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    例:How much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Why did the man stop working as a civil engineer?
    A. He got promoted. B. He liked marketing. C. He enjoyed engineering.
    2. What does the man advise the woman to do?
    A. Save 100 dollars. B. Repair the bike. C.Purchase a new bike.
    3. Who attended the meeting at last?
    A. Martin B. William. C.Mary.
    4. What will the speakers do next?
    A. Go to a cafe. B. Chair a conference. C. Continue another topic.
    5. What are the speakers probably doing?
    A. Making a cake. B. Amusing their mum. C.Celebrating a birthday.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.Where is the man heading for?
    A. The school field. B. The stadium. C. The sitting room.
    7. What will the woman possibly do then?
    A. Play basketball with Brandon. B. Watch a baseball match. C.Stay at home.
    8. How will the speakers buy the food in need?
    A. By going to a grocery store.
    B. By going to a convenience store.
    C.By ordering the food through an app.
    9. What are the speakers going to eat tonight?
    A. Potatoes and carrots. B. Fruit salad. C. Rice.
    10. How much do the groceries cost in total?
    A.20 Yuan. B.30 Yuan. C.40 Yuan.
    11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates, B. Doctor and patient. C. Consultant and student.
    12. Where will the man create a MyChart account?
    A. On a website. B. In a clinic. C.In a bank.
    13. What does the man need to upload?
    A. Insurance information. B. Health records. C. Service data.
    14. Where did the woman go in the gap year?
    A.Peru. B.America. C. New Zealand.
    15. How does the woman think of herself?
    A. Devoted. B.Independent. C. Enterprising.
    16.What probably does the man do?
    A. An interviewer. B. A coach. C. A researcher.
    17. What do most people ignore when preserving food?
    A. The smell. B. The look. C. The time.
    18. What does the speaker suggest people do on storing cooked meat?
    A.Place it on the top shelf of the fridge.
    B. Smell it before putting into the fridge.
    C. Keep it in the fridge for less than 3 days.
    19. Which food can be kept the longest in the fridge?
    A. Potatoes. B. Meat. C.Apples.
    20. How long can strawberries be kept in 32F?
    A For about 6 weeks. B.For merely 3 days. C. For up to 2 weeks.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)
    Norhern Michigan knows how to celebrate summer’s arrival. This month, join a decades-long party that greets the sun’s traditional cannon (大炮) firing and the cheering on of a ferry (渡船) launch.
    Fort Mackinac
    It’s a tradition for the Lilac Queen to fire the first cannon when Port Mackinac opens for the season. This year brings back a popular program that lets visitors learn to drill like an 1880s soldier, as well as a new reading room offering the chance to learn history through newspapers of the day. You may even share a ferry over to the island with a horse or two.
    The annual “Here comes the Sun” party has been rocking historic Fishtown every Memorial Day Monday for 30 years. This year, The Cove restaurant is bringing back the long-time traditions: live band, outdoor barbecue, and a rowboat icing down the beer as it floats on the Leland River.
    Benzie County
    Nothing says season opener of summer like Honor’s chance to catch the family-friendly double feature at The Cherry Bowl Drive-in. Pre-movie, make time for onsite mini golf and taking in the cartoons that feature dancing hot dogs. Don’t forget to grab a box of popcorn topped with real butter.
    The entire town lines the streets of Ludington when the SS Badger (獾) sets sail for the season on May 12. Even first-time sailors on this four-hour Lake Michigan ferry will find it hard to resist joining the quiz (with prizes), or catching an on-board movie. Look for themed shoreline sails, too, that travel along Ludington’s coast with live entertainment.
    1. Where should you go if you want to experience a military training?
    A. Fort Mackinac. B. Fishtown. C. Benzie County. D. Ludington.
    2. What can people do in Benzie County?
    A. Watch a cannon firing. B. Taste delicious hot dogs.
    C. Enjoy a film with family. D. Take part in a quiz game.
    3. What do Fort Mackinac and Ludington have in common?
    A. They provide boat rides. B. They enjoy a long history.
    C. They host live performances. D. They hold animal-themed activities.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Fort Mackinac下面的“This year brings back a popular program that lets visitors learn to drill like an 1880s soldier, as well as a new reading room offering the chance to learn history through newspapers of the day.(今年带回了一个受欢迎的项目,让游客像19世纪80年代的士兵一样学习训练,还有一个新的阅览室,提供了通过那个时代的报纸学习历史的机会)”可知,如果你想体验军事训练可以去Fort Mackinac。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Benzie County下面的“Nothing says season opener of summer like Honor’s chance to catch the family-friendly double feature at The Cherry Bowl Drive-in. Pre-movie, make time for onsite mini golf and taking in the cartoons that feature dancing hot dogs.(没有什么比Honor有机会在Cherry Bowl电影院观看家庭友好双人秀更能说明夏季的赛季揭幕战了。看电影前,腾出时间在现场打迷你高尔夫,观看以跳舞热狗为特色的动画片)”可知,在Benzie County可以和家人一起看电影。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Fort Mackinac下面的“You may even share a ferry over to the island...(你甚至可以和一两匹马一起乘渡船去岛上)”和Ludington下面的“Even first-time sailors on this four-hour Lake Michigan ferry will find it hard to resist the quiz (with prizes!)...(即使是第一次乘坐这艘长达四小时的密歇根湖渡轮的水手,也会发现很难抗拒参加(有奖)测验或观看船上电影)”可知,两项活动中都可以乘坐游轮。故选A。
    As a mother and a professional working full time, I spent all of my 30s saying yes. Saying yes to things I wanted to do, but a lot of the time saying yes to things I disliked. This was a people-pleasing technique that would affect people’s opinion of me: the woman who could do it all, so that I can obtain a nice fame in their mind.
    Little did I know that I was also developing an autoimmune(自身免疫的) disease, which I have to believe was my body’s way of telling me to slow down. I had severely swollen joints and brain fog but I pushed through so that I could look in the mirror at the end of the day and feel “accomplished”. The only things I was accomplishing were bad health and bed habits.
    And then a series of events changed everything: serious medical issues and losing my job. It took all that to help me see how intensely burnt out I was. I spent a lot of time thinking about where I had to be next instead of being present in the moment. But now, I wake up each day knowing that everything on my schedule has been purposefully agreed to.
    Looking back, I had the capability to suffer the pressure to say yes. I also felt it necessary to say yes, from driving people to the airport to seeing family every Friday night. I always wanted to solve everyone’s problems and offered sound and immediate solutions. It was one big “yes” to everything.
    I was everyone’s cheerleader, but forgot how to cheer for myself along the way. But saying no is being my own cheerleader. And it’s not saying no to caring for family and friends. Instead, it’s a minor change in mindset, taking a pause before automatically agreeing. I take a breath, do a quick count of my energy and ability before jumping in.
    4. Why did the author say yes to things she disliked?
    A. To please her boss. B. To prove her profession.
    C. To push herself to the limit. D. To earn herself a good reputation.
    5. How did the author deal with the changes in her body?
    A. She got rid of bad habits. B. She thought little of them.
    C. She slowed down her life pace. D. She paid more attention to her health.
    6. Which word can best describe the author?
    A. Purposeful. B. Stubborn. C. Reflective. D. Encouraging.
    7. What will the author do before saying yes?
    A. Find a cheerleader. B. Evaluate her situation.
    C. Breathe in some fresh air. D. Seek help from her friends.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Saying yes to things I wanted to do, but a lot of the time saying yes to things I disliked. This was a people-pleasing technique that would affect people’s opinion of me: the woman who could do it all, so that I can obtain a nice fame in their mind.(答应我想做的事情,但很多时候答应我不喜欢的事情。这是一种取悦人的技巧,会影响人们对我的看法:一个能做到这一切的女人,这样我就能在他们心目中获得很好的名声。)”可知,作者答应自己不喜欢做的事情是为了让别人认为自己无所不能,在他人心中树立起好的名声。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“I had severely swollen joints and brain fog but I pushed through so that I could look in the mirror at the end of the day and feel ‘accomplished’.(我有严重的关节肿胀和脑雾,但我坚持了下来,这样我就可以在一天结束时照镜子,感觉‘很有成就感’。)”可知,作者在身体出现问题后依然硬撑,只为了让自己在一天结束的时候有所谓的“成就感”,由此可推知,她对身体的变化没有太在意。故选B.
    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“It took all that to help me see how intensely burnt out I was. I spent a lot of time thinking about where I had to be next instead of being present in the moment.(这一切让我明白了自己是多么地积劳成疾。我花了很多时间思考我下一步该去哪里,而不是在当下。)”可知,作者在健康出问题和失业后对自己的生活方式进行了反思,由此可推测出,她是一个具有反思意识的人。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“I take a breath, do a quick count of my energy and ability before jumping in.(我深吸一口气,在跳进去之前快速数一下自己的精力和能力。)”可知,作者现在在答应别人之前会先衡量一下自己的精力和能力,即先评估一下自身的情况再做决定。故选B。
    Lots of young mammals and birds engage in behaviour that provides no obvious adaptive outcome such as access to food, shelter or a mate, is voluntary and rewarding in itself and appears to be conducted pleasantly when the animal is relaxed.
    What about bumblebees (大黄蜂)? Apparently they play too, according to work just published in Animal Behaviour by Galpayage Dona and Lars Chittka. The idea of asking whether bumblebees like to play came to Chittka during a previous study in which he trained them to roll wooden balls around in order to gain access to food. He noticed that, during this experiment, they would often roll the balls for no apparent reason. They just seemed to enjoy it.
    A perfect PhD project for an ambitious student. And Ms Galpayage Dona stepped up to the mark. She created an field, put pollen (花粉) and sugar solution in it to arrest the bees, and connected it via a plastic tube to a bumblebee nest in Dr Chittka’s laboratory. In one part of the field, nine of the balls were fixed to the floor. In another, the balls could be rolled around. Ms Dona tagged 45 bees, between one and 23 days old, so that they could be followed as individuals. She then opened the door to the field for three hours a day for 18 days and recorded on video what happened.
    The recordings suggested that the bees did enjoy this experiment. All of the tagged bees rolled a ball at least once during the experiment. Most did so many times. One particular enthusiast managed 117 rolls. Overall, the camera recorded 910 incidents of ball—rolling by tagged insects. Also young bees played more often than old ones. All that they seemingly need now is some goalposts and a referee (裁判), and bumblebee social behaviour will take off to the next level.
    8. Why do some animals engage in the behavior mentioned in paragraph 1?
    A. To find a perfect mate. B. To gain access to food.
    C. To entertain themselves. D. To get rewards from others.
    9. What gave rise to the study published in Animal Behaviour?
    A. A survival training B. A failed experiment.
    C. An ambitious project. D. An unexpected finding.
    10. What does the underlined phrase “stepped up to the mark” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Applied for her PhD. B. Joined Chittka’s study.
    C. Tagged the bumblebees. D. Updated Chittka’s equipment.
    11. What can be a suitable title of the passage?
    A. Why Animals Love to Play? B. How Bumblebees Manage Ball-rolling?
    C. Are Bumblebees Porential Football Players? D. Is Playfulness Restricted to Mammals and Birds
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Lots of young mammals and birds engage in behaviour that provides no obvious adaptive outcome such as access to food, shelter or a mate, is voluntary and rewarding in itself and appears to be conducted pleasantly when the animal is relaxed.(许多小哺乳动物和鸟类的行为没有提供明显的适应性结果,比如获得食物、住所或配偶,这是自愿的,本身就是有益的,当动物放松时,这种行为似乎是愉快的)”可知,有些动物会有第1段提到的行为是为了娱乐自己。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The idea of asking whether bumblebees like to play came to Chittka during a previous study in which he trained them to roll wooden balls around in order to gain access to food. He noticed that, during this experiment, they would often roll the balls for no apparent reason. They just seemed to enjoy it.(Chittka在之前的一项研究中,训练大黄蜂滚动木球以获得食物,他萌生了询问大黄蜂是否喜欢玩耍的想法。他注意到,在这个实验中,他们经常无缘无故地滚球。他们似乎很享受)”可知,Chittka原本是为了训练大黄蜂滚动木球,结果意外发现大黄蜂会自发滚木球,而且很享受这一过程,从而催生了新研究,故是意料之外的发现导致了发表在《动物行为》杂志上的这项研究。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“A perfect PhD project for an ambitious student.(对于一个有抱负的学生来说,这是一个完美的博士项目)”以及后文“She created an field, put pollen (花粉) and sugar solution in it to arrest the bees, and connected it via a plastic tube to a bumblebee nest in Dr Chittka’s laboratory.(她开辟了一块田地,在里面放上花粉和糖溶液来阻止蜜蜂,并通过一根塑料管连接到Chittka博士实验室的大黄蜂巢穴)”可知,这个项目很适合有抱负的学生,所以Galpayage Dona加入了Chittka的研究,后文“通过一根塑料管连接到Chittka博士实验室的大黄蜂巢穴”也说明她加入了研究。故划线词意思是“加入Chittka的研究”。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Lots of young mammals and birds engage in behaviour that provides no obvious adaptive outcome such as access to food, shelter or a mate, is voluntary and rewarding in itself and appears to be conducted pleasantly when the animal is relaxed.(许多小哺乳动物和鸟类的行为没有提供明显的适应性结果,比如获得食物、住所或配偶,这是自愿的,本身就是有益的,当动物放松时,这种行为似乎是愉快的)”以及第二段“What about bumblebees (大黄蜂)? Apparently they play too, according to work just published in Animal Behaviour by Galpayage Dona and Lars Chittka.(那大黄蜂呢?根据Galpayage Dona和Lars Chittka刚刚发表在《动物行为》杂志上的研究,显然它们也会玩耍)”结合文章介绍了科研人员在某次研究中意外发现大黄蜂跟许多哺乳动物和鸟类一样,喜欢玩耍。可知,D选项“玩闹仅限于哺乳动物和鸟类吗?”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    Dartford Grammar. a secondary school in Kent, declines to enter their graduates for A-levels. Instead. pupils follow courses set by International Baccalaureate, an exam board based in Switzerland. They study six subjects, and these must include maths, English and a foreign language. “We’re not just preparing students for university,” says Julian Metcalf, the headmaster, “but for another 60 years of life beyond that.”
    Every few years England’s A-level system comes in for a kicking. Britain’s prime minister is the latest person who warned that England was unusual in letting youngsters drop maths and their native language at 16. He proposed switching the current system for a new “British Baccalaureate” that would require pupils to keep up both of those subjects until they are 18.
    Even critics agree that A-levels are demanding qualifications and that they enjoy great reputation abroad. Britain’s universities have traditionally been pickier than those in many other countries. Ambitious students have generally been grateful that they are allowed to sweat only the subjects they need for admission. Yet A-levels may not be handing English teenagers the breadth (广度) of skills they need. Their performance in English and math tests falls behind other countries after they turn 16. One-third of 16-to 19-year-olds in England have low basic skills according to a survey.
    There is enough time in the school day to offer extra maths and English classes without greatly affecting other studies. But it would cost money. Without any apparent justification, England’s schools get less funding for pupils aged 16-19 than they do for younger children. Broadening studies would also require more staff. However, the number of people who began training to be a secondary-school teacher this September was about one-third lower than hoped.
    12. What drove Dartford to make the decision in the first paragraph?
    A. A-levels’ various courses. B. Pupils’ heavy study burden.
    C. Prime minister’s latest proposal. D. Students’ long-term development.
    13. What do we know about students who take A-levels in England?
    A. They prefer foreign languages. B. They have to study six subjects.
    C. They can choose to drop maths. D. They are picky about universities.
    14. What might be a disadvantage of A-levels?
    A. Strict admission rules. B. Insufficient skill training.
    C. Low international recognition. D. Demanding subject requirements.
    15. What might be a major problem in England’s education system?
    A. Overpaid staff. B. Long school-time.
    C. Unqualified teachers. D. Imbalanced investment.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. D
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英国高考 A-levels的利弊以及英国教育目前的困境。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中““We’re not just preparing students for university,” says Julian Metcalf, the headmaster, “but for another 60 years of life beyond that.”(校长朱利安·梅特卡夫说:“我们不只是让学生为上大学做准备,而是为以后60年的生活做准备。”)”可知,学校的办学宗旨不仅限于让学生考上大学,更重要的是他们未来60年的人生,即学生的长期发展,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Britain’s prime minister is the latest person who warned that England was unusual in letting youngsters drop maths and their native language at 16.(英国首相是最新一位提出警告的人,他说英国让16岁的孩子放弃数学和母语是不寻常的)”可知,参加A-levels的考生可以选择不学数学和英语,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Yet A-levels may not be handing English teenagers the breadth (广度) of skills they need.(然而,A-level可能并没有教给英国青少年他们所需要的广泛技能)”可知,A-levels考试在学生技能广度的培养上做得并不好,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Without any apparent justification, England’s schools get less funding for pupils aged 16-19 than they do for younger children.(在没有任何明显理由的情况下,英格兰学校对16-19岁学生的资助少于对更小的学生的资助)”可知,英国教育系统的主要问题是投资不平衡,故选D。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    As bad as it feels, anxiety is essential. It’s awful, but imagine not having it? Imagine the state of our lives and relationships if we don’t have that little feeling inside us going, “Ah, don’t go there. Don’t do that.” ___16___ But when anxiety hits, it’s hard to remember its importance. Here are some interventions to help dial down your stress for those moments.
    Name things that make you feel safe
    If you’re feeling anxious, ask yourself, “What are some things that help me feel safer?”___17___ A lot of people will find that being surrounded by familiar people or things is comforting. Once you have your list of people or activities that make you feel sale, pick one off the list and do it.
    Try naming five things you can hear, taste, touch, smell or feel. You can also try washing your face with cold water. Smelling something strong can help too. These strategies help activate the parasympathetic nervous system (副交感神经系统),which can allow the body to relax.___19___
    Acknowledge your physical sensations
    Naming how you feel physically when anxious can help dial down the intensity. For example, let’s say you feel anxiety in your stomach.___20___Then, pick a part of your body that is not in active pain. Next, alternate attention between the place in your body where you feel pain and the place where you do not feel pain. This mindfulness technique can help you tolerate or even reduce your pain.
    A. Use your senses to relieve yourself.
    B. Describe your pain to your physician.
    C. Notice you feel like it’s on fire and it’s tight.
    D. Thus, your physical sufferings will be greatly relieved.
    E. Anxiety is how our body can signal to us when we’re in danger.
    F. That way, the part of your brain responsible for logic can come back online.
    G. It could be a person you feel comfortable around or a TV show you love rewatching.
    【答案】16. E 17. G 18. A 19. F 20. C
    【详解】1.前文“As bad as it feels, anxiety is essential. It’s awful, but imagine not having it? (尽管感觉很糟糕,但焦虑是必不可少的。这很可怕,但想象一下没有它会怎样)”表明焦虑对于我们很重要,后文“But when anxiety hits, it’s hard to remember its importance. (但当焦虑袭来时,我们很难记住它的重要性)”进行转折,表示焦虑会让我们忽视其重要性;E选项“Anxiety is how our body can signal to us when we’re in danger (焦虑是我们的身体在我们处于危险中时发出的信号)”为前文的总结,表示焦虑的重要性。故选E。
    2.根据空前“If you’re feeling anxious, ask yourself, “What are some things that help me feel safer?” (如果你感到焦虑,问问自己,“有什么能让我感觉更安全?”)”及空后“A lot of people will find that being surrounded by familiar people or things is comforting. (很多人会发现,被熟悉的人或事物包围是一种安慰)”可知,作者建议人们想一些让自己有安全感的熟悉的人或事情;G选项“It could be a person you feel comfortable around or a TV show you love rewatching (可以是一个让你感觉舒服的人,也可以是一个你喜欢重看的电视节目)”为具体人或事情的举例,符合语境。故选G。
    3.空处为小标题,根据下文“Try naming five things you can hear, taste, touch, smell or feel. You can also try washing your face with cold water. Smelling something strong can help too. (试着说出五种你能听到、尝到、摸到、闻到或感觉到的东西。你也可以试着用冷水洗脸。闻到一些强烈的气味也会有所帮助)”表明作者建议利用自己的感官进行放松;A选项“Use your senses to relieve yourself (用你的感官来放松自己)”符合主旨。故选A。
    4.空前“These strategies help activate the parasympathetic nervous system,which can allow the body to relax. (这些策略有助于激活副交感神经系统,从而使身体放松)”可知,本段建议利用各种激发自己感官的小技巧让自己放松,缓解焦虑,这样大脑才不会被焦虑困扰,恢复理智;F选项“That way, the part of your brain responsible for logic can come back online (这样,你大脑中负责逻辑的部分就能恢复正常)”为前文策略的好处,符合语境。故选F。
    5.根据小标题“Acknowledge your physical sensations (承认你的身体感觉)”以及空前“For example, let’s say you feel anxiety in your stomach. (例如,假设你的胃感到焦虑)”可知,作者建议自己承认生理感受,胃部焦虑时可能得生理感受包括发热或者发紧;C选项“Notice you feel like it’s on fire and it’s tight (注意你感觉它很烧,而且很紧)”符合语境。故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was around 3 p.m. I was lined up at the train ticket counter to reserve a trip to Nagoya to___21___ some photos for a magazine called “Today Fashion”. It was then that I felt the ground moving slightly like a subway shooting through a tunnel far beneath my feet. It was so mild that I___22___it, as did everyone around me. Seconds later,a(n) ___23___shake occurred. Things started falling over to the ground, and signs hanging from the ceiling began swinging violently. An elderly man next to me smiled at me___24___and just said one word: “Earthquake.”
    I ___25___ for the door, about 60 feet away. The ground was shaking so violently that it was___26___to run in a straight line. My heart was still pounding so wildly___27___.I reached the street. I longed to get as far away from these buildings as possible, but in Tokyo, finding any truly open space is actually___28___.Ultimately, I stood in a___29___for a good two hours as did most everyone else. During this time, the ground of the spacious park continued to____30____less violently. I would____31____later that afternoon that the quake was a magnitude 8.9, the strongest earthquake in recorded history. There were a few women____32____with people pointing up at the buildings as they shook, ____33____many others appeared calm and relaxed. Even though I have witnessed many big events in the world, I really____34____Japanese for their calmness and timely____35____.
    21. A. shoot B. recommend C. post D. appreciate
    22. A. ignored B. noticed C. missed D. felt
    23. A. mild B. violent C. forecast D. anticipated
    24. A. nervously B. calmly C. broadly D. delightfully
    25. A. reached B. made C. looked D. rushed
    26. A. compulsory B. effortless C. challenging D. entertaining
    27. A. unless B. if C. though D. once
    28. A. undoubted B. impossible C. easy D. available
    29. A. park B. building C. subway D. train
    30. A. change B. crack C. fall D. shake
    31. A. put forward B. put down C. figure out D. make out
    32. A. laughing B. crying C. escaping D. surviving
    33. A. yet B. and C. hence D. so
    34. A. covered B. adored C. thanked D. admired
    35. A. disaster B. reaction C. rescue D. assistance
    【答案】21. A 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在火车站售票处排着队,预订去名古屋的旅行,为一本名为《今日时尚》的杂志拍摄一些照片。A. shoot拍摄;B. recommend推荐;C. post邮寄;D. appreciate欣赏。根据“some photos for a magazine”可知,作者要为杂志拍摄照片。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它是如此的温和,我忽略了它,就像我周围的人一样。A. ignored忽视;B. noticed注意到;C. missed错过;D. felt感觉。根据“It was so mild”可知,脚下的运动很轻微,作者忽视了第一次地震。故选A项。
    考查形容词、名词词义辨析。句意:几秒钟后,发生了一次剧烈的震动。A. mild温和的;B. violent剧烈的;C. forecast预报;D. anticipated受期盼的。根据“Things started falling over to the ground, and signs hanging from the ceiling began swinging violently.”可知,不久后,就发生了剧烈的震动。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我旁边一位老人平静地对我笑了笑,只说了一个词:“地震。”A. nervously紧张地;B. calmly平静地;C. broadly广泛地;D. delightfully欣然地、快乐地。根据“smiled at me”可知,尽管遇到地震,但是身边的日本老人却十分平静并微笑着告诉作者地震了。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我向大约60英尺外的门冲去。A. reached到达;B. made使成为;C. looked看;D. rushed冲。根据“I ___5___ for the door, about 60 feet away.”及下文“My heart was still pounding so wildly”可知,作者遇到地震很慌张,赶紧冲了出去。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:地面摇晃得如此剧烈,以至于很难跑出一条直线。A. compulsory义务的;B. effortless不需费力的;C. challenging有挑战的;D. entertaining令人愉快的。根据“The ground was shaking so violently”可知,地面剧烈摇晃,作者跑出直线是有挑战性的。故选C项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:不过,我的心还在狂跳。A. unless除非;B. if如果;C. though不过;D. once一旦。根据“My heart was still pounding so wildly”可知,作者跑了出去,但是心脏在狂跳,此处表示补充说明,放于句末,语气变弱。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我渴望离这些建筑越远越好,但在东京,找到任何真正的开放空间实际上是不可能的。A. undoubted无疑的;B. impossible不可能的;C. easy容易的;D. available可用的。根据“I longed to get as far away from these buildings as possible, but in Tokyo, finding any truly open space is actually___8___.”可知,在东京,建筑物很密集,找到空旷的场地是不可能的。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,我和大多数人一样,在公园里站了整整两个小时。A. park公园;B. building建筑物;C. subway地铁;D. train火车。根据下文“the spacious park”可知,作者来到了一个公园。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这段时间里,这个宽敞的公园的地面继续摇晃得不那么剧烈了。A. change改变;B. crack裂开;C. fall掉落;D. shake摇晃。根据上文“The ground was shaking so violently”可知,此处公园的地面持续摇晃,但是不那么剧烈了。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:那天下午晚些时候,我才知道这次地震震级是8.9级,是有记录以来最强的地震。A. put forward提出;B. put down放下;C. figure out搞清楚;D. make out辨别出。根据“hat the quake was a magnitude 8.9”可知,作者后来才搞清楚,那天的地震8.9级。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有几个女人在哭泣,人们指着摇晃的建筑物,但其他人看起来很平静,很放松。A. laughing大笑;B. crying哭;C. escaping逃脱;D. surviving幸存。根据下文“many others appeared calm and relaxed”可知,对比冷静的人,有几个女人在哭泣。故选B项。
    考查连词、副词词义辨析。句意:有几个女人在哭泣,人们指着摇晃的建筑物,但其他人看起来很平静,很放松。A. yet然而;B. and并且;C. hence因此;D. so所以。根据“There were a few women___12___with people pointing up at the buildings as they shook”及“many others appeared calm and relaxed”可知,空处前后为转折关系。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我目睹了世界上许多重大事件,但我真的很钦佩日本人的冷静和及时的反应。A. covered覆盖;B. adored喜爱;C. thanked感激;D. admired钦佩。根据“for their calmness”可知,作者在这次经历中十分钦佩日本人的冷静。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我目睹了世界上许多重大事件,但我真的很钦佩日本人的冷静和及时的反应。A. disaster灾难;B. reaction反应;C. rescue救援;D. assistance援助。根据上文“many others appeared calm and relaxed”可知,对于地震,日本人能作出及时的反应。故选B项。
    第二节 (共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China's first group of five female pilots flying J-11B fighter jets (战斗机) successfully completed their first training recently.
    The five female pilots involved are at ___36___average age of 23. Following their first flight in the J-11B, they ___37___(receive) training on formation flying, low-altitude and air combat (作战) training before they finally participate into front—line combat units next year. The five pilots have completed the high-overload and high—intensity flight training in the J11B aircraft, with intensity of the training___38___(be) the same as that of the men.
    “We are honored to be part of the first group of female pilots flying J-11B fighter jets but ___39___ was also a test for us. Though we're weak in physical strengths___40___(compare) with men, flying these jets is not___41___how strong you are.___42___matters most is decision-making and control of the jets. With the ___43___(strong) tolerance, women would be better adapting for long—hour fighting,” noted Yan Zhongyue, one of the five female pilots.
    Women obviously enjoy advantages in operating weapons and advanced equipment because of the careful and sensitive characteristics, which also suits future warfare in which___44___(accuracy) operation of weapon platforms would be one of____45____(focus).
    【答案】36. an 37. will receive
    38. being 39. it
    40. compared
    41. about 42. What
    43. stronger
    44. accurate
    45. focuses
    考查冠词。句意:5名女飞行员的平均年龄为23岁。表示“平均”短语为at an average age of。故填an。
    考查时态。句意:在首次飞行后,他们将接受编队飞行、低空和空战训练,然后在明年最终参加前线作战部队。根据后文next year可知为一般将来时。故填will receive。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:5名飞行员在J-11B战斗机上完成了高过载、高强度的飞行训练,训练强度与男飞行员相同。此处为with+宾语+宾补结构,与intensity of the training构成主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补。故填being。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然我们的体力比男人弱,但驾驶这些喷气式飞机并不取决于你有多强壮。短语be compared with,此处省略be动词,用过去分词作状语,故填compared。
    考查名词的数。句意:由于女兵细心敏感的特点,在操作武器和先进装备方面具有明显的优势,这也适合未来战争中武器平台的精确操作。focus为可数名词,此处为one of+可数名词复数。故填focuses。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,上周你收到好友Eric的来信,信中提到他所在的孔子学院正在策划校园文化节,他将负责中国展区的布置,想请你提供一些建议。请你回复一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Eric,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Eric,
    How is everything going? I'm delighted to receive your letter in which you asked me about how to prepare for the Chinese area at the cultural festival at your institute. My suggestions are as follows:
    First of all , it will be a good choice to put some works of calligraphy and traditional Chinese paintings on display. In addition, displaying some classics of Confucius such as Lunyu will also be attractive to your schoolmates. What's more, you'd better decorate the exhibition area with the color of red, which is considered as fortune in China. I'm convinced that your design will be a feast for the eyes.
    Hopefully my advice is of great help to you. Looking forward to your festival!
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    有帮助的:be of great help→helpful
    此外:in addition→besides
    原句:In addition, displaying some classics of Confucius such as Lunyu will also be attractive to your schoolmates.
    拓展句:In addition, it will also be attractive for your schoolmates to display some classics of Confucius such as Lunyu.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] What's more, you'd better decorate the exhibition area with the color of red, which is considered as fortune in China. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I'm convinced that your design will be a feast for the eyes. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Captain America had always been a hero for Timothy White during his childhood. White dressed up as Captain America for conventions, parades and the local Anti-violence Superhero Day. As a teenager, he once knocked fiercely in the door of a house that was on fire to see if anyone was trapped inside. Fortunately, the house was empty.
    However, things were quite different this time. If Timothy White Jr. were Captain America, perhaps one throw of the superhero's trademark shield (盾牌) could have saved the day. But this was real life. When he spotted trouble on this September afternoon he wasn't wearing his costume and couldn't fall back on any superpowers.
    It was rush hour in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. White, 38, was driving home from the non-profit he and his mother run called AMiracle4Sure, which helped formerly imprisoned individuals readapt to society. To get some fresh air from the long drive,he kept his window down on this autumn day. Suddenly, he noticed a gray four door pickup on the opposite side of the street. The truck was going 10 to 15 mph. It was hard to miss, since it was circling and tilting (倾斜) into the road before course-correcting, only to tilt into the road again.
    "What an annoying driver!"White murmured. But as the truck drew closer, White took a glance at it. This time he got a good look at the problem:The driver appeared to be asleep! Worse still, they were coming up to a busy street. Pretty soon, this guy's going to crash into a house and kill himself or somebody else, White thought.
    While many people would have kept on driving, that's not how White did—his girlfriend refers to him as Captain Harrisburg because of his permanent willingness to help people out. He had to stop that vehicle before anything terrible happened.
    White made a U-turn and was now facing in the same direction as the truck.
    An ambulance soon arrived and took the driver to a hospital.
    White made a U-turn and was now facing in the same direction as the truck. It was getting closer and closer,so he began to speed up.White shouted loudly and pressed his horn (按喇叭) to wake up the driver but in vain.At the critical moment, an idea hit him. Without hesitation, White pulled over and ran around to the driver's side. He jumped in, took hold of the steering wheel and caused it to stop right before it rushed into the busy street. Seeing the pale face of the driver, he called the police.
    An ambulance soon arrived and took the driver to a hospital. White assisted the medical team and accompanied them to the hospital. After careful examination,it was comforting to find there was nothing serious with the driver. When the driver woke up, he thanked White from the bottom of his heart. When asked his name, “Captain America” said he, wearing a big smile on his face. This time, he realized he still could be a superhero without the costume.Relived and satisfied,he returned to his car to carry on his journey.
    握住:take hold of/ grip
    叫喊:shout /yell
    感谢:thank/show gratitude to
    满足:satisfied /content
    【点睛】[高分句型1] When the driver woke up, he thanked White from the bottom of his heart. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] This time, he realized he still could be a superhero without the costume. (运用了省略that引导的宾语从句)
    听力:1-5 BCBAA 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 CABAC 16-20 ACCAC


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