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    这是一份甘肃省兰州市第一中学2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中试题(Word版附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了5分; 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高二英语(满分:150分 限时:120分钟)

    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分; 满分7.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What does the man advise the woman to do?
    A. To accept the offer. B. To give up the chance. C. To turn to her teacher.
    2. What is the woman looking for?
    A. A bus station. B. A shopping mall. C. A library.
    3. What does the man think of the book?
    A. Interesting. B. Difficult. C. Boring.
    4. Why does the woman make the phone call?
    A. To cancel an appointment. B. To confirm an appointment.
    C. To reschedule an appointment.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Safe driving. B. A car accident. C. Car repair.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. How long will the science fair probably last?
    A. Three days. B. Four days. C. Five days.
    7. What's the woman especially interested in about the science fair?
    A. The chemistry experiments.
    B. The space exploration show.
    C. The lectures on modern physics.
    第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the hills. B. In a hotel. C. On a camp site.
    9. What time of day is it?
    A. At dawn. B. At noon. C. At dusk.
    10. What will the speakers do next?
    A. To camp in the woods. B. To go across the hill.
    C. To take more photos.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11. What ticket has the man bought?
    A. First class. B. Second class. C. Business class.
    12. What is free on the train?
    A. Meals. B. Coffee. C. Snacks.
    13. When should the man reach the station to catch the train at the latest?
    A. At 8: 30 a.m. B. At 9: 00 a. m. C. At 9: 30 a. m.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。
    14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Car collector and visitor. B. Car repairman and client.
    C. Car salesman and customer.
    15. What is probably wrong with the woman's car according to the man?
    A. It is too old.
    B. It has an issue with its engine.
    C. It was hit in an accident once.
    16. How much will the woman probably offer to get the new electrical vehicle?
    A. $10,000. B. $35,000. C. $45,000.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. What happens to the programme?
    A. It's going to shift focus. B. It's going to suspend forever.
    C. It's going to change the play time.
    18. What will be the major focus of the programme?
    A. International content. B. COVID-19 pandemic.
    C. Healthy living.
    19. What is the speaker's attitude towards the adjustment?
    A. Excited. B. Regretful. C. Disappointed.
    20. Who is the speaker talking to?
    A. Programme viewers. B. Programme producers.
    C. Programme editors.

    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Still waiting for your letter to arrive by owl (猫头鹰)? Don’t worry. You can still lose yourself in the magical world of Harry Potter, just by following this four-day route.
    Day 1 Overview Edinburgh
    It was in Scotland’s capital city that J.K. Rowling started to plot the adventures of Harry and his fellows. With stoned streets, winding alleys and medieval (中世纪的) architecture, the city certainly has a few things in common with the settings from the books and films. She wrote the early chapters in various cafés around the city’s Old Towns.
    Day 2 Overview travel to Fort William
    Travel by train from Edinburgh to Glasgow and from there, and you can take the West Highland Line to Fort William. This is a great way to see some famous spots from the window, including the mysterious Rannoch Moor, the place where Death Eaters board the train in the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.
    Day 3 Overview all aboard the Hogwarts express
    Witness the sweeping cinematic scenery straight out of the eight successful films by booking a seat on the Jacobite Steam Train, which travels from Fort William to Mallaig along the West Highland Line. Stop for lunch in Mallaig and then make the return journey to Fort William. Please be sure to book the steam train in advance, as it is a very popular experience. It opens for the season in April.
    Day 4 Overview lakes and valleys
    In the films, mysterious, misty landscapes frame (衬托) the background of Harry’s tale, so it’s no surprise that the producers chose the Highlands for many scenes. Spend a day wandering through some of these beautiful spots and feel the magical atmosphere.
    21.Where did J.K. Rowling first start to create Harry Potter?
    A.In Mallaig. B.In Edinburgh.
    C.In Glasgow. D.In Fort William.
    22.What are you required to do if you want to take the steam train?
    A.Have lunch earlier than usual. B.Learn about the return ticket.
    C.Make a reservation beforehand. D.Take a training course in April.
    23.On which day can you experience the producers’ favorite settings?
    A.Day 1. B.Day 2. C.Day 3. D.Day 4.
    About five weeks ago, I noticed the skin of our pet lizard was growing dusty. It worried me. I reported the strange surface on the skin of the lizard to my husband and children the next morning. Seconds later, our lizard emerged from its tank with its old skin flowing behind it.
    I didn't think about it much until a morning last week when I knocked my favorite teapot off the table. It burst into hundreds of pieces. As I swept up the mess, I wondered why we had been breaking so many things over the months.
    The destruction started three months ago. It was my husband's birthday. He had just lost his job. The uncertainty was starting to wear on us, so I wanted to do something special.
    “Let's make a cake for Dad!” I cried.
    My kids screamed with joy. We baked, iced and sprinkled for most of the day. Candles on the cake! Balloons on the walls! Flowers on the table!
    Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf. It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere. She sobbed loudly as I threw the cake away. My husband had banana pudding for his birthday.
    Three days ago, the light in our living room suddenly went out. After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.
    The poignancy of Jordan retiring from his beloved basketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such a tough decision took me by surprise. As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just as our lizard had. Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.
    Humans do not shed skin as easily as other animals. The beginning of change is upsetting. The process is tiring. Damage changes us before we are ready. I see our lizard, raw and nearly new.
    Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope. With our tender, hopeful skin, that is where we begin.
    24. What can we learn about the pet lizard from Paragraph 1?
    A. Its tank grew dirty. B. Its old skin came off.
    C. It got a skin disease. D. It went missing.
    25. Why did the author's husband have banana pudding for his birthday?
    A. The birthday cake was ruined. B. The author made good puddings.
    C. Pudding was his favorite dessert. D. They couldn't afford a birthday cake.
    26. Why does the author mention The Last Dance in the passage?
    A. To prove a theory. B. To define a concept.
    C. To develop the theme. D. To provide the background.
    27. What does the author most likely want to tell us?
    A. Love of family helps us survive great hardships.
    B. It's not the end of the world if we break things.
    C. We should move on no matter what happens.
    D. Past experiences should be treasured.
    Citigroup is making progress toward shrinking its gender pay gap. But it still has some work to do. Globally, the bank's female employees earned 27% less than men did, according to a new report from the company. That's a slight improvement over the 29% gender pay gap Citigroup reported for 2018.
    This year's analysis also found that the median income for minority workers in the US was 6% less than the median income for non-minorities, down from 7% last year.
    These "raw gap" numbers are not adjusted for seniority (年资), job title or location, Citigroup said. The company began releasing numbers on gender pay in recent years amid pressure from investors. "The pay gap reflects a need to increase representation of women and US minorities in senior and higher-paying roles," wrote Sara Wechter, Citigroup's head of human resources, in a blog post.
    When adjusted in terms of job titles, seniority and location, women at Citigroup earned 1% less than their male counterparts, according to the report.
    Citigroup said that following a review of its global pay, it made pay adjustments as part of this year's compensation cycle according to the blog post.
    The company also said it has committed to increasing representation at the assistant vice president through managing director levels to at least 40% for women globally and 8% for black employees in the US by the end of 2021.
    "Continuing to reduce our raw pay gap requires that we make progress on our representation goals," Wechter wrote.
    Across the US, female full-time, year-round workers were paid 82 cents for every dollar earned by a man, which is a gender pay gap of 18%, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research. And that may be underestimating the pay gap because when looking at pay over a 15-year period, women made just half of what men earned.
    According to the IWPR, at the current rate of change it will take 40 years for women to achieve pay parity (对等). For women of color, it would take even longer.
    A reporting rule put into place in the UK in 2018 requires companies with more than 250 employees to report data on gender pay disparities. Advocates for equal pay in the US are asking for similar disclosure requirements because research has shown that company disclosure leads to closing pay gaps.
    28. The underlined phrase "raw gap" is closest in meaning to _____.
    A. new space B. unrealistic difference
    C. original difference D. potential space
    29. According to Sara Wechter, the pay gap requires ______.
    A. the decrease of representation of men in senior and higher-paying roles
    B. the only need to improve the pay of female employees
    C. that people should only shrink gender pay gap
    D. the increase of representation of women and US minorities in senior and higher-paying roles
    30. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. Citigroup has finished shrinking its gender pay gap so far.
    B. If the wage is adjusted in terms of job titles, seniority and location, women at Citigroup will earn more than men there.
    C. For women of color in US, it would be easier to achieve pay parity.
    D. Citigroup will increase representation at the assistant vice president of women and black
    employees in the US by the end of 2021.
    31. What's the theme of the passage?
    A. The development of Citigroup. B. Citigroup is shrinking its pay gap.
    C. The story of female employees in Citigroup.
    D. Men earns more than female counterparts in Citigroup.
    In China, most sleep or bedtime procrastinators(拖延者) are workers on the soul-sapping and horribly common 9-9- 6 schedule (9am-9pm, six days a week) who, despite being exhausted, use their late-night, post-work hours to claw back some sense of self, even when they know they should be sleeping.
    My situation – two small children plus full-time job – is embarrassingly far from their experience, and yet many of us in the west find ourselves doing the same things. The revenge bit – which might be better translated as “retaliatory” – is that we are avenging ourselves against our busy lives, either by staying up too late or by not going to sleep once in bed, often because we’re on our screens.
    Dr. Lindsay Browning, sleep specialist and author of a new book, Navigating Sleeplessness, agrees “I am seeing many more clients who describe staying up later because they need alone time.” In China, it’s young people working brutal hours, but in Europe, studies suggest it’s also parents and students. But sleep procrastination can affect anyone who struggles with stress, extended working hours or inadequate downtime, which, in pandemic times, puts many more of us at risk.
    Earlier this year, Caroline Newte Hardie set up Peace+Riot, a family-friendly cafe-bar in south London, specifically to give knackered parents more support. But long hours working on a new business have exacerbated her revenge procrastination habit. “If I finish working at midnight, I need an hour, as I’m wired, even though I’m tired. Before I had kids I never needed time to myself, but now I need at least an hour to catch my breath, especially if I’ve spent the day in problem-solving mode. If I went straight to bed, my life would be just work-childcare-work-childcare.”
    One downside is that sleep vacancy has been shown to make us more likely to procrastinate the next day. “But lack of sleep increases impulsivity, which increases your likelihood of sleep procrastination. It’s almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that the less sleep that we get, the more impulsive we become and the more vulnerable we are to sleep procrastination.” “The consequences of sleep deprivation are endless,” says Dr. Chris Winter, neurologist, sleep specialist and author of The Rested Child and The Sleep Solution. “Cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and numerous short-term performance issues – mood, concentration, memory, attention, decision-making – are all affected.” As Walker puts it: “The shorter your sleep, the shorter your lifespan.”
    32.What will Caroline probably do if she finishes working at midnight?
    A. Go out to catch her breath.
    B. Go on solving problems unsettled.
    C. Spend some time on her children.
    D. Spend some time on her own blog.
    33.What would be talked about if there were a following paragraph?
    A. The complexity of sleep vacancy.
    B. The occurrence of sleep procrastination.
    C. The approaches to enhancing your sleep.
    D. The necessity of promoting a healthy lifestyle.
    34.What’s the best title of the passage?
    A. Why are we so bad at going to bed?
    B. What is to blame for shorter lifespan?
    C. How can sleep procrastination affect people?
    D. Whether staying up later is acceptable or not?
    35.In which section can you read the passage in the newspaper?
    A. Science B. Health C. Society. D. Culture
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分) 
    There is a famous saying: "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life". If you live one hundred years, that only equates to twelve hundred months— and when you break it down even further into days, hours and minutes, it gets more frightening. 36 Well, quite simply put:  life is short. Spending eight hours every day in a sound sleep means you're losing a third of your life to bed. So, the question is: is eight hours the exact amount we need, or is it just a myth?     
    While most scientists agree that between seven and nine hours a night is the optimal amount, this is just a rough estimate. 37 It seems that the amount of sleep you need depends upon your age— with infants needing much more than adults. What does seem apparent is that around seven and a half hours' sleep is a good amount.       
    38 One group slept for six and a half and the other for seven and a half hours per night. While some findings were predictable—irritation and lower concentration in the group who slept less, there were some more surprising findings. 39 Genes associated with inflammation(炎症), the immune system and stress response became more active. The team also observed increases in the activity of genes related to diabetes and risk of cancer.     
    That myths regarding sleep are constantly perpetuated is one of the biggest issues. For example, have you ever heard that you can train yourself to need less or no sleep? 40 We will always need a certain amount of sleep----eight hours might not be the exact sweet spot, and there are factors like age to take into consideration but one thing is true—there is a certain amount we do actually need.
    A. It's simply not true.
    B. Why is it relevant?
    C. It's really not the condition in reality.
    D. The genes of people who had less sleep were affected.
    E. In a study, the effects of sleep were monitored. 
    F. Why do we have such feelings like that?
    G. In truth, it's a little more complicated than that.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    One Monday morning, while the children were enjoying “free play”, I stepped to the doorway of the classroom to take a 41.____. Suddenly, I 42.___ a movement of the heavy wooden door. This was the very door I 43.____ guided the children through to ensure their safety from the bitter cold. I felt a chill go through my body.
    My legs carried me to that door, and I pushed it open. It was one of my kindergarteners who I thought was 44.___ that day. He had been dropped off at school late and was 45._____ to open the door.
    He must have been 46. ____ there for quite a while! Without a word, I 47.____ him to the hospital. He was treated for frostbite on his hands. He’d need time to 48.____, and wouldn’t come for class the next day, I thought.
    The next morning, one of the first to 49.____ was my little frostbitten boy. Not only did he run in with 50.____, but his 51._____ could be heard as loud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and told him how 52.____ I was to see him. His words have stayed with me all these years, “I knew you would open the door.”
    That cold Monday morning, he waited a long, long while for adults to 53.____. To a child, every minute feels like forever. He didn’t 54. ____ to walk back home; he waited and trusted. This five-year-old taught me a powerful lesson in 55___.
    41. A. breath B. break C. risk D. photo
    42.A.caused B.checked C.spotted D.imagined
    43.A.hesitantly B.randomly C.dizzily D.carefully
    44.A.absent B.angry C.special D.noisy
    45.A.courageous B.content C.unable D.unwilling
    46. A. crying B. waiting C. sleeping D. shouting
    47. A. advised B. rushed C. took D. asked
    48.A.recover B.play C.change D.wait
    49.A.settle B.gather C.arrive D.react
    50.A. force B. strength C. power D. energy
    51.A.sneeze B.weep C.complaint D.laughter
    52.A.lucky B.happy C.curious D.nervous
    53.A.turn up B.pull up C.hold up D.line up
    54. A. try B. determined C. attempt D. meant
    55.A.gratitude B.forgiveness C.faith D.kindness

    ChatGPT is an 56. __________(advance) AI chatbot trained by OpenAI that interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format allows ChatGPT 57. __________ (answer) follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
    It 58._____________ (reach) 100 million users since it was launched, according to analysts.
    GPT technology can help people write code quickly and accurately by using natural language as a prompt. GPT can take a text prompt and generate code 59.________(tailor) to the given task. This technology can 60. ____________(potential) reduce development time, as it can quickly and accurately generate code. It can also help reduce the risk of errors, as GPT can generate code 61.____can be tested and used immediately.
    Google 62.____(feed) coding interview questions to ChatGPT and, based 63.___ the AI's answers, determined it would be hired for a level three engineering position, according to an internal document.
    In 64._________ (add), it is reported that researchers recently put ChatGPT through the United States Medical Licensing exam. In 65.____ December report, ChatGPT "performed at or near the passing threshold(通过线) for all three exams without any training or reinforcement."
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,美国“汉语桥(Chinese Bridge)”网上冬令营组织方正在网上征集活动内容,欢迎网友献计献策。请你给组织方写一封建议信,内容包括:
    1. 你建议的活动(至少两项);
    2. 你的理由;
    3. 你的希望。
    1. 写作词数应为 80 左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear committee members,
    I’m glad to know that_________________________________________________________
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    “Missy,” I cried to my wife. “Did you put this banana skin on my desk?” “No, honey, Meghan probably did.” As I’d feared, she had missed the real purpose of my question, which was to make it clear to her that she hadn’t done her job of defending my desk against the invader — our naughty girl. I abandoned the conversation.
    I sat at my desk and stared at the screen. I waited patiently for ideas to come to me as I tried to think up exam questions for a test I would give my English students. My wife was off to a party somewhere, but I was not alone. Meghan, our 22-month-old angel, kept me company. Yet her plans seemed to go against mine.
    She followed a daily routine that was both time-consuming and challenging. It included certain basic tasks: watching the fish, sweeping the floor in her room, climbing up and down on her bed.
    At first I was able to concentrate on designing my test paper. But I was soon sidetracked. I had not counted on the arrival of the “bib-bibs” — “bib-bibs” were birds. “Bib-bibs, bib-bibs!” Meghan screamed excitedly, her eyes alive with expectation. She insisted that I come with her to the window.
    “In a minute. Just let me finish this question.” I said. She pulled me by the hand (two fingers, actually) toward the window. I saw myself as a fool, being led to watch the “bib-bibs”. They chattered and leaped back and forth on the lawn just outside our apartment window. Meghan was absorbed, but as I watched them, I still thought about my work. With her attention off me, I left the window and went back to my desk.
    Five minutes later, she returned. She reached up to my keyboard and pressed a bunch of keys, adding a long line of scrabbled letters to my question. I struggled to bring my annoyance under control. “No, thank you, Meghan. Daddy’s seen your work. I’ll do it myself.” She backed off.
    1. 所续写短文的总词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    Paragraph 1: It was not long before she stood in front of me, holding her shoes and socks._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2: I finally surrendered myself to the “little queen” and took her to the park.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    21-23:BCD 24-27:BACC 28-31: CDDB 32-35: DCAC
    36-40: BGEDA

    41-45:BCDAC 46-50: BBACD 51-55:DBACC

    56.advanced 57. to answer 58. has reached 59. tailored 60. potentially
    61. that/which 62.fed 63. on 64.addition 65.a

    写作 :
    Dear committee members,
    I’m glad to know that you are making a call for events for your Chinese Bridge online winter camp. I'd like to share my ideas with you. First, I'd like to recommend you a short video about the origination of the Chinese characters. Full of great fun, the video will arouse foreigners’ interest in Chinese characters. Secondly, you can hold a storytelling competition to spread Chinese culture. The winners can obtain a chance to personally experience Chinese culture in China, thus attracting more participants. Thirdly, a movie about modern China can be shown followed by a discussion among the campers. This can further campers' understanding of China, building a good bridge between China and the outside world.
    I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. Hoping your camp will be a great success!
    Li Hua
    第二节 续写
    It was not long before she stood in front of me, holding her shoes and socks. I got it---- she wanted me to take her out to the park. I pretended I hadn't paid attention. She stepped forward, staring at me with her innocent eyes. "Leave me alone for a while, Meghan," I said without looking at her. After a few seconds, out of the corner of my eye, I saw tears rolling down her cheek. I felt so terrible that I regretted what I had said. I had to correct my mistake.
    I finally surrendered myself to the “little queen” and took her to the park. I turned to her and said, "Sorry, let's go to see more ‘bib-bibs’!" She was so excited that she smiled through tears. I held her hand as we walked outside. Wandering through the park, Meghan was like a free bird enjoying herself in the wide blue sky. Seeing her smiley face, I felt much happier than I would have been doing my work. I could catch up on it in the evening. Work can always wait, but love cannot. (156)

    Text 1
    W: I received an offer from the exchange program in France, but I haven't decided whether to accept it. Maybe I should ask for my teacher's advice first.
    M: Are you serious? Everyone is waiting for such a chance. Go and seize it!
    Text 2
    W: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the City Library is? I thought it's opposite the bus station, but I just can’t find it.
    M: Well, it has moved into the shopping mall two blocks away.
    Text 3
    W: How would you like the book Wuthering Heights? Tom said it was boring
    M; It's indeed a classic book, beautiful sentences, but I simply can't understand most of them.
    Text 4
    W: Hello, I made an appointment on Thursday with Dr. Smith, but I can't make it because of an important meeting. I'm calling to ask you to rearrange it for next Friday. Is it OK?
    Text 5
    W: Oh, the man should have been more careful.
    M: The car flipped over. I’m glad no one got hurt.
    W: But it will cost a fortune for him to get his car repaired.
    M: Safe driving really matters.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, Tom. Do you hear there will be a science fair from Wednesday to Friday next week?
    M: Yeah, but not exactly. Our teacher told us a one-day space exploration show will be added too.
    W: That's great. I know you are interested in space all along.
    M: So what's your plan for this activity?
    W: Hmm… I'll try some chemistry experiments myself. And most importantly, the lectures introducing mode physics can't be missed.
    M: Okay. Maybe I'll go with you.
    Text 7
    W: These hills are taking a lot longer to cross than you said, and I'm sure I just heard a bear. We were supposed to have reached the hotel by now. Are we lost?
    M: No, of course not. You kept stopping to take photos of all the lovely scenery. That's why it's taking longer than we thought.
    W: But we've been walking for hours. It's getting dark.
    M: Stop worrying-I just can't find where we are on the map.
    W: Oh no- so we are lost! All I want to do is go to sleep!
    M: Listen, if the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to set up a camp in those woods
    W: What? Those deep dark woods over there? No, thank you.
    M: Come on then. I guess the hotel is on the other side of that hill,
    W: Wait for me!
    Text 8
    M: Good afternoon, Miss. I would like to buy a one- way ticket to Brussels, please.
    W: Certainly sir. We have an express train that departs at nine a. m.
    M: First class seat, please.
    W: Sorry, currently we have only business class and second class available.
    M: Then I'Il go for the business class. Do you serve food on the train?
    W: Yes. There is a dining car serving meals and snacks at all times. We do provide free water and coffee for all of our passengers.
    M: Great! I'll take it,
    W: Here you are, sir, your train leaves from platform number eight at nine. Remember to be here at least thirty minutes before your departure time!
    M: I understand. Thank you very much!
    W: Have a great trip.
    Text 9
    W: This Ford Focus causes me too many problems. I’m dying to trade this car in for a new one, Can you help?
    M: Sure thing. Are you looking to finance a new car?
    W: I’d pay now if I received decent trade-in value for my current car. It's less than a decade old, and it doesn't have many kilometers on it.
    M: All right, but it looks like there are some problems with the motor and electrical system. Has it been in an accident?
    W: Not even a small hit in a parking lot.
    M: We should be able to buy it for around $ 10, 000, but our repairman will have to confirm that. For now, let me show you some of the new electrical vehicles we've got on the lot.
    W: Do you have the new electric Tesla?
    M: Sure do. It's with a price tag of $ 45,000.
    W: Can I reduce the $ 10,000 from my previous car's trade-in vallue?
    M: Absolutely.
    W: Sounds great.
    Text 10
    Attention! We are making a change to the This Is America & The World series for our next season, International content has been our focus for years; but with the COVID-19 pandemic; we simply cannot travel the world. As a result, it's a regret that we are putting an end to this aspect of production and shifting focus. Our next step with the series will be to explore many topics relating to people's mental, emotional, and social health with our viewers. Through remote interviews we will discuss everything from anxiety and depression to addiction as well as all aspects of healthy living. So many people are struggling in so many ways. We want to use the series to start important conversations that are not being had on television or at home and hopefully enable us all to live healthier lives. We are overjoyed to move in this new direction. Please share any content ideas you would like us to cover. We will update our programme at the same time like before. So welcome to watch our programme on Time. Thank you!


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