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    这是一份【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:期末模拟试卷(深圳专用),文件包含期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷深圳专用解析版docx、期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷深圳专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。


    I. 完形填空(10分,2022年深圳中学八下试题)

    阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的ABCD四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Not long ago, the cat Coco and her babies were in the face of food shortage, but now they live a completely different life.

    The six of them were found looking for ___1___ behind a warehouse(仓库).The person who found them immediately contacted Carrie, the founder of Dorset Rescue Kittens. He believed Carrie was more than happy to take care of ___2___. It was clear that those cats were ___3___ because there wasn’t enough food. And some of them had to ___4___ medical treatment because they were ill. Luckily, with time, they began to get better and better and ___5___ some weight.

    At first, Carrie worried the mother cat Coco would have trouble getting used to her new life because she had always lived in the ___6___. However, the worry quickly disappeared because of Coco’s gentle ___7___. “Coco has gradually understood the meaning of a home,” Carrie said, “At first, she would only lie on the ground, never on a bed or a sofa.” She loved ___8___ but she didn’t know how to draw it. Her babies were shy at first, but thanks to their mother, they warmed up to us ___9___.

    Coco and her babies are still waiting for their permanent(永久的) _____10_____, and with their lovely faces and bright personalities, I believe theyll certainly have a place to call their own.

    1. A. sad B. food C. angry D. afraid

    2. A. him B. her C. it D. them

    3. A. clever B. lazy C. fat D. thin

    4. A. receive B. refuse C. spread D. mix

    5. A. put up B. put down C. put on D. put off

    6. A. house B. cave C. wild D. desert

    7. A. nature B. looking C. voice D. touch

    8. A. money B. attention C. picture D. chair

    9. A. in no time B. in no way C. all the time D. all the way

    10. A. bed B. sofa C. warehouse D. home




    第一节阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。


    “Children, tomorrow I shall expect all of you to write compositions,” said a teacher of Love Lane School. “Then, on Friday those who have done the best may stand up and read their compositions to the school.” Some of the children were pleased, and some were not. “What shall we write about?” they asked.

    Some of them thought that “Home” was a good subject. Other liked “School”. One little boy chose “The Horse”. A little girl said she would write about “Summer”. The next day, every pupil except Henry Longfellow had written a composition.

    “Well, then,” said the teacher, “you may take your notebook and go out behind the schoolhouse for half an hour. Think of something to write about, and write the word on your notebook. Then try to tell what it is, what it is like, what it is good for, and what is done with it. That is the way to write a composition.”

    Henry took his notebook and went out. Just behind the schoolhouse was Mr. Finney’s barn. Quite close to the barn was a garden. And in the garden, Henry saw a turnip(萝卜).

    “Well, I know what that is,” he said to himself and he wrote the word turnip on his notebook. Then he tried to tell what it was like, what it was good for, and what was done with it.

    Within half an hour, he had written a very neat composition on his notebook. He then went into the house, and waited while the teacher read it.

    The teacher was surprised and pleased. He said, “Henry Longfellow, you have done very well. Today you may stand up before the school and read what you have written about the turnip.”

    Many years after that, some funny little poems about Mr. Finney’s turnip were printed in a newspaper. Some people said that they were what Henry Longfellow wrote on his notebook that day at school.

    11. Some students were not pleased probably because ________.

    A. the teacher would not read their compositions

    B. they did worse than other students at school

    C. they didn’t know what to write about the composition

    D. they would have no time to enjoy themselves at all

    12. The second paragraph is mainly to tell us that ________.

    A. Henry was a lazy boy B. students wrote compositions on different topics

    C. other students was cleverer than Henry D. Henry would like to stand outside alone

    13. Why did the teacher ask Henry to stand behind the schoolhouse?

    A. To write a composition. B. To punish him seriously.

    C. To have a good time. D. To help Mr. Finney.

    14. Which of the following statements is TRUE of Henry’s composition?

    A. No one likes it. B. Its topic was very strange to people.

    C. Henry wrote it especially for a newspaper. D. It was better than other students’ compositions.

    15. We can learn from Henry’s story that ________.

    A. actions speak louder than words B. good works come from discovery of life

    C. all things are difficult before they are easy D. a friend without mistakes is never found


    Walking around the city, you will see girls wearing hanfu on the underground or people wearing T-shirt with Chinese characters in the streets. A new trend (潮流) is getting popular in China. It’s guochao or China-Chic. Guochao adds traditional Chinese culture into products, and it shows the rise of China’s native fashion.

    Guochao got peoples attention in 2018. Before that, the market was controlled by foreign companies. There were few Chinese brands. To win the market share, many Chinese brands followed the footsteps of these Western brands. In 2018, Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning made changes to the situation. It introduced its Wu Dao collection to the world. The collection not only looked fashionable, but also included elements of traditional Chinese culture. It quickly caught people’s attention at home and abroad. And it created amazing sales.

    Later, many Chinese brands, from food, drinks and clothing to mobile phones and cars, started to add Chinese culture into their products. Even the film and music industries made every effort to create Chinese styles. “We want our products to be the ones that young people would like to share”, they said.

    These brands got what they wanted. Young people gradually converted their attention from Western culture to guochao. They accepted it with pleasure. What’s more, they started to develop interest in traditional Chinese art and literature. Now they wear traditional clothes, practice Chinese calligraphy (书法) and play Chinese musical instruments. Some of them are working together to spread Chinese culture to people around the world.

    At the same time, people of different ages start to choose products “made in China”. According to a survey, 68% Chinese people prefer Chinese brands. Among them, 62% say they are open to international brands, but local brands remain the first choice.

    No matter how guochao develops, there is one thing that wont change—peoples confidence in our countrys development and culture is growing.

    16. In Paragraph 1, the writer introduces guochao by ________.

    A. telling a story B. listing a fact C. asking a question D. making a comparison

    17. What can we learn about Chinese brand Li-Ning from Paragraph 2?

    A. It increased the world market share before 2018.

    B. It always followed the footsteps of foreign brands.

    C. It spent lots of time creating products with Chinese elements.

    D. It started the trend of guochao around the world.

    18. The underlined word converted can be replaced by “________”.

    A. started B. developed C. changed D. improved

    19. Which is the structure of the passage?

    A. --③④⑤- B. -②③-④⑤-   C. -②③④-- D. -②③④-⑤⑥

    20. What’s the best title for the passage?

    A. Guochao, A New Fashion Trend B. Young People’s Special Love

    C. The Advantages of Local Brands D. The Development of Chinese Brands


    At a logistics(物流)company in Shenzhen, Guangdong, robots have replaced workers in sorting(分拣)goods. They work 30 percent faster and make few mistakes. Millions of robots work day and night like this in factories across China.

    In 2022, the number of working industrial(工业的)robots relative to the number of workers reached 322 per 10, 000 workers in China, according to the World Robotics 2022 Report by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). This made China ranked fifth in the world. For the first time, China’s ranking went higher than the United States, which ranked ninth.

    Robot density(密度)shows the automation(自动化)level in the manufacturing(制造)industry, said Marina Bill, president of the IFR. The new average of global robot density in the manufacturing industry is 141 robots per 10, 000 workers.

    Robots are playing an important role in making factories smarter and improving the manufacturing industry, according to Tao Yong, a professor of robotics at Beihang University in Beijing. They can help reduce costs and improve efficiency.

    “Today’s factories, with the help of robots, are more like clever engineers with quick eyes and hands, “ Wu Zhijie, who works for the engineering equipment company Sany, told Xinhua.

    The progress of the robotics sector(产业)mirrors the fast growth of the industrial internet in China. The country has more than 3 100 5G+ industrial internet projects and over platforms with strong influence, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The industrial internet covers 45 key sectors, including manufacturing, energy and electricity. Its added value reached 4.13 trillion yuan in 2021.

    21. What do we know about the logistics company in Shenzhen?

    A. Workers made many mistakes when sorting goods.

    B. 30 percent of its sorting work is done by robots.

    C. Its robots are working day and night to sort goods.

    D. All of its workers have been replaced by robots.

    22. According to the IFR’s World Robotics 2022 Report, how many working robots are there in China when there are 100 human workers?

    A. About 3. B. 5. C. 32. D. 322.

    23. What can robots help factories do according to the passage?

    a. Make engineers smarter.    b. Reduce costs.

    c. Improve efficiency.            d. Teach workers new skills.

    A. ab B. bc C. ac D. bd

    24. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “mirrors”?

    A. pushes. B. takes. C. looks. D. shows.

    25. What is the last two paragraphs mainly about?

    A. How many industrial internet projects there are in China.

    B. The development of the industrial internet in China.

    C. What helps China’s industrial internet develop.

    D. The reasons for developing industrial internet projects.

    第二节  短文填空(5小题,每小题1)


    If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. ___26___ Here are a few examples for you to practice. Say them out loud and with feeling!

    Begin and end each day with a “Thank you for this wonderful day!”

    When you see the gas prices hiking, say “___27___

    When you are late for work, say “I am so happy and grateful for my job as I know that many don’t have one.”

    ___28___ “I really do appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks.” The possibilities here are endless: be thankful for what does work for you and feel good about it!

    Write down what you’re grateful for each day. In moments when you’re feeling really down, read what you wrote before. ___29___ If you keep doing this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer.

    The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of peace. ___30___

    A. This will help uplift your spirits.

    B. The more you practice, the happier you’ll be.

    C. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work.

    D. I am so glad that I am blessed to have a car in which to get around.

    E. No matter what you have experienced, just enjoy your life every day.

    F. But we can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.

    第三节  信息匹配(5分)


    ___31___Mabel is the only child family and she sometimes feels lonely. Her parents are considering finding a furry(毛茸茸的) friend for her.

    ___32___Steve is a middle school student who loves reading. He has many books, but some of them are not suitable for his age, like some story books.

    ___33___Helen cares about the Earth very much. She hopes that the world will become greener.

    ___34___Susan is good at communicating with others. She is always happy to share funny stories with people and make them laugh.

    ___35___Bill is an 18-year-old American boy. He loves to meet new people and has a great interest in the culture of another country.

    A. In our food bank, you can do things like preparing meals and working behind scenes to repack donated food. In fact, we can’t complete our task of feeding the hungry people without you.

    B. Trees Atlanta wants volunteers to plant and protect trees. If you join the group, you can also organize tours and other special events to raise public awareness of environmental protection.

    C. If you are an animal lover, this is right for you! We have a lot of homeless animals and they need your help. By adopting(收养) one of them, you spare it from suffering and save its life.

    D. If you are interested in foreign cultures, why not invited a high school student from another country to stay at your home for a year? In this way, you can learn much from him and make your life colorful.

    E. Every child has the right to read books. The kids are no exception. In order to help those of primary age to get better education, we are collecting gently used books to build a library for them.

    F. We need people to talk with the patients in our hospital. Some of them are suffering from serious illness and don’t have friends or family to visit them. Come and make their faces light up with your lovely voice and kind hearts.


    第二部分非选择题 25 分)



    Do you know embroidery (刺绣)? It is one of the most famous art forms in Chinese culture And Shu embroidery from Sichuan is one important embroidery style. Its widely known ____36____ its powerful expression and great needlework (刺绣活).

    Meng Dezhi ____37____ (attract) by embroidery when she was young. She used to be one of the most talented ____38____ (worker) at the Chengdu Shu Embroidery Factory. Shu embroidery can never be made ____39____ (easy). Even for an experienced worker like Meng, the long and repetitive (重复的) nature of the process often challenges ____40____ (she).

    In winter, when her hands and feet were freezing, things became even ____41____ (hard). But the love for the work let her keep ____42____ (go). “Those experiences may sometimes make me upset. However, the love for Shu embroidery makes me continue,” said Meng.

    Later, some cheap products could be made by machine. The factory Meng worked in was closed ____43____ its business became bad. When the tradition was at risk, Meng decided to do something. To make the culture of Shu embroidery popular again, Meng set up ____44____ company to teach people Shu embroidery skills. People in China and abroad come to her company to learn how to do Shu embroidery. “I have the ______45______ (responsible) to pass on Shu embroidery skills to young people. When people get the beauty of the art, they will fall in love with it,” said Meng.


    假如你在上周和去儿童医院参加了一次志愿活动。 请根据下面的内容提示,用英语写简短文,并向学校英文报投稿。


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    Last weekend, I went to visit the children at the Children’s Hospital...________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:期末模拟试卷(广州专用): 这是一份【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:期末模拟试卷(广州专用),文件包含期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷广州专用解析版docx、期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷广州专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:期末模拟试卷: 这是一份【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:期末模拟试卷,文件包含期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷解析版docx、期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期期末模拟试卷原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:专题04- 副词,原因状语从句,过去进行时(精讲练习)(原卷+解析): 这是一份【期末考点精讲】(牛津版)2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期:专题04- 副词,原因状语从句,过去进行时(精讲练习)(原卷+解析),文件包含期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期专题04-副词原因状语从句过去进行时精讲精练解析版docx、期末考点精讲牛津深圳版2022-2023学年八年级英语下学期专题04-副词原因状语从句过去进行时精讲精练原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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