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    第Ⅰ卷(选择题,满分 100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Which country did the woman go?
    A. France. B. China. C. South Korea.
    2. Who will move to a new place?
    A. Kitty. B. Roger. C. Ann.
    3. When should the plans be handed in at the latest?
    A. On Tuesday afternoon. B. On Thursday afternoon.
    C. Before Tuesday afternoon.
    4. What are the speakers doing?
    A. Practicing a play. B. Taking a walk downtown.
    C. Filming a movie scene.
    5. What can we learn about the woman?
    A. She isn’t a local. B. She is trying to park her car.
    C. She didn’t see the sign.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6.Where did the woman stay at night during the holiday?
    A. In a tent. B. In a hotel. C. In a farmhouse.
    7. What does the woman think of the people there?
    A. Interesting. B. Friendly. C. Honest.
    8. What does the man call the woman for?
    A.To hand in his roommate’s paper.
    B. To ask about his roommate’s illness.
    C. To ask her to see his sick roommate.
    9. What does the man have to do in the afternoon?
    A. Visit the woman. B. Meet the secretary. C. Have a meeting.
    10. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.
    11. What does the woman say about the foods?
    A. They are good bargains.
    B. They are of high quality.
    C. They can be stored for a long time.
    12.What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A. Call a taxi for her. B. Take a taxi back.
    C. Carry the groceries to the car.
    13. What did the woman watch?
    A. A soap opera. B. A documentary. C. A news program.
    14. What was the news mainly about?
    A. President Barack Obama’s schedule.
    B. The release of CO₂ by power plants.
    C. A plan to fight against global warming.
    15. What is the speakers’ attitude toward controlling global warming?
    A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Negative.
    16. What will the speakers do next?
    A. Go to have supper. B. Go to have a drink. C. Keep talking at home.
    17. Who persuaded the speaker to go on a cookery course?
    A. Her cousin. B. Her sister. C. Her mother.
    18. Which course did the speaker choose?
    A. The one-day course. B. The three-day course. C. The one-week course.
    19. What surprised the speaker when she started her course?
    A. The course was popular.
    B. There were many teenagers.
    C. Many teachers were there to help.
    20. What place did the speaker visit?
    A A restaurant. B. A market. C. A bakery.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The long summer vacation is a perfect time for reading, and these are the books you'll want on your reading list. Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you have something through our links, we may cam a commission(佣金).
    The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers
    If you or your children grew up watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, you'll want this 2018 book by Maxwell King to be at the top of your list. It is the first full-length biography of Mr. Rogers and gives readers a never-before inside look at the life and carcer of the beloved television icon.
    The Darwin Affair
    Billed as one of the most “inventive and entertaining novels of 20l9,” this Victorian-era thriller by writer Tim Mason is a perfect addition to your summer reading list. Set in London in 1860, it details the events that occur after an intruder(闯入者)tries to murder Queen Victoria, Fast-paced and lively, this page-turner would appeal to fans of Charles Dickens.
    In her New York Times Best Seller biography, former First Lady Michelle Obama gives readers a personal glimpse into her childhood, schooling, early career choices, marriage and life in the White House. Eye-opening and inspirational, Becoming gives us a fascinating look into the life of one of the most recognized women in America.
    The Leon Sisters
    This new novel by best-selling author novelist Jill Shalvis is sure to appeal to fans of her previous contemporary romance novels. It tells the story of Mindy Lemon, a mom of three, and her sister Brooke. If you're a fan of romance novels, you'll want to add it to your list.
    1. How did Mr. Rogers gain his popularity?
    A. Through his character on TV. B. Through Maxwell King's book.
    C. By watching neighborhood. D. By writing biographies.
    2. What do we know about The Darwin Affair according to the text?
    A. It is entertaining and relaxing. B. It is published in London.
    C. It tells a story in the 19th century. D. It is written by Charles Dickens.
    3. Whose book will you choose if you want to read books about love stories?
    A. Maxwell King's. B. Tim Mason's. C. Michelle Obama's. D. Jill Shalvis's.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D
    细节理解题。根据The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers中的 “It is the first full-length biography of Mr. Rogers and gives readers a never-before inside look at the life and carcer of the beloved television icon.(这是第一部关于罗杰斯先生的长篇传记,让读者得以前所未有地深入了解这位深受喜爱的电视偶像的生活和癌症)”,可知,Mr. Rogers是通过他在电视上塑造的人物受到欢迎。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据The Darwin Affair中“Set in London in 1860, it details the events that occur after an intruder(闯入者)tries to murder Queen Victoria, Fast-paced and lively, this page-turner would appeal to fans of Charles Dickens. (故事发生在1860年的伦敦,详细描述了一个入侵者试图谋杀维多利亚女王后发生的事件。这本书节奏紧凑、生动有趣,一定会吸引查尔斯·狄更斯的书迷)”,可知,The Darwin Affair讲述了一个19世纪的故事。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据The Leon Sisters中“This new novel by best-selling author novelist Jill Shalvis is sure to appeal to fans of her previous contemporary romance novels. It tells the story of Mindy Lemon, a mom of three, and her sister Brooke.(这部由畅销作家、小说家吉尔·沙尔维斯(Jill Shalvis)创作的新小说肯定会吸引她之前的当代爱情小说粉丝。它讲述了三个孩子的母亲明迪·莱蒙和她的妹妹布鲁克的故事)”,可知,如果你想读关于爱情故事的书,你会选Jill Shalvis's。故选D。
    A crowd cheered Kunle Adeyanju as he turned off his motorbike engine after completing a tiring 41-day trip. The 44-year-old left London on April 19 and arrived in Nigeria’s commercial center Lagos on Sunday after travelling more than 8, 000 miles across 13 countries. He started the impressive journey to raise funds for Rotary International to deal with polio(小儿麻痹症)in his native Nigeria.
    Accompanied by a dozen bikers for the last stretch of the journey from the Republic of Benin , Adeyanju was welcomed by supporters in Ikeja, in central Lagos. Adeyanju, called “Lion Heart” by fans won popularity among the public by posting daily pictures with comments about his journey on social media. At every stop along the way, he was greeted by enthusiastic supporters.
    He did face some challenges, like the one in Mali where one of his wheels broke. “I was standing in the middle of the night, alone in a bush, not knowing what to do,without speaking the language,”he said, explaining he had to walk to the nearest village.“Fortunately, the locals helped me. ”Not all of the challenges he faced were solved smoothly.“Mauritania, a country in northwest Africa, was ‘terrible’, ” he said, after he got robbed of hundreds of euros. “The worst experience,” he added.
    The former Shell employee self-funded his trip with $ 20, 400 in savings,hoping to raise up to $ 48million for Rotary International. “I have been suffering from a lack of sleep lately because I slept only three to four hours per night. But I feel proud because I finished this challenge,” Adeyanju said just after he arrived, wiping the sweat off his face. Adeyanju added that he is now planning to have a possible cycling trip to Ghana or a bike ride to Israel to help raise more funds. And he has another dream: to climb Mount Qomolangma.
    4 Why did Adeyanju go on the 41-day trip?
    A. To challenge himself. B. To help fight polio.
    C. To connect with more people. D. To advertise Rotary International.
    5. How did Adeyanju become popular during the journey?
    A. By using the title “Lion Heart”. B. By commenting on other bikers’ journeys.
    C. By sharing his experiences online. D. By showing his deep love for his hometown.
    6. What made Adeyanju’s experience in Mauritania unpleasant?
    A. His getting lost in the bush. B. His failing to understand the locals.
    C. His meeting with crime. D. His motorbike’s breaking down.
    7. Which words can best describe Adeyanju?
    A. Caring and determined. B. Generous and sensitive.
    C. Reliable and enthusiastic. D. Adventurous and confident.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了为了给国际扶轮社筹集在他的家乡尼日利亚治疗小儿麻痹症的资金,Kunle Adeyanju成功完成了伦敦到拉各斯的摩托车骑行。
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“He started the impressive journey to raise funds for Rotary International to deal with polio(小儿麻痹症)in his native Nigeria.(他开始了令人印象深刻的旅程,为国际扶轮社筹集资金,以应对他的祖国尼日利亚的小儿麻痹症)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju进行为期41天的旅行是为了帮助人们对抗小儿麻痹症。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段第二句话“Adeyanju, called “Lion Heart” by fans won popularity among the public by posting daily pictures with comments about his journey on social media.(被粉丝们称为“狮子心”的Adeyanju通过在社交媒体上发布关于他的旅程的每日图片和评论,赢得了公众的喜爱)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju通过每天都在社交媒体上发布旅行照片和评论赢得了公众的喜爱。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句话“Mauritania, a country in northwest Africa, was ‘terrible’, ” he said, after he got robbed of hundreds of euros. “The worst experience,” he added.(毛里塔尼亚是非洲西北部的一个国家,“太可怕了”,他在被抢劫数百欧元后说道。“这是最糟糕的经历,”他补充道)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju在毛里塔尼亚遇到了抢劫。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,Kunle Adeyanju进行为期41天的旅行是为了帮助他的家乡尼日利亚人们对抗小儿麻痹症,说明他是一个有爱心的人。根据倒数第二段第一句话“He did face some challenges, like the one in Mali where one of his wheels broke. (他确实面临着一些挑战,比如在马里的那次,他的一个轮子坏了)”可知,虽然在骑行中遇到了一些困难,但他没有放弃。由此可推知,他是一个有爱心并且意志坚定的人。故选A。
    “When I think of England, I think of the queen taking her dogs for a walk in the countryside,” says Carsten Haferkamp, a dog-owning German architect working in London. There may be something in the stereotype. Data from Tractive, a firm that provides GPS tracking for pets, show that Britons walk their dogs more than their European neighbours do.
    The British love for dog-walking may have more to do with the walking than the dogs. Britons are big walkers—they came fifth in the world in a study in 2017, the highest in Europe. Dogs provide walkers with company and a purpose, so it may be that walking encourages dog-ownership, rather than vice versa.
    But Julien Dugnoille, an expert at Exeter University, suspects dog-walking has a deeper significance. Dogs, he suggests, are a useful aid to a socially awkward nation. “Britons tend to see dog-walking as a rare opportunity to socialise with strangers, to have a chat with strangers and exchange a few jokes and comments about the weather without putting themselves in danger (ie, without being too committed in their interaction).”
    A tradition among the British aristocracy (贵族) of owning and training dogs also leads Dr Dugnoile to suspect that dog-walking retains some of its ancient kudos. When people in the park say “Max is very well-behaved,” says Dr Dugnoille, “that is a way to demonstrate mastery in the art of taming(驯养), an advantage over those dog owners who are ‘not in control of their own dog’.”
    But it’s not just about showing off, in his view. He believes walking with one’s best friend creates a time and space where dogs and humans meet as species and connect as individuals.
    Still, Britons should not congratulate themselves too much on their behavior towards their dog companions, for they are guilty of a universal hypocrisy (虚伪). According to Dr Carri Westgarth of Liverpool University, “People say that a dog needs a walk every day, but they will find reasons why their dog doesn’t need a walk. They’ll say: he’s got company indoors, he’s nervous or he doesn’t like the rain.”
    8. What is the purpose of mentioning the queen in paragraph 1?
    A. To inform us of a foreigner’s impression of England
    B. To show the British devotion to walking dogs
    C. To tell us the importance of dog-walking for Europeans
    D. To demonstrate the queen’s love for walking with her companion
    9. What does Dr Dugnoille most probably agree with?
    A. Britons see dogs as protectors from danger.
    B. Dog-walking is related to the British culture.
    C. Britons prefer to walk rather than walk the dog.
    D. Dog-walking is a close link between the British and nature.
    10. What does the underlined word “kudos” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Practice. B. Belief. C. Honor. D. Manner.
    11. What would be the best title for the text?
    A. Love Your Dog, Walk Your Dog B. How Do Britons Walk Their Dogs?
    C. Dog-walking, the New Fashion D. Why Do Britons Love to Walk Dogs?
    【答案】8. B 9. B 10. C 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段““When I think of England, I think of the queen taking her dogs for a walk in the countryside,” says Carsten Haferkamp, a dog-owning German architect working in London.”(“当我想到英国时,我会想到女王带着她的狗在乡间散步,”在伦敦工作的养狗的德国建筑师卡斯滕·哈弗坎普说。)结合下文,文章具体讲述了英国人喜欢遛狗,可知第一段提到女王是为了表达英国人对遛狗的热爱。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“But Julien Dugnoille, an expert at Exeter University, suspects dog-walking has a deeper significance. Dogs, he suggests, are a useful aid to a socially awkward nation. “Britons tend to see dog-walking as a rare opportunity to socialise with strangers, to have a chat with strangers and exchange a few jokes and comments about the weather without putting themselves in danger (ie, without being too committed in their interaction).””(但埃克塞特大学(Exeter University)的专家朱利安·达尼耶(Julien Dugnoille)怀疑遛狗有更深层次的意义。他认为,对于一个不善社交的国家来说,狗是一个有用的帮手。“英国人倾向于将遛狗视为难得的与陌生人社交的机会,可以与陌生人聊天,讲几个笑话,聊聊天气,而不会把自己置于危险之中(也就是说,在互动中不会太投入))可知,Dugnoille博士很可能同意遛狗与英国文化有关。故选B项。
    词义猜测题。根据第四段划线词后句“When people in the park say “Max is very well-behaved,” says Dr Dugnoille, “that is a way to demonstrate mastery in the art of taming, an advantage above those dog owners who are ‘not in control of their own dog’.”(当公园里的人说“麦克斯表现得很好,”达尼耶博士说,“这是一种展示驯养技巧的方式,比那些‘无法控制自己的狗’的狗主人更强”。)结合“A tradition among the British aristocracy (贵族) of owning and training dogs”(英国贵族的传统养狗和训练狗),可知“A tradition among the British aristocracy (贵族) of owning and training dogs also leads Dr Dugnoile to speculate that dog-walking retains some of its ancient kudos.”(英国贵族的传统对养狗和训练狗的研究也让杜格诺伊尔博士推测,遛狗仍保留着一些古老的荣誉。)可知,此处kudos意义为“荣誉”,Honor荣誉,符合题意。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Data from Tractive, a firm that provides GPS tracking for pets, show that Britons walk their dogs more than their European neighbours do.”(为宠物提供GPS跟踪服务的Tractive公司的数据显示,英国人遛狗比欧洲邻居多。)以及第二段“The British love for dog-walking may have more to do with the walking than the dogs.”(英国人对遛狗的热爱可能与遛狗有关,而不是与狗有关。)结合全文,可知本文讲述了英国人为什么喜欢遛狗,文章引用了几位专家的观点对英国人热爱遛狗的原因进行解释。Why Do Britons Love to Walk Dogs? 为什么英国人喜欢遛狗?符合题意。故选D项。
    From the loss of wildlife to rising sea levels, we’re all well aware of the problems that climate change could cause.
    But while it may seem like such issues won’t affect most of us directly, it looks like future generations could grow up without something that many of us now take for granted: chocolate.
    According to an essay published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, changes to the climate in the regions that produce cacao--the plant from which chocolate is produced--may mean that it will soon become extinct.
    Most of the world’s cacao grows in countries close to the equator (赤道), with over half of it growing in the African nations of Ghana and Ivory Coast. It’s predicted that by 2050, climate change will have accelerated the rate at which temperatures in these countries rise, making it extremely difficult for cacao to grow there.
    The problem doesn’t lie in increased heat, however, but in lower humidity(湿度), as it’s believed that rainfall will stay at the same level if the temperature rises.
    “In other words, as higher temperatures squeeze more water out of soil and plants, it’s unlikely that rainfall will increase enough to offset the moisture (水分) loss, “ Michon Scott, the essay’s author, wrote.
    To help fight this problem, researchers from Berkeley University in the US are working on changing the DNA of cacao plants to allow them to survive in dryer conditions by using gene editing technology, according to US News. In the meantime, US company Mars, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of chocolate products, announced in January that it would spend $1 billion to help reduce the effects of climate change.
    “This is a world issue and it requires everyone to work together,” Mars spokesperson Barry Parkin told Business Insider.
    The message here is that if we all do our part, we may be able to prevent some of the worst impacts of climate change. Or if we’re unlucky, chocolate will become a thing of the past.
    12. What could make it hard for cacao to grow around the equator in the future?
    A. the higher temperatures there B. the higher humidity there
    C. the increase in rainfall there D. the moisture loss in the soil there
    13. What did Barry Parkin suggest?
    A. thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. B. Always prepare for a rainy day.
    C. United we stand; divided we fall. D. Wish for the best; prepare for the worst.
    14. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. UC Berkeley is trying to find a substitute for cacao.
    B. Cacao can only be found in most African countries.
    C. Climate changes can be controlled if we are lucky.
    D Mars will financially support the fight against climate changes.
    15. What may be the best title of this text?
    A. Chocolate could become history B. Work together to fight climate change
    C. How do we grow cacao in the future? D. The history of chocolate.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第五段的“The problem doesn’t lie in increased heat, however, but in lower humidity, as it’s believed that rainfall will stay at the same level if the temperature rises.(然而,问题并不在于气温升高,而在于湿度较低,因为据信,如果气温升高,降雨量将保持在同一水平。)”和第六段的““In other words, as higher temperatures squeeze more water out of soil and plants, it’s unlikely that rainfall will increase enough to offset the moisture loss, “ Michon Scott, the essay’s author, wrote.(“换句话说,随着高温从土壤和植物中挤出更多的水分,降雨量不太可能增加到足以抵消水分流失的程度,”该论文的作者米琼·斯科特(Michon Scott)写道。)”可知,让可可豆在未来难以在赤道附近生长的原因是那里土壤中的水分流失,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The message here is that if we all do our part, we may be able to prevent some of the worst impacts of climate change. Or if we’re unlucky, chocolate will become a thing of the past.(这里传递的信息是,如果我们都尽自己的一份力量,我们也许能够阻止气候变化的一些最糟糕的影响。如果我们运气不好,巧克力就会成为过去式。)”可知,巴里·帕金的建议是我们大家要一起努力,也就是“合则存,分则亡”,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“In the meantime, US company Mars, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of chocolate products, announced in January that it would spend $1 billion to help reduce the effects of climate change.(与此同时,全球最大的巧克力产品制造商之一美国玛氏公司于今年1月宣布,将斥资10亿美元帮助减少气候变化的影响。)”可知,Mars将在财政上支持对抗气候变化。故选D。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第三段“According to an essay published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, changes to the climate in the regions that produce cacao--the plant from which chocolate is produced--may mean that it will soon become extinct.(根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局发表的一篇文章,生产可可(巧克力的原料)的地区的气候变化可能意味着可可很快会灭绝。)”可知,本文主要讲的是气候变化可能导致可可树的灭绝,巧克力可能会成为历史,因此最好的题目是A选项“Chocolate could become history(巧克力可能会成为历史)”,故选A。
    How to Save Water During a Drought?
    The drought is happening because of climate change. California just had its driest year in a century. Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a statewide drought emergency, asking all Californians to save water in every way possible. ___16___ , though you can’t save California on your own
    Small things can add up. You’ve probably heard these tips before, but consider this a refresher course: Don’t let the water running while you wash dishes in the sink or washing, brushing or shaving. ___17___ . Water outdoor plants in the morning or evening, so you don’t lose as much water to evaporation in the midday sun.
    Replace old appliances. How old is your toilet? If it’s from before 1990, it could be using up to 6 gallons per flush. Newer toilets may use as little as 1.28 gallons or less. ___18___ . Upgrading your dishwasher and washing machine and any other water-intensive appliance will also pay savings dividends(红利), in both water and energy costs.
    ___19___ . Keep an eye on your water bill. If it creeps higher than normal without a good reason, investigate whether you have a leak somewhere. Depending on the type of water meter(仪表)you have, you may be able to monitor the meter with all your water turned off and see whether anything is still moving through your system, ___20___ .
    Consider your overall lifestyle of water usage and do everything within your power to use less water. Individual action can make a big change.
    A. Focus on the water bill
    B. Individual action matters
    C. Find out the potential problem
    D. They can save a lot per household per day
    E. It’s political action that brings a significant change
    F. You may also use a smart detector to tell you once there’s a problem
    G. Only run washing machines and dishwashers when you have a full load
    【答案】16. B 17. G 18. D 19. C 20. F
    设空处后though引导让步状语从句,根据后半句“though you can’t save California on your own(尽管你凭一己之力无法拯救加州)”,虽然不能凭一己之力救加州,但个人的行为也是大有影响的。B项Individual action matters(个人行动很重要)符合题意。故选B。
    根据本段主旨句“Small things can add up(小事情可以积累 )”,可知设空处与生活中小事的积累可以帮助解决问题有关。G项Only run washing machines and dishwashers when you have a full load(只有在洗衣机和洗碗机满载时才开动)生活中的小事,符合语境。故选G。
    根据上文提示“How old is your toilet? If it's from before 1990, it could be using up to 6 gallons per flush. Newer toilets may use as little as 1.28 gallons or less.(你的厕所用了多久了? 如果是1990年以前的,每次冲水要消耗6加仑。 较新的厕所可能只消耗1.28加仑或更少的水)”,可知,新旧坐便器对比,新的能节约水。D项They can save a lot per household per day(它们可以为每户每天节省很多)符合语境。故选D项。
    设空处为所在段落主旨句,应该用短小精悍的,在A项和C项中选择。再根据该段关键信息“investigate whether you have a leak somewhere(调查一下你是否在什么地方有漏洞)”,可知该段说明要查找是否有漏水现象。C项Find out the potential problem(找出潜在的问题)概括了这一内容,符合题意。故选C。
    根据设空处上一句中“Depending on the type of water meter(仪表)you have, you may be able to monitor the meter with all your water turned off and see whether anything is still moving through your system(根据你的水表的类型,你可以在所有的水关闭的情况下监控水表,看看是否有东西仍在通过你的系统)”,推知设空处是另一种检测漏水的方式。F项You may also use a smart detector to tell you once there’s a problem(一旦出现问题,你也可以使用智能探测器来告诉你)中的also,a smart detector提供了线索,符合题意。故选F。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。
    Everyone is calling this lovely long-haired cat a hero. And when you hear what Masha did on that day, you'll know how this furry friend ___21___ a babys life!
    After finding an abandoned baby boy on the street, Masha ___22___ into the box the boy had been deserted in as if to keep him ___23___ . Then, the caring mother cat got ___24___ by crying non-stop to draw ___25___to the poor 3-month-old baby boy.
    A retired woman, Irina, who ___26___ nearby, walked out to empty her household waste. Suddenly she heard Masha crying out loudly and ___27___ .She spotted Masha. It was a lost cat that she and her neighbors had begun ___28___. and she knew Masha was normally very calm and ___29___.
    "When I heard her crymg, I thought that perhaps she had ___30___ herself because she would come to greet me or give me a sign for help,” Irina said. Concerned for the cat, Irina went to ___31___ , and then she spied the cat ___32___ her from the abandoned box in the middle of the cans.
    She walked closer ,and was completely ___33___ ,She could not believe her eyes when she looked inside the box and saw the baby there with Masha ___34___next to him! Clearly her mothering nature had taken over her and she wanted to ___35___the child from the cold,
    Quickly, Irina called a(n) ___36___ , and the baby was directly taken to hospital where he was given a ___37___・ Unexpectedly, doctors said the baby was ___38___ . A hospital spokesman said, "The baby had only been outside for a few ___39___ and thanks to Masha and the child's clothing, he was not damaged, a hero. Now the ___40___like Irina on the street are treating Masha as a hero.
    21. A. ended B. threatened C. saved D. replaced
    22. A. climbed B. dropped C. broke D. looked
    23. A. still B. warm C. peaceful D. cheerful
    24. A. surprise B. sympathy C. power D. help
    25. A. attention B. love C. trust D. comfort
    26. A. worked B. inspected C. performed D. lived
    27. A. softly B. secretly C. urgently D. calmly
    28. A. putting up with B. taking care of C. thinking little of D. catching up with
    29. A. friendly B. punctual C. ridiculous D. dusty
    30. A. hidden B. injured C. enjoyed D. amused
    31. A. flee B. examine C. wipe D. explore
    32. A. discouraging B. depending on C. prohibiting D. staring at
    33. A. puzzled B. terrified C. astonished D. sensitive
    34. A. arising B. suffering C. lying D. surviving
    35. A. protect B. raise C. violate D. ignore
    36. A. parent B. driver C. owner D. ambulance
    37. A. rest B. check-up C. shelter D. cover-up
    38. A. unharmed B. inspected C. unconscious D. innocent
    39. A. months B. weeks C. hours D. days
    40. A. wanderers B. boys C. workers D. residents
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你听到玛莎那天做了什么,你就会知道这个毛茸茸的朋友是如何救了一个婴儿的生命!A.ended 结束;B.threatened威胁;C.saved拯救;D.replaced取代。分析下文可知,是玛莎不停地呼叫,引起了Irina的注意,从而救了那个被遗弃的婴儿。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在街上发现一个被遗弃的男孩,玛莎爬进了那个被遗弃的婴儿箱,好像是为了给他取暖。A.climbed爬;B.dropped掉落;C.broke破坏;D.looked看。根据下文“She could not believe her eyes when she looked inside the box and saw the baby there with Masha ___14___next to him!”可知,玛莎爬进了箱子里。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛莎爬进了那个被遗弃的婴儿箱,好像是为了给他取暖。A.still静止的;B.warm暖和的;C.peaceful和平的;D.cheerful高兴的。分析下文“she wanted to ___15___the child from the cold”以及选项可知,玛莎爬进箱子好像是为了给被遗弃的婴儿取暖。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:住在附近的退休妇女Irina走出去倒她的生活垃圾。A.worked工作;B.inspected视察;C.performed表演;D.lived住。根据下文“It was a lost cat that she and her neighbors had begun ___8___.”可知,Irina是住在附近的。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,她听见玛莎大声而急迫地大叫了起来。A.softly柔软地;B.secretly秘密地;C.urgently急迫地;D.calmly冷静地。根据上文“Suddenly she heard Masha crying out loudly”可知,当有人出现的时候,玛莎大声急迫地大叫起来以引起人们的注意。故选C。
    考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:这是一只走失的猫,她和邻居们已经开始照料它了。A.putting up with忍受;B.taking care of照顾;C.thinking little of轻视;D.catching up with赶上。根据下文“and she knew Masha was normally very calm ”可知,Irina对玛莎很了解,故她和邻居们应该照顾着这只走失的猫。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Irina说:“当我听到她叫的时候,我想她可能是自己受伤了。A.hidden藏;B.injured受伤;C.enjoyed享受;D.amused高兴的。根据下文“Concerned for the cat, Irina went to ___11___ ”可知,Irina原先担心是猫自己受伤了。故选B。
    考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:Irina很担心那只猫,她去检查,然后她发现那只猫从罐子中间的废弃盒子里盯着她看。A.discouraging沮丧;B.depending on依靠,依赖;C.prohibiting禁止;D.staring at盯着看。分析上下文可知,当Irina靠近的时候,猫一只盯着她看。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她走得更近了,她完全惊呆了。A.puzzled困惑的;B.terrified害怕的;C.astonished惊讶的;D.sensitive敏感的。根据下文“She could not believe her eyes ”可知,Irina没有想到盒子里有个婴儿,故她应该很惊讶。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不敢相信自己的眼睛,当她往盒子里一看,发现婴儿就在那里,玛莎躺在他旁边。A.arising 引起;B.suffering遭受;C.lying躺;D.surviving幸存。根据上文猫爬进箱子里,好像是为了给婴儿取暖可知,猫应该是躺在婴儿旁边的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的母亲天性支配着她,她想保护孩子不受寒冷的侵袭。A.protect保护;B.raise举起;C.violate违反;D.ignore忽视。根据上文“Clearly her mothering nature had taken over her and she wanted to”可知,母亲的天性支配着Irina,故她想保护孩子不受寒冷的侵袭。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Irina叫了救护车, 婴儿被直接送往医院,在那里给他做了检查。A.parent父母;B. driver司机;C.owner主人;D.ambulance救护车。根据下文婴儿被送进医院可知,Irina叫了救护车。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,Irina叫了救护车, 婴儿被直接送往医院,在那里给他做了检查。A.rest休息;B.check-up检查;C.shelter躲避;D.cover-up掩饰,隐蔽。根据下文医生说孩子安然无恙可知,医生给婴儿做了检查。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料地是,医生说孩子安然无恙。A.unharmed无恙的,没有受伤的;B.inspected视察;C.unconscious无意识的;D.innocent无辜的。根据下文“thanks to Masha and the child's clothing, he was not damaged,”可知,医生检查婴儿后,孩子并无大碍。故选A。
    第Ⅱ卷(满分 50分)
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Six weeks before his 97th birthday, Giuseppe Paternò fulfilled the dream of a lifetime: He ____41____(get) a university degree. Mr. Paternò’s____42____ (graduate) has inspired news reports around the world, partly because____43____his age. But he has also drawn attention because his life story speaks of commitment, a theme that has resonated (产生共鸣) as millions of schoolchildren in Italy and elsewhere face extraordinary uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic.
    Born in Palermo in 1923, the first of seven children in a “very poor family”, Mr. Paternò began working soon after____44____ (finish) elementary school. It was only after he retired, in the mid-1980s, that he returned to his books. “His story proves that dreams can come true and that you can remain young — if not in age at least in spirit — if you develop interests.” said Rosella Cancila, his essay adviser and____45____professor of history at the University of Palermo.
    Italy’s university system is based on a three-year degree, ____46____ (follow) by a two-year master’s course. University officials are hoping that Mr. Paternò ____47____ (continue) his studies.
    He isn’t so sure. “ I have to admit that in this moment, I don’t know____48____I would handle it with the same spirit.” he said, noting that all the attention had been a bit tiring. Still, Mr. Paternò said, he would____49____ (probable) register anyway. “ I want to keep my______50______ (choose) open. ”
    【答案】41. got
    42. graduation
    43. of 44. finishing
    45 a 46. followed
    47. will continue
    48. if##whether
    49. probably
    50. choice
    考查名词。句意:Paternò先生的毕业激发了世界各地的新闻报道,部分原因是他的年龄。空前Mr. Paternò’s是名词所有格,修饰名词,且名词在句中作主语,所给词graduate是动词,其名词是graduation。故填graduation。
    考查介词。句意:Paternò先生的毕业激发了世界各地的新闻报道,部分原因是他的年龄。固定短语:because of,意为“因为”。故填of。
    考查定冠词。句意:“他的故事证明,梦想是可以实现的,如果你培养了兴趣,你就可以保持年轻——如果不是在年龄上,至少在精神上。”他的论文导师、巴勒莫大学(University of Palermo)历史学教授罗塞拉·坎西拉(Rosella Cancila)说。此处表示“泛指”,意为“一名历史教授”。故填a。
    考查过去分词作状语。句意:意大利的大学体系是基于三年的学位,然后是两年的硕士课程。a three-year degree和follow之间是被动关系,是过去分词作状语。故填followed。
    考查一般将来时。句意:大学官员希望Paternò先生能继续他的学业。该句表示将要做某事,所以用一般将来时。故填will continue。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Last Saturday l went to a bookstore to choose some books but found my wallet going when checking out. I panicked immediate as the wallet was a birthday gift from my best friend. Besides, they contained about 500 dollars, which I had earned by working hard as waiter in a fast food restaurant. However, I quickly left the queue and began to search the area in that I had been reading. Then a girl in her twenty came up to me. It was turned out that she had been waiting for the owner of the wallet. In my delight, I not only get my wallet back but also made a new friend.
    【答案】第一处:going改为gone 第二处:immediate改为immediately 第三处:they改为it
    第四处:as后加a 第五处:However改为Therefore/Thus/So 第六处:that改为which
    第七处:twenty改为twenties 第八处:删除was 第九处:In改为To 第十处:get改为got
    第三处:考查代词。句意:而且钱包里有500美元,是我在快餐店里做服务员努力工作挣到的工资。句中it知道前句提及的my wallet。而they指代复数名词,所以要把they改为it。
    第六处:考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是the area,关系代词which指代先行词,做介词in的宾语,关系代词that不能放在介词后面,in that是固定搭配意为“因为”,与句意不符。所以要把that改为which。
    第七处:考查固定短语。句意:一个二十多岁的女孩走向了我。介词短语in one’s twenties意为“在某人二十几岁的时候”,这是一个固定搭配,所以要把twenty改为twenties。
    第八处:考查语态。句意:原来她一直在等钱包的失主。动词短语turn out意为“结果是,原来是…”,该短语没有被动语态也没有进行时,所以要删除was。
    第九处:考查固定短语。句意:让我高兴的是,我不仅拿回了钱包,还交到了一个好朋友。介词短语to one’s delight意为“让某人高兴的是…”,这是一个固定短语,所以要把In改为To。
    Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals. (them→ us) [2011大纲]
    ⑵ 上下文的单复数不一致。如:
    …both of them have similar ideas… Otherwise, it is impossible for him to help each other and to make their friendship last long. (him→ them)[2014大纲]
    ⑶ 上下文的性别不一致。如:
    Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said… (him→ her) [2010大纲]
    ⑷ 人称代词格的误用。如:
    Li Ming’s parents invited I to spend two wonderful weeks in Qingdao with them… (I→ me)[2007课标]
    ⑸ 人称代词、反身代词、疑问代词等的错用。如:
    He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others… (从句主语which是指the voice, 这种声音使“他”与别人分离, 故改himself为him)[2013课标I]
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是新华高中的学生李华,准备参加某高校的招生面试,请你就个人未来专业选择用英语进行简短的介绍,主要内容包括:
    Honorable teachers, good morning.
    【答案】 I’m Li Hua. I feel greatly honored to talk about myself here.
    I have always been meaning to be a person useful to our nation and the society. It’s because I have grown up to be healthy and happy due to my family’s great care and love as well as the devotion. All this also accounts for why I choose Xiamen University, where I can major in Environmental Engineering. Another reason is my constant concern about the environmental protection and the improvement of people’s living conditions.
    I definitely hope I will be lucky enough to be admitted and I know I will try hard to shape myself into what I want to be.

    由于:due to→as a result of
    原句:I have always been meaning to be a person useful for our nation and the society.
    拓展句:I have always been meaning to be a person who is useful to our nation and the society.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】 All this also accounts for why I choose Xiamen University, where I can major in Environmental Engineering. (运用了where引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】 I definitely hope I will be lucky enough to be admitted and I know I will try hard to shape myself into what I want to be.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)


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