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    1.(2023·湖南长沙·统考中考真题)学校英文报正在以“Amazing Hunan”为题开展征文活动。请你结合以下图示,写一篇短文投稿。

    Word bank: transport 交通;convenient 方便的
    Amazing Hunan
    Hunan is a lovable and livable place.
    2.(2023·浙江宁波·统考中考真题)为了弘扬传统文化,你校结合“宁波元素”在今年5月19日(中国旅游日)开展了丰富多彩的文化活动(cultural activities)。假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
    What I did
    What I learned
    in the morning
    visit Ningbo Museum
    the long history of the city
    at noon
    make Ningbo Tangyuan
    a symbol of family get-togethers
    in the afternoon
    My Traditional Cultural Experiences
    On May 19, our school organized _____________________________________________

    Hello, everyone. Caring for the older persons is the Chinese traditional virtue(美德).
    4.(2023·内蒙古包头·统考中考真题)你校英文报正在征稿,主题是“Form healthy eating habits”。请根据以下征稿启事,写一篇短文投稿。

    The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) suggests:
    Eat more plants: have more vegetables and whole grains (全谷类);
    Eat a variety offoods: don’t be picky (挑剔的) and have a colorful plate;
    Eat fewer foods high in fat, salt and sugar;

    Write an article answering the following two questions. We will publish the best one in our newspaper.
    (1) Why is it important to form health y eating habits?
    (2) How can you form healthy eating habits?
    Form healthy eating habits
    写作要求:1) 介绍学校目前30分钟大课间的活动内容,并简单谈谈你的感受;
    2) 你对大课间活动内容有什么更好的建议,请写出理由;
    3) 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;
    4) 词数100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
    参考词汇:shuttlecock exercises 毽子操;badminton 羽毛球;rope skipping 跳绳
    The colorful activities during the 30-minute break help make teenagers healthier and stronger.                
    6.(2023·甘肃兰州·统考中考真题)现如今外出旅游备受欢迎,但在旅游中我们也时常会看到一些不文明行为。某英文报旅游专栏正以“Traveling in Good Manners”为题,向广大学生征稿,倡导大家文明旅游。假设你是李华,请结合表格内的信息,用英文写一篇短文去投稿。
    Impolite behaviors
    throw rubbish everywhere
    impolite ...
    put ... into dustbins ...
    pick flowers in a park
    put up signs ...
    speak loudly in public places
    make rules ...
    (1) 简述表格中的不文明行为(任选其中两个);
    (2) 提出个人观点及建议;
    (3) 倡导文明旅游。
    (1) 词数80左右;
    (2) 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
    (3) 文中不能出现真实的人名、地名等信息;
    (4) 文章标题和开头己给出,请抄写在答题卡的相应位置(不计入总词数)。
    提示词:tourist attractions(景区)
    Traveling in Good Manners
    Nowadays traveling is getting more and more popular.______________________________
    7.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)走进江苏,游历各地。众多外国友人暑期将参加“Go Jiangsu”旅游活动。假如你是李华,请你根据以下图片及文字提示,以“Welcome to Lianyungang”为题写一篇英语短文,邀请他们走进家乡连云港,品山海文化,游大圣故里。

    Welcome to Lianyungang
    I’m Li Hua from Lianyungang, Jiangsu. I’d like to recommend my hometown to you.
    8.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)健康对每个人都很重要,我们应该学会如何保持健康。请以“How to keep healthy?”为题,写一篇英语短文,向学校校刊投稿。
    should (√)
    shouldn’t (x)
    do sports every day
    refuse to exercise
    keep a balanced diet
    have junk food
    eat fruit and vegetables
    stay up too late
    have enough sleep
    play computer games a lot
    keep happy
    sit for a long time
    How to keep healthy?
    Nowadays, people pay much more attention to health. It is necessary for everyone to learn some ways to keep healthy.
    (2)历史:悠久的历史,楚文化(Chu Culture)……
    (4)美食:荆州鱼糕(fish cake)……
    Ladies and gentlemen! I’m very honored to introduce Jingzhou Ancient City here.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
         Thanks for listening!
    (1) 多花时间陪我们,如教做家务、一起玩耍等;
    (2) 帮助我们养成好的习惯;
    (3) 常与我们沟通谈心;
    (4) 信任我们并保护我们的隐私。
    (1) 词数80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;
    (2) 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
    (3) 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校等信息。
    参考词汇:physical and mental health身心健康;privacy n.隐私
    According to the law “Family Education Promotion”, parents or other guardians of minors should be responsible for family education. It asks parents to pay attention to children’s physical and mental health. Here are my suggestions for parents. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    11.(2023·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·统考中考真题)为了调动同学们的学习积极性、提高学生的创造力,你的学校正在开展“师生同携手,作业我创新”主题活动,号召同学们设计出自己喜欢的,兼具趣味性、实效性、创新性的课后作业。请你结合英语学科的学习体验,设计三项作业。下面是你的“创新作业设计表”,请根据你自己的完整设计,以“My Homework, My Idea”为题,写一篇短文,阐述你设计的英语作业内容、设计意图和作用。
    Learn an English song
    To sing it in class
    Learn more words
    Draw a mind map
    To review one’s English notes

    My Homework, My Idea
    As students, we sometimes feel it boring to do homework every day, so doing creative homework can make us happier and more interested in English.
    12.(2023·广西·统考中考真题)艺术充满魅力,艺术课使校园生活丰富多彩。你校英文周刊以“My favourite art course”为题向同学们征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    (1) 学校开设的艺术课(如音乐、绘画、舞蹈、书法、戏剧等);
    (2) 你最喜欢的一门艺术课及其开课情况(如上课时间、活动等);
    (3) 喜欢的理由。
    (1) 词数为80左右;
    (2) 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    (3) 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
    (4) 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
    参考词汇:art course(艺术课),painting(n.绘画),calligraphy(n.书法),drama(n.戏剧)
    My favourite art course
    Art courses are important at school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    (1) 简要介绍你自己(如年龄、爱好……);
    (2) 讲述你或你的朋友曾经遇到的问题及感受(如学习中的、同学间的、家庭里的……);
    (3) 分享解决问题的方法(如多沟通、听音乐、参与活动……)。
    (1) 词数90左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);
    (2) 根据要点提示,可以适当发挥;
    (3) 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。
    communicate v. 沟通
    参考词汇:pressure n. 压力
    Hello, everyone! I’m a student in Class 2, Grade 9.
    14.(2023·湖南郴州·统考中考真题)在我们的成长过程中,自律起着重要的作用。为了加强青少年的自我约束能力、某英语杂志社正在开展以“争做自律好学生”为主题的征文比赛。请你以How to be a self-disciplined student为题,写一篇英语短文参赛。
    参考词汇:self-discipline n.自律;self-disciplined adj.自律的
    How to be a self-disciplined student
    Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. We must be strict with ourselves in everyday life. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    15.(2023·山东泰安·统考中考真题)强国有我!作为祖国未来的建设者和接班人,青少年学生要努力成长为堪当大任的栋梁之材。请根据下面提示,以“How to be good students in the new era”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈如何做一名新时代(era)的好学生。

    How to be good students in the new era
    16.(2023·湖北随州·统考中考真题)紧张的初中学习生活就要结束了,你即将迎来一个轻松的暑假。请根据下图中的提示,以“My Summer Vacation Plan”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的假期计划。

    写作要求:(1) 短文必须包含图中的全部信息,并适当发挥;
    (2) 词数:80词左右(文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
    (3) 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。
    My Summer Vacation Plan
    The summer vacation is coming. Here are my plans for it.
    All in all, I’m looking forward to spending a happy summer vacation.
    17.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)为了培养学生的劳动意识,增强他们的动手能力,学校打破年级限制,成立了多个劳动社团。请根据以下表格提示,以“Our Labor Clubs”(我们的劳动社团)为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍以下的三个劳动社团,并在其中选一个你最喜欢的社团,详细说明喜欢的理由。

    (1) Paper cutting

    (2) Cooking

    (3) Flower growing
    Materials and tools
    *red paper

    *a pot
    *a knife
    *ingredients (调料)

    *flower seeds (花种子)
    *earth (泥土)
    *flowerpots (花盆)

    *cut... with…
    *put... on…

    *cook delicious dishes for…
    *make a healthy menu about...

    *grow flowers…
    *do a research about…

    Goals of
    *understand the beauty of…
    *decorate (装饰)…

    *learn cooking skills
    *become confident

    *get close to….
    *relax from…

    Your favorite club ________
    Reasons ________
    Our Labor Clubs
    Are you ready for an interesting and colorful labor club? Now I’d like to introduce some of our labor clubs.
    18.(2023·河南·统考中考真题)分享是一种既简单又快乐的收获。学会分享,可以帮助我们更好地成长。请你结合下面图示信息,以“Sharing makes me grow up”为题,根据写作要求,用英语写一篇短文,参加学校英语校刊的征文活动。

    Sharing makes me grow up
    Sharing is an important part of our life.
    (1) 80—120词;
    (2) 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。

    How far is it from your home to the park?
    What activities can you do in the park?
    Is there a restaurant, a library or something else near the park? How is it?
    Something more about the park.
    Come to Happy Park!
    Happy Park is a public park in our hometown. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    NoticeDear students,
    Fathers play a very important role in our life. Today is Father’s Day. How will you thank him? Please write a short passage about your plan.
    Here are some questions to help you.
    ●What do you want to say to him?
    ●What are you going to do for him?
    ●Why are you going to do that?
    We are looking forward to your passage.
    School English Club
    cook a meal, make a gift, take a walk with him, delicious, special,…
    (1) 短文必须包括所给要点,选择使用参考词汇,可适当发挥;
    (2) 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
    (3) 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
    (4) 词数:不少于70。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数。)
    Today is Father’s Day. ________________________________________
    Amazing Hunan
    Hunan is a lovable and livable place. Let me tell you something about Hunan.
    First, there are lots of places of interest, such as Zhangjiajie. Zhangjiajie is picturesque and breathtakingly beautiful, where you can appreciate the beauty of nature. Second, the high-speed train is convenient and user-friendly, so you can go to Hunan by high-speed train. Third, Hunan cuisine consists of many kinds of delicious food that you can not miss anyway. If you like noodles, you must try the tasty and mouth-watering rice noodles in Hunan. What’s more, the people in Hunan are helpful and warm-hearted. You will feel at home here.
    Welcome to Hunan.
    My Traditional Cultural Experiences
    On May 19, our school organized many traditional cultural activities. I was happy that I learned a lot.
    In the morning, I visited Ningbo Museum with my classmates and enjoyed the beauty of traditional arts. Everyone was excited to learn about the long history of the city. At noon, we made Ningbo Tangyuan (Dumplings). We learned it was a symbol of family get-togethers. In the afternoon, we read many ancient local stories and shared them in the story-telling competition, learning about the traditional values of our city.
    These activities have not only helped me have a better understanding of our city, but also left a lasting influence on my heart and mind.
    Hello, everyone. Caring for the older persons is the Chinese traditional virtue(美德).
    The elderly in the family especially need companionship and care. As children, we should honor our elders. First of all, we can often read books with the elderly, so that we can not only spend time with the elderly, but also bring happiness to them. Second, we can take the elderly out regularly to promote physical activity, help them stay healthy, and help them to relieve psychological pressure. Third, we can teach the older persons some new things, which can make them feel young and in a good mental state.
    Everyone will be old one day, so let’s take action.
    Form healthy eating habits
    Getting into good eating habits benefits us a lot. For one thing, it helps us build up our body. For another, it gives us the energy we need to make the most of the day.
    In order to form healthy eating habits, we’d better take a variety of foods and not be picky. It’s a good choice for us to eat vegetables, tofu, and meat that are all rich in nutrients. At the same time, we should avoid fast food and eat fewer foods high in fat, salt and sugar.
    “You are what you eat”, as the old saying goes. So try to form good eating habits and stay healthy.
    The colorful activities during the 30-minute break help make teenagers healthier and stronger.
    In our school, we usually do running during the 30-minute break. When the bell rings, students walk out of the classroom to the playground. Then we are lined up and run together. I think it is quite boring. In my opinion, we need different kinds of activities at break, such as shuttlecock exercises, rope skipping and so on. Through these activities, we can really relax ourselves and experience the joy of sports. Also, we will be more energetic in class.
    Different kinds of activities at break time will surely benefit us a lot. I really hope our school can organize more of them to ensure the overall development of us students.
    Traveling in Good Manners
    Nowadays traveling is getting more and more popular. However, some people don’t behave themselves in tourist attractions when traveling. For example, some of the travelers throw rubbish everywhere. It’s not only impolite but also harmful to the environment around us. We should put rubbish into dustbins. Some of the travelers like picking flowers in a park. It should also be stopped because flowers are beautiful and we should protect them. We can put up signs beside the flowers to remind travelers not to pick them.
    Let’s take action right now and travel in good manners.
    Welcome to Lianyungang
    I’m Li Hua from Lianyungang, Jiangsu. I’d like to recommend my hometown to you.
    Lianyungang lies in the north-east of Jiangsu. It’s famous for many places of interest. Here you can visit Huaguo Mountain, the home of the Monkey King. You can also go to the Suma Bay to enjoy the beautiful sea. It’s cool in summer.
    Moreover, Lianyungang is a city with rich culture. Local people are friendly enough to help you. Remember to try our local food. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
    Don’t miss Lianyungang when you attend “Go Jiangsu”. Welcome to our hometown. We’re looking forward to meeting you soon.
    How to keep healthy?
    Nowadays, people pay much more attention to health. It is necessary for everyone to learn some ways to keep healthy.
    We should do sports every day. We shouldn’t refuse to exercise. Running for an hour every day is good for health. We should keep a balanced diet. Eat more fruit and vegetables. We shouldn’t have junk food, because they are bad for health. We had better not stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is helpful. We shouldn’t paly computer games a lot. It is bad for our eyes. Sitting for a long time is also bad for our health. We may feel pain in our shoulders and backs. We should have a happy mood. We can keep happy by listening to music and talking to our friends.
    Ladies and gentlemen! I’m very honored to introduce Jingzhou Ancient City here.
    Jingzhou lies in the central part of Hubei Province, by the side of the Yangtze River. It has a large population and the people here are very friendly. The sky is blue and the air is fresh. Jingzhou is an ancient city with a long history. The Chu Culture is famous all over the world. There are many places of interest. You can walk along the ancient wall and visit Jingzhou Museum. There are also many kinds of delicious food, such as Jingzhou fish cake and rice balls. Today, the old city has become young. The transportation is becoming quicker and easier. A beautiful Yangtze River Bridge, like a dragon, is over the Yangtze River. That’s a good chance for Jingzhou to develop better and better.
    In a word, welcome to my beautiful hometown—Jingzhou!
    Thanks for listening!
    According to the Law “Family Education Promotion”, parents or other guardians of minors should be responsible for family education. It asks parents to pay attention to children’s physical and mental health. Here are my suggestions for parents.
    First of all, I think parents should spend more time with us. For example, parents can teach us to do housework and play with us in spare time. Second, parents should help us to get into good habits, such as eating healthy food, doing sports and so on. What’s more, parents had better communicate with us more often. That’s because some misunderstandings are caused by lack of communication. Finally, I hope parents can trust us and protect our privacy. We children need more personal space.
    In my opinion, we can work together to understand and respect each other so that we can make progress.
    My Homework, My Idea
    As students, we sometimes feel it boring to do homework every day, so doing creative homework can make us happier and more interested in English.
    I have many good ideas about creative English homework because English is my favorite subject. Firstly, we can learn to sing an English song and sing it in class. In this way, we can learn more words. Secondly, if we draw mind maps to review our English notes, we will remember them well. Thirdly, it’s also proud of us to make a video to introduce our traditional Chinese culture in English. We can post it online so that more foreigners can know about our great country.
    I hope we can have more creative English homework in the future.
    My favourite art course
    Art courses are important in school. We have many art classes in our school, such as music, painting, dance, calligraphy, drama and so on. However, my favorite art class is painting.
    I attend three classes a week which are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Our school holds a painting competition on June 30 every year.
    I enjoy painting because it brings me happiness. With my crayons, I can paint a vibrant world and anything that catches my fancy. Additionally, drawing allows me to express my emotions through pictures when words fail me.
    Hello, everyone! I’m a student in Class 2, Grade 9. I am 15 years old. I like doing sports. But I used to hate doing sports. It was my mother who changed me.
    Once I spent too much watching TV and playing computer games. So my grades were worse and worse. My mother noticed my changes. She had a long conversation with me. She said that spending too much on them was bad for my eyes. She advised me to relax by listening to music and doing sports. She asked me to run for an hour in the morning every day. A few days later, I found running could make me healthy and happy. I could do everything better.
    In my opinion, when you meet some difficulties, you can share them with your parents or teachers. They will give you some useful advice.
    How to be a self-disciplined student
    Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. We must be strict with ourselves in everyday life. How can we be self-disciplined students?
    First of all, we should follow school rules and get on well with our classmates at school. Secondly, we should finish our homework on time and help our parents with housework at home. Thirdly, we should read more and play computer games less.
    Self-discipline is good for us in many ways. It makes our life easier, happier and healthier. Our life and study are so well organized that we can save a lot of time. What’s more, being self-disciplined helps us prepare for a better and brighter future.
    How to be good students in the new era.
    The 21st century is a time full of challenges and chances. It is important for us to know how to be good students in this new era. Today I’m glad to share my ideas about how to be good students.
    First, we should love our country as well as our family. We must keep our promise and be thankful to people who helped us. We should be friendly with our classmates. Second, we should study hard and be creative. We should help each other and learn from each other. Third, we should take more physical exercise to keep our body and mind healthy. We should also do housework frequently and learn to be independent.
    As long as we work hard, we will be excellent middle school students.
    My Summer Vacation Plan
    The summer vacation is coming. Here are my plans for it.
    First, it’s important to have healthy eating habits. I’ll eat more fruit and vegetables, and try to eat less junk food. At the same time, I’ll keep exercising and get enough sleep every day. Second, I plan to take up some hobbies, like taking photos or playing the guitar. Besides, I’ll spend more time reading books to improve myself. If possible, I’ll travel with my friends. Last, I am going to help my parents with housework, such as doing the dishes, sweeping the floor and so on.
    All in all, I’m looking forward to spending a happy summer vacation.
    Our Labor Clubs
    Are you ready for an interesting and colorful labor club? Now I’d like to introduce some of our labor clubs.
    We have a Paper Cutting Club. We need scissors, red paper and knives. We can cut red paper with scissors and knives into different shapes. We can put our works on the display board. We can understand the beauty of Chinese culture and decorate classrooms with them. We have a Cooking Club. We need a pot, bowls, a knife and some ingredients. We can cook delicious dishes for parents and friends. We can make a healthy menu about a healthy diet. In the Cooking Club, we can learn cooking skills and become confident about ourselves. We also have a Flower Growing Club. We need flower seeds, earth and flowerpots. We can grow flowers and do a research about flowers and plants. We can get close to nature and relax from enjoying the beauty of flowers.
    Among them, Cooking Club is my favorite because I like cooking and I want to cook for my parents to make them happy.
    Sharing makes me grow up
    Sharing is an important part of our life. It makes my life more colorful, and it is helpful to my growth.
    Firstly, I find that sharing my happiness with others can help me become outgoing. After sharing with others, I feel better because of their happiness. Secondly, sharing is a useful way for me to understand myself. I can see the shining points of others, and more importantly, discover my own shortcomings. Last but not least, sharing gives me many chances to make new friends and learn different ideas. Talking with others offers me another way to think about some problems, which helps me make a better decision.
    All in all, sharing with others is actually a necessary way to improve myself. Thanks to it, I can get along well with others and gain more meaningful things in my life.
    Working together is important for teenagers.
    Last term, Liz, Anne and I entered a science competition. Our task was to create a poster board with information about spaceships. After discussion, each of us got a job. Liz and Anne went to the library to look for more information about spaceships. I searched for the pictures we needed on the internet. The next day, we organized the information and decided what we wanted to put on the board. After that, we spent three days making the poster board. Finally, we won second prize.
    When working as a team, I learned how to work well with my partners. I listened to them carefully and I respectfully and confidently expressed my ideas. My communication skills have improved a lot.
    Come to Happy Park!
    Happy Park is a public park in our hometown. It’s very nice. It takes my family 30 minutes to get there by bus. There’re many trees and flowers in it. We can walk and enjoy the natural beauty there. There’s a big lake. We can go boating on it. People can camp or have a picnic by the lake. Also, it’s cool to try paragliding. After that, we can have a meal in the restaurant near the park. It’s a great place for a family to have fun there.
    Today is Father’s Day. I want to do something meaningful for him.
    First, I will cook a meal for him. My father is very busy but he often makes delicious food for me. So I want to thank him and let him have a rest. Also, I plan to make a special gift by myself. I think he will like it. Last, I am going to take a walk with him. I can tell him interesting stories to make him happy.
    All in all, I really love my father. And I really want to say: “I love you, dad.”


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