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    这是一份上海市宝山区交华中学2023-2024学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试卷,共7页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    Part 2    Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

    (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)(45%)

    V. Find the word with a different sound in each group: (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)5%

    ( ) 26. A. flat   B. face     C. change  D.location

    ( ) 27. A. since   B. facility C. invite  D. stick

    ( ) 28. A. ready   B. reason C.ahead  D. dead

    ( ) 29. A. choose  B. balloon C. food  D. wood

    ( ) 30. A. knocked B. passed C. moved  D. stepped


    VI. Choose the best answer (选出正确答案) 12%

    ( ) 31. Linda is       eighteen-year-old girl, she lives in       center of town.

    A. a, a        B. an, the        C. the, the           D. an,/

    ( ) 32. Joe, together with the Smiths        going to visit the art museum.

    A. am        B.is            C. are               D.were

    ( ) 33. Should we finish it right now? No, you           .

    A. don't        B. won't        C. can't           D. needn't

    ( ) 34.      Lily      a flat with a larger bathroom?

    A. Does...need to B. Does...need     C.Need...to       D.Do...need

    ( ) 35. It’s about         ride from my home to the century park.

     A. a few minute’s                 B. a few minutes       

     C. five minutes’                  D. few minute’s

    ( ) 36. English is getting           in all languages.

    A. more important and important     B. important and important

    C. more and more important         D.more important and more important

    (   ) 37. Tom and Mary are          to go sightseeing around France by themselves.

    A. enough rich   B. too rich         C . not rich       D. rich enough

    (   ) 38. There        a lot of open space in the housing estate. Now there are many buildings.

               A. use to be   B. used to be C. use to have D. used to have

    ( ) 39. All my friends from Canada          the singing-croup soon.

    A. join           B. joined        C. will join       D. is going to join

    ( ) 40. Joey went camping during the          holiday.

    A. five days      B. five-days       C. five-day     D. five  day

    ( ) 41. Which city do you like            Shanghai, Beijing or Guangzhou?

    A. good         B.well            C. better         D. best

    ( ) 42. When I went back to my hometown, I was nearly lost. Almost       changed.

    1. nothing       B. something       C. everything D. Anything



    VII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once



    A. Inside     B. put   C. take care of    D.surprise   E. find out      F.hungry

        A university professor recently made several tests with different animals to     43      which was the cleverest. lie found out that monkey was cleverer than other animals.

        In one lest, the professor put a 44        monkey and several boxes in a room. Some

    boxes were   45     other boxes There was some food in the smallest one. The professor wanted to watch the monkey in order to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. He left the room and waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees and              46 his eye to the keyhole (钥匙眼)  What did he see? To his                  47               , He found himself   looking into the eye of the monkey.



    VIII. Fill in the blanks with the proper words (用所给单词的适当形式填空); 6%

    48. His mother thinks he looks much          than before.   (happy)

    49. Please be louder.I can't hear you         .  (clear)

    50. There are many kinds of            desks in the shop.  (wood)

    51. The workers are going to        the street next week. (wide)

    52. The           of Jack's office is easy to find. (locate)

    53. In Shanghai, most would like a flat in a tall          . (build)

    Key: happier  clearly  wooden  widen  location  building


    IX. Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms (用所给动词的适当形式填空)

    54. March the twelfth        Tree Planting Day. (be)

    55. Teachers often tell students        down trees. (not cut)

    56. Our house          to be the largest house in the town before.(use)

    57.Look, the students are going over their lessons. They          an exam.(have)          

    58. We went to have a look at some high-rises and      _a new flat. (choose)

    Key:  is  ,not to  , used ,  are having , chose


    X. Rewrite the sentence as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)   12%

    59. John used to go to school by bus. (改为否定句)

       John             to go to school by bus.

    60. We will visit the Summer Palace during the National Day.   (改为一般疑问句)

                  you         the summer Palace during the National Day?

    61.Let's come to visit the man. (反义疑问句)

      Let's come to visit the man ,            

    62.The house costs 5 million yuan. The flat costs 2 million yuan. (合并成一句)

       The flat is         expensive         the house.

    63.The fireworks displays were wonderful. (对划线提问)

               were the fireworks displays            ?

    64.a, place, choose, supermarkets, near, should, we (连词成句)


     Key :didn’t  use;  Will visit ;  shall we;  less than;  How like                                                                             


    Part 3    Reading and Writing  (第三部分 阅读和写话)   (30%)

     XI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) .

     A ) Read the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示):5%


         If you go into the forest with friendsstay with themIf you don'tyou may get lostthis is what you should doSit down and stay where you areDon't try to find your friends let them find you insteadYou can help them find you by staying in one placeThere is another way to help your friends or other people to find youYou can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three timesStop.Then shout or whistle throe times againAny signal(信号)given three times is a call for help

       Keep up shouting or whistlingAlways three times togetherWhen people hear youthey will know that you are not just making a noise for funThey will let you know that they have heard your signalThey will give you two shouts or two whistlesWhen a signal is given twiceit is all answer to a call for help

    If you don't think that you will get help before night comestry to make a little house, with branches(树枝).Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass

        When you need some waterYou have to leave your little branch house to look for itDon't just walk awayPick off small branches and drop(扔下)them as you walk in order to go back again easily When you are lostthe most important thing to do is to stay in one place.

    (   )65. If you get lost in the forest, you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as

    possible. (尽快)

    (   ) 66. You can keep on shouting or whistling always three times together for help.

    (   ) 67. When you hear two shouts or whistles, you know that people will come to help you.

    (   ) 68. You can't go anywhere even when you feel thirsty (口渴的) or hungry.

    (   ) 69. You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk.


    B) Read the passage and choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): 5%

        Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the environment(环境)are

    bad. it will affect (影响) our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At

    that time we don't want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment

    is very important to us.

        It’s germs(细菌) that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘). If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your body, and you will have pain everywhere.

        To keep us healthy, we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act together.

    (    )70.The writer tell us that________.

    A. we like working when we are ill              

    B. germs can’t live in the water.

    C. we can’t feel ill if the environment is bad.    

    D. we feel well when the environment is good.

    (    )71.Germs are________.

    A. very small things that you can’t see with your eyes.

    B. the things that don’t affect people.      

    C. the things that you can find with your eyes.

    D. the things that are very big.

    (    )72. Where can germs be found? They can be found_________.

    A. on the small thing                                   B. in air and dust

    C. only in dirty water                               D. everywhere

    (    )73.How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut?

    A. I will feel nothing.                           B. I won’t mind.

    C. I will feel tense(紧张的).                          D. I will feel painful.

    (    )74. From the passage we know that________.

    A. environment doesn’t affect our life          

    B. we don’t need to improve our environment

    C. germs may make us ill                       

    D. if the environment is better, germs will be more.


    C) Read the passage and complete the answers to the questions (根据短文回答问题): 5%

        When you wanted to buy something in the past, what would you do? You would go out and buy them in a store or supermarket. But now in 21st Century, there is a new way —shopping online. How incredible (不可思议),isn't it?

        There are some good reasons to shop online. First, it is convenient When you wan: to buy something, you do not need to go out, but to sit before your computer and browse the web pages such as Taobao or JD. Then you choose what you want and buy it with just a click of your mouse. Shopping online can help you save lots of time, money and energy.

    Second, the advantage of shopping online is there are much more goods online which you have never seen in the store. For example, some books published several years ago might not be sold in the stores, but you can buy them online!

    If you want to enjoy shopping, you can choose online shopping to get what you want.

    75.What's the new way to buy something now?

    76. How many good reasons for online shopping does the writer give?                                       

    77. Is online shopping convenient?                                       

    78. What can online shopping help you save?

    79.What do you think of online shopping?

    Key:Shopping online;Two;Yes,it is;I can save a lot of time,money and energy;I think shopping online is very convenient.(言之有理即可)

    D) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):5%

        People often complain(抱怨) about buses in big cities. The dirty   80     from the buses pollutes out city. Buses are always full of people and it's   81      to get a seat. Sometimes people    82     to wait for a long time, but the bus doesn't come. And some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly, so the people on the bus sometimes may fall    83      and get hurt.

        If the bus services can be made better, there will be    84      traffic problems. Then more people may choose buses to go out in the city.

    (   ) 80. A. smoke B. water             C. noise D. oil

    (   ) 81. A. hardly B. easily             C.easy D. hard

    (   ) 82.A. has B. have             C. must D.should

    (   ) S3.A. in     B. to                 C. down D.on

    (   ) 84. A. less B.little             C. few D. Fewer



    E) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文空格处填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):5%

        Do you know what a ‘coach(长沙发) potato ’means? Well, in America, the word is often used. In America, people often spend their free time s                85              on a couch watching TV. As there are many channels to choose, the TV can be quite interesting. They ma; sit and watch TV for hours and hours w                86   a stop! Well, these people who do n_  87   all day except(除了) watch TV are called couch potatoes. They don't take exercise and usually get very fat. In many ways, they look like r 88                 potatoes! Now, you know what a couch potato means. If you see someone watch TV for too l_89    _ and don't take any exercise, you can just say he is a couch potato.

    Key:sitting;  without;  nothing;   real;  long

    XXI. Writing(写话)   5%

    1. write at least fifty words about the topic “My Dream House”.
    1. Where would you like your house to be? (in the city, in the suburbs, in the forest or by the sea)
    2. What kind of house would you like?



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