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    In the hospital the lift opened and I saw my dad in a stretcher(担架), his eyes closed and an oxygen mask over his mouth. He was fastened(固定)  1  to the stretcher so that he would not  2  .Then, all I wanted was to  3  him,wake him up,take him home and want him to  4  me with

    chocolates and kiss me on my forehead.

    My dad had an accident in the building site, which caused  5  damage to his spinal cord(脊髓).The doctor told me there was almost no  6  that he could ever walk again. I was  7  .The thought of the pain from which my father, who was so kind, helpful and caring, greatly suffered during the  8  made me really sad.

    My dad  9   a lot of weight after the operation(手术)and then he was  10   to ICU.But he was sent back home two weeks later because of our  11   of money. At home he was confined(限制)to his chair and my heart hurt so much  12  I saw this.

    One day two months later, I heard my dad call my name. I rushed out of the room and was surprised to see him  13  there, holding the wall,like a  14  .Therefore, just as he taught me to  15   in my childhood, I was teaching him.I supported him and  16  him to be brave as I was there.At last he moved the first step with great  17  .

    With three months passing, my dad got better again and my joy was 18  .I trust my father because in my eyes hes really an iron man who  19  loses hope.His spirit of perseverance (毅力) will always be a great 20  to me!

    1. A.suddenly         B.tightly          C.slowly            D.differently
    2. A.take off          B.put off          C.turn off           D.fall off
    3. A.free             B.ask             C.touch            D.move
    4. A.charge           B.raise            C.surprise          D.upset
    5. A.emotional        B.slight           C.enough           D.great
    6. A.reality           B.possibility       C.condition         D.suggestion
    7. A.cold-blooded     B.absent-minded    C.heart-broken       D.badly-wounded
    8. A.accident         B.mistake          C.situation          D.position
    9. A.carried          B.gave            C.gained            D.lost
    10. A.led             B.abandoned       C.sent              D.promoted
    11. A.lack            B.care             C.use              D.value
    12. A.whichever       B.however         C.wherever          D.whenever
    13. A.lying           B.sitting           C.standing           D.crying
    14. A.hero            B.child            C.friend            D.stranger
    15. A.walk           B.study            C.speak             D.read
    16. A.forced          B.encouraged       C.urged             D.persuaded
    17. A.ambition        B.intelligence       C.confidence         D.difficulty
    18. A.necessary       B.important         C.boundless          D.meaningless
    19. A.never           B.seldom           C.always            D.sometimes
    20. A.creation         B.decision          C.invitation          D.inspiration


    阅读下面4篇短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


    A staycation is a vacation when you do not travel at all. Some people use a staycation to just stay at home,and others prefer to experience the attractions(景点) around them without travelling very far.

    There are many choices for staycations. Any town or city has plenty of choices for things to do if you know where to look. If the weather is nice, you can visit the local gardens or forests for a hike. You can look online for several historic places and create your own history tours.Of course,you can also visit other attractions in the areas like museums, restaurants,parks,beaches and so on.

    Others take the term “staycation”word for word and do not leave their houses at all. Some choices for this can include taking time off to cook a great meal and enjoy it together, or spending all day at a pool.

    Just as a coin has two sides, staycation has both its advantages and risks.Since you are not travelling or staying in a hotel, a staycation can be unbelievably cheap. You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere. Travel costs have become really expensive, so the farther you go, the more expensive it is. By staying close to home, you cut that cost by quite a bit. Finally, any stress that you feel with travel, whether that is from driving long distance or looking for an airport, will completely disappear.

    1. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To introduce the general information on staycations.
    2. To compare staycations with other vacations.
    3. To provide different ways of staycations.
    4. To advise people to have staycations.
    1. When taking staycations, people            .
    1. usually travel to cities far away  
    2. spend all day eating and sleeping

    C. visit famous attractions of different cities

    D. either relax at home or travel near their homes

    23. What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?

    A. How to have a staycation safely.    B. Why people prefer a staycation.

    C. What risks a staycation has.        D. When to take a staycation.


    In 1823, a young woman noticed a strange fossil(化石)on a beach near Lyme Regis, England. She dug out the bones and had them carried to her home. She carefully arranged the skeleton on a table. Then she saw something extraordinary. The neck was a meter longmore than half the length of its body. It was unlike any animal living on Earth.

    Even at a young age, Mary Anning had a talent for hunting curiesfossils.In 1811.aged just 12, she made her first major discovery,a crocodile-like skull with a long skeleton. It was the first extinction animal known to science.

    Fossil hunting brought in money, but it was dangerous. One day, a rock fall killed her dog and almost buried Mary.However, she still continued to look for new findings. The long-necked fossil she uncovered in 1823 was another long-dead sea reptile.

    Mary was not only a skilled fossil hunter,she also carefully examined and recorded her finds. However, she didnt get approval(认可) of other scientists. Only one of her scientific writings was published in her lifetime, in 1839.She was not allowed to join Londons Geological Society as only men could become members.She didn’t care about these.Instead,she kept moving on.

    Mary died in 1847, but her contributions(贡献) have not been forgotten. Her finds are now on show in museums in London and Paris. The beach near her home is a UNESO World Heritage Site(遗址),known as Jurassic Coast. Her life continues to inspire visitors hoping to find their own fossil wonders. According to Britains History Museum, Mary Anning was the greatest fossil hunter the world has ever known. She was also a scientist who changed the way we think about life on Earth.

    24.The word curiesin Para. 2 means          .

    A. huge     B. beautiful    C. common     D.unusual

    25.Which of the following is true about Mary Anning?

    1. She won high praise from other scientists.
    2. She published several scientific articles in her lifetime.
    3. She had a narrow escape from a rock fall near the beach.
    4. She was later a member of the Londons Geological Society.

    26.Why does the writer mention a UNESO World Heritage Site?

    1. To show how Southern England has the most important fossil finds in the world.
    2. To show the readers that Jurassic Coast is in need of protection.
    3. To give an example of how important Marys discoveries are to the world.
    4. To encourage more people to find their own fossil wonders.

    27.What can we probably learn from Mary’s story?

       A. We s houldn’t risk our life doing things at any time.

       B. We should still continue though others dont support us.

       C. We should fight for our own rights bravely when treated unfairly.

       D. We should listen more to others’ opinions when there is disagreement.


    From 1990 to 2000,fishermen trying to get swordfish(剑鱼)off the coast of California

    accidentally caught and killed over 100 sea turtles(海龟), and injured many more. In 2001, the government set up the Pacific Leatherback Conservation Area(PLCA), an area off the coast of California where fishing boats are not allowed to enter from August to November. Since then, the number of turtles killed by mistake has fallen rapidly, but a small number of animals still die from being caught in fishing nets each year. And at the same time, the once $ 15 million swordfish industry has become a $ 2 million industry.

    Scientists are hoping to find a way to not only protect sea turtles and other endangered creatures but also help fishermen make a living. For this, many scientists are looking at dynamic(动态的) ocean management to help fishing boats meet fish where they are and avoid catching other creatures by mistake.

    The first paper to suggest that the fish living in the open ocean should be guarded with fluid, ever-changing zones of protection, came out in 2000. Larry Crowder, a professor at Hopkins Marine Station, remembers reading it and thinking,Cool idea, but it will never work.In 2000, scientists didnt have the computer power to cheaply test statistical models(统计学模型)or deal with satellite data(数据)quickly.They didnt have enough data dealing with fish or satellite data on ocean conditions, either.

    Now scientists can download satellite data of oceans in minutes, and attach satellite archival tag to sea animals to track(跟踪) their movements. They first collect data by marking the creatures, collecting reports from fishing boats, or other tracking ways.Then they compare that data with weather conditions, the time of year, and any other data that can be sensed. Finally, they can predict where fish probably are.

    Crowder and his workmates used the data to develop a tool called EcoCast during the 2012 and 2015 fishing seasons, they could have fished in at least 125,000 more square miles, without high risk of hunting turtles.

    28.The government hoped that PLCA and its rules could         .

    A. prevent fishing in the PLCA

    B. help collect data for future research

    C. protect the creatures in the area to some degree

    D. make the public realize the importance of our environment

    29.Larry Crowder thought dynamic ocean management was            at first.

    1. unrealistic      B. stupid        C.possible      D.interesting

    30.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

    1. A great way to collect data.
    2. Some technology fruits in this field
    3. A scientific way to find new ocean animals
    4. The way dynamic ocean management works

    31.What should be the advantage of using EcoCast?

    1. It protects the ocean from pollution.
    2. It helps support the fishing industry.
    3. It prevents fishermen from getting lost while fishing.

    D.It both protects ocean animals and supports the fishing industry.


    Studies show that females usually have better handwriting than males. University of Warwick researchers note that “Girls are generally better handwriters than boys. Girls also usually write faster than boys”. But why do females have better handwriting than males? There are a number of reasons.

    Handwriting differences may be because of cultural label. Researchers asked boys and girls aged 7 and 8 to model(模仿) after each other's handwriting. When modeling after writing, boys tried to make theirs “smaller and neater”(更工整) while all the girls said that they had made their handwriting larger, and half of them said they had made it less tidy. Do females work hard to write neater because there is an expectation that they have neat handwriting? Are females encouraged to write better because there is an expectation?

    Handwriting may be influenced by the writer's female hormones (激素). Babies before they are born receive various amounts of female hormones with males receiving less and females more. One sign of female hormone effect is the relative length of a person’s index finger to ring finger (called the “2D : 4D rate”). This study found that the higher the 2D : 4D rate for right-handed female writersthe neater their handwriting is.

    Neural (神经的) development differences between males and females may be the reason for the differences. During the early school years, when kids are learning to shape letters, the neural fibers that control fine motor skills in boys' brains usually haven't matured (成熟) as much as girls' have. Boys' brains finally catch up and their handwriting gets better than before, but it's still usually not as neat as that of the girls. That's because women usually have more neural connections between the two sides of the brain, which also helps with correctness.

    32. What's the purpose of paragraph 1?

    A. To introduce the topic.         B. To list some reasons.

    C. To summarize the text.         D. To provide examples.

    33. According to paragraph 2, compared with girls' handwriting, boys’ handwriting is      . 

    A. neater    B. larger         C. more correct     D. longer

    34. Why is boys' handwriting second to girls' even when their brains mature?

    A. Boys' handwriting is too large to be neat.

    B. Boys' 2D : 4D rate becomes higher and higher.

    C. Boys' brains don't get enough exercise like girls do.

    D. Boys usually have less neural connections inside the brain.

    35. Which is the best title for the text?

    A. Who perform better in handwriting?

    B. Is handwriting well a difficult task?

    C. Are girls cleverer than boys?

    D. Why do we need to write well?


    A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

      down     base       concerned    stick    win


    1. We should       to our dream no matter how difficult it is.
    2. The        of the speech competition has been decided by the five teachers.
    3. Tim has been feeling        because of his low test scores.
    4. Lucy hasn’t been back home and the family are all         about her safety.
    5. The film that is         on a true story is popular with young people.

    B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

        With the    41  (发展) of economy, people are   42  (遭受) more and more   43   (自然的) disasters. Due to the strongest typhoon called Dussuri, there was a heavy rain in many areas and it caused great losses,   44  (尤其) in the north China. The roads were  45    (覆盖) with water and thousands of houses were    46    (破坏). In case of disasters, we are supposed to keep   47   (镇静的) and try to escape in time.

    The bad weather may have something to do with the worsening of environment. People may think that big things must be done to protect the environment. Many forget protecting it begins with small things. For example, its a good idea to use reusable bags instead of   48   (塑料的) bags. You can also save electricity by turning off lights before leaving a room. Never use   49    (木制的) chopsticks when you buy takeaway food. All these small things can add up and make a big   50   (差异).



    The game of basketball was created by Dr. Naismith, 51   Canadian who worked as a physical education instructor at the Springfield College.

    The New England winters were very cold, and the students were unwilling to do

    outdoor     52   (activity). Naismith decided to invent a fast-moving game   53    could be played indoors. First he tried to change outdoor games such as soccer to indoor play, but he soon found them    54     (suitable) for small areas.  55    December of 1891, Naismith hung two old peach baskets at either end of the gym at the school. Then he organized the first basketball

    game ,     56  (use) a soccer ball and nine players on each side.

    Five years later, a championship(锦标赛)   57   (hold) in New York City. By that time, the team had reduced to seven players and five became standard in the 1897 season.

       58    basketball first appeared in the 1904 Olympic Games, it   59  (quick) spread throughout the world. In 1906, a metal ring was used   60     (replace) the basket for the first time, but the name basketball has remained.

    五、 书面表达(满分25分)

    假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike 发来邮件,想了解中国茶文化常识。现在,请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:

    1.   中国茶文化简介;   2.饮茶的好处;  3.邀请他来中国体验茶文化。

    注意: 1.词数100 左右(邮件开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数);

    1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Hi Mike,

    So glad to hear from you!



















    Li Hua












    15 BDACD    610 BCADC    1115 ADCBA    1620 BDCAD


    2123 ADC    2427 DCCB    2831 CADD      3235 ABDA


    3640 stick, winner, down, concerned,based

    4145 development, suffering, natural, especially, covered

    4650 destroyed, calm, plastic, wooden, difference


    5155 a, activities, that/which, unsuitable, In

    5660 using, was held,When/After, quickly, to replace



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