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    冠词 课件 中考英语复习人教版

    这是一份冠词 课件 中考英语复习人教版,共52页。PPT课件主要包含了CONTENTS,PART ONE,PART TWO,直接前指,后指结构特指,真题链接,PART THREE,PART FOUR等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗于1969年7月20日登山月球,成为有史以来第一个登上月球的人。他登月后的名言------That's ne small fr a man, ne giant leap fr mankind!(对于我个人来说知识一小步,但对于人类来说却是一大步。)
    但是最开始的视频中原句是That's ne small fr man,字母并没有出现冠词a, 由此一些语言学家开始质疑这句话的意思,因为若没有a,句子是That's ne small fr man, ne giant leap fr mankind!, 意思就是对于人类来说只是一小步,对于人类来说却是一大步,显然是矛盾的。为了弄清楚这个问题,电脑程序员通过科技手段,从NASA的官网上下载了阿姆斯特朗的原话录音,然后用技术分析出了原话中有a。
    Eg: The lin is a dangerus animal. The tiger is becming almst extinct.(灭绝)
    Lins are dangerus animals.Tigers are becming almst extinct.(灭绝)
    the表示特指,就是指根据说话者和听话者 共有的知识,或者根据上下文,可以识别 独特的某物。
    情景/ 文化特指(situatinal/cutural reference)上下文共指(textual c-reference)
    情景/ 文化特指(situatinal/cutural reference)
    定冠词the用于情景/文化特指,必须依赖于说话者和听话者双方共有的知识,也就是说在谈话的过程中双方都知道的,或者是说话人认为听话者应该知道的。在英语中,冠词the有一条用法,可以表示“著名的”人或事。比如说道大科学家爱因斯坦,我们要用定冠词the.Albert Einstein, the famus physicist.此处不能用冠词a, 就是因为爱因斯坦举世闻名,因此断定说话双方都知道的人物。
    情景/ 文化特指(situatinal/cutural reference) reference)
    但是需要留意这样一个问题:“著名的”范围问题。比如,刘翔、姚明、刘德华,这三个人在中国可谓是家喻户晓,但是在知名度上,刘翔和姚明应该是具有世界性的知名度,而刘德华在英语世界里的知名度应该不及前两位(比如在美国知道姚明的人比知道刘德华的人肯定要多),这就会影响到描述他们时冠词的使用。例如:Liu Xiang, the famus hurdler刘翔,著名的跨栏运动员the 110-meter hurdles wrld recrd hlder. 这位110米跨栏世界纪录保持者
    提到姚明,我们可以这么说: Ya Ming, the famus baketball player 姚明,著名的篮球运动员.但是说到刘德华,我们则要区分读者对象了。如果是面向中国国内的读者,我们可以说:Andy Lau, the famus actr 刘德华,这位著名的演员如果是面向世界的读者,我们可能要用不定冠词a来修饰较为妥当:Andy Lau, a famus Chinese actr 刘德华,一位著名的中国演员
    一般常识(general knwledge)/较大背景
    具体知识(specific knwledge)/局部情景(lcal use)
    即时情景(immediate situatin)
    一般常识(general knwledge)
    这里的一般常识紫的就是说话双方都知道的知识,也就是我们经常说的用语表示“世界上独一无二的事物”,比如下面的这些例子:the Nrth Ple北极the Equatr 赤道the sun/mn/earththe universe宇宙the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期the Ppe罗马教皇
    实际上,对于“一般知识”其实也有一个范围问题,这个范围从大的方面来说可以扩展到整个星球、整个人类知识领域,从小的方面来说可以局限于某一特定的地理范围或特定的知识领域。换句话说,较大的情景可以是世界性的(如the Ppe),也可以是某一国家的民众都知道的,比如在美国,谈到the President时,几乎人人都知道他指的是谁。
    具体知识(specific knwledge)/ 局部情景(lcal use)
    说话者与听话者共有的知识只是局限在一个特定的较小的范围内,比如对于同一个家庭或村庄的成员来说是独一无二的。比如在一个小镇上生活的人们,彼此之间谈到的the pst ffice, the market, the hspital, 指的就是该镇上唯一的这些场所,或者是他们经常去的这些场所。Eg: Let's g t the library. Have yu visited the castle? It was in the nespaper, s it must be true. I missed bth the lectures this mrning.
    即时情景用法(immediate situatin)
    The rses are very beautiful.These are the cars.Can yu find the page?Shut the dr, please!Please lk at the blackbard.Dn't pen the windws.Dn't frget t finish the papers.There is the bk n the desk.
    上下文共指(textual c-reference)
    前面话语中已经提供的信息使后文中的某个名词短语特指某个事物,这即是前指。也就是我们常说的“第一次提到的单数可数名词前面要用不定冠词a或an, 再次出现的时候要用定冠词the”。请看例句:
    I had a banana and an apple. I ate the banana and gave the apple t Mary.Once upn a time, there was a little girl. The girl live with her mther and father.A man came up t a pliceman and asked him a questin. The pliceman didn't understand the questin, s he asked the man t repeat it.I did a grammar curse last year. My friend is ging t the curse next year.Bb lst a gld watch yesterday, and Bill was wearing the gld watch this mrning.
    There was nce a cw wh stle a wedge f cheese frm a kitchen windw. She flew ff with the cheese t a nearby tree. A fx saw what the crw had dne, and he walked ver t the tree.”Oh, Mistress Crw, yu have such lvely black feathers, such slender feet, such a beautiful yellw beak, and such fine black eyes! Yu must have a beautiful vice. Wuld yu please sing fr me?''The crw felt very prud. She pened her beak and sang, “CAW-CAW-CAW”. Of cuse the cheese fell dwn and the fx snatched it up and ate every bite.
    间接前指,表示所指的对象间接地称为听话者知识的一部分。这种知识是从已经谈到的事物中推断得到的。此时,在上文中往往会提到一个与下文有密切联系的概念或者话题,然后围绕这个话题展开讨论。例如:Jhn bught a bicycle, but when he rde it ne f the wheels came ff. (车轮子是属于bicycle的,所以要用the wheel)I read a great nvel last week. The imagery was fantastic. (下文的the imagery与上文的nvel的概念紧密相关)I went t Shanghai last mnth. The traffic is awful. (下文的traffic与上文的Shanghai密切相关)
    后指,也叫结构特指(structural reference),往往出现在带有后置定语的名词短语中。一般来说,被某个后置定语所修饰的名词前要用定冠词the。例如:The huse n the crner is mine.The students f the ther team came frm Lndn.I think he is the ne wh can help yu.In this special health reprt we lk int the causes and cures f yur six mst cmmn health cmplaints. (在这份专门的健康报告中,我们研究了你的六项最普遍的 疾病的发病原因和治疗方案。)
    1. _____ flwers in that vase are beautiful.2. _____ flwers are beautiful.3. _____ water cnsists f hydgen and xygen.4. I dn't want t g swimming tday. _____ water is t cld.5. _____ health is mre imprtant than mney.6. Dctrs are cncerned with ____ health f their patients.7. _____ gld is precius metal.8. _____ gld in Mary's ring is 24 karats.
    1. Yesterday I saw _____ dg and ____ cat. ____ dg was chasing ____ cat. ____ cat was chasing ____ muse. ____ muse ran int ____ hle, but ____ hle was very small. ____ cat culdn't get int ____ hle, s it ran up ____ tree. ____ dg tried t climb ____ tree t, but it culdn't.2. Yesterday I saw ____ man and ____ wman. They were having ____ argument. ____ man was yelling at (吼叫) ____ wman, and ____ wman was shuting at ____ man. I dn't knw what ____ argument was abut.
    a/an+单数可数名词可以表示泛指,强调的是某一类事物中任何一个具有代表性的成员,此时我们可以用any来替换a/an。比如:1) A tiger is a dangerus animal.2) The tiger is a dangerus animal.3) Tigers are dangerus animals.这三句话都表示“老虎是危险的动物。” 强调一个泛指的概念。
    4) A teacher shuld be patient with his r her students.这里的a teacher 相当于all teachers 或 any teacher, 表示泛指的概念。5) A grwing child needs great nurishment(营养).这里的a grwing child 相当于all grwing children 或 any grwing child, 表示泛指的概念。6) A child needs a plenty f lve. = Children need plenty f lve. = Any child needs plenty f lve.7) The best way t learn a language is t live amng its speakers.8) A dg makes a gd pet.
    在英语中,单数可数名词在作表语时,通常需要一个冠词。如果用不定冠词a/an,则具有描述的功能,而没有所指功能。例如:Bill is an engineer. (不能说Bill is engineer.) Bill 是一名工程师。Bill is the engineer. 这里的the engineer不是强调比尔的“工程师”身份,而是强调比尔是完成某项工作的工程师。比如后边接下文说:Bill is the engineer wh will design the bridge.比尔是设计这座桥的工程师。
    This is a warm day. 这是一个暖和的日子。This is a banana. That is an apple. 这是一个香蕉。那是一个苹果。Jhn is a teacher. 约翰是个老师。注意:若这里的人或事物的身份是独一无二的,要用定冠词the, 或者常常省去冠词。例如:1) They appinted him Head Librarian.他们任命他为图书馆长。2) He is a librarian. 他是个图书管理员。
    在1)句中,Head Librarian是表示“图书馆长”,这个职位对于一个图书馆来说是唯一的,所以此处没有用冠词a来修饰。在2)中,librarian表示“图书管理员”,这个职位一般来说不是唯一的,所以此处用不定冠词a来修饰。
    He was elected President in 1879. (主语补足语)I want t see the President. (宾语的位置)
    Queen Eilzabeth had dinner with President Kenndy. (表头衔,作同位语)The Queen had dinner with the President. (主语和宾语的位置)
    Student: Hw did I d n the test?Teacher: Well, actually yu didn't d very well. Dn't yu have a tutr?Student: Yes, Mary's been tutring me fr tw weeks nw. It's been difficult t me thugh, because I dn't have a car. Mary des have a small Tyta, but it isn't always reliable.
    我们在前文讲过,在三类名词(单数名词、复数名词和不可数名词)当中,不定冠词仅用于限定可数名词单数。但是,处于特定的意义,我们表达时还是需要用a/an来限定不可数名词。例如:A washing pwder I've fund t extremely gd is “Snw”.我发现了一种极好的洗衣粉,牌子是“雪花”牌。This seems t be an excellent il; the engine's running very smthy.看起来是一种极好的油,发动机运转得很平稳。
    一、很多不可数名词与a/an连用,表示“一种”或“一类”。Eg: A cheese that I like is Camembert. 我喜欢的一种奶酪是卡芒贝尔产的一款。二、对于饮料类的不可数名词,与a/an连用时,表示“一杯”。Eg: I'd like a beer, please. 我想要一杯啤酒。三、有些不可数名词,当它们与a/an连用时,意思会发生改变。Eg: glass 玻璃------ a glass 一个玻璃杯 irn 铁 ------ an irn 电熨斗 art 艺术 ------ an art 技术 beauty 美丽------ a beauty 美人 yuth 青春 ------ a yuth 一个年轻人 clth 布 ------ a clth 抹布
    1. When yu're in twn, can yu get ___ paper? The printer has run ut.2. When yu're in twn, can yu get ___ paper? I want t get the ftball result.3. I've spilt (撒) sme wine; get ___ clth.4. ___clth has t be imprted(进口). That's why clthes are expensive.5. After walking fr abut an hur we came t ___ wd.6. If yu want t make a fire, yu'll need ____ wd.7. Is there ___ chicken in this hamburger? It tastes as if there is.8. I ran ver ___ chicken near a farm tday.
    在表示国名、地名、人名等专有名词前Eg: Beijing is my favurite place in the whle wrld. Blue Mn is gd, but Miller’s the best in twn.名词前已有作定语的指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格Eg: There will be anther meeting later this week. I’m sure yu dn’t want t listen t all my prlems.不可数名词和复数名词表示一类人或者物时Eg: Rice is the main crp grwn in the area. Every week they get tgether t make music.
    在星期、月份或节日前Eg: It was raining n Mnday. The theater pened in May.在称呼或表示头衔的名词前Eg: Uncle Wang is ging t mend my bike.在三餐、球类运动和学科名词前 Eg: We had supper in a small Italian place. Tim is gd at math and science.
    在与by连用的交通工具名词前Eg: D yu g by bus r by train? She ges t schl by bike.在某些固定的词组中的名词前
    1. We usually g swimming in _____ summer. But in _____ summer f 2018, we didn’t. A. / ; / B. a ; a C. / ; the D. a ; /2. If yu want t take _____ shrt ride in the city, chse _____ shared bike. A. a ; / B. the ; the C. a ; a D. / ; a3. Mike fte plays ____ ftball n weekends. A. a B. an C. / D. the4. Beijing is _____ capital f China; it has _____ lng histry. A. the ; an B. a ; a C. the ; a D. a ; /5. We ften have three meals _____ day. They have ____ dinner at 6:30 pm every day. A. a ; a B. a ; the C. / ; a D. a ; /
    在英语中,有一类表示家居生活和社会事业机构的名词,在有冠词修饰和无冠词修饰两种不同的情况,意思往往也不一样,请看例句:Eg: His mther is in hspital and he has been in the hspital t take care f her. (他妈妈生病住院了,他就一直在医院里照顾她。)Eg: 1) He is in prisn fr bribery. (他因贿赂而入狱。) 2) He is ften invited t the prisn t give lectures.(他常被邀请去监狱做演讲。)
    at table 进餐、吃饭at the table 在餐桌旁
    g t bed 上床睡觉g t the bed 到床边
    g t bed 上床睡觉lie dwn n the bed 躺在床上
    in bed 在睡觉in the bed 窝在床上
    in hspital 住院in the hspital 在医院里
    cme ut f hspital 出院cme ut f the hspital 从医院出来
    be in/at church做礼拜g t the church 去教堂
    g t schl 上学g t the schl 去学校
    in schl 在校念书in the schl 在学校里
    in class 在上课in the class 在这个班级
    in ffice 在职;上台执政in the ffice 在办公室里
    ut f ffice 离职;下台ut f the ffice 离开办公室
    in frnt f 在(外部)的前面in the frnt f 在(内部)的前面
    I'm in the classrm.
    The tree is in frnt f the classrm, and Jhn is in the frnt f the classrm. S he can't see the tree.
    一、形容词或副词最高级、序数词以及nly用作形容词加名词连用时,要 在前面加the;Eg: the nly/best way t slve the prblem This is the first time I've cme t Beijing.二、在乐器、乐团、合唱团和音乐团体前加the;Eg: the Beats 甲壳虫乐队 play the pian/guitar 弹琴/吉他三、定冠词the与姓氏连用表示一家人;Eg: the Smiths 史密斯夫妇/史密斯一家人
    Practice makes perfect
    1. A:I have _____ idea. Let's g n _____ picnic Saturday. B: Sunds great!2. A: Did yu have fun at ______ picnic yesterday? B: Sure I did.3. A: Where is my blue shirt? B: It's in ____ washing machine. Yu'll have t wear _____ different shirt.
    4. I hpe I have _____ washing machine.5. Everyne has _____ prblems in ____ life.6. My grandfather has _____ lng life.7. That bk is abut ______ life f Helen Keller.8. I'll meet yu at _____ university at three 'clck, utside ____ rm 26.9. _____ dg needs t g t _____ vet. Can yu take him?10. When I gt up, I nticed _____ car windscreen was cvered in ____ ice.
    1. A: Is that ____ pst ffice? B: N, it’s ____ ld library. A. the ; a B. a ; an C. an ; a D. an ; the2. Hide-and-seek is ____ interesting game fr children. A. a B. an C. the D. /3. ___ Great Wall is ne f the seven wnders arund the wrld. A. The B. A C. An D. /4. --- ___ Smiths are used t living in Shanghai nw. --- We hpe mre and mre freign friedns live ___ better life in China. A. / ; a B. The ; an C. The ; a D. / ; the
    6. Chinese learning is ppular with peple all ver ____ wrld. A. a B. an C. / D. the7. Our English teacher tld us ___ interesting stry and ____ was abut Thmas Edisn. A. an ; a B. the ; the C. a ; the D. an ; the8. Sandy is ___ Australian girl. She came t China fr travelling with her parents last week. A. the B. a C. an D. /9. --- I am ging t have ___ picnic n ___ Sunday. A. / ; a B. a ; an C. a ; the D. a ; /
    I was brn in a small twn in ____ suthwestern part f Krea. I have lts f memries there. One f them is taking the geese frm my ___ hme t the riverwith my brther. At ___ first, it was difficult fr us t take ___ geese ut, and take them t the river. T keep them tgether, we had t use sticks. On ___ way t the river, hwever, they fund fd n the rad r saw ther animals such as chickens, dgs, r ther geese. Our geese didn’t see any f these things befre. All ___ geese lked very excited n seeing these new things. They seemed t try t tell each ther abut their new trip.
    When the geese reached ___ river, they kept jumping dwn and enjying taking ___ bath and eating fd. My brther and I were very happy because we set ___ animals free. While they were playing in the river, my brther and I sat n the bank and played with ___ glass ball. All these wnderful memries with the geese still give me lts f jy.

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