
    B: Our classrrm is three times ______ ______ ______ theirs.
    C: Our classrm is three times ______ ______ theirs.
    (2)—What des the mdel plane lk like?
    —Well,the wings f the plane are f its bdy.
    A.mre than the length twice
    B.twice mre than the length
    C.mre than twice the length
    D.mre twice than the length
    (3)Our city has experienced this year as it did last year.
    A.twice as much rain B.rain twice as much
    C.as twice much rain D.twice rain as much
    15.be shrt fr...是……的缩写;是……的简称
    (1)___________ (总之),he is an hnest persn and yu can depend n him.
    Digital technlgy ften falls shrt __________ ur expectatin.数字技术时常达不到我们的期望。
    Her name is Alex,shrt __________ Alexandra.她名叫亚历克斯,是亚历山德拉的简称。
    (2)Rbert is called “Bb” .
    A.fr shrt B.in shrt
    C.shrt fr D.shrt f
    (3)Ed is shrt Edward,wh isn’t shrt cash.(2011·本溪月考)
    A.fr;f B.f;in
    C.fr;in D.fr;fr
    16.be suppsed t应该……;理应……
    (1)Yu are suppsed ___________ (ask) the teacher if yu want t leave the classrm.
    Yu are suppsed ______________ (finish) the wrk by nw. 这工作你现在应该已经完成了。(但没完成)
    _______________ (suppse) he's right and I d die tmrrw?
    (2)—Alice,yu are suppsed part in the party in time.
    —Srry,but I had an unexpected visitr.
    A.t take B.t have taken
    C.t be taking D.taking
    (3)He was t be a musician,but he became a lawyer.
    A.thught B.said
    C.cnsidered D.suppsed
    17.be cnnected with与……有联系
    (1)The expert thught that his illness was cnnected ________ his diet.
    Des he have any __________ (cnnect) with the accident?
    【答案】with ; cnnectin
    (2)The plice have cllected sme infrmatin the murder.
    A.cnnected by B.cnnected with
    C.cnnecting with D.was cnnected with
    (3)The president is visiting New Yrk the trade talks.(2010·安顺统考)
    A.in cntrast with B.in cnnectin with
    C.in cnsequence f D.in accrdance with
    18.be crazy abut迷恋;热衷于;醉心于
    (1)I am crazy _________ American mvies,frm which I can learn a lt f native English.
    Fr the next tw days the team wrked ____________ (发疯似地).
    (2)Tm has been abut ftball since he was very yung and plays it every day.
    A.eager B.crazy
    C.curius D.interested
    (3)—I am abut playing cmputer games.I ften play fr 24 hurs withut stp.
    —It’s bad fr yur .Yu’d better give up this bad habit.
    A.surprising;healthy B.interesting;health
    C.crazy;healthy D.crazy;health
    19.break int非法闯入;突然开始(唱、笑、哭等)
    (1) Jack brke int ___________ (laugh) when he was walking alng the street.
    Jack brke ut __________ (laugh) when he was walking alng the street.
    (2)When Tm heard that theft had happened in his cmmunity, he hurried hme,nly t find his huse .
    A.had brken int B.has been brken int
    C.brken int D.being brken int
    (3)Yu’ll sner r later if yu keep wrking like that.
    A.break ff B.break dwn
    C.break int D.break ut
    20.belng t属于;是……的成员
    (1) All the wrkers ____________ (belng) t the factry must bey the rule.
    I cllected my ______________ (belng) and left.
    (2)— des the cmputer belng t?
    —It belngs t .
    A.Whse;mine B.Whse;my
    C.Wh;Tm’s D.Wh;me
    (3)We dn’t knw that these languages t the Latin family.
    A.belng B.belnging
    C.t belng D.belnged
    21.be knwn as 被认为是;作为……而出名
    (1)The upper layer is knwn __________ the litter.
    Hangzhu is knwn/famus _________ its beautiful scenery.
    He is knwn __________ mst peple as a gd actr.
    (2)It is knwn us that the city f Auckland is knwn the City f Sails.
    A.t;as B.by;fr C.fr;t D.t;fr
    (3)James Camern,wh is famus great actin scenes,directed his latest mvie,Avatar.
    A.as B.in C.n D.fr
    22.be/get tired f对……厌烦/厌倦
    (1)They began t sleep,__________________ (厌倦) the lecture.
    (2)Mr.Smith, f the speech,started t read a nvel.
    A.tired;bring B.tiring;bred
    C.tired;bred D.tiring;bring
    (3)I was tired listening t classic music.Let’s listen t the pp sngs.
    A.with B.f C.t D.in
    23.be 正在做……这时……
    eq \b\lc\ \rc\}(\a\vs4\al\c1(be abut t ,be n the pint f ))正要……这时……
    had 刚做完……这时……
    a.We _______________________________________ yu came.
    b.We _____________________________________ yu came.
    (2)We there when it t rain.
    A.wuld get;began
    B.were getting;wuld begin
    C.were abut t get;began
    D.had gt;had begun
    (3)—What happened t yu?
    —I in the street when smene patted me n the shulder,which frightened me.
    A.was walking
    B.had walked
    C.was abut t walk
    D.was n the pint f walking
    24.because f因为;由于
    (1)The plice are advising drivers t reduce speed _______________ the rain.
    The plice are advising drivers t reduce speed ____________ it rains.
    (2)Much t ur disappintment,the sprts meeting has been put ff the bad weather.
    A.because B.because f
    C.althugh D.since
    (3) the right leadership f the CPC,all the Chinese peple can enjy equal rights and a peaceful life nw.
    A.Thanks t B.Because
    C.Fr D.Thank fr
    25.be up t取决于;多达
    (1)_____________________________ (由你决定) t decide whether t g r nt.
    She _______________(不胜任) the jb.
    Up t nw,he ________________ (nt finish) his wrk.
    (2)—Where little Tm be nw?
    —I wnder what he .
    A.can;is up t B.must;is abut
    C.may;is ding D.must;playing
    (3)—What d yu want t d next?We have half an hur until the basketball game.
    — .Whatever yu want t d is fine with me.
    A.It just depends B.It’s up t yu
    C.All right D.Glad t hear that
    26.be/get caught in被困于,突然遭遇(风暴等)
    (1)The ship _________________ (陷入) a terrible strm and lst its cntrl.
    (2)He had a bad cld,because he in the rain n his way hme after schl.
    A.met with B.was lst
    C.was caught D.happened n
    (3)Anyne will be fired if in the test.
    A.catching cheating B.caught cheating
    C.t catch cheating D.caught cheated
    27.bring up养育,抚养;提出(话题);呕吐;调出
    (1)His new suggestin ____________ (bring) up at the meeting.
    (2)A great deal f science and technique has been since China carried its refrm and pen plicy.
    A.brught dwn;n B.brught in;ut
    C.brught ut;ut D.brught up;n
    (3)I’m all fr families, and fr children being in secure, lving envirnment. (2011·沈阳月考)
    A.picked up B.ended up
    C.brught up D.taken up
    28.burst ut ding sth.突然开始做……
    (1) She burst ut ___________ (cry) n seeing her sister.
    She burst int __________ (tear) n seeing her sister.
    (2)On hearing the news that her sn had wn the game,she laughter.
    A.burst ut B.burst with
    C.burst upn D.burst int
    (3)Hearing the ld man’s experiences in Africa,we all culdn’t help laughing.
    A.amused;bursting ut
    B.amusing;bursting int
    C.amused;bursting int
    D.amusing;bursting ut
    29.(be) true f/fr...与……情况相同;对……适用
    (1)The music is dull and uninspiring (不吸引人的) and the same _____________ (适用) the acting.
    (2)Driving a car needs a lt f practice and this is true studying English.
    A.f B.t C.in D.at
    (3)—D yu like the film seen yesterday?
    —Yes.It’s very true life.
    A.f B.fr C.t D.abut
    30.break dwn坏了,出毛病;毁掉;失败;(身体)垮了;分解
    (1)—Why haven’t yu finished yur wrk?
    —The cmputer system suddenly when I was searching fr infrmatin n the Internet.
    A.brke dwn B.brke ut
    C.brke up D.brke in
    (23)I was telling them abut my exciting travels,when he with a stry f his wn.
    A.brke dwn B.brke ff
    C.brke in D.brke up
    31.be used t (ding) sth.习惯于
    (1)The ld cuple hardly gt used t ___________ (live) with their children in the city.
    Tday’s China is n lnger what it used __________ (be).
    Paper can be used __________ (make) a fire.
    (2)In my pinin,life in the twenty­first century is much easier than .
    A.that used t be B.it is used t
    C.it was used t D.it used t be
    (3)—Wuld yu like me the radi a bit?
    —N,it’s all right.I’m used t with the radi .
    A.t turn up;wrk;n
    B.t turn dwn;wrking;ff
    C.turning up;wrking;ff
    D.t turn dwn;wrking;n
    32.be eager fr渴望;想得到……(强调积极的渴望)
    (1)He is eager __________ his teacher’s apprval.
    The wrld mves n because f thse wh are eager ______________ (discver) what their ancestrs did.
    (2)Having been t see her sn fr a lng time,the mther became .
    A.eager;eager B.anxius;anxius
    C.eager;anxius D.anxius;eager
    (3)She was a hliday,away frm wrk and her husehld chres.
    A.eager t B.lng fr
    C.dying fr D.thirsty t
    33.be cnsistent with与……一致,相符
    (1) It’s nt what we d nce in a while that shapes ur lives,but what we d __________ (cnsist).
    Thery shuld be cnsistent __________ practice.
    (2)What yu say nw desn’t seem t be with what yu said last Saturday.
    A.cnstant B.cnsistent
    C.equal D.cmmn
    (3)The pening prvince which thirteen cunties and three castal cities will quicken its pace f ecnmic develpment. (2011·沈阳模拟)
    A.cnsists f B.makes up
    C.is included D.is cntained
    34.be addicted t (ding) sth.对(做)某事入迷/上瘾
    (1)In my pinin,we shuldn’t help the yung man wh is addicted t __________ (drink).
    (2) t cmputer games,the by has lst all interest in his lessns.
    A.Addicted B.Having addicted
    C.Addicting D.Addict
    (3)They are with making a frtune and dn’t care abut any ther things.(2011·铜川一中月考)
    A.bent B.devted
    C.drunk D.addicted
    35.(be) bund t (d sth.)一定(做某事);有责任或义务(做某事)
    (1)The marriage based n mney ________________ (一定) break up.
    (2)It is clear that if we read English articles every day,we imprve ur English.
    A.are bunded t B.are bund t
    C.bund D.bund t
    (3)I supprt yur decisin,but I shuld als make it clear that I am nt ging t be t carry it ut.
    A.cnnected B.fastened
    C.bund D.stuck
    36.(be) dying t d sth.渴望做某事
    (1) She is dying ______________ lve f him.
    We are dying ______________ (meet) yur new byfriend.
    (2)I knw yu are busy,but d yu think yu culd spare us a few hurs?We are hear yur experiences abrad.
    A.managing t B.dying t
    C.leading t D.lying t
    (3)When will the result f the exam be annunced?The students are t knw it.
    A.agreeing B.dying
    C.deciding D.desiring
    37.be familiar with熟悉;对……熟悉
    (1) She was nt familiar ____________ the rad.
    The rad was nt familiar ___________ her.
    【答案】with ; t
    (2)This magazine is very with yung peple,wh like its cntent and style.
    A.familiar B.ppular
    C.similar D.particular
    (3)She is very t me but I can’t remember her name.
    A.familiar B.similar
    C.knwn D.alike
    38.be scared t death吓死了,吓得要死
    (1) Mre ften,it wuld be better if we dn’t pretend we feel strng when we feel weak r pretend that we are brave when we’re ___________ (scare).
    His warning scared her ____________ beying him.他的警告吓得她只好服从于他。
    (2)Seeing the fld,the wman dctr was t take the small bat.
    A.scaring;scaring B.scared;scared
    C.scaring;scared D.scared;scaring
    (3)Mst yung girls were scared stay utside after 10∶00 p.m.because they were scared being rbbed in the city.
    A.t;t B.t;f
    C.f;t D.f;f
    39.break away (frm)脱离;打破
    (1)The peace talks brke ___________ (破裂) with n agreement reached.
    We arrived at wrk in the mrning and fund that smebdy had brken ________ (闯入) the ffice during the night.
    (2)It’s wrng f yu t all yur classmates.
    A.break dwn B.break in
    C.break away frm D.break thrugh
    (3)The cmputer system suddenly while he was searching fr infrmatin n the Internet.
    A.brke dwn B.brke ut
    C.brke up D.brke in
    40.build up建立,确立;增进;扩大
    (1)Taking exercise helps us ur bdy and keep a clear mind.(2011·黄石月考)
    A.put up B.build up
    C.set up D.make up
    (3)Fr all these years I have been wrking fr thers.I’m hping I’ll my wn business smeday.
    A.turn up B.fix up
    C.set up D.make up
    41.be assciated with和……有关
    (1)I dn’t like these yung men yu’re ______________ (assciate) with.
    D yu belng t any prfessinal r trade _______________ (assciate)?
    (2)He wished t frget everything with his frmer life and start a new life.
    A.jined B.assciated
    C.buried D.carried
    (3)When speaking f China,peple ften it with the Great Wall.
    A.assign B.attach
    C.assciate D.assess
    42.be keen n...喜爱……;对……着迷
    (1)He is keen n _________ (play) tennis.
    Jhn is keen __________ (help).
    (2)Her father wants her t g t university,but she is nt it.
    A.keen t B.care abut
    C.keen n D.eager t
    (3)Althugh he injured his left hand,he was still n the game f bxing.
    A.sharp B.sensitive
    C.keen D.curius
    43.be busy with sth.忙于某事
    (1)He is busy _________ his hmewrk.
    Outside,Father and Mr.Patrick next dr were busy __________ (chp) firewd.
    (2)I’m my classes that I just dn’t have time t exercise.(2012·南充一中月考)
    A.s busy with B.such busy with
    C.busy with D.busy studying
    (3)Tm has a large family t supprt.He is always .
    A.as busily as a bee B.s busily as a bee
    C.as busy as a bee D.s busy as a bee
    44.be bent n (ding) sth.一心想要(做);决心要(做)
    (1)He is bent ________ the Russian study.
    Dn’t bend ________ the pressure.
    (2) training his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper,“ ,an English teacher fr a ten­year­ld girl.”
    A.Bent n;Wanted B.Bent n;Wanting
    C.Bend n;Wanted D.Bend n;Wanting
    (3)He is learning English well.(2011·淮安月考)
    A.bent t B.bent n
    C.bending t D.bend n
    45.be made ut f由……制成
    (1)The windw is made __________ hardened glass.
    The prduct is made __________ China.
    The wrd “bkstre” is made _________ “bk” and “stre”.
    (2)Hw cttn clthes?
    A.is;made int B.is;made f
    C.is;made ut f D.is;made frm
    (3)The English language the rules and vcabulary.
    A.makes up B.is cnsisted f
    C.is made up f D.makes up f
    46.be ppular with/amng为……喜爱;受……欢迎
    (1)Playing basketball is ppular __________ yung peple.
    (2)The website is very with yung peple,wh like its cntent and style.
    A.familiar B.ppular
    C.similar D.interested
    (3)The artistic handicrafts are very freign guests.
    A.ppular abut B.ppular fr
    C.ppular with D.ppularity with
    47.be prejudiced against对……有偏见的
    (1) Many peple are ________________ (对……有偏见的) wmen,and they especially have __________________(很强的偏见) wmen in plitics.S we have been wrking hard t ____________________(克服他们的偏见).Nw the situatin is imprving.
    (2)I dn’t knw why they’re all s prejudiced the idea.
    A.with B.n
    C.against D.in
    (3) against black peple is cmmn in many parts f America,thugh Obama is the president.
    A.Prejudice B.Natin
    C.Criminal D.Race
    48.be related t与……有关系
    (1)Much f the crime in this area is ___________ (realte) t drug abuse.
    Its brain is small in ___________ (relate) t its bdy.
    (2)The children f mthers wh use ccaine are ften brn the drug.
    A.addicted t B.engaged in
    C.related t D.cncerned abut
    (3)The survivrs f Tangshan Earthquake can the victims in Wenchuan Earthquake.
    A.be relate t B.be related t
    C.relate D.relate t
    49.believe in信任;信仰;支持,赞成
    (1)Thse vases are believed t be wrth ver 20,000 each.
    _________________________ thse vases are wrth ver 20,000 each.
    (2)As is knwn t all,he is hnest.That’s why I him all the time.But I dn’t what he tld me this time.
    A.believe;believe B.believe in;believe
    C.believe in;believe in D.believe;believe in
    (3)—Hi,David,yu lk awful.What’s the truble?
    —Well, ,I had an accident in the car this mrning.Smene drve int the back f mine.
    A.just then B.believe it r nt
    C.sner r later D.befre lng
    50.break ne’s prmise食言,收回承诺
    (1)If yu prmise t d smething,yu shuld keep it instead f breaking it.
    If yu _______________ t d smething,yu shuld keep it instead f breaking it.
    (2)—Dad,yu said yu wuld buy me a new car several days ag.
    —Yes,I wn’t break my if yu d better in yur exam.
    A.fact B.prmise
    C.reality D.idea
    (3)He has never t tell a lie again,and he is sure t d s.(2011·池州月考)
    A.allwed B.assured
    C.prmised D.cmprmised
    51.bring back使恢复;使想起;归还;给……带回
    (1)Science _____________________ (引起) many changes in ur lives.
    He was brn in the cuntry but ____________________ (抚养) in the city.
    (2)The Internet has brught big changes in the way we wrk.(2011·阜新月考)
    A.abut B.ut
    C.back D.up
    (3)As is knwn t all,Japanese a lt f wrds frm Chinese.
    A.brught ut B.brught in
    C.brught up D.brught abut
    52. 百分数作主语
    (1)Tw­thirds f the earth’s surface ____________ (cver) by water.
    Tw­thirds f this task ___________________ (cmplete).
    95 percent f the students _______________________ (pass) the examinatin.
    (2)He’s nly gt ne shirt,because all being washed. (2011·天水调研)
    A.the rest shirts are B.the rest shirt is
    C.the rest are D.the rest is
    (3)The cmpany had abut 20 ntebk cmputers but nly ne­third used regularly.Nw we have wrking all day lng.
    A.is B.are C.was D.were
    53. 主语+be meant t d...
    (1) When I was yung,my mther always __________ (让……去做) me t d extra exercises and my brther __________(理应) practise playing the pian. We _________ (打算,意欲) give up,but Dad tld us that persistence ___________ (意味着) success while laziness _________ lsing gd chances and failure,s my brther and I had t d as we were tld.

    (2)These flwers were yur mther.Culd yu accept them fr her?
    A.meaning t B.meaning fr
    C.meant fr D.meant t
    (3)Tm, t be a lawyer,was determined t be a businessman,which disappinted them very much.
    A.meaning B.meant
    C.was meant D.was meaning
    54. be f+抽象名词
    (1)A:This dictinary is f great/much use t learners f English.
    B: This dictinary is _______ _______ t learners f English.
    (2)The tw bys are ___________ (同龄),but are __________________ (身高不同).
    (3)Suddenly cluds appeared in the sky.
    A.different shapes B.f different shapes
    C.differently shapes D.f differently shapes
    (4)The dictinary my father bught me is t me in my English study.
    A.f a great help B.f great help
    C.great helpful D.great help

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