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    新版人教版高中英语必修(一)(语境复习词汇)Unit1-1 试卷
    新版人教版高中英语必修(一)(语境复习词汇)Unit1-1 试卷01
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    新版人教版高中英语必修(一)(语境复习词汇)Unit1-1 试卷03
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    Unit One (part )


    Words in Context



    1. teenager /ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒər/ (noun) Examples:

    As a teenager, he was rebellious and got into trouble often.

    My teenage daughter loves listening to music and hanging out with friends. Teenagers often experience mood swings and emotional ups and downs.

    It's important for teenagers to get enough sleep to support their growth and development.


    What does the noun "teenager" mean? ( )

    1. a person between the ages of 13 and 19
    2. a person who studies insects
    3. a person who collects stamps as a hobby Answer: A
    1. ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ (noun) Examples:

    She has been studying ballet for years and dreams of becoming a professional dancer.

    The ballet company will be performing "The Nutcracker" this holiday season.

    I love watching ballet performances for the grace and beauty of the movements. Ballet requires a lot of discipline and practice to master.


    What does the noun "ballet" mean? ( )

    1. a type of rock music that originated in the United States
    2. a type of martial art that originated in China
    3. a type of performance dance that originated in Italy

    Answer: C


    1. volunteer /ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/ (noun) Examples:

    She has been a volunteer at the hospital for years, helping patients and their families.

    Many high school students choose to volunteer at local organizations as part of their community service requirements.

    Volunteers play a vital role in disaster relief efforts, providing aid and support to those affected.


    What does the noun "volunteer" mean? ( )

    1. a person who owns a small business
    2. a person who works for a government agency
    3. a person who offers to do something without being paid Answer: C
    1. debate /dɪˈbeɪt/ (verb) Examples:

    We debated whether to take a road trip or fly for our vacation. The scientists continue to debate the causes of climate change.

    The students debated the pros and cons of school uniforms in a class discussion.


    What does the verb "debate" mean? ( )

    1. to discuss a topic in a formal or structured way
    2. to make a decision quickly without considering all the options
    3. to keep quiet and not express an opinion Answer: A
    1. content /ˈkɒntent/ (noun) Examples:

    The website has a lot of interesting content about travel and culture. The book's content is well researched and provides valuable insights.

    He is responsible for creating social media content for the company's accounts.


    What does the noun "content" mean? ( )

    1. a feeling of happiness or satisfaction

    1. the information or material contained within something
    2. the physical form of a book or website Answer: A
    1. movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ (noun) Examples:

    The dance performance featured a lot of fluid, graceful movements.

    The building's foundation was designed to withstand earthquake movements. The artist is associated with the modern art movement of the early 20th century.


    What does the noun "movement" mean? ( )

    1. a group of people working together to achieve a common goal or advance a cause
    2. a series of conversations that convey meaning
    3. a change or shift in position or location Answer: C
    1. greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/ (noun) Examples:

    The farmer grows tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse to protect them from the cold. The greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere contribute to global warming. The gardener has a small greenhouse in the backyard for growing herbs and vegetables.


    What does the noun "greenhouse" mean? ( )

    1. a type of renewable energy source that harnesses the power of the sun
    2. a building or structure , used for growing plants
    3. a color that is a mix of blue and yellow Answer: B
    1. suitable /ˈsuːtəbl/ (adjective) Examples:

    The dress code for the wedding specifies suitable attire, such as formal wear or cocktail dresses. The apartment is not suitable for a family with children, as it is too small.

    The job candidate has the skills and experience that make her suitable for the position. This book is suitable for readers of all ages.

    What does the adjective "suitable" mean? ( )

    1. fitting for a particular purpose or situation
    2. uninteresting or dull
    3. showing a lack of respect or consideration for others Answer: A
    1. challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ (noun) Examples:

    Learning a new language can be a fun and rewarding challenge.

    The company faces the challenge of adapting to a rapidly changing market. The hiker enjoyed the challenge of climbing the steep mountain trail.

    The math problem posed a significant challenge for the students.


    What does the noun "challenge" mean? ( )

    1. a difficult task or problem
    2. a feeling of joy or delight
    3. a form of competition, such as a game or contest Answer: A
    1. title /ˈtaɪtl/ (noun) Examples:

    What's the title of the book you're reading? The title of the article caught my attention.

    She has won several awards for her book titles.

    The title of the movie was changed before it was released.


    What does the noun "title" mean? ( )

    1. a piece of metal or plastic with words on it that is attached to something to show what it is or who owns it
    2. a name or phrase that describes the subject of a book, article, movie, etc
    3. a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction Answer: B
    1. topic /ˈtɑːpɪk/ (noun) Examples:

    The topic of today's meeting is the company's new strategy. She's an expert on the topic of environmental sustainability. The topic of his research paper is the history of the Civil War. Let's change the topic to something more lighthearted.

    What does the noun "topic" mean? ( )

    1. the subject of something that is being discussed or studied
    2. a person or thing that is very important or valuable
    3. a set of instructions that explain how to do something Answer: A
    1. freshman /ˈfreʃ.mən/ (noun) Examples:

    As a freshman, she was nervous about starting classes at a new school. The college offers a special orientation program for incoming freshmen.

    The high school freshman struggled with the transition to a new environment. The freshman dormitory is located near the athletic facilities.


    What does the noun "freshman" mean? ( )

    1. a person who is in their first year of working in a particular field
    2. a young person who is new to a particular school or organization
    3. a first-year college or university student Answer: A
    1. confuse /kənˈfjuːz/ (verb) Examples:

    The similar names of the streets can easily confuse visitors.

    The instructions were poorly written and only served to confuse the readers. I always confuse the twins because they look so much alike.

    The sudden change in plans confused everyone.


    What does the verb "confuse" mean? ( )

    1. to make someone unable to understand something
    2. to make someone angry or frustrated
    3. to make someone feel happy and content

    Answer: A


    1. fluent /ˈfluːənt/ (adjective) Examples:

    She speaks French fluently and can hold conversations with native speakers. The job requires someone who is fluent in both written and spoken English.

    The pianist's playing was fluent and effortless.

    His writing is fluent and articulate, making it easy to follow his ideas.


    What does the adjective "fluent" mean? ( )

    1. able to express oneself easily and smoothly
    2. having a strong, pleasant odor
    3. characterized by a lack of enthusiasm or energy Answer: A
    1. graduate /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ (noun) Examples:

    The university's graduates are highly sought after by employers.

    She's a recent graduate of the law school and is studying for the bar exam.

    The graduates of the engineering program have gone on to work for top tech companies. The high school graduates are excited to start college in the fall.


    What does the noun "graduate" mean? ( )

    1. a person who has completed a course of study and earned a degree or diploma
    2. a person who is at the end of their studies and is about to enter the workforce
    3. a person who has completed a training program for a particular skill or trade Answer: A
    1. recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ (verb) Examples:

    The doctor recommends getting an annual checkup to maintain good health. I highly recommend this restaurant for their delicious food and great service.

    The travel agent recommended a hotel that was close to the tourist attractions.

    The teacher recommended that the student take extra practice tests to improve his scores.

    What does the verb "recommend" mean? ( )

    1. to suggest or advise that someone should do something or something should be used
    2. to criticize or express disapproval of something
    3. to show approval or praise of something Answer: A
    1. advance /ədˈvæns/ (noun) Examples:

    The company's recent advances in technology have greatly improved productivity. The student made significant advances in her research project.

    The team's advances into the playoffs were celebrated by fans and supporters.

    The scientists are hopeful that their medical advances will lead to a cure for the disease.


    What does the noun "advance" mean? ( )

    1. progress or improvement made in a particular field or area
    2. a payment made before a service or product is delivered
    3. a request or proposal made to someone in authority




    Complete each item below by writing one word on the answer line.



    The instructions were            and difficult to follow.


    The job is not           for someone with no experience in the field. The    of learning a new language can be difficult, but rewarding. The new vocabulary words often              students at first.

    She is            in both English and Spanish, which is an asset in today's global economy. As a , he spends a lot of time with his friends and has a busy schedule.

    She has been practicing            for years and dreams of becoming a professional dancer. As a in college, she is excited to start her new academic journey.

    The            of the book was very interesting and kept me engaged throughout. The    for social justice has gained momentum in recent years.

    The            of the essay is related to environmental issues.


    He is a recent          of the university and is now looking for a job. I would      this restaurant to anyone looking for a good meal. The              is filled with a variety of plants and flowers.

    The            of the book gives readers an idea of what the story is about.


    Many people choose to            their time and skills by volunteering in their communities.

    The students were asked to            the pros and cons of the new school policy.




    (confusing) (suitable) (challenge) (confuse) (fluent) (teenager) (ballet) (freshman) (content) (movement) (topic) (graduate) (recommend) (greenhouse) (title) (volunteer) (debate)


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