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    时间:150分钟 分值:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Who is Mike?
    A. The woman’s husband. B. The woman’s son. C. The woman’s father.
    2. When was the Olympics held in 1964?
    A. In August. B. In September. C. In October
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library. B. In a bookshop. C. In a classroom.
    4. What does Mary probably do?
    A. She is a firefighter. B. She is a journalist. C. She is an animal trainer.
    5. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Aunt and nephew. C. Brother and sister.
    6. Who does the woman want to buy as of for?
    A. Her sister. B. Her friend C. Herself.
    7. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a grocery store. B. In a bedding shop. C. In a supermarket.
    3. What is the medicine for?
    A The fever. B. The nose. C. The throat.
    9. How many pills does the woman need to take a day?
    A. One. B. Two. C. Seven.
    10. What did the speakers wait for just now?
    A. A taxi. B. A Mobike. C. A bus.
    11. What does the woman say about the bike sharing?
    A. It is convenient. B. It helps save money. C. It can reduce air pollution.
    12. Where are the speakers going?
    A. The supermarket. B. Their home. C. Their school.
    13. What does the man dislike about the yellow dress?
    A. The size. B. The material. C. The color.
    14. Which dress will the woman buy?
    A. The blue one. B. The purple one. C. The grey one.
    15. What does the man decide to buy?
    A. A shirt B. A jacket. C. A pair of trousers.
    16. What do we know about the speakers?
    A. They are a couple.
    B. They work in the same place.
    C. They always have different tastes in clothes.
    17. What did the speaker think of the play at last?
    A. Enjoyable. B. Frightening. C. Sad.
    18. Which part of the play did the speaker like most?
    A. The actors. B. The music. C. The dancing.
    19. What can we learn about the City Theater?
    A. It is the same size as the local cinema.
    B. It can house about 1,000 people.
    C. It has a really big stage.
    20. How much did the speaker pay for her ticket?
    A. $14. B. $35. C. $50.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Mothers are often struggling to meet their kids’ daily needs and to keep up with their own work. Here we’ve chosen the best self-care gifs to help moms relax and stop their busy life for a while.
    Summer Vista Yoga Mat
    The head-clearing benefits of yoga can be strengthened with the use of a beautiful mat. This lovely yoga mat is characterized of an image of a mountain sunset, putting moms in harmony with nature from the comfort of the living room. The experience can enable moms to be energetic and feel peaceful.
    Bose Quiet Comfort Earbuds
    A pair of noise-canceling earbuds is a gift that every mother can make use of. Unlike large headphones, these small buds are easy to carry. They can be used both outdoors and indoors, including the bathroom.
    Brother Vellies Cloud Socks
    These socks will have your mom feeling as if she’s walking on cloud all day long. Made of cotton, the Cloud Socks come in a variety of colors, like pink, blue, yellow, and more. If you buy her the purple pair, you can provide money for the company’s food donation program in Kenya.
    Theragun Prime Massage (按摩) Gun
    With rapid taps on different pats of the body, the Theragun improves blood flow and reduces pain. And unlike other old ones, the Prime model does so without any loud noise, which is perfect for moms looking for relaxation and quiet.
    1. What is special about Summer Vista Yoga Mat?
    A. It is made from some natural materials. B. It can be used even in the bathroom.
    C. It is convenient to be taken outside. D. It has an image of natural views.
    2. Which of the following would you choose if you want to do something for charity?
    A. Summer Vista Yoga Mat. B. Bose Quiet Comfort Earbuds.
    C. Brother Vellies Cloud Socks. D. Theragun Prime Massage Gun.
    3. Which aspect is improved about Theragun Prime Massage Gun?
    A. Its noise is properly lowered. B. The price is more affordable.
    C. The use of electricity is reduced. D. Its strength is greatly increased.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Summer Vista Yoga Mat部分的“This lovely yoga mat is characterized of an image of a mountain sunset, putting moms in harmony with nature from the comfort of the living room.(这款可爱的瑜伽垫的特点是山间日落的图像,让妈妈们在舒适的客厅里与自然和谐相处。)”可知,Summer Vista瑜伽垫的特别之处是它有一个自然景观的图像。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Brother Vellies Cloud Socks部分的“If you buy her the purple pair, you can provide money for the company’s food donation program in Kenya.(如果你给她买一双紫色的,你可以为公司在肯尼亚的食品捐赠项目提供资金。)”可知,如果你想为慈善事业做点什么,你就选择Brother Vellies Cloud Socks,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Theragun Prime Massage (按摩) Gun部分的“And unlike other old ones, the Prime model does so without any loud noise, which is perfect for moms looking for relaxation and quiet.(与其他老款按摩枪不同的是,Prime不会发出任何噪音,非常适合想要放松和安静的妈妈们。)”可知,Theragun Prime按摩枪的改进之处是它的噪音被适当地降低了。故选A。
    China is one of the largest producers and consumers of watermelon in the word. And Wu Mingzhu, a schoolmate of Yuan Longping at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing in the late1940s, is the unsung hero who has helped make this possible.
    “Is no exaggeration (夸张) to say that about 80 percent of more than 2,000 of China’s new seed types of watermelons and sweet melons at people’s dining tables every day are the result of great efforts made by Wu and her team over more than 60 years,” said a colleague of Wu’s.
    In 1955, Wu voluntarily went to work in Shanshan County, Turpan Basin in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region where working condition were hard. In 1958, Wu began to promote the modern technology of planting melons among farmers. However, the local farmers who were used to folk panting methods, didn’t seem to take kindly to that. With the help of a famous local melon expert, Wu opened up three acres of wasteland to plant melon according to scientific knowledge. When autumn arrived, local farmers found the melons Wu planted in a scientific way were particularly delicious. From then on, the farmers began to adopt Wu’s scientific growing methods.
    Wu’s efforts to grow quality melons began paying off in 1973 when she went to the off-season breeding base in Hainan. She wanted to develop Hainan as a pilot area so that the south area of China could also grow melons, and realize the dream of three-matured or even four matured melons. After numerous difficulties, finally in the 80s, the melon variety selected by Wu succeeded. Wu said, “In Xinjiang, there are thousands of science and technology workers like me. They have worked hard for decades on the front ne of agriculture. I’m just one of the ordinary ones.”
    Now dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, Wu is often unable to recognize her former colleagues or even her family members who live by her side. But having worked day and night to breed new seed types since the 1950s, she can still remember her melon work.
    4. What does Wu’s colleague want to say according to Paragraph 2?
    A. People make profits from planting watermelons.
    B. Wu has made great contributions to planting watermelons.
    C. China is the largest consumer of watermelon in the world.
    D Wu is delighted to see melons at people’s dining tables.
    5. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
    A. Local farmers trusted Wu at first. B. Wu failed to spread her technology.
    C. Wu’s technology worked in Turpan Basin. D. A local expert improved Wu’s methods.
    6. Why did Wu choose Hainan as a breeding base?
    A. To attract more watermelon consumers.
    B. To earn more money by selling more melons.
    C. To guide the local farmers to grow watermelons.
    D. To improve the speed and efficiency of breeding.
    7. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. A devoted watermelon scientist. B. Wu Mingzhu’s lifestyle.
    C. Wu Mingzhu’s new discovery. D. The modem technology of melon growing.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段““Is no exaggeration (夸张) to say that about 80 percent of more than 2,000 of China’s new seed types of watermelons and sweet melons at people’s dining tables every day are the result of great efforts made by Wu and her team over more than 60 years,” said a colleague of Wu’s.”(吴女士的一位同事说:“可以毫不夸张地说,中国每天餐桌上2000多种新种子类型的西瓜和甜瓜中,约80%是吴女士和她的团队60多年来努力的结果。”。)可知,吴女士在种植西瓜上做出了巨大的贡献。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“When autumn arrived, local farmers found the melons Wu planted in a scientific way were particularly delicious. From then on, the farmers began to adopt Wu’s scientific growing methods.”(当秋天到来时,当地农民发现吴以科学的方式种植的甜瓜特别美味。从那时起,农民们开始采用吴的科学种植方法。)可知,吴的技术在吐鲁番起了作用。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Wu’s efforts to grow quality melons began paying off in 1973 when she went to the off-season breeding base in Hainan. She wanted to develop Hainan as a pilot area so that the south area of China could also grow melons, and realize the dream of three-matured or even four matured melons. ”(1973年,吴女士来到海南的淡季养殖基地,种植优质甜瓜的努力开始取得成效。她想把海南发展成一个试点地区,让中国南方地区也能种植甜瓜,实现三成熟甚至四成熟甜瓜的梦想。)可知,吴选择海南作为培训基地是为了提高育种速度和效率。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“China is one of the largest producers and consumers of watermelon in the word. And Wu Mingzhu, a schoolmate of Yuan Longping at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing in the late1940s, is the unsung hero who has helped make this possible.”(中国是世界上最大的西瓜生产国和消费国之一。20世纪40年代末,袁隆平在重庆西南农学院的同学吴明珠是帮助实现这一目标的无名英雄。)可知,本文主要是介绍一位致力于西瓜研究的科学家。故选A项。
    The Netherlands on Monday introduced its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country.

    Developed for the government by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), the intelligent bicycle, runs on electricity.A commercial-available bicycle is expected to be on the market in the next two years and should sell for between 1, 700 to 3, 200 euros per bicycle.
    The devices on the bike are linked through an onboard computer with a vibrating (震动的) warning system fitted in the bicycle's saddle and handlebars to warn cyclists of the coming danger.
    The saddle vibrates when other cyclists approach from behind, while, the handlebars do the same when barriers appear ahead.
    “Accidents often happen when cyclists look behind them or get a fright when they are passed at high speed,” said Maurice Kwakkernaat, one of TNO's research scientists involved in the project. “The onboard system technology has already been at work in the car industry,” he said.
    “More and more elderly people are using a bicycle, not only for short distances, but also for longer distances, ”Dutch Environment and Infrastructure Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen told AFP. “This type of bicycle is truly needed in the Netherlands because it will help us bring down the number of elderly people who are injured every year and allow them to continue to enjoy cycling, ”she said.
    In the Netherlands, bicycles outnumber the population of 17 million by at least one million and there are some 25,000 km of bicycle path in the country. Those statistics are set to grow as more and more people take to two-wheeled transport, leading to an increased risk of injury.
    Last year, 184 cyclists died in the country, of which 124, or 67%, were older than 65, according to the Central Statistics Office. The year before, 200 cyclists died, the majority of victims also being elderly.
    The current model weighs 25 kilograms but researchers are working on making the onboard systems smaller.
    8. The intelligent bicycle is aimed to ________.
    A. protect the environment
    B. help reduce traffic pressure
    C. popularize the use of bicycles
    D. improve safety for elderly cyclists
    9. Which part of the intelligent bicycle will vibrate when another cyclist was suddenly found ahead ?
    A. The handlebars.
    B. The wheels.
    C. The saddle.
    D. The onboard computer.
    10. We can learn from the passage that ________.
    A. the elderly ride bicycles wherever they go
    B. the accident rate among elderly cyclists is high
    C. the number of elderly cyclists is decreasing
    D. the elderly are planning to give up cycling
    11. Which is the best title for the passage?
    A. A Test Bicycle
    B. Elderly Cyclists
    C. A Smart Bicycle
    D. A Bicycle-mad Country
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了 一种新型的、灵巧的 自行车。
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The Netherlands on Monday introduced its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country.(周一,荷兰推出了其首款智能自行车,配备了电子设备,以帮助降低这个热爱自行车的国家的老年自行车手的高事故率。)”可知,这种自行车是为了提高年龄较大的骑行者骑车的安全性。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“The saddle vibrates when other cyclists approach from behind, while, the handlebars do the same when barriers appear ahead.(当其他骑自行车的人从后面靠近时,车座会振动,而当前方出现障碍物时,车把也会振动。)”可知,当另一个骑自行车的人突然出现在前面时,智能自行车的车把会震动。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的“Last year, 184 cyclists died in the country, of which 124, or 67%, were older than 65, according to the Central Statistics Office. The year before, 200 cyclists died, the majority of victims also being elderly.(据中央统计局的数据,去年,中国有184名骑自行车者死亡,其中124人,即67%,年龄超过65岁。前年,有200名骑自行车的人死亡,其中大多数受害者也是老年人.)”可知,根据所给出的各种数据,老年骑自行车者的事故率很高,故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“The Netherlands on Monday introduced its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country.(周一,荷兰推出了其首款智能自行车,配备了电子设备,以帮助降低这个热爱自行车的国家的老年自行车手的高事故率。)”以及纵观全文可知,,文章主要讲述的是新型的Smart Bicycle的一些特有的功能,故可知文章的题目应选C“一款只能自行车”。故选C。
    A recent report revealed that, in the US alone, 27 million tons of plastic ended up in landfills in 2018, but only 3.1 millon tons were recycled. Wordwide the numbers are similarly bad, with just 9% of plastic being recycled. The statistics are even worse for certain types of plastic. For example, out of 80,000 tons of polystyrene (聚苯乙烯) containers generated in the United States, only a small amount (less than 5,000 tons) was recycled.
    Now, researchers at The University of Queensland and have found a species of wom with an appetite for polystyrene could be the key to plastic recycling on a mass scale. The superworm can eat through polystyrene, thanks to a bacterial enzyme (酶) in their gut. To study how superworms react to purely plastic food, researchers broke up l35 of the creatures into three teams: one was fed only wheat bran(麸皮), another was fed only plastics, and the third was given nothing.
    “We found the bran-fed worms have been significantly healthier than the plastic-fed or starved worms, more than doubling their weight over the three weeks they have been monitored. Though the plastic-fed worms made less impressive gains, they still put on more weight than the starved worms,” Dr. Rinke said. “This suggests the worms can get energy from plastics, most likely with the help of their gut microbes.”
    Researchers used a technique called me a genomics to find several encoded enzymes with the ability to degrade polystyrene. The long-term goal is to engineer enzymes to degrade plastic waste in recycling plants.
    “Super worms are like mini recycling plants, eating the polystyrene and then feeding it to the bacteria in their gut” Dr. Rinke said. It’s hoped this bio-up cycling will promote plastic waste recycling and reduce landfills. Researchers said they aim to grow the gut bacteria in the lab and further test its ability to degrade polystyrene. Then they can look into how to upscale this process to a level required for an entire recycling plant
    12. What problem do the statistics in paragraph 1 indicate?
    A. Landfills are poorly managed.
    B. It takes a long time for plastic waste to break up.
    C. Many plastic containers are of poor quality.
    D. Plastics are recycle data very low rate.
    13. How do researchers conduct the study on super worms?
    A. By collecting data. B. By introducing a concept.
    C. By making a comparison. D. By refering to a previous study.
    14. What does the underlined word “degrade” in the fourth pargraph most probably mean?
    A. consume B. breakdown C. throwaway D. regulate
    15. What do researchers plan to do?
    A. Conduct experiments on other worm species.
    B. Improve gut bacteria’s ability to degrade plastics.
    C. Apply the bio-up cycling technology to recycling plants.
    D. Raise super worms on a mass scale to solve plastic pollution.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“A recent report revealed that, in the US alone, 27 million tons of plastic ended up in landfills in 2018, but only 3.1 millon tons were recycled. Wordwide the numbers are similarly bad, with just 9% of plastic being recycled. The statistics are even worse for certain types of plastic. For example, out of 80,000 tons of polystyrene (聚苯乙烯) containers generated in the United States, only a small amount (less than 5,000 tons) was recycled. (最近的一份报告显示,仅在美国,2018年就有2700万吨塑料最终进入垃圾填埋场,但只有3.1百万吨被回收。在全球范围内,这些数字同样糟糕,只有9%的塑料被回收利用。对于某些类型的塑料,统计数据甚至更糟。例如,在美国生产的8万吨聚苯乙烯容器中,只有少量(少于5,000吨)被回收。)”可知,第一段中列出的数据是为了说明塑料回收率很低。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“To study how superworms react to purely plastic food, researchers broke up l35 of the creatures into three teams: one was fed only wheat bran(麸皮), another was fed only plastics, and the third was given nothing. (为了研究超级蠕虫对纯塑料食物的反应,研究人员将l35生物分成三组:一组只喂麦麸皮,另一组只喂塑料,第三组什么也不喂。)”可知,研究人员通过分组对比进行研究超级蠕虫。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段中“Researchers used a technique called me a genomics to find several encoded enzymes with the ability to degrade polystyrene. The long-term goal is to engineer enzymes to degrade plastic waste in recycling plants. (研究人员使用一种名为“基因组学”的技术来寻找几种能够……聚苯乙烯的编码酶。长期目标是设计酶来……回收厂中的塑料废物。)”研究人员利用基因组学来设计一种酶降解塑料废物。可推测划线单词的意思为“降解,分解”,故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“ It’s hoped this bio-up cycling will promote plastic waste recycling and reduce landfills. (希望这种生物循环将促进塑料废物回收并减少垃圾填埋场。)”及“Then they can look into how to upscale this process to a level required for an entire recycling plant.( 然后,他们可以研究如何将此过程升级到整个回收工厂所需的水平)”可知研究着们打算将生物循环技术应用于回收工厂,故选C项。
    There are few natural sounds more uplifting to my spirit than the bright and cheering calls and songs of black-capped chickadees (山雀). One of my morning routines is to step outside the house and listen for the voices of black-caps.
    There is something comforting to me in black-caps’ presence. ____16____ Sometimes they are the only birds I’ll hear on my local woodland walks and for me the forest would be a lonelier place without them.
    After I’d moved into a house on Anchorage’s Hillside, I placed a makeshift feeder on my home’s back. ____17____ For each, the routine was similar: dashed in, looked around, pecked (啄) at the tray, looked around again, and dashed out. Nervous little creatures, full of bright energy, they soon had me laughing at their funny way, By the time they moved on, I sensed an all-too-rare upwelling of fascination and joy.
    Within days, a whole new world opened up as woodland neighbors I’d never known, or even imagined, joined the black-caps at my feeders: red-breasted nuthatches, common redpolls…What was remarkable was that all of those species were common residents of the Anchorage area. ____18____
    My newfound interest in birds grew quickly, surprising even me. ____19____ I visited bookstores in search of birding guidebooks. Excitedly exchanged bird descriptions with a stranger. Purchased 50-pound bags of sunflower seeds. All of this seemed very strange to a middle-aged guy who’d never been attracted by birds. Even more, I had previously judged bird watchers to be rather dull sorts.
    ____20____ They’ve reminded me how my world can expand and become enriched when I make the effort to pay attention. What else awaits me in our world, I wonder, that I haven’t yet discovered or noticed?
    A. Nature always amazed me in its own way.
    B. Yet in prior days and years, I had no idea.
    C. Black-caps are a sign of good environment.
    D. Within a day, black-caps accepted my invitation to dine.
    E. Black-caps have had a special place at the top of my affections.
    F. What started as mere curiosity flowered into a consuming passion.
    G. And much more often than not, they are heard before they’re seen.
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. B 19. F 20. E
    由空后的“Sometimes they are the only birds I’ll hear on my local woodland walks and for me the forest would be a lonelier place without them.(有时,它们是我在当地森林散步时唯一能听到的鸟类,对我来说,没有它们,森林将是一个更加孤独的地方)”可知,它们的声音很容易被听到,G选项“And much more often than not, they are heard before they’re seen.(通常情况下,它们在被看到之前就被听到了)”说明了鸟的叫声很明显,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选G。
    空前说“After I’d moved into a house on Anchorage’s Hillside, I placed a makeshift feeder on my home’s back.(在我搬进安克雷奇山坡上的一所房子后,我在家里的后面放了一个临时的喂食器)”,空格处应该说这些鸟就可以来吃东西了,D选项“Within a day, black-caps accepted my invitation to dine.(不到一天,黑帽山雀就接受了我的晚餐邀请)”说明了作者给鸟喂食,承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    空前说“Within days, a whole new world opened up as woodland neighbors I’d never known, or even imagined, joined the black-caps at my feeders: red-breasted nuthatches, common redpolls…What was remarkable was that all of those species were common residents of the Anchorage area.(几天之内,一个全新的世界展现在我面前,我从未认识,或者想象到的森林邻居加入了我饲养的黑帽山雀:红胸金盏花,普通红尾莺……值得注意的是,所有这些物种都是安克雷奇地区的普通居民)”,空格处应该说作者以前是不知道有这些鸟的,B选项“Yet in prior days and years, I had no idea.(然而在过去的几年里,我对此一无所知)”承接上文,符合语境,故选B。
    空前说“My newfound interest in birds grew quickly, surprising even me.(我对鸟类新发现的兴趣迅速增长,连我自己都感到惊讶)”,空后说“I visited bookstores in search of birding guidebooks. Excitedly exchanged bird descriptions with a stranger.(我去书店寻找观鸟指南。兴奋地和一个陌生人交换鸟类的描述)”,因此空格处应该说作者对鸟的爱好日益增长,F选项“What started as mere curiosity flowered into a consuming passion.(最初仅仅是好奇,后来发展成强烈的爱好)”说明了作者的爱好的增加,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
    空后说“They’ve reminded me how my world can expand and become enriched when I make the effort to pay attention.(它们提醒我,当我努力集中注意力时,我的世界可以扩大并变得丰富)”,空格处应该说黑帽山雀对作者的重要性,E选项“Black-caps have had a special place at the top of my affections.(黑帽山雀占据着我的感情之巅的特殊地位)”说明了黑帽山雀的重要性,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Danielle Boyer knew she was interested in robotics from a young age. But with ____21____ learning resources, which many Native American students face, Boyer, said she had to take ____22____ to work out the ____23____ problem.
    She ____24____ herself through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining maker kits on Amazon, and then ____25____ everything related.
    Now, as the founder of the nonprofit The STEAM Connection, Boyer, 22, is ____26____to promote technical and cultural educational opportunities among Native American ____27____ like herself.
    “I ____28____ equipping students with 21st century skills to be able to create solutions for our communities,” said Boyer, who has dropped out of college to ____29____ the nonprofit full-time.
    Tech opportunities are not _____30_____ for many Native American students, who often live on reservations in _____31_____ areas with limited Internet access and face _____32_____ trouble to education and technology, Boyer said. For example, one educational robot that was required for her sister’s participation in a competition was $500.
    After she _____33_____ the organization the next thing Boyer did was to _____34_____ Every Kid Gets a Robot, an educational robotics kit with materials for students to fix, wire, and program their own robot cars that they can drive around with their phones. To date, she has _____35_____ more than 8,000 kits to native schools, free of cost.
    21. A. limited B. enough C. modern D. traditional
    22. A. breaks B. steps C. photos D. drugs
    23. A. international B. boring C. permanent D. severe
    24. A. tested B. persuaded C. taught D. comforted
    25. A. choosing B. listing C. purchasing D. mastering
    26. A. determined B. occupied C. required D. disappointed
    27. A. human B. ladies C. youth D. geniuses
    28. A. turn down B. believe in C. escape from D. complain about
    29. A. run B. find C. sell D. enlarge
    30. A. funny B. appealing C. precious D. accessible
    31. A. busy B. urban C. rural D. developed
    32. A. financial B. physical C. deep D. psychological
    33. A. refused B. controlled C. founded D. discovered
    34. A. show B. invent C. seize D. adopt
    35. A. designed B. collected C. bought D. sent
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但由于许多印第安学生面临的学习资源有限,Boyer说她不得不采取措施解决这个严重的问题。A. limited有限的;B. enough足够的;C. modern现代的;D. traditional传统的。根据下文“through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining maker kits on Amazon”可知,Boyer虽然对机器人感兴趣,但是需要通过很多零散的手段来学习,说明教育资源很有限。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但由于许多印第安学生面临的学习资源有限,Boyer说她不得不采取措施解决这个严重的问题。A. breaks休息;B. steps措施;C. photos照片;D. drugs药物。根据下文“through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining maker kits on Amazon”可知,Boyer自己找方法,采取了措施解决问题。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但由于许多印第安学生面临的学习资源有限,Boyer说她不得不采取措施解决这个严重的问题。A. international国际的;B. boring无聊的;C. permanent永恒的;D. severe严重的。根据上下文可知,Boyer想学机器人,但是面临很多困难,所以这个问题是严重的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过观看YouTube视频、阅读旧的电气工程书籍、在亚马逊上研究制造商工具包来自学,她掌握了所有相关的东西。A. tested检测;B. persuaded说服;C. taught教授;D. comforted安慰。根据上文“work out”和空后“herself through watching YouTube videos…”可推知,Boyer通过各种手段自学机器人。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过观看YouTube视频、阅读旧的电气工程书籍、在亚马逊上研究制造商工具包来自学,她掌握了所有相关的东西。A. choosing选择;B. listing罗列;C. purchasing购买;D. mastering掌握。根据空前“through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining maker kits on Amazon”可推知,Boyer通过各种途径进行学习,应该是掌握了机器人相关的知识。故选D。
    考查形容词义辨析。句意:现在,作为非盈利组织the STEAM Connection的创始人,22岁的Boyer决心在像她一样的美国原住民青年中推广技术和文化教育机会。A. determined决心的;B. occupied忙于……的;C. required规定的;D. disappointed不高兴的。根据空前“the founder of the nonprofit The STEAM Connection”和空后“to promote…”可知,作为非盈利组织的创始人,Boyer应该有个美好的愿景,会有决心通过这个组织完成某项事业。be determined to do sth.是固定短语,意为“决心做……”。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,作为非盈利组织the STEAM Connection的创始人,22岁的Boyer决心在像她一样的美国原住民青年中推广技术和文化教育机会。A. human人;B. ladies女士;C. youth年轻人;D. geniuses天才。根据上文“many Native American students”可知,Boyer的组织主要帮助的对象是和她一样想学习机器人的原住民学生,都是年轻人。故选C。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我相信让学生掌握21世纪的技能,能够为我们的社区创造解决方案。A. turn down拒绝;B. believe in相信;C. escape from逃离;D. complain about抱怨。根据空后“to be able to create solutions for our communities”可推知,Boyer应该是坚信组织所做的事情,相信让这些学生掌握新技能可以解决原住民社区中的问题。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Boyer从大学辍学,全职经营这家非盈利机构。A. run经营;B. find找到;C. sell购买;D. enlarge扩大。根据空前“dropped out of college”可知,Boyer从大学辍学了,应该是为了有更充足的时间全力经营组织。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Boyer说,许多美国原住民学生无法获得技术机会,他们通常住在互联网接入有限的乡村保留地,在教育技术方面面临经济困难。A. funny有趣的;B. appealing有吸引力的;C. precious珍贵的;D. accessible可得到的。根据下文“with limited Internet access and face ____12____ trouble to education and technology”可知,许多原住民,面临教育和技术的问题,所以应该是没法得到了解或学习科技的机会。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Boyer说,许多美国原住民学生无法获得技术机会,他们通常住在互联网接入有限的乡村保留地,在教育技术方面面临经济困难。A. busy忙碌的;B. urban城市的;C. rural乡村的;D. developed发达的。根据空后“areas with limited Internet access”和常识可知,原住民通常会住在比较偏远的、不发达的乡村地区。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Boyer说,许多美国原住民学生无法获得技术机会,他们通常住在互联网接入有限的乡村保留地,在教育技术方面面临经济困难。A. financial财政的;B. physical身体的;C. deep深深的;D. psychological心理的。根据下文“one educational robot that was required for her sister’s participation in a competition was $500”可知,儿童教育机器人的价格很昂贵,所以应该是面临教育和技术上的财政困难。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她成立了这个组织之后,Boyer做的下一件事是发明了“每个孩子都有一个机器人”,这是一个教育机器人工具包,里面有学生修理、布线和编程的材料,他们可以用手机开着自己的机器人汽车到处跑。A. refused拒绝;B. controlled控制;C. founded创办;D. discovered发现。根据上文“as the founder of the nonprofit The STEAM Connection”可知,这里表示Boyer创办了组织。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她成立了这个组织之后,Boyer做的下一件事是发明了“每个孩子都有一个机器人”,这是一个教育机器人工具包,里面有学生修理、布线和编程的材料,他们可以用手机开着自己的机器人汽车到处跑。A. show展示;B. invent发明;C. seize抓住;D. adopt采取。根据下文“an educational robotics kit with materials for students”可知,“每个孩子都有一个机器人”是一套工具包,所以应该是Boyer发明出来的。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,她已经向原住民学校免费送去了8000多个工具包。A. designed设计;B. collected收集;C. bought购买;D. sent发送。根据下文“free of cost”和该组织的愿景可知,Boyer应该是给原住民学校免费送这些工具包,帮助学生拥有更好的资源。故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Yun gang Grottoes(石窟) in Datong, Shanxi Province area word cultural heritage site with a history ____36____goes back more than 1,500 years. In Yun gang’s 45 big grottoes and more than 200 small grottoes, ____37____(rough) 59,000 figures of the Buddha area priceless treasure of human culture.
    But because of the effects of climate change and natural disasters, ____38____grottoes face damage year after year. Thanks to ____39____(advance) digital technology, researchers are busy “duplicating” the Yungang Grottoes in an attempt ____40____(preserve) the precious cultural relics.____41____(employ) 3D laser scanning technology, the researchers digitally records he shapes, colors and other fine details of the grottoes and later reproduce them by using 3D printing technology.
    The new technology could ____42____(able) more people to have access to the cultural relics despite the distance. In June, 2020, the Zhejiang University Cultural Relics Research Institute and Yungang Grottoes Research Institute together copied and pasted Cave No.12 of the Yungang Grottoes for the ____43____ (exhibit) in Hangzhou. There, people could see the world’s first 3D-printed 1:1 copy of a grotto.
    The Yungang researchers’ attempt is a good example of technology helping to preserve cultural heritage. It is hoped that the new digitized technologies ____44____(facilitate) the “rebirth” of the cultural relics, and bring them ____45____more places worldwide.
    【答案】36. thatwhich
    37. roughly
    38. the 39. advanced
    40. to preserve
    41. Employing
    42. enable 43. exhibition
    44. will facilitate
    45. to
    考查形容词。句意:多亏先进的数字技术,研究人员正忙着“复制”云冈石窟,试图保护这一珍贵的文物。根据后文名词短语digital technology可知,此处应用形容词advanced作定语,修饰名词。故填advanced。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:借助先进的数字技术,研究人员正忙着“复制”云冈石窟,试图保护这一珍贵的文物。分析句子可知,此处是固定句型in an attempt to do sth.,意为“试图做某事”,作定语。故填to preserve。
    考查时态。句意:希望新的数字化技术将促进文物的“重生”,并将它们带到世界各地。分析句子可知,此处陈述将来事实,应使用一般将来时。故填will facilitate。
    考查介词。句意:希望新的数字化技术将促进文物的“重生”,并将它们带到世界各地。分析句子可知,此处是固定搭配bring sb./sth. to+地点名词,意为“把某人或某物带到某地”。故填to。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 对于高中的学生来说,时间管理无疑是至关重要的,然而不是每位同学都足够重视时间管理。假定你是某中学高二的学生李华,请在你校英语校报上写一封倡议书,呼吁同学们恰当地管理时间。
    Dear fellow students,
    【答案】Dear fellow students,
    Time management is undoubtedly of vital significance, especially for us senior high students. But the truth is that not everyone is attaching adequate importance to it.
    If we are in the habit of putting things off until the last minute, nothing will turnout satisfactory. Therefore, it’s important that we learn to manage tie properly. We are supposed to make a practical schedule where the most important and urgent things should be the top priority. Besides, take full advantage of the tiny pieces of our leisure time.
    Why not take action now to manage our precious time effectively, thus producing better results?
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    毫无疑问地:undoubtedly→ without doubt/there is no doubt that
    至关重要的:vital→ crucial
    充分的:adequate→ appropriate
    恰当地:properly→ correctly/exactly
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Time management is undoubtedly of vital significance, especially for us senior high students.
    复合句:Time management is undoubtedly of vital significance, especially for us senior high students who is working hard in the study.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Therefore, it’s important that we learn to manage tie properly. (that引导的主语从句,it在句中作形式主语)
    【高分句型2】We are supposed to make a practical schedule where the most important and urgent things should be the top priority.(where引导的定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Dora is a seven-year-old girl. One day, when she visited her friend Alice, she saw a beautiful bird in a cage on the balcony of the house. Alice told her it was her new pet. “How beautiful it is!” said Dora. “I also want to have such a bird as my pet.”
    That day when Dora returned home, she told her mother about Alice’s bird. Then she asked, “Mom, can I also get a bird?” “Of course, you can,” said her mother. “But you need to wait because I’ve no time to visit a pet store these days.” Dora agreed. One day, when Dora was back home from school, she saw a cage in the living room. In the cage was a beautiful blue bird. Her mother was standing next to the cage, smiling. “Oh, a bird!” Dora shouted happily. She ran to it and looked at it happily. “It’s a birthday gift for you,” said her mother “Thank you, Mom. I love it so much!” said Dora excitedly.
    The following day, Dora invited her friends to come over to see her bird. All of her friends said it was a really beautiful bird and Dora was very glad to hear that. She and her friends played with the bird for a long time that day. Her friends all wished they could have such a bird as their pet.
    Sadly, a few weeks later, Dora became sick. The doctor told her parents that she got the flu and had to say at home. In order not to make her friends sick, her parents asked her friends not to come to play with her. Dora felt very sad. How she wished her friends would come and visit her! But she knew her parents were right. She’d better stay alone. Since Dora had no one to play with, she could only play with her bird. However, she felt that her bird didn’t seem to be happy either.
    Paragraph 1:
    Dora watched her bird in silence.
    Paragraph 2:
    When her mother came inside, Dora told her mother about her decision.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    Dora watched her bird in silence. She found her bird kept looking out of the window. In the trees outside, many birds were playing gladly. She thought that perhaps her bird didn’t like kept in the cage at all. Just as she missed staying with her friends, it also wanted to go out to play like other birds. But before she got sick, she didn’t think a lot about her bird. Now Dora realized she shouldn’t selfishly take away its freedom for her own enjoyment.
    Paragraph 2:
    When her mother came inside, Dora told her mother about her decision. She said, “Mom, can you set my bird free?” Her mother was surprised and asked why. “I’m sure it also wants friends,” said Dora. Her mother agreed. She opened the cage and the bird cheerfully flew out of the window and disappeared soon. A few days later, Dora could play with her friends again. How excited she was! And when she looked out at the birds in the trees, she knew her bird must be very happy at that moment.
    ①生病:get sick/fall ill
    【点睛】[高分句型1] She thought that perhaps her bird didn’t like kept in the cage at all.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] And when she looked out at the birds in the trees, she knew her bird must be very happy at that moment. (由从属连词when引导的时间状语从句)
    听力答案:1-5 BCABC 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 ACCAB 16-20 AACBA

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