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    1—Haven't seen you for ages.________

    Pretty good. Everything goes well.

    AWhat are you doing  BHow old are you

    CWhat's wrong DHow's it going

    D [句意:——好几年没见到你了怎么样?——很好。一切都很好。根据Pretty good.Everything goes well.可知D.How's it going.]

    2—So kind of you to drive me home.


    AYou are right BNever mind

    CMy pleasure DOf course

    C [句意:开车送我回家你真是太好了。结合语境可知C.My pleasure(不客气)]


    I am from New York City but I live in Washington DC.now.

    AWhere are you from

    BWhere have you been

    CWhat is your address

    DWhat are you doing here

    A [句意:我是纽约市人但我现在住在华盛顿结合语境可知A.Where are you from(你是哪里人)]

    4—I really love your new dress, Mary.


    ADon't mention it

    BThat's all right

    CNoI don't think so

    DThank you

    D [句意:我真的喜欢你的衣服玛丽。结合语境可知D.Thank you(谢谢)]


    Hold onplease.

    AExcuse me, are you John

    BMay I speak to John, please

    CAre you at homeJohn

    DWhere are youJohn

    B [句意:请稍等。结合语境可知B.May I speak to Johnplease(请叫约翰接电话好吗)]




    One Saturday, Mary and I were playing with a ball and suddenly the ball went into a big man's house. We went to his house and asked him if he could let us in to get our ball. He saidNo. We felt helpless. Then I had an idea.There was a water tank(水箱) behind the man's house. I looked at it and told Mary that we could climb onto the water tank and jump over the wall. Mary agreed, but we were both wearing skirts. So we decided to get our ball the next day.

    The next morning Mary and I went to the water tank very early. We were both wearing shorts. Mary first climbed down into the man's house by herself and I followed her. We looked for the ball and found it under a bed. Along with the ball were some gold bars! In a rushwe climbed back with the ball.

    When we reached Mary's house, the TV was on. It was news time. We couldn't believe our ears when we heard that 20 gold bars were stolen from a gold shop. They showed a picture of the gold bars which were exactly the same as the ones we had seen under the big man's bed. We rushed to tell Mary's mother about the gold bars and she called the police immediately. The police came at once and caught the man. They found the gold bars in his house.

    Several days later a police officer came and saidThank you children for helping us catch the thief. Here is the reward for you. ”

    We opened the gift box and were greatly surprised. There were some detective(侦探的) storybooks.

    6What can we learn about the big man from Paragraph 1?

    AHe was unhappy.

    BHe was crazy.

    CHe was unfriendly.

    DHe was rich.

    C [细节理解题。根据第一段We went to his house and asked him if he could let us in to get our ball.He saidNo.’”可知作者和玛丽不小心把球踢进一个男人的房子之后想要取回球却遭到这个男人的拒绝得出这个男人不太友善故答案应选C]

    7Why did the girls decide not to climb onto the water tank that Saturday?

    ABecause they got no permission.

    BBecause they were afraid of the big man.

    CBecause they didn't know how to climb onto it.

    DBecause they didn't wear suitable clothes.

    D [细节理解题。根据第一段I looked at it...to get our ball the next day.可知作者和玛丽计划爬上水箱越墙入房子取球但是她们当天都穿着裙子(不适合爬水箱越墙)只能把计划改到第二天故答案应选D]

    8Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?

    AMary was followed by the man.

    BMary went to the water tank alone.

    CBoth of the girls got into the house.

    DThe girls ran out with the gold bars.

    C [细节理解题。根据第二段Mary first climbed down into the man's house by herself and I followed her.可知作者和玛丽都进入了房子故答案选C]

    9How did the girls know that the gold bars were stolen from a gold shop?

    ABy watching the TV news.

    BBy questioning the man.

    CBy asking Mary's mother.

    DBy calling the police.

    A [细节理解题。根据第三段When we reached Mary's housethe TV was on.It was news time...from a gold shop.可知作者和玛丽是通过看电视新闻知道这个男人房子里的金条是从金铺偷来的。故答案选A]

    10What is the best title for the passage?

    ATwo Honest Girls

    BA Ball and Gold Bars

    CSkirts and Shorts

    DA Stupid Thief

    B [主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了作者和玛丽不小心把球踢进了一个大个子男人的房子在寻找球的过程中意外发现了被偷的金条的故事故答案选B]


    In many families today, both the mother and the father have jobs outside the home. This can make it difficult to take care of the children. To help, some companies are changing the work rules. These companies are trying to be more family­friendly.

    What are companies doing to become family­friendly? Many companies are allowing their employees(雇员) to work flexible(灵活的) hours. With flexible hours, people can work full time, but they don't have to work to a nine­to­five schedule. Some employees choose to come early and leave early. Some employees choose to work ten hours one day and six hours the next. Most companies say that flexible hours increase productivity. In the United States, about one­third of full­time employees have flexible work schedules.

    Family­friendly companies also allow two employees to share one job.Each employee does half the job and gets half the salary. In the United States27% of the companies offer some kind of job sharing.

    Many family­friendly companies also give paid leave to both parents when a baby is born. In many countriesemployers have to give female workers time off before and after the birth of a child. In the United States, for examplefemale employees get 12 weeks of unpaid time off. New mothers can stay at home but they don't get their salary. In some countries, employers have to give all workers paid leave for the birth of their child. In Finlandfor exampleboth male and female employees get paid leave. Women get 105 days of paid leave and men get 42.

    The way people work is changing. For many peoplethat is a good thing.

    11Some companies make some changes in their work rules to ________

    Aallow parents to work at home

    Bgive parents more time to relax

    Cprovide parents with more job opportunities

    Denable parents to take care of their children

    D [细节理解题。根据第一段In many families today...some companies are changing the work rules.可知父母都在外面工作无人照顾孩子为了解决此问题一些公司改变了工作制度让员工有时间来照顾家庭和孩子。故答案选D]

    12According to Paragraph 2, employees in family­friendly companies ________

    Acan arrange their work time themselves

    Bcan work with their babies around

    Cmust work from nine to five

    Dmust share jobs with others

    A [细节理解题。根据第二段What are companies doing to become family­friendly...to work flexible hours.可知为了有利于员工照顾孩子很多公司允许其员工有灵活的工作时间。故答案选A]

    13Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    AEmployers become busier with flexible hours.

    BEmployers have enough time to look after their children.

    CEmployees can get job­sharing opportunities in some American companies.

    DEmployees can have three months' paid leave in some American companies.

    C [细节理解题。根据第三段可知美国的一些公司允许两名员工共同从事一份工作每位员工做一半的工作并得到薪水。故答案选C]

    14In some countries, paid leave is given to both parents when ________

    Athey have physical problems

    Bthey have a new baby

    Cthey do a good job

    Dthey do extra work

    B [细节理解题。根据第四段In some countriesemployers have to give all workers paid leave for the birth of their child.可知一些公司会在婴儿出生时给父母双方带薪休假。故答案选B]

    15This passage is mainly about ________

    Asome companies' family­friendly rules

    Bways of job sharing in some companies

    Cjob opportunities for female employees

    Dcompanies' work rules about getting leave

    A [主旨大意题。文章介绍了如何解决父母都在外面工作无人照顾孩子的问题。因此一些公司改变了工作制度让员工有更多的时间来照顾家庭和孩子。故答案选A]


    Modern inventions have greatly increased people's love of speed. Motor cars cover a hundred miles in a little more than one hour, aircraft cross the world within a daywhile computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of speed seems never­ending. Every year we produce motor cars which go even faster and each new computer is said to save precious seconds in handling tasks.

    All this saves timebut at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet lag(时差反应)our bodies feel that they have been left behind in another time zone. Again, spending too much time in front of computers results in eye pain or finger pain.Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to some scientists. Too much use may do harm to our brains, a bad result we do not like to think about.

    What do we do with the time we have saved then? Certainly not relax. We are so used to constant(连续不断的) activities that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radioletting imagination take us into another world.

    Modern inventions have brought us great benefits, but at the same time, we have lost a lot of fun as human beings.There was a time when some people's lives were devoted simply to the farming of the land or the care of cattle. Their lives went on at a much slower speed, and in a familiar pattern. We might admire a way of life like this, yet such a lifestyle will be just a dream for us nowadays. Modern technology has changed everything.

    16The underlined word “lightning” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________

    Afast Bunexpected

    Cpossible Dexciting

    A [词义猜测题。根据前面汽车行驶100公里用一个多小时飞机绕世界飞行用一天的时间以及后面事实上我们对速度的热爱是永无止境的可知此处应是说计算机的运行速度快故选A]

    17According to Paragraph 2we save time at the price of our ________

    Ahappiness Bhealth

    Cwealth Dsafety

    B [细节理解题。根据第二段All this saves timebut at a price...uncomfortable feeling known as jet lag...results in eye pain finger pain...harm to our brains等可知所有这些节省的时间我们付出了健康的代价。故选B]

    18According to the passagemodern inventions make life ________

    Ahappier and more relaxing

    Bfaster and less enjoyable

    Csimpler and less comfortable

    Dslower and healthier

    B [细节理解题。根据最后一段modern inventions have brought us great benefitsbut at the same timewe have lost a lot of fun as human beings.可知现代的发明给我们带来很多好处但同时也让我们的生活失去了许多乐趣故答案选B]

    19The last paragraph suggests that ________

    Alife in the future will be better

    Bwe should do more physical work

    Cwe cannot enjoy modern life

    Dour life cannot be what it used to be

    D [推理判断题。根据最后一段We might admire a way of life like thisyet such a lifestyle will be just a dream for us nowadays.可知我们或许会羡慕这样的生活模式(过去清闲和传统的生活模式)对于现代的我们而言这样的生活模式只是一个梦想!故答案选D]

    20Which section of the newspaper is the passage probably from?

    ABusiness. BEducation.

    CLife. DSports.

    C [推理判断题。文章主要讲述了现代科技给人类生活带来省时高效的同时也使人类失去了过往生活的简单和安逸。故答案选C]



    Once there was a small boy named Bob.He came from a   21   familystruggling with life every day. One dayhe was crossing the forest carrying some   22  . He saw an old man who was very   23  . Bob wanted to give the old man some foodbut he did not have any. So he   24   walking. A few minutes laterhe saw a deer who was very thirsty. He was eager to   25   him, but he did not have water. So he went on his way ahead.

    Then he saw a man who wanted to make a   26   to keep warmbut he did not have wood. Bob   27   some wood to him. In return, he gave Bob some food and water. Then Bob went back to help the old man and the deer, who were very   28 

    One day Bob fell down from the   29  . He couldn't move because he was   30   but no one was there to help him.  31  the old man whom he had helped before saw him. He quickly came and pulled him up the hill. Bob had many   32   on his legs. The deer whom Bob had helped saw them and   33   to the forest and brought some herbs(草药)Soon Bob   34  . All of them were very   35   that they could help each other.

    21Acheerful Btraditional Cpoor Dsingle

    [答案] C

    22Awood Bfood Cwater Dmedicine

    [答案] A

    23Athirsty Bhungry Csad Dangry

    [答案] B

    24Apreferred Bstopped Cbegan Dkept

    [答案] D

    25Ahelp Bleave Ccure Dhug

    [答案] A

    26Acage Bbox Cfire Dflat

    [答案] C

    27Athrew Bsold Clent Doffered

    [答案] D

    28Ahelpful Bkind Cbrave Dthankful

    [] D

    29Ahill Broof Cbed Drope

    [答案] A

    30Aannoyed Binjured Ctired Dfrightened

    [答案] B

    31AObviously BGradually CStrangely DFortunately

    [答案] D

    32Ainsects Bleaves Cwounds Dhairs

    [答案] C

    33Aclimbed Bdropped Cflew Dhurried

    [答案] D

    34Arecovered Bcried Cslept Dregretted

    [答案] A

    35Adoubtful Bhappy Canxious Dcurious

    [答案] B



    Peter lived in a village. He was always upset and treated others 36.________(bad). He enjoyed himself by making other 37.________(villager) unhappy. So the whole village avoided 38.________(he) as much as they could. On the day when he turned eighty39.________ unusual thing happened. Everyone 40.________(hear) the words Peter looks happy today. Instead of 41.________(say) something badhe smiles to everyone he meets. When the whole village got together, Peter 42.________(ask) why. He answered, I'd been running after my happiness 43.________ eighty yearsbut it was 44.________(use). And then I decided to live without it and just enjoy life. That's the reason 45.________ I'm happy now.

    36badly [考查副词。此空在句中修饰动词treated故用副词badly]

    37villagers [考查名词。other加复数名词故填villagers]

    38him [考查代词。根据句意可知所有村民尽可能避开他此处应填人称代词的宾格作为avoided的宾语故填him]

    39an [考查冠词。此空在句中修饰名词单数形式thing表泛指又因unusual的首字母为元音音素故用不定冠词an]

    40heard [考查动词时态。根据前文an unusual thing happened可知此次应用一般过去时everyonehear之间为主谓关系故填heard]

    41saying [考查名词。instead of接动名词故填saying]

    42was asked [考查动词语态。根据后文He answered可知此空应为Peter被问故填was asked]

    43for [考查介词。eighty years为时间段故填for]

    44useless [考查形容词。根据but表转折可知useless]

    45why [考查定语从句。先行词reason表原因且从句不缺成分故填why]


    假定你是李华。学校将在下周五下午230在运动场举办英语角(English Corner)活动。届时英语老师和同学们将会参加。请你写信邀请外教Robert参加并请他谈谈他的中学时光。








    Dear Mr.Robert







    Li Hua


    Dear Mr. Robert

    How are you going?

    I am writing to invite you to the English corner held by our school on the playground next Friday afternoon, from 230 pm to 500 pm.

    This event aims to improve students' oral English and help them make more friends. Every participant will share their middle school life. It would be a great pleasure if you could come and share your story with us.

    If you are interestedplease contact me.Looking forward to your early reply!


    Li Hua




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