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    阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的 ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    On her way to school, Amber Williams found a penny(一分钱) on the ground. “See a penny, pick it up. All day long, you’ll be   1   .” Remembering the song, she quickly picked it up.

    “I’ve never seen you smile so big, Amber.” She   2   and saw Bella, the most popular girl in her class. They’d hardly spoken before, although they lived on the same   3   . “Was it because of the penny?” she thought.

    Over the next few hours, Amber had the best time ever. She got the   4   answer in the math class. She found a five-dollar bill in her backpack. The most   5   moment came as she got a full mark in the history test. Mr. Smith praised her in class and everyone was   6   for her.

    “That’s it. I’ll go nowhere without this penny,” she decided.

    Things kept going   7   until school was over. Amber found the penny gone. She checked her backpack and then all her pockets.   8   was not there. Sitting at her desk, she felt like she was going to   9   .

    A hand suddenly appeared in front of her face. “Are you OK? Do you need some    10    ?”

    Amber recognized that voice. It was Bella. Though a bit shy, she told Bella about    11    the penny changed her life of bad luck. When she finished her    12   , Bella laughed.

    “I don’t think the penny did so much. I talked to you as you always seemed cool.    13    you are always a good student. I’m sure you studied    14    the test last night, didn’t you?”

    It took Amber a minute to    15    Bella. “I think you’re right,” she held her new friend’s hand and smiled. “I’m making my own luck from now on.”

    1Abusy Bfunny Csorry Dlucky

    2Aran away Bfell down Cwalked out Dlooked around

    3Abus Bbeach Cstreet Dbridge

    4Asilly Bshort Cstrange Dright

    5Aexciting Btiring Cinteresting Dboring

    6Adancing Blooking Ccheering Dwaiting

    7Asmoothly Bseriously Cterribly Dconveniently

    8AI BIt CHe DShe

    9Acry Bfly Csing Dleave

    10Awork Bhelp Cpractice Dinformation

    11Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere

    12Atask Bstory Ctrip Dlesson

    13ASo BOr CAnd DBut

    14Ain Bfor Cafter Dwithout

    15Adoubt Bexcuse Crespect Dunderstand




    Pets and Their PeopleBy Jess French

    Do you have a pet? Would you like to get one? This book has everything you need to know about caring for animals.

    ☆It’s full of facts and helpful advice and gives lots of information about some of the most popular pets such as cats, dogs, fish and so on, as well as more unusual ones like snakes and lizards(蜥蜴).

    ☆You’ll find out how to choose the right pet for your family and how to care for them, including feeding and training. You’ll also find out about the origins(起源) of pets, their behaviour and the different ways they communicate.

    As an animal doctor, I love all animals and I’ve had many pets in my life, from dogs to insects. People often ask me how they can best look after their pets. I thought it was time for me to put all my answers down together, so I wrote this book.

    16From the book Pets and Their People, we can learn about ________.

    Aadvice on keeping pets Bthe history of animal hospitals

    Cways of caring for our family Dinformation about animals in danger

    17From the text, we can know that Jess French is ________.

    Aa family doctor Ban animal lover

    Cgood at drawing animals Dready to help her students

    18What is the text?

    AA survey. BA diary. CAn ad. DAn email.


    Kendall Johnson spends a lot of time playing in the dirt(泥土). She has a huge garden that produces over 100 pounds of food each year! But for this seven-year-old kid, gardening isn’t just about fruits and vegetables. It’s about people. “My favourite thing about growing food is doing it with my family and friends,” she says.

    Kendall began gardening at the age of three, when her grandmother gave her some green stems(). “Grandma told me not to throw them away, because if we put them in the ground, they will grow back,” she says. She tried it and was amazed when the stems grew new leaves.

    Soon after, her parents built a small backyard garden. When her friends came over, Kendall enjoyed sharing what she knew. She says, “My friends loved that. And they helped me water and care for the plants.”

    When she was six, she became the youngest certified(有资质的) farmer in Georgia, the USAToday, her garden has grown larger, including sixty plant beds and twelve trees! Kendall says, “When the vegetables and fruits are ready, I pick them. I do a food sale so other kids and families can have some.” People who don’t have enough food are invited to take what they need.

    Kendall wants to inspire other kids too. She speaks at libraries and schools, and hosts a community garden club for kids. “I also invite kids to visit my garden and help with it, so they can see how fun it is,” she says. “Growing food takes a lot of work, but together you can do it.”

    19Kendall might become interested in gardening when ________.

    Ashe found the stems grew well in water Bshe learned green stems could grow back

    Cher parents bought a small backyard garden Dher friends shared what they knew about plants

    20Which is one of the ways Kendall deals with her vegetables and fruits?

    AShe keeps them in the backyard. BShe sells them in large stores.

    CShe puts them away for her family. DShe gives them away to people in need.

    21The underlined word “inspire” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.

    Aprotect Bsatisfy Cencourage Dintroduce

    22Which of the following best describes Kendall according to the passage?

    AShy. BStrict. CHonest. DHelpful.


    What time is it? The answer you give can be different, because you are in different Earth’s time zones(时区). But how could you tell the time if you aren’t anywhere on Earth?

    Scientists are now thinking of creating a lunar(月球的) time zone. They believe it would be better for astronauts to communicate by using Moon Time, as they travel to, from, and across the Moon. At the moment, astronauts are using time zones of their own countries. But there could be safety problems caused by the differences in time-telling.

    ________ Gravity(引力) influences how quickly or slowly time passes. Since gravity is weaker on the Moon, clocks run a bit faster there. After 24 hours, a lunar clock would be 56 microseconds ahead of a clock on Earth. Another point to consider is that a full day on Earth is about 24 hours between two sunsets. While on the Moon, it is nearly 709 hours, about 29.5 Earth days. This means that lunar nights can be around two weeks long, with only the Earth and the stars in the sky. With all this to think about, scientists need to decide whether it would be better to follow a time zone on Earth, or for the Moon to have its own special zone, which would have much longer days.

    Scientists must consider other problems too. For example, who should be responsible for keeping the time zone going? And how can it be made practical for astronauts to use?

    There are more countries planning Moon trips in the future. The idea of creating a time zone on the Moon would make these easier. And if a lunar time zone is set up, scientists could create time zones for other planets like Mars.

    23Scientists think that a lunar time zone can ________.

    Akeep the Moon clean Bkeep astronauts healthy

    Cmake the Moon trips safer Dmake space travel faster

    24Which of the following can be put in the blank ________ in Paragraph 3?

    ASetting up a lunar time zone is not easy.

    BSetting up a special time zone is important.

    CScientists are holding different opinions.

    DScientists need to do a lot of experiments.

    25If the Moon has its own special time zone, a full day of it can be about ________ on Earth.

    A56 microseconds B24 hours Ctwo weeks D29.5 days

    26What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

    ATo give information about space travel. BTo introduce the idea of Moon Time.

    CTo describe an experience of time travel. DTo share news about landing on Mars.


    Roger Federer, a world-famous sports star, quit(放弃) the 2020 Olympic Games to deal with his knee problem. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter. But finding the courage to let go can be good for you.

    Nothing is fun all the time. Sticking at something difficult teaches us important skills like perseverance(毅力). However, learning to let go when things aren’t right is important too. Maybe your heart isn’t in playing the piano any more, or you only play football because your friends do and you want to try a different sport instead. Making the decision to walk away can free up time and energy to spend on something you really enjoy. In fact, studies show that letting go of goals you can’t reach, or don’t really want, can build up your confidence and help you lead a happier and healthier life.

    But how can you know it’s time to stop and move on? Eric Bean is an expert in sports psychology(心理学) who helps athletes and teams understand their feelings. He says, “Quitting is never a matter of black and white.” He suggests thinking carefully about why you aren’t enjoying something any more. Is it because you’ve argued with a teammate or can’t get on with a new art teacher? Talk about this with a trusted adult or friend. That can help you decide whether you should stay and stick, or quit and move on.

    Quitting doesn’t have to mean totally giving up, though. For example, playing an instrument might be more fun if you take away the pressure of exams. If you do decide to give up an activity, Bean suggests picking up another where you can still enjoy things like teamwork, creativity, and exercise.

    27The writer mentions “Roger Federer” in Paragraph 1 to show that ________.

    Awe should never give up Bwe should get away from trouble

    Cit’s all right to stop and quit Dit’s difficult to win Olympic medals

    28According to Paragraph 2, learning to let go is important because we can ________.

    Alearn about perseverance Bhave enough money to spend

    Clive a busier and fuller life Dfeel more confident in ourselves

    29By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3, Eric Bean means that ________.

    Ait’s not good to stick at things we don’t like

    Bwe should think twice before quitting an activity

    Cwe don’t have to take exams to show our true abilities

    Dit’s wiser to pick up a new hobby than to keep the old one

    30Which could be the best title for the passage?

    AKnowing When to Stop BWorking Hard to Move on

    CLearning How to Grow up DStarting Early to Make Changes




    用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次。

    guess       proud      cartoon     against      at least

    31It is our duty to protect the forest ________ fires.

    32Which ________ character do you like better, Superman or Spiderman?

    33She was very ________ to be chosen as a volunteer for the 19th Asian Games.

    34The doctor advised me to take exercise ________ four times a week to keep fit.

    35A clever English learner often ________ the meanings of the new words when he reads.





    No one lives without food. For centuries, people grew their own food and    36    () it themselves. But now most people buy food in shops and    37    (超市). The next time you have dinner, look    38    () at the food on your plate. If you’re dining in summer, it’s possible that some of the food comes from small    39    (私人) farms, but more of it comes from large farms and companies.

    How do you know where your food is from? You can check by    40    (你自己). Most food gives information on its packet. And you may be surprised at what you    41    (收集) because it comes from places around the world. You can enjoy a(n)    42    (柑橘;橙) from South Africa and a tomato from Mexico. You can    43    (甚至) enjoy a pizza from Italy. And you needn’t travel to these places. Instead, the food travels to you.

    Thanks to modern trucks, trains, ships, and    44    (飞机) , the food travels fast. So the food is still    45    (新鲜) and healthy when it reaches your dinner table. Also, new technology helps the food last long while it travels.





    It was the fifth day of our Italian journey. We arrived at our hotel     46     (early) than usual. Dad offered to take us to the ancient city of Pompeii. I didn’t really want to go     47     I had no interest in old cities.

    We travelled there by train. On the way, Dad told us something about     48     history. Many years ago, Pompeii was a large city near a volcano(火山). The volcano broke out and     49     (complete) covered the city in ash(). About twenty thousand people     50     (kill). But the buildings remained there. And now, 2,000 years later, people around the world come here     51     (see) how people lived all those years ago.

    I had thought it was boring to visit the 2,000-year-old     52     (house), but I was wrong. They were very interesting! Most of their rooms     53     (have) fine paintings all over the walls. I was also amazed at the bathrooms. I’d love a big bathroom in our house—     54     (our) is so small!

    Dad usually makes bad plans but this time he gets it right, finally.     55     a surprise! I got really interested in Pompeii. In fact, I’ve got lots of ideas for our house when we get home!




    第一节 阅读以下材料,然后从下面方框中所给的ABCD四个选项中选出符合各部分信息的问句(其中一项为多余选项) ,完成各题。


    How to Make a Difference

    Liam’s Lunches of LoveLiam Hannon was only ten when he started handing out free lunches to people who were hungry. With help from his family and other supporters, he hands out 75 to 100 lunches three times a month. We asked Liam to tell us about it.

    Q:  1  

    A: Four summers ago, I didn’t want to go to camp. Instead, I did an online treasure-hunt program. My first task was to do something to help homeless people, and I got the idea of making them lunch.

    Q: What’s the best part about what you do?

    A: I’d say meeting the people. They’re real people who just need a little kindness in their lives. Some of them have become friends of our family.

    Q:  2  

    A: I want to tell them to do something they enjoy. And get help from friends and family. I invite my friends to help with lunches, and almost every time, they’ve come and given out lunches with me and my dad.

    EDITOR’S(编者) NOTE  3  

    First, think what needs to be improved. By doing this, you may see steps you can take towards that goal.

    Many people don’t give a start because they want to make a HUGE difference. But actions and results don’t have to be huge to be meaningful.

    Take Liam, for example. His goal was not to solve the problem but to help. So he did. For the people who got those lunches, he made things better.

    Share your ideas with a parent. Every helpful act you do, no matter how small, makes the world better!

    AHow can you make the world a better one?

    BWhat do you like doing in your spare time?

    CHow did you get the idea of making free lunches?

    DWhat would you tell other kids who want to make a difference?




    59What can you do to make a difference? Why?






    Project: Exploring the Chinese Culture and Customs

    Research Subject

    the Lantern Festival

    the Dragon Boat Festival

    Methods(How we did it)

    •watch a lantern show


    •visit a local museum


    Information(What we’ve learned)


    •about 2,000 years

    •about 2,000 years


    •the 15th day of the first lunar month

    •the 5th day of the fifth lunar month


    •riddle(谜语) games


    •boat races



    •riddle(谜语) games


    A New Plan(What we’ll do)


    (1) 短文必须包含表中你所选节日的所有信息,并适当发挥。

    (2) 文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。

    (3) 词数:80~100,短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear classmates, I’m very happy to share our research with you. The subject we’ve chosen is___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    That’s all. Thank you!



    1D    2D    3C    4D    5A    6C    7A    8B    9A    10B    11A    12B    13C    14B    15D


    16A    17B    18C


    19B    20D    21C    22D


    23C    24A    25D    26B


    27C    28D    29B    30A


    31against    32cartoon    33proud    34at least    35guesses



    36ate    37supermarkets    38closely    39private/personal    40yourself    41collect    42orange    43even    44planes    45fresh



    46earlier    47because/as    48the    49completely    50were killed    51to see    52houses    53had    54ours    55What


    56C    57D    58A    59We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, because it helps to save energy. /Many children like reading but don’t have enough books, so I will donate some to help them./I want to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up.(答案不唯一)



    60Possible versions:

    Version 1

    Dear classmates, I’m very happy to share our research with you. The subject we’ve chosen is the Lantern Festival. We’ve collected much information about the festival by doing some reading in the library and watching a lantern show.

    The Lantern Festival has a history of about 2,000 years. It’s celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. People get together to enjoy colourful lanterns and play riddle games. Small gifts are usually offered when they get right answers. It’s a tradition to eat tang yuan on this special day.

    As for the next step, we will focus on designing lanterns and making English riddles. This will help us understand the meaning of the festival better.

    That’s all. Thank you!


    Version 2

    Dear classmates, I’m very happy to share our research with you. The subject we’ve chosen is the Dragon Boat Festival. To do the research, we searched for information online and visited a local museum about culture and customs.

    We’ve learned a lot about the festival. With a history of about 2,000 years, the Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the fifth lunar month. People usually celebrate it by watching boat races. Zongzi is the most traditional food that is eaten to honour the great poet Qu Yuan.

    Next, we plan to learn how to make zongzi, and produce an English video to make the festival known by more people around the world.

    That’s all. Thank you!





    2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题(含解析): 这是一份2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题(含解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读理解,词汇运用,语法填空,任务型阅读与表达,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题: 这是一份2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题,文件包含浙江省嘉兴市舟山市中考英语真题原卷版docx、浙江省嘉兴市舟山市中考英语真题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题(含解析): 这是一份2023年浙江省嘉兴市、舟山市中考英语真题(含解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读理解,词汇运用,语法填空,任务型阅读与表达,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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