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    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)
    第一部分 听力部分
    1. A. I think so. B. Toby. C. Pretty nice.
    2. A. In 2023. B. At 7:00. C. For two years.
    3. A. An astronaut. B. In the newspaper. C. Great.
    4. A. Kind. B. Reading. C. At school.
    5. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
    A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
    6. How did Nick go to school today?
    A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.
    7. What kind of sandwich does the man want?
    A. Chicken. B. Beef. C. Egg.
    8. How many times has the man been to Xi’ an?
    A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.
    9. What’s the lesson mainly about?
    A. Nature. B. Safety. C. Invention.
    10. What would the woman probably say to the man next?
    A. How much is it? B. Can I try it on? C. Could it be cheaper?
    11. Which scene is talked about?

    A. B. C.
    12. What can we know about the woman?
    A. She complains to the man.
    B. She sees things differently.
    C. She is good at singing.
    13. Why does the boy interview the girl?
    A. For his homework. B. For a news report. C. For cancer research.
    14. What’s Cathy’s biggest plan for the future?
    A. To take photos. B. To be a good doctor. C. To join in fashion shows.
    15. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.
    16. What does the man exercise for?
    A. Losing weight. B. Relaxing himself. C. Making friends.
    17. Which sport does the woman like best?
    A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Bike riding.
    18. When are they going to start exercise together?
    A. Right now. B. Tomorrow. C. This weekend.
    19. Where did Sofia go last night?
    A. A teahouse. B. A theater. C. A bookstore.
    20. What did Sofia do there?
    A. She made tea. B. She admired an opera. C. She performed a play.
    21. When did Sofia leave there?
    A. At 7:00 p. m. B. At 8:00 p. m. C. At 9:00 p. m.
    22. Which is true about the two speakers?
    A. They’re interested in Beijing Opera.
    B. They don’t know Chinese writers.
    C. They went on a trip last night.
    23. What did Jacob do when he was three?
    A. He started a charity.
    B. He drew a map perfectly.
    C. He studied at a college.
    24. What is the book he’s writing about?
    A. Health. B. Math. C. Basketball.
    25. Which words can best describe Jacob?
    A. Talented and warm-hearted.
    B. Quiet and open-minded.
    C. Funny and well-educated.
    第二部分 笔试部分
    26. —Do you understand what I mean?
    —_______. I’m a bit lost.
    A. Very much B. I hope not C. Not really D. It’s nothing
    27. —Mom, can I talk to you about my job offer, please?
    A. Go ahead B. I see C. Much better D. Never mind
    28. —What the headmaster said at the graduation must have stuck in the minds of many students.
    —_______. It was very inspiring.
    A. I agree B. Thank you C. All right D. My pleasure
    29. — The car will not start. What can I do?
    — Don’t worry. Tom and I _______ it a push.
    A. give B. gave C. have given D. will give
    30. Jessica _______ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.
    A. studies B. studied C. has studied D. will study
    31. — Who will talk about the development of American country music next week?
    — I suggest Brad. He _______ in Nashville, the home of country music, since he was a child.
    A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. will live
    32. Please bring Ms. Steen to the welcome party _______ telling her so that she can be surprised.
    A. about B. from C. without D. for
    33. — Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.
    — His height gives him a big _______.
    A. situation B. challenge C. achievement D. advantage
    34. — There are many celebrations in the coming Dragon Boat Festival.
    — Sounds very interesting. I don’t want to miss _______.
    A. it B. any C. none D. one
    35. — Mary is _______ about what she eats. She never has junk food.
    —A good habit.
    A. careful B. angry C. nervous D. relaxed
    36. — The hair product is being _______ at present.
    — You mean if it’s up to the standard, it will be put on the market soon.
    A. used B. tested C. shown D. sold
    37. — Excuse me, but we _______ wait in line to get on the subway.
    —I’m sorry.
    A. might B. would C. could D. should
    38. — Sally _______ into the role of our group leader.
    — Really? I’m expecting fresh air and new ideas from her.
    A. ran B. broke C. stepped D. looked
    39. — Hard to believe. Luke won the school speech contest!
    — He used to be shy, but his friends’ support _______ his confidence.
    A. took away B. made up C. put away D. built up
    40. This famous saying “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers” tells us _______.
    A. how should we treat people B. who we can learn from
    C. what did we say in public D. why we need teachers
    Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie
    41 she’d be able to run it with Aunt Maria’s help. Aunt Maria didn’t have any experience on business, but she is always called “ 42 ”.
    As Maria blew into the store, she said, “All right, Katie my love, let’s get this party started.”
    Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy, such as fresh fudge(软糖). Aunt Maria 43 a piece of chocolate fudge. “Hmm,” she said. “It’s good, but not 44 . We can add something to make that basic taste exciting.”
    Before Katie could 45 what Maria meant, the woman had gone to the kitchen. Katie heard her walking around, opening drawers and the fridge. Then she came back with her hands full of things. She 46 them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).
    “Brussels sprouts(甘蓝)?” Katie gave her aunt a 47 look. She couldn’t be serious! But she was. The woman’s hands were busy 48 the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge. Katie’s eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.
    Katie 49 as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some 50 . Three boys came in. “I’ll have strawberry fudge, please,” said the first boy.
    “Oh, how 51 ,” laughed Maria. “I must suggest you try something new! Try this!” She offered the boys the Brussels sprout fudge. “It’s free! 52 !”
    Surprised, but too polite to 53 , the boys left with the fudge.
    “There go our customers. They will tell everyone how strange our candy is, and nobody will want to shop here!” Katie said to herself. She didn’t know what to do. Her parents were going to be 54 .
    The sound of the bell woke her up from her 55 . The boys were back! But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.
    “Give me two pieces of Brussels sprout fudge, please”
    4l. A. promised B. remembered C. pretended D. checked
    42. A. friendly B. creative C. honest D. lucky
    43. A. noticed B. bought C. made D. tried
    44. A. soft B. sweet C. smooth D. special
    45. A. believe B. change C. question D. explain
    46. A. stuck B. left C. spread D. swept
    47. A. strange B. fresh C. black D. hungry
    48. A. washing B. weighing C. cutting D. cooking
    49. A. moved on B. looked up C. broke down D. came over
    50. A. clerks B. policemen C. customers D. businessmen
    51. A. expensive B. cheap C. funny D. boring
    52. A. Stay B. Enjoy C. Go D. Help
    53. A. accept B. argue C. eat D. order
    54. A. mad B. calm C. relaxed D. silent
    55. A. mistakes B. memories C. plans D. thoughts
    Dinosaur (恐龙) Prints Discovered
    A diner eating in a restaurant’s outdoor yard, in Sichuan Province, has discovered dinosaur footprints on the ground. After using a 3D scanner (扫描仪), scientists made sure that the footprints are 100 million years old, They belonged to two dinosaurs with long necks and tails.

    Marley and Bob say they became interested in archaeology (考古学) from studying history at school, going to museums and watching Human Histories! They also go to the Young Archaeologists’ Club and they do digs at archaeological sites (地点) and carefully research their finds. “You never know what you might discover, and it is a fascinating way to uncover old remains on a real dig. It makes me really happy,” says Bob.

    Students Find Ancient Mural
    A group of student archaeologists have unearthed a 1,000-year-old mural (wall painting). The 30-meter mural shows mysterious scenes, which could reflect what the life was like in ancient Peru. Professor Luis says, “The discovery is the most exciting and important find of recent years.”

    56. In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?
    57. Those dinosaur prints were found _______.
    A. through a scanner B. by scientists
    C. millions of years ago D. during a meal
    58. The best heading for the second piece of news would be _______.
    A. Come to Our Club B. Dig and Discover the World
    C. Find Out Your Hobby D. Study Human Histories
    59. Professor Luis finds the mural very valuable mainly because _______.
    A. it’s connected to ancient society B. it shows the birth of the mural
    C. it’s the world’s earliest wall painting D. it has a very large size
    60. All the news above _______.
    A. reports new archaeological finds
    B. tells ancestors’ stories
    C. describes the history events
    D. says hello to the past
    Bert won a national prize called Young Heroes for his “green” project. This public-spirited young person was now a university student. His love for insects grew deeper and he was protecting them for the future.
    ________. When he was around 4 or 5, he always loved to watch different insects, especially beautiful swallowtails(凤蝶). One interesting fact he learned about swallowtails was that their bright colors warned hungry animals that they tasted bad. And it was also fun to watch how they came into being. But the reason he really fell in love with them was that they were very accessible. For example, if you wanted to attract (吸引) swallowtails, you planted some zinnias, a kind of bright flowers.
    Bert started a zinnia garden at his house, where he raised a large number of swallowtails over the years. With the world’s swallowtail population falling, Bert wanted people to realize that if insects like swallowtails disappeared, so would all the others above them on the food chain. To make the fact clear and easy to understand for other students, he also created a zinnia garden at his junior high school.
    Part of the joy for Bert was watching the younger students get excited when running after swallowtails. “Whenever a swallowtail lands on them, the young students will soon fall in love with these cute insects. They develop a new appreciation for them,” he said.
    Bert put his efforts into the environmental educational project and made it take flight.
    61. After Bert was honored with Young Heroes, ________.
    A. he often gave speeches in public
    B. he set up his “green” project
    C. he became interested in swallowtails
    D. he went on protecting insects
    62. Which of the following can be put in ________?
    A. Bert saved many swallowtails
    B. Bert had a dull childhood
    C. Bert found his love early in life
    D. Bert made a hard decision
    63. The underlined word “accessible” in paragraph 2 means “________”.
    A. dangerous to feed B. easy to get close to
    C. hard to raise D. safe to reach
    64. The main reason for Bert to create a zinnia garden at school was ________.
    A. to watch students have fun
    B. to make his school more beautiful
    C. to stop swallowtails from disappearing
    D. to help kids learn about swallowtails
    65. What would be the best title for the passage?
    A. A Bright Flower B. A Flying Project C. A Green Garden D. A Warning Action
    When the famous scientist Albert Einstein was 16 years old, he imagined himself riding alongside a beam (束) of light. He used this picture in mind to help him when working out the “theory of relativity(相对论)”. “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Einstein.
    Daydreaming, called “thought experiments” by Einstein, can make you have wild imaginings, like flying around in space. It lets your mind walk slowly around ideas, memories and experiences that aren’t happening right now. It means thinking ahead to a holiday or remembering how much you enjoyed a birthday party. According to China’s health authorities(权威机构), daydreaming for a while each day can improve your health and creativity.
    Disappearing into a daydream lets your mind escape when things are difficult. It helps you deal with worries and fears. For example, imagining how you’re going to speak up in class is like practicing the scene in your head, which can make you feel calmer. Daydreaming also inspires creativity and lets you find new worlds where there are no limits (限制) to what you can do or who you are Guo Qiang, an expert in thoughts and feelings, thinks we should all make time to daydream. “Thinking for pleasure can be a powerful tool to shape our feelings,” he said.
    However, try not to let your mind be absent when you need to focus (聚焦) in class or cross the road. Instead, find a time when you don’t have to focus on anything, like going for a walk or brushing your teeth. Guo suggests you can start by focusing on a happy memory or imagining a future success, like scoring a goal in the World Cup.
    To encourage creativity, think about interesting ideas and see where your mind takes you. Research shows that people often come up with more solutions to problems after they’ve taken a break. So next time you’re stuck with homework, stop for a moment and see where your daydreams take you.

    66. Which writing skill is used in paragraph 1?
    A. Giving an example. B. Raising a question. C. Listing numbers. D. Comparing facts.
    67. Daydreaming can make people ________.
    A. fly around B. walk slowly C. think freely D. be absent-minded
    68. Guo Qiang first suggests ________.
    A. escaping from the hard time B. looking for new worlds
    C. finding time to imagine D. focusing on success
    69. What is mentioned in paragraph 4?
    A. The steps to daydream.
    B. The things to daydream of.
    C. The reasons for daydreaming.
    D. The meanings of daydreaming.
    70. Daydreaming is talked about ________.
    A. to remind people to have a mind break
    B. to suggest living at the moment
    C. to find solutions to homework problems
    D. to show a science research result
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
    dress up/business/clever/protect/strong/take off/hold
    71. The ancient emperors built the Great Wall to ________ their country.
    72. I get such a ________ feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.
    73. Hometowns are the places that ________ all the best memories in childhood.
    74. In many countries, you should ________ your gloves before shaking hands.
    75. Li Xin set up a ________ to make beautiful art works by using materials from old cars.
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is used to help people keep the balance of yin and yang. But have you ever imagined that one day you can learn herb (药草) planting and TCM courses at school?
    A primary school in Nanjing has just 76 (open) a herb farm. More than 30 herbs are planted. Students there are g 77 by doctors from a TCM hospital to tell different herbs and learn plant development, medicinal value as well as 78 (grow) herbs. The hospital has also donated over 100 cartoon books about TCM to help draw children’s a 79 in herbal medicine.
    Another middle school has i 80 TCM courses to students of all grades. These courses c 81 a basic knowledge of herbs, herb planting and cooking with herbs. They give students a deeper understanding of TCM, bringing out their sense of p 82 in Chinese traditions and the country’s rich culture.
    Also in Shanghai, Tongji University has provided foreign students 83 some chances to plant different kinds of herbs 84 (wide) used in Chinese medicine and cooking. By taking care of the plants, foreign students can get first-hand experience of making herbal medicine from start to finish, and spread TCM culture to their o 85 countries.
    The herb planting courses at schools and universities across China get students close to TCM and help pass on the tradition.
    How far is it from your home to the park?
    What activities can you do in the park?
    Is there a restaurant, a library or something else near the park? How is it?
    Something more about the park.
    Come to Happy Park!
    Happy Park is a public park in our hometown. ____________________________________________________

    1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C
    11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B
    21. C 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. A
    26. C 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. B
    31. C 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A
    36. B 37. D 38. C 39. D 40. B
    41. A 42. B 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. C
    51. D5 2. B 53. B 54. A 55. D
    56. C 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. D 61. D 62. C 63. B 64. D 65. B
    66. A 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. A
    71. protect 72. strong 73. hold 74. take off 75. business
    76. opened 77. guided 78. growing 79. attention 80. introduced
    81. cover 82. pride 83. with 84. widely 85. own
    (One Possible Version)
    Come to Happy Park
    Happy Park is a public park in our hometown. It’s very nice. It takes my family 30 minutes to get there by bus. There’re many trees and flowers in it. We can walk and enjoy the natural beauty there. There’s a big lake. We can go boating on it. People can camp or have a picnic by the lake. Also, it’s cool to try paragliding. After that, we can have a meal in the restaurant near the park. It’s a great place for a family to have fun there.

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