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    这是一份【期中单元检测】(牛津译林版)2023-2024学年九年级英语上册Unit4检测卷(提升卷),文件包含期中单元检测牛津译林版2023-2024学年九年级英语上册Unit4检测卷提升卷原卷版docx、期中单元检测牛津译林版2023-2024学年九年级英语上册Unit4检测卷提升卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 4 Growing up
    1. 本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。
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    1.—Sam is always ready to help people ________ need.
    —Yes. He showed great ________ in saving the drowning girl yesterday.
    A.with; interest B.in; wish C.in; courage D.with; patience
    【详解】句意:——山姆总是乐于帮助有需要的人。——是的。昨天他在救那个溺水的女孩时表现出极大的勇气。考查介词和名词辨析。in在……里面;with和;interest兴趣;wish希望;courage勇气;patience耐心。根据“people…need”可知,此处考查介词短语in need“有需要的”,第一空应填in;根据“in saving the drowning girl yesterday”可知,救了溺水的女孩是需要勇气的,第二空应填courage。故选C。
    2.—What’s the advantage of this kind of watch?
    —Parents can ________ know the exact position of their children with it.
    A.normally B.luckily C.politely D.simply
    考查副词辨析。normally正常地;luckily幸运地;politely礼貌地;simply简单地。根据“know the exact position of their children with it”可知,通过手表可以简单地知道孩子的确切位置,故选D。
    3.—Our teacher often asks us to retell some English stories ________ our own words.
    —Sounds great! That will help you better understand the whole story.
    A.through B.by C.in D.with
    考查介词辨析。through通过(媒介、行为);by通过(方式、手段、媒介、工具)、乘坐;in用(语言或材料);with用(人手可以持握操作的工具)。根据空格后“our own words”可知,此处是“用我们自己的话”,应用介词in。故选C。
    4.—There used to be a lot of this kind of flowers in the forests, but only a few of them ________ there now.
    —It’s really a pity.
    A.stay B.leave C.keep D.remain
    考查动词辨析。stay停留;leave离开;keep保持;remain留下,剩余。 根据“but”表示转折,和“It’s really a pity.”可知,相比之前应是现在只剩下几朵花了,所以很遗憾,故选D。
    5.We youth do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of ________.
    A.achievement B.department C.treatment D.entertainment
    【详解】句意:我们年轻人为我们的梦想竭尽全力,并且一起取得的一个小小的成功可以给我们一种成就感。考查名词辨析。achievement成就;department部门;treatment治疗;entertainment娱乐。根据前面的“a small success”可以推断,这里指的是给予成就感, a sense of achievement“成就感”,固定短语。故选A。
    6.—Can this tell you what really ________?
    —Yes. It makes me understand the meaning of life is to have health.
    A.spreads B.matters C.connects D.influences
    考查动词辨析。spreads传播;matters要紧;connects连接;influences影响。根据“It makes me understand the meaning of life is to have health.”可知生命的意义是拥有健康,说明这很重要,上文应问的是什么重要。故选B。
    7.With the sunshine shining ________ the window, everything in the room looks so bright.
    A.against B.through C.across D.between
    考查介词辨析。against靠;through通过;across通过;between在……之间。根据“With the sunshine shining...the window”可知阳光透过窗户,从内部通过用through。故选B。
    8.Since the war between Russia and Ukraine(乌克兰) ________, people there have led a hard life.
    A.rang out B.broke out C.brought out
    考查动词短语。rang out响起;broke out爆发;brought out显现。根据“the war...”可知是战争爆发。故选B。
    9.—________ my surprise, the restaurant is a actually very nice.
    —The service is also great.
    A.In B.At C.On D.To
    考查介词辨析。in在里面;at在;on在上面;to到。to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”,固定短语,故选D。
    10.John’s friends kept silent ________ he entered the room. They shouted and gave him a big surprise.
    A.so B.whether C.but D.until
    考查连词辨析。so因此;whether是否;but但是;until直到。根据“kept silent”和“he entered the room”可知,此处表示直到他走进房间,大家才出声,用until引导时间状语从句。 故选D。
    11.— Wu Mengchao has warmed many patients by his small action.
    — Yes, _________ he always rubbed and warmed his hands first when he examined the patient.
    A.because B.although C.if D.as soon as
    【详解】句意:——吴孟超用自己的一点点行动温暖了许多患者。——是的,因为他检查病人的时候,总是先揉搓和暖手。考查连词辨析。because因为;although虽然;if如果;as soon as一……就……。根据“he always rubbed and warmed his hands first”可知,此处是在解释吴孟超温暖了许多患者的原因,故应用because引导原因状语从句。故选A。
    12.Factory workers have been replaced __________ by machines because of the development of AI (artificial intelligence).
    A.simply B.gradually C.especially D.luckily
    考查副词辨析。simply仅仅;gradually逐步地;especially尤其地;luckily幸运地。根据“because of the development of AI (artificial intelligence)”可知,工人会逐渐地被人工智能所取代。故选B。
    13.That’s a bad habit of learning. ________, it is never too late for you to get out of it.
    A.Whatever B.However C.Whenever D.Wherever
    考查词义辨析。Whatever无论什么;However然而;Whenever无论何时;Wherever无论什么地方。根据“it is never too late for you to get out of it.”可知,好在对你来说,抛弃它还为时不晚,这里表示转折,用However引导。故选B。
    14.Having dinner together on New Year’s Eve has always been a big deal for my family and it gives us lots of ________.
    A.pleasure B.ability C.spirit D.time
    15.—We all went to see The poetic Dance: The journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting _______ you. Why didn’t you come?
    —What a pity! I was busy preparing for a speech next week then.
    A.beside B.besides C.except D.against
    【详解】句意:——我们都去看了《只此青绿》,除了你。你为什么没来?——太遗憾了!那时我正忙于准备下周的演讲。考查介词辨析。beside在……旁边;besides除了,包括后面的名词或代词;except除了……之外,不包括后面的名词或代词;against反对。根据“Why didn’t you come?”可知是是除了你都去了,故是不包括,故选C。
    Bill is an 87-year-old man. He started weight training when he was 15 years old. Now he still 16 at his own club most days. He describes the 17 as his life, and he has got a silver medal in the 81 kg category (级别) at a competition.
    Bill said, “I made a bit of history for Scotland as the 18 ever weightlifter to compete at a competition. I enjoyed it. It was so great and I was just 19 to get a medal.”
    Bill had cancer (癌症) when he was 16 and got back to competing at 18. Last year, he got a new health problem, which made him very 20 to avoid further injury (受伤).
    All of these bad experiences have 21 led him to give up his favorite weightlifting. He said, “I am still here and still get happiness from it. I just feel that if I can get kids off the streets and teach them an Olympic sport, and help people in need get out of 22 , that would be great.”
    His wife used to come to all of his competitions 23 now he only has his dog with him. He has got a bed in the gym for his dog and it’s 24 where he trains. The dog just sits and 25 him. And as soon as he changes his shoes it knows it’s time to leave.
    16.A.comes up B.works out C.turns up D.hangs around
    17.A.rule B.project C.sport D.lesson
    18.A.fattest B.tallest C.richest D.oldest
    19.A.turning B.learning C.hoping D.pointing
    20.A.calm B.careful C.sorry D.easy
    21.A.usually B.ever C.still D.never
    22.A.difficulties B.dangers C.changes D.mistakes
    23.A.so B.and C.but D.or
    24.A.over B.beside C.above D.among
    25.A.watches B.smells C.stops D.reaches
    16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.A
    comes up出现;works out锻炼;turns up出现;hangs around闲逛。根据下文“He describes the sport as his life”可知,他把这项运动视为他的生命,所以即使87岁高龄了,他仍然会在自己的俱乐部里进行举重锻炼。故选B。
    rule规则;project项目;sport运动;lesson课程。根据上文“He started weight training when he was 15 years old”可知,此处指的是举重这项运动,他把这项运动视为他的生命。故选C。
    fattest最胖的;tallest最高的;richest最富裕的;oldest最老的。根据上文“Bill is an 87-year-old man”可知,比尔已经87岁高龄了,这个年纪还在参加举重比赛已经是年龄最大的运动员了。故选D。
    turning旋转;learning学习;hoping希望;pointing指向。根据下文“to get a medal”可知,此处指的是期望,希望能获得一枚奖牌。故选C。
    calm平静的;careful小心的;sorry抱歉的;easy简单的。根据下文“to avoid further injury (受伤)”可知,身体出现新问题后,他非常小心,以避免进一步受伤。故选B。
    usually通常;ever曾经;still仍然;never从不。根据下文“I am still here and still get happiness from it”可知,他从未放弃他最喜欢的举重,他仍然能从中得到快乐。故选D。
    difficulties困难;dangers危险;changes改变;mistakes错误。根据上文“help people in need”可知,需要帮助的人们通常是遇到了困难。故选A。
    over在……上面;beside在……旁边;above超过;among在……中。根据上文“He has got a bed in the gym for his dog”可知,比尔在健身房里为狗铺了一张床,故此处指的是在他训练的地方旁边,故选B。
    watches看;smells闻;stops停止;reaches到达。根据下文“And as soon as he changes his shoes it knows it’s time to leave”可知,狗看到比尔换鞋就知道要离开了,故比尔训练时,狗在一旁看着他的。故选A。
    The World Cup can take place anywhere in the world. In 2022, the host country is the State of Qatar that is part of Asia and is in the Middle East. The 2022 Qatar World Cup brought us many wonderful games and let us see some new superstars. Who’s your most impressive (印象深刻的) soccer player?
    I am a big fan of Lionel Messi, the captain of Argentina. As a strong team, it was surprising when Argentina lost its first game against Saudi Arabia. People started to doubt Messi’s ability. However, Messi believed in himself and his teammates, so he asked them to stay focused on the following matches. Finally, he led his team to win the 2022 World Cup finals.
    ——Huang Yixiang, 15
    In my opinion, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most impressive player. Before the World Cup this year, Portugal won many prizes and honors under his leadership. When he saw his team get beaten in the World Cup, he felt angry. This was the last time he served for Portugal’s national team. It was a pity that he didn’t lead the team to go further. I felt sad, but he is still a hero in my heart.
    ——Yang Ruirian,14
    Kylian Mbappé, who is a sports hero in France, is the greatest player in my heart. During the Round of 16 match of the 2022 World Cup, Mbappé led France to beat Poland 3—1. In the match, he shot calmly and scored the first goal. At last, he won the match. Will he be the new king of the soccer? I think so. He trains hard and never gives up when facing difficulties. His spirit always cheers me up.
    ——Zhao Xuanyu,14
    26.Which country was the final winner of the 2022 World Cup?
    A.Japan. B.Portugal. C.France. D.Argentina.
    27.Who is the greatest player in Zhao Xuanyu’s heart?
    A.Lionel Messi. B.Cristiano Ronaldo.
    C.Kylian Mbappé. D.Alireza Beiranvand.
    28.What do these soccer players have in common?
    A.They led their teams to win every match.
    B.They took part in the 2022 Qatar World Cup.
    C.They are from the same country.
    D.They can’t serve for their national teams any longer.
    【答案】26.D 27.C 28.B
    26.细节理解题。根据第二段“I am a big fan of Lionel Messi, the captain of Argentina ...Finally, he led his team to win the 2022 World Cup final.”可知,阿根廷是2022年世界杯的最终冠军。故选D。
    27.细节理解题。根据第四段“Kylian Mbappe, who is a sports hero in France, is the greatest player in my heart.”可知,姆巴佩是赵轩宇心目中最伟大的球员。故选C。
    28.细节理解题。根据“The 2022 Qatar World Cup brought us many wonderful games and let us see some new superstars. Who’s your most impressive (印象深刻的) soccer player?”可知,文中提到的梅西、C罗和姆巴佩都参加了2022年卡塔尔世界杯。故选B。
    Who Is Your Hero?
    We asked you to tell your real-life heroes. Thank you for your inspiring answers! Here are just a few!
    My hero is J.K. Rowling because she wrote all the Harry Potter books and started Lumos, an organization that helps poor children. I really like the main character Harry Potter. He is a very common boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when I read about Harry, I always imagine being like him.
    Liam  Age 11
    Jackie Robinson is my hero. He showed the world that you should treat people the same no matter what. He was laughed at, but that didn’t stop him. Stopping Jackie was like moving a 1,000,000,000-pound rock. He was a good baseball player, too. He was the first African American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era (当代). He was a great man.
    Thomas  Age 13
    My hero is very sweet. We like to cook something delicious together. She is very kind. Whenever I feel lonely and sad, she’s always there and inspires me to follow my dreams. She is also my music teacher at school. She makes sure we try our best and she says that even if we make mistakes, it’s fine because it’s what makes us better. My sweet, amazing mom and teacher!
    Ellie   Age 12
    29.What’s the passage mainly about?
    A.Real-life heroes. B.Amazing teachers.
    C.Famous writers. D.Different players.
    30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A.Liam wants to be a person like Harry Potter.
    B.J.K. Rowling started a book club named Lumos.
    C.Jackie was the first American basketball player.
    D.Ellie does her best to cook delicious food at school.
    31.The passage probably comes from the column (栏目) of ____ in a magazine.
    A.Health B.Sports C.People D.Food
    【答案】29.A 30.A 31.C
    29.主旨大意题。根据 “We asked you to tell your real-life heroes. ” 可知,文章的话题是介绍现实生活的英雄。故选A。
    30.推理判断题。根据 “So when I read about Harry, I always imagine being like him.” 可知,Liam非常喜欢Harry Potter,每次读书时,总是会想象着像他一样。故选A。
    31.推理判断题。根据 “We asked you to tell your real-life heroes. Thank you for your inspiring answers! Here are just a few!” 可知,文章主要讨论现实生活中的英雄,因此是关于人物的话题,文章应会出现在杂志的人物专栏。故选C。
    Can you play soccer? Do you know a soccer player Sadio Mané? Mané was born in Africa in 1992. Now he is a popular soccer player in the world. He was also the 2019 African Foot-baller of the Year.
    When Mané was only a kid, he showed great talent in soccer. At the age of 15, he started getting soccer training and then joined the national team. Day by day, he played better and better and joined some soccer clubs. In 2011, he joined FC Metz. Then he joined Southampton F. C. in 2014. Two years later, he joined Liverpool F. C.
    Now he makes a lot of money a year. With a lot of money, Mané can enjoy a nice life.However, he doesn’t let his fame or money go to his head. The news showed just how plain Mané was. It had a photo of him carrying a cracked(有裂纹的) phone.
    Mané said, “Why would I want 10 sports cars, 20 expensive watches, or two planes? What will these things do for me and for the world?”
    He also said, “In the past, I did not have an education and many other things, but today with what I get thanks to football, I can help many people.” Mané helped to build a school and a hospital in a village. He also often gives away food, clothes, and money to the people there.
    After soccer, helping people is the most important to Mané. He always wishes to spend his money on something meaningful. That’s why his fans like him a lot.
    32.How old is Mané this year?
    A.16. B.21. C.31. D.33.
    33.What’s the RIGHT order according to the passage?
    ①He joined some soccer clubs.
    ②He joined the national team.
    ③He helped to build a school in a village.
    ④He joined Southampton F. C.
    A.①②③④ B.④②①③ C.②①③④ D.②①④③
    34.The underlined word “plain” probably means “________”.
    A.dangerous B.simple C.difficult D.welcome
    35.What’s the best title for the passage?
    A.Which is more important, fame or money?
    B.Some famous soccer clubs in the world.
    C.Let’s help those people in need.
    D.A great soccer player—Sadio Mané.
    【答案】32.C 33.D 34.B 35.D
    32.细节理解题。根据“Mané was born in Africa in 1992.”可知萨迪奥·马内出生于1992年,所以今年31岁了,故选C。
    33.细节理解题。根据“At the age of 15, he started getting soccer training and then joined the national team.”、“Day by day, he played better and better and joined some soccer clubs”、“Day by day, he played better and better and joined some soccer clubs”以及“Mané helped to build a school and a hospital in a village. ”可知正确顺序为:他加入了国家队→他参加了一些足球俱乐部→他加入了南安普顿足球俱乐部→他帮助在一个村庄建了一所学校。故选D。
    34.词义猜测题。根据“It had a photo of him carrying a cracked(有裂纹的) phone.”可知他使用的手机有裂缝,说明他过着简单的生活,故选B。
    A set of photos of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket has gone viral(走红) . The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va ethnic group (瓦 族) from Yunnan. He won the under-14 title (冠军) at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou.
    “We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown,” Wang said after the match.
    Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis. He was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from his home. Tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
    Wang and other players have trained hard to improve their skills and physical strength. Every day, the children would get up at 6:30 a. m. and practice for more than six hours a day. They needed to swing a racket more than 7, 000 times and run 9 kilometers.
    Winning the title was the beginning of a hopeful tomorrow for Wang and he will work hard and aim for the top on the professional stage.
    36.You may find the Va ethnic group people carry bamboo ________ in the field.
    A.bags B.boxes C.baskets D.bottles
    37.The underlined word “ordinary ”in Paragraph 3 means in Chinese.
    A.特殊的 B.普通的 C.杰出的 D.聪明的
    38.Wang and other players needed to ________ every day.
    ① get up at 6:30 ② swing a racket ③ run 9 kilometers ④ join a club
    A.①③④ B.①②④ C.①②③ D.②③④
    39.Which of the following is right according to the passage?
    A.Wang and other players spent less than forty hours on the training a week.
    B.Wang felt excited when he was in the local tennis club at first.
    C.Wang has been a tennis player for 5 years.
    D.Wang got a better education because of tennis.
    40.________ can be the best title of this passage.
    A.Nothing is Impossible to a Willing Heart B.Old Habits Die Hard
    C.Two Heads are Better than One D.Knowledge is Power
    【答案】36.C 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.A
    36.细节理解题。根据“We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field”可知,在地里干活时总是背着竹篮,故选C。
    37.词义猜测题。根据“Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis”可知,2016年被当地一家俱乐部选中,成为当地首批10名学习打职业网球的孩子之一,这是他生活发生转变的开始,而之前他只不过是一个普通的男孩,所以划线单词表示“普通的”,故选B。
    38.细节理解题。根据“Every day, the children would get up at 6:30 a. m. and practice for more than six hours a day. They needed to swing a racket more than 7, 000 times and run 9 kilometers.”可知,孩子们每天早上6点半起床,每天练习6个多小时,他们需要挥动球拍超过7000次,跑9公里,故选C。
    39.细节理解题。根据“Tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education”可知,网球帮助他结交了更多的朋友,让他得到了更好的教育,故选D。
    40.最佳标题题。根据“Winning the title was the beginning of a hopeful tomorrow for Wang and he will work hard and aim for the top on the professional stage”及全文的内容可知,本文主要讲述了一个14岁男孩从一个普通的孩子成为赢得14岁以下组的冠军,他所得到的成功都是他辛苦努力的结果,所以“有志者事竟成”最适合本文的标题,故选A。
    41.These hard-working scientists tried hundreds of times and finally (成功).
    42.My uncle is talking with two (德国人) now.
    43.Sometimes people may change our world by the f (力量)of their ideas.
    【详解】句意:有时候,人们可以通过他们的思想的力量改变我们的世界。force“力量”,不可数名词,the force of “……的力量”。故填(f)orce。
    44.My parents have nothing (反对) running.
    【详解】句意:我父母一点也不反对跑步。根据汉语提示可知,反对:against,介词,have nothing against doing sth.表示“对做某事没有什么可反对的”,固定用法。故填against。
    45.Success can only be achieved (凭借) hard work.
    46.Chinese people (admire) the moon on Mid-autumn Festival for centuries.
    【答案】have admired
    【详解】句意:几个世纪以来,中国人在中秋节赏月。根据“for centuries”可知,此处用现在完成时,主语是复数,故填have admired。
    47.While you are at today’s meeting, (simple) listen carefully.
    48.The small town (remain) what it was like years ago, natural and beautiful.
    49.The news hit the headlines in the (nation) newspapers.
    50.Amy is a(n) (usual) woman from America. She is a famous artist now.
    【详解】句意:艾米是一个来自美国的不寻常的女人。她现在是一位著名的艺术家。根据“She is a famous artist now.”可知,是一位不寻常的女人,unusual“不同寻常的”,形容词作定语。故填unusual。
    wear   report   interested   but    one
    Yang Qian, 21, is a lovely girl as well as an excellent shooter. She won the 51 gold of the Tokyo Olympics on July 24th, 2021. She looked very calm in the women’s 10-meter air rifle final and won the prize with 251.8 points.
    The student from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province is studying at Tsinghua University. She became popular in China and her performance in the Olympic Games made people become more 52 in the games. The Tokyo Olympics were put off because of COVID-19. On the podium(领奖台), Yang 53 a face mask, but her smiling eyes and hand heart on it have touched people around the world.
    “We trained how to do well under pressure,” Yang told 54 when they interviewed her, “The game was really tight today, but I was so happy to win it.” “Yang is brave and clever and she isn’t afraid of any pressure. Her great success is not only from her innate talent for shooting, 55 from her keeping up with the strict study and training. She is strong inside, so she could win the prize,” said Gao Jing, a coach at Tsinghua.
    【答案】51.first 52.interested 53.wore 54.reporters 55.but
    51.句意:2021年7月24日,她在东京奥运会上获得了第一枚金牌。根据“won the ...gold of the Tokyo Olympics on July 24th, 2021”及备选词可知,the后应跟序数词修饰单数名词gold,one的序数词是first,此处表示“第一枚金牌”,故填first。
    52.句意:她在中国很受欢迎,她在奥运会上的表现让人们对奥运会更感兴趣。根据“made people become more ... in the games.”及备选词可知,此处考查固定短语become interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
    53.句意:在领奖台上,杨倩戴着口罩,但她微笑的眼睛和比心手势感动了全世界的人。根据“a face mask”可知,应是带着口罩,wear符合语境,讲述的是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,所以空处用过去式,故填wore。
    54.句意:杨在接受记者采访时说。根据“when they interviewed her”及备选词可知,做采访的应是记者,用report对应的职业名词reporter“记者”,由they可知,空处应用名词的复数形式,故填reporters。
    55.句意:她的巨大成功不仅来自于她天生的射击天赋,还来自于她坚持严格的学习和训练。根据“not only....”可知,此处指not only...but (also)“不仅……而且……”,故填but。
    For the past 20 years, the Touching China Annual People Award has honored people from all walks of life across the country. This year, 10 inspirational role models (榜样) were on the list. Let’s look at two of them. They both have the same quality: they dedicate to serve the country in their own way.

    Yang Zhenning
    ●Age: 99
    ●Profession: physicist
    ●Chosen for: making great contributions to physics.
    No matter where he has been, Yang Zhenning has always had his motherland in mind. In 1957, Yang was studying in the US. He and another Chinese student, Tsung-dao Lee, came up with a physics theory together. Months later, the two won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their theory. Their achievement proved that Chinese scientists could be on the global frontier (前沿).
    However, the “frozen” Sino-US (中美) relations prevented Chinese scientists who received doctoral degrees (博士学位) in the US from returning to China.
    Then, in 1971, Yang finally managed to return to China for a visit. Later, Yang sold a house in the US, donating the money to Tsinghua University. In 2003, Yang returned to China and also taught at Tsinghua.
    Under his influence, many overseas Chinese have returned to China to make contributions.
    “I am as proud of my Chinese heritage (传统) and background as I am devoted to modern science, a part of human civilization (文明) of Western origin.”

    Su Bingtian
      ●Age: 32
      ●Profession: sprinter
      ●Chosen for: challenging himself and breaking limits (极限).
    On Aug 12021, Su set a new record of 9.83 seconds in the Tokyo Olympics.
    Men’s 100m semifinals, making him the first Chinese runner to enter the final in the event.
    For a long time, there was an idea that Asian people were not physically built to succeed in sprinting. Su’s success made the idea sound ridiculous (荒唐的) and inspired many people.
    But the way to success was never easy for Su. Because of an injury, Su had to stop running for several years. He even planned to retire (退役) in 2017. But the call to challenge himself brought Su back to the track. To increase his strength, Su trained even harder than before.
    He realized that finishing the semifinal in less than 10 seconds would earn him the chance to enter the final competition. To encourage himself, Su set a personal goal of 9.89 seconds. He even made the number his personal password for his phone and computer. Luckily , his efforts paid off.
    “I hope my performance today could serve as an inspiration for younger athletes in their sporting careers.”
    Role Models
    56 for being chosen
    Yang Zhenning 99, a physicist
    Making great contributions to physics
    * In 1957, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics with Tsung-dao Lee. Their achievement proved that Chinese could be 57 scientists in this field as well.
    * The “frozen” Sino-US (中美) relations made it 58 for them to go back to China.
    * In 1971, Yang visited China 59 and donated the money to Tsinghua University.
    * In 2003, he returned to China and started to teach in Tsinghua.
    * Many overseas Chinese return to China to make contributions because he has 60 them a lot.
    Su Bingtian 32, a sprinter
    Challenging himself and going 61 limits
    * On Aug1 2021, Su set a new record in the Tokyo Olympics and he was the first Chinese runner to enter the final in the event.
    * His success 62 the idea that Asian people were not physically limits built to succeed in sprinting.
    * He kept on training harder 63 he faced many difficulties on his way to success.
    * He was 64 of his personal goal in many different ways in his everyday life.
    * His efforts paid off.
    They have something in 65 : dedication to serving the country in their own way.
    56.Reasons 57. top/pioneer 58.hard/difficult 59.successfully 60.influenced 61.beyond 62.changed 63.though/although 64.reminded 65.common
    56.根据“Making great contributions to physics”以及“Challenging himself and going...limits”可知这是他们被选的原因,reason“原因”,此处用名词复数表示泛指,放句首首字母大写。故填Reasons。
    57.根据“Their achievement proved that Chinese scientists could be on the global frontier”可知他们的成就证明了中国科学家可以走在全球前沿,即中国人也可以成为顶尖科学家/先驱科学家,top“顶端的”,形容词作定语,修饰“scientist”;pioneer scientist“先驱科学家”。故填top/pioneer。
    58.根据“ However, the “frozen” Sino-US relations prevented Chinese scientists who received doctoral degrees in the US from returning to China”可知“冻结”的中美关系阻碍了在美国获得博士学位的中国科学家回国,即对于他们来说很难回国,make it adj. for sb. to do sth.“使做某事对某人来说是……的”,hard/difficult“困难的”。故填hard/difficult。
    59.根据“in 1971, Yang finally managed to return to China for a visit.”可知在1971年杨振宁终于成功地回国访问,此处修饰动词“visit”用副词successfully“成功地”。故填successfully。
    60.根据“ Under his influence, many overseas Chinese have returned to China to make contributions”可知在他的影响下,许多华侨回国建功,此处用过去分词influenced“影响”和前面的助动词has构成现在完成时。故填influenced。
    61.根据“Chosen for: challenging himself and breaking limits”可知苏炳添被选的原因是挑战自我,突破极限,go beyond“超出”,go beyond limits“突破极限”。故填beyond。
    62.根据“Su’s success made the idea sound ridiculous and inspired many people”可知苏的成功让这个想法听起来很荒谬,即他的成功改变了这种想法,change“改变”,动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填changed。
    63.根据“But the way to success was never easy for Su...But the call to challenge himself brought Su back to the track...Su trained even harder than before.”可知虽然通往成功的路不容易,但是他仍然努力训练,此处用though/although引导让步状语从句。故填though/although。
    64.根据“To encourage himself, Su set a personal goal of 9.89 seconds. He even made the number his personal password for his phone and computer.”可知为了鼓励自己,苏定下了9.89秒的个人目标,他甚至把这个号码作为他手机和电脑的个人密码,所以他用不同的方式提醒自己不要忘记自己的目标,remind“提醒”,此处用过去分词和前面的be动词构成被动语态。故填reminded。
    65.根据“They both have the same quality: they dedicate to serve the country in their own way.”可知他们有共同点,have sth. in common“有共同点”。故填common。
    Sang Ruoyan is a Junior 3 student from Tianjin No.1 High School. Over the past two years, she has volunteered at a local school for autistic(患自闭症的) kids. This year, she was chosen as one of “the most b 66 high school students” by China’s Communist Youth League.
    For the first time she still remembers the “causing to feel shamed” scene when she m 67 with them. “When I asked what colour they liked, they didn’t a 68 me at all,” she said. Step by step, she learned how to c 69 with them. “It’s better to use simple words and short sentences, as they are not sensitive (敏感的) to language.” she said.
    Every Tuesday, Shang would stay with autistic kids after s 70 . She helped them with learning and made pizzas for them.
    Last autumn, she entered Junior 3 and was busy with her s 71 . But she managed to help them in a 72 way. She opened a WeChat store called We Sell Love with her friends. They sold hand-made soaps and made more than 3,000yuan, which was all d 73 to the school.
    In her free time, she read many books about autism and did a lot of r 74 . She even wrote a report. “I put everything I learned in it. It may help m 75 people learn about autism,” she said.
    66.(b)eautiful 67.(m)et 68.(a)nswer 69.(c)ommunicate 70.(s)chool 71.(s)choolwork/ (s)tudy 72.(a)nother 73.(d)onated 74.(r)esearch 75.(m)ore
    66.句意:今年,她被中国共青团选为“最美中学生”。根据前文“Over the past two years, she has volunteered at a local school for autistic(患自闭症的) kids.”可知,商若妍一直都在帮助自闭症儿童,品德优良.结合所给首字母,可知此处表达“美丽的”,用形容词“beautiful”。故填(b)eautiful。
    67.句意:她仍然记得第一次和他们见面时,那“令人尴尬”的场景。根据“For the first time she still remembers the ‘causing to feel shamed’ scene...”可知,此句描述的是和自闭症儿童的第一次见面,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“见面”,用动词“meet”,且动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故填(m)et。
    68.句意:当我问他们喜欢什么颜色的时候,他们没给我一点回应。根据前文“For the first time she still remembers the ‘causing to feel shamed’ scene...”可知,当时的场面是很尴尬的,因为没有人给我回答,用动词“answer”,且didn’t是助动词,后面加动词原形。故填(a)nswer。
    69.句意:一步步地,她学会了如何与他们交流。根据后文“It’s better to use simple words and short sentences, as they are not sensitive(敏感的) to language”可知,商若妍逐步掌握了与自闭症儿童沟通的方法,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“交流”,用动词communicate,且结构为“疑问词+to do”,所以用动词原形。故填(c)ommunicate。
    70.句意:每周二,商若妍会在放学后和自闭症儿童待在一起。根据时间“Every Tuesday”可知,周二是工作日,商若妍作为一名学生,只能在放学后帮助自闭症儿童,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“放学后”,用短语after school。故填(s)chool。
    71.句意:上个秋季,她升入了初三,忙于学业。根据“she entered Junior 3...”可知,作为一名初三学生,课业会加重,所以商若妍会忙于学业,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“功课,学习”,用名词schoolwork/study。故填(s)choolwork/(s)tudy。
    72.句意:但是她成功用另一种方式帮助了他们。根据后文“She opened a WeChat store called We Sell Love with her friends.”可知,之前商若妍是与自闭症儿童面对面沟通,学业加重后,她通过线上开店的方式帮助自闭症儿童,换了一种方法,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“另一种”,用代词another。故填(a)nother。
    73.句意:他们卖了手工肥皂,赚了3000多元,并把钱都捐赠给了学校。根据句子结构分析,可知动词的主语是“more than 3,000yuan”,空处是动词,且结构搭配是“v.+money+to sb.”,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“捐赠”,用动词donate,同时前有be动词,用了被动语态,动词要用过去分词形式。故填(d)onated。
    74.句意:在她的空余时间里,她读了很多关于自闭症的书,也做了很多研究。根据后文“She even wrote a report.”可知,商若妍通过阅读书籍,做相关研究,写出了一篇报告,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“研究”,用不可数名词research。故填(r)esearch。
    75.句意:这能帮助更多的人了解自闭症。根据“I put everything I learned in it.”可知,商若妍把自己所知自闭症的相关内容都写进了报告,人们读了报告之后,相较之前,能更了解自闭症,结合首字母提示,可知此处表达“更多的”,用单词more。故填(m)ore。
    要求:1. 字数90-100左右。  2. 不允许在文中出现自己的姓名和学校。
    英文名字:Eileen Gu       自由滑雪者: freeskier      芭蕾:  ballet
    学霸: grade-A student     自由式滑雪:  Freestyle Skiing       
    At the Winter Olympics this year, Eileen Gu won two gold medals and one silver medal for China in the women’s freestyle skiing.
    First, Eileen’s success needs her deep love in the skiing. It’s known that interest is the best teacher. Second, hardworking is the key to success. Success needs us to devote our time. Finally, her confidence enabled her to perfectly show her skill. In final race she even tried techniques which she never successfully completed .
    In a word, from this fantastic eighteen-year-old girl, we can better understand passion, hard-working, and confidence.
    ①In a word总之
    ① It’s known that interest is the best teacher.(宾语从句)
    ② In final race she even tried techniques which she never successfully completed.(whicht引导的定语从句)


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